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Transport in mammals

The main transport system of mammals is the blood system or known

as the circulatory system.

Oxygenated blood - blood in which contains oxygen found on the left

side of the blood.

Deoxygenated blood - blood in which does not contains oxygen.

Double circulatory system

The double circulatory system means that blood passes through the
heart twice on one complete circuit of the body.

The blood vessels that takes the blood to the lungs and back - called
the Pulmonary system .

blood vessels that takes blood back , called systemic system.

Double circulatory system can be found in all mammals including

humans and reptile and birds. However , shes have Single circulatory
system in which blood passes through the heart only once in a
complete circuit.


The heart is the main source of blood ow , the heart is made of a type
of muscle called the cardiac muscle , this type of muscle contracts and
relaxes as the its delivering blood thought out the body.

The heart is separated into 4 chambers.

- Atria : the two upper chambers.
- Ventricle : the two lower chambers.
Septum separate the left-side of the heart and the right-side of the
- the human heart beats 60-75 times per minute. Rate of which heart
beats is called the pacemaker controlled by the muscles of the right

Type of blood vessels

- there are 3 main type of blood vessels
+ arteries : an artery has a thick layer of muscles and elastic bers ,
small lumen , smooth lining with a thick outer wall. The arteries need
to be like this to withstand the high pressure of the blood owing
through them, sending blood back out of the heart.
+ Capillaries : the artery gradually divide to form smaller and smaller
vessels these are called capillaries. Capillaries are very small and
penetrate to every part of the body. Capillaries has a very small lumen
, walls are made of single layer of cells. Capillaries is a blood vessels
which stretches out to provide nutrients and oxygen to cells and take
away waste products.
+ Vein : capillaries from the artery which are called arterioles creates a
network which joins its self to make veins. Veins has fairly thin outer
wall , thin layer of muscles and elastic bre has a large lumen and
smooth lining as it do not to withstand the pressure of the blood
because the blood has lower pressure when it gets to the vein. Veins
has valves which prevents blood from moving backwards and return
blood back into the heart.

* oxygenated blood from the lungs ow into the top of the heart . Blood
passes through the pulmonary vein , pulmonary vein is the only vein
that receives oxygenated blood. From the pulmonary vein blood
passes through the left ventricle , the left ventricle then pushes the
blood out of the body with high pressure by contracting the walls of
the muscles. The force produces by the contraction squeezes the
blood inwards on the blood inside the heart and pushing it out. As the
blood was pushed it passes through the aorta , from the aorta blood
is then transported into the body by the arteries. Arteries then
stretches out into thinner blood vessels called capillaries. The
capillaries then transport the blood , nutrients and oxygen into the
cells that needs them then waste products are being transport by
capillaries. Now the blood has been deoxygenated , in order for blood
to be oxygenated , the deoxygenated blood then passes through the
arterioles into the veins . The veins then pushes back the blood into
the heart, the valves stops blood from owing back into body. The
blood then travels from the veins into the vena cava , passes the right
ventricles , then blood Is being pushed into the pulmonary artery back
into the lungs in order for it be oxygenated again.*


The liquid part of the blood is call Plasma. Floating in the plasma are
red blood cells and small amounts of white blood cells. There are also
small fragments formed from in the bone marrow called platelets.
+ red blood cells are made in the bone marrow in parts of the
vertebrae , ribs and limb ones. The rate of them being produced is
9000 million / hour. This rate of production is due to the quick
deterioration of the red blood cells. Each red blood cells only live for 4
months because they don't contain a nucleus. Red blood cells carries
oxygen because of hemoglobin. Red blood cells re donut shaped or
biconcave discs.

+ White blood cells contains a nucleus they are large and lobed. Their
functions is to ght of pathogens by producing antibodies, some can
even digest the bacteria in which this process is called phagocytosis.

+ Platelets are small fragments of cells produced in the red bone

marrow and does not contain a nucleus. Platelets involved in blood
clotting , they prevent pathogen from entering our body through
wounds and prevent blood loss.
Respiration and gas exchange
All living things needs energy , energy is used for :
- muscle contraction
- Making protein molecules from amino acids
- Making new cells
- Cell division
- Active transport
- Producing heat inside the body
Food is digested to make into smaller molecules which are absorbed
from the intestine into the blood and transport to parts of the body.
The main nutrient used to provide cells with energy is glucose. Glucose
contains a lot of chemical energy. To be able to used glucose have to
be broken down in order to release energy.


Respiration - a chemical process that involves the break down of

nutrients molecules in-order to release the energy stored within the food

Aerobic respiration - a chemical reactions in the cells that use oxygen

to break down nutrient molecules to release energy.

Aerobic respiration uses oxygen to release a lot amount of energy for

the cells.

glucose + oxygen − > carbondioxide + water

C6H12O6 + 6O2 —> 6CO2 + H2O

Anaerobic respiration - chemical reaction in cells that break down

nutrients molecules to release energy without using oxygen

Anaerobic respiration releases energy from food without using oxygen .

This tends to release less energy with aerobic respiration.

In the process of making rising bread , a fungi is being used called

Yeast. Yeast can respire anaerobically .
glucose − > alcohol + carbondioxide
Muscle cells in our body can also respire anaerobically. When
exercising vigorously , our lungs and heart cannot supple oxygen to our
muscles as quickly as we are using it. So food molecules had to be
broken down.
glucose − > lacticacid

Gas exchange - a process of which oxygen from the surrounding is

being di used into blood stream and carbon dioxide Is being di used
out from the blood stream into the surrounding.


Air containing oxygen from our surrounding is being inhaled by lungs
through our nose or nostrils. From there the cartilage called the
Epiglottis closes and stops food from going into our lungs leading air
into our lungs. As air enters our body through the cartilage it enters out
windpipe or Trachea then form there it enters the bronchi . Bronchi are
separated into 2 parts the left - bronchus and right-bronchus. From the
bronchus air passes through tiny ways called bronchioles. The
bronchioles then carries air into the alveoli this is where gas exchange
occurs. Lining the passages which air ow there are goblet cells, goblet
cells produce mucus which prevent debree and bacteria entering our
airway potentially causing in ammation.
The alveolus characteristic for gas exchange :
- has a one cell thick wall enabling for e cient gas di usion
- They are close to an e cient transport system to take gases to and
from the exchange surfaces
- Have large surface area for good gas di usion
- Have a good supple of oxygen.

Nicotine - a ects our brain and make us feel more alert. This harms out
circulatory system making our blood vessels more narrow. Increase
high blood pressure leading to hypertension. Smokers have a great of
developing CHD.

Tar - contains many chemicals some of which are carcinogens. This

chemical causes caner and it can a ect the behavior of some cells in
the respiratory passages and lungs causing them to divide
uncontrollably. They divide forming a lump called a tumor and
eventually cancer.

Carbon monoxide (CO)- this is a poisonous gas which a ects the

blood. This combines with our hemoglobin inside the red blood cells
meaning less oxygen can be stored.

Smoke particle - smoke particle are little particle of carbon and other
materials. They get trapped in our lungs. The antibodies secreted by the
white blood cells try to remove it by secreting chemicals but these
chemicals can do serous damages causing chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD). This usually causes the alveolus walls to
deteriorate making less gas exchange to occur.

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