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Yesterday I went on a date. The boy picked me up at a bus stop.

He greeted me and I

greeted him back. We had been texting for a while until we finally met. We both shared, that

we like to take long walks – that’s why we took a walk for our first date. It was a summer day.

I didn’t know what to wear at first, but then decided to wear a dress. He wore a jumper and

sneakers. I liked the way he looked. We walked for a while, but he didn’t really say anything. I

didn’t know what to say either. At some point I just asked him, how his day was, and he said,

fine. After a while he opened his mouth again and asked if we wanted to go to his place and

hang out there. The sun was setting, and it was getting chilly. We went to his place, and I

was surprised about the small house. He and his family lived in a tiny house – and I had

never been in one before. His parents were still at work. He offered me a glass of cold

lemonade and got himself one too. We sat down in his room. He put on some music and

asked me, what I wanted to listen to. I suggested some late ESC-song and he laughed at

me. He put the song on anyway. We talked a little bit about music. Then the battery of his

music box went dead and…

1. What is missing in this story?

2. What is your feeling? Is this a good or a bad date?

3. Can you change this story adding adjectives and adverbs to make it livelier?

4. Write an ending for this story!

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