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senesposedon pri crange SASH emer riage RAC Nut+ ot () pete increase in concentration of NH," fons the equi be ions the equilibrium (65) sift int Wlconcentration of O-ions fal. This ae rection a ration of H,O" Se and hence pH decrease Sand ean este take 10mlof acetic acd elution Puta op oh ohionena strip ofp PP thea rand note its colour, Compare it with the colour on chart paper and note pH of 4 gof sodium acetate and put tin the tube containing acetic acid Shake igoro ow ele ium acetate. Determine pH of this solution with pH paper. fo dissolve #04 Dragan 1gof sodium astat, add to test ube ad determine ofthis slton ei we pts wth mre of sodm cat, andfnd ut the hangein pl wale ee a a Sample Colour produced | ApproximacepH value | | CH)COOH | caycooHt +1 cH,cOONs | (CH,COOH +2g.CH,COONs | —— an abo \ tee | 7 edition of sodium 7 Hee ofslsion goes on increasing on adding moreand more of sodium aeate ition bythe addition F | hetomloFammonium hydroxide solution n a test tube, Puta drop ofthis on PH paper ant see raslour Compare the colour produced with the colour on chart paper and note ts PHL wetkaidandsodium | rae hi Now weigh 15 g of NH,Cland put in the tube containing NH,OH. Shake ‘vigorously and note ‘hepltwith the help of pH paper. Fepet the experiment by adding two more samples of1.5 geach of NH,Cl 1 Nowe ifthereis any change in pH value. onprtemive Practical Chemisty. 20.0 ml Colour of the solution Tatinatadpit —~ ns | 199 200 | 204 202 | 204 | 280 220 30.0 Plota graph of pH ofthe solution vs. volume of 0.1 MHCladded. ‘ThepH of the solution decreases with addition of 0.1 M HCI. The decreasein pHisslowin the beginning, After addition of about 19.0 mL solution, the further addition shows a sharp fallin pH, After the sharp fall the decrease in pH again becomes slow. The point where thereissharp fallin pH (from about 10 to 3) corresponds to the equivalence point. XPERIMENT 6. AIM: (@) To study the change in pH of acetic acta (a weak aca) solution by addition of sodium acetate. (®) Tostudy the changein pH of ammoniumhydroxide (aweakbase), of ammonium chloride. solutionby the addition ‘Test tubes, test tube stand, watch glass, pH paper lass od, for experiment (a) a eticacid and soai sacotate and for experiment ()) ammonium hydroxide and ammenium chloride, and sodium ‘Acetic acid is a weak acid and is only slightly ionsed, On the addition eatsis strong electrolyte the concentration of acetate fons ncreareg sot acetate ‘chang zed on PH pos ents x,cooH + 1:0 cu,coONs- i en , the cone ‘onium hydrox igetectrolyte NH,OH NH,Cl on and conce HI decr pu airection fand hence P! and clean test per and tnady strip of PH Pa theadd: weigh 1 g0f soci Beisalve sodium ace todis : eigh again 1.8.08 50° : with mor! ‘Repeat this CH,COOH CH,COOH cH,cOOH CH,COOH RESULT | ThepH value of solution PROCEDU! 1 Take 10 ml of amn note the colour, C value. 2 Now weigh 1.5 g the pH with the k } Repeat the exper _— Noteif there is a don pH Change sents Base’ Colour produced in |" byuntversat indicator solution ‘Approximate pH stion of CH,COOH kacid sen sseuiy the pH change inthe ti ation of 0.1MHClwith 0.1 MNaOH using universal indicator. 0,0 mL), titration flask, beakers, funnel, universal indicator solution, 01M HCland rete, pipette (2 1 MNaOH, then fil it with this solution. Take a dean burette and rinse itwith 0.1 M HCI solution an (mL of 0.1 M NaOH in the conical e with 0.1 M NaOH solution, Pipette out 20 Rinse the pipett .e universal indicator solution to it, ask and add about 10 drops of th wie the solution until the colour of the solution becomes uniform. Compar elation with the ‘pH Indicator Chart’ and estimate the pH of the solution. add 0.1 M HCl from the burette to the solution slowly. After addition of 1 mL solution pare the colour of the solution sith the ‘pH Indicator Chart’ and estimate the pH of the .e the colour of the comy H of the solution after addition of each 1 mle solution. cd the data in the table. Keep on adding 0.1 M HCl and estimat the pl way add about 30 ml. of 0.1 M HCl solution and recor solution. In this N 38 Conprekensive Practical Chemistry y, Indicator Solution, Take 10 ml of different juices in different test tubes ring cylinder. Put afew drops of universal indicator in each of the Ee ation and compare with those on indicator bottle. Record the approx ae a ae For universalindicator __Forpltpaper | Approximate pit Calowrproduced | Approximate | Colowrproduced | 7 eee pi | inthesotution Increasing order of pH values of fruit juices is PI RIMENT 6.5 AIM: Compare the pH of solutions of hydrochloric acid and aceticacid having same concentration Test tubes, glass rod, universal indicator solution, 0.1 M HCI, 0.01 MCI, 0.1 M CH,COOH and 0.01 CH,COOH. A strong acid is completely ionisedin aqueous solution. It produces higher concentration of hydrogen {ons for a given concentration of the acd as compared with a weak acid and hence has lower pH. Take four lean and dry test tubes and half fil each ofthe tubes with one ofthe acd solutions ‘dd 3-4 drops of universal indicator to cach test tube and svi the slatons until the cola are uniform. = lour of each solution with the ‘pH indi , Compare the colour of each s ‘pH indicator chart’ and ext i solution and record the observations in the data table, estimate the DH of each gs based on pH Change pe 37 Colour produced | Approximate i prsetution ‘on pH paper ei om produced | Approximate _| inthe sotution pH | stcttzcOONs | 1 M1Na,CO. iM Pech 1M FeCl ns of salts of weak acids and strong bases have pH ‘he aqueous solutio ye aqueous solutions of salts of strong acids and weak bases have pH spe aqueous solutions of salts of strong acids and strong bases have pH spe aqueous solutions of salts of weak acids and weak base have pH pe Determine the pH of vegetable and fruit juices using pH paper and universal indicator. hes, measuring cylinder, glass rod, watch glass, vegetable and fruit juices, universal indicator sation and pH paper. | mocepure | _- | 1. Using pH Paper Take some clean and dry test tubes and place various samples of vegetable and { oeach | mpare | fut juices in each of them. Nlowput one or two drops of each sample on different each strip and compare the shade with those on col shade, | strips of pH papers. Note the colour formed q Jour chart. Record the pH of the compared | ame Expt. No__ jedon «805 3 (Gomis Practical Chery, ene tomy pepe ost ypraximate pit ofthe Sample Solutions of N20 aa ne Fermin | Caapy | ca ‘Arpresinata | =-einS| producedon | pit ud | " aarp 107M | 10° 108M 104M a 105M —_t— For calealating pH, find H,0°fon concentration {OH} 1H,0%]=1 104 or (t,o -2008 M0) on] Ne pH »-log H,0") ‘The pH of NaOH solutions is greater than 7. The pH of NaOH solutions AIM; Determine the pH of solutions of some salts using pH paper or universal indicator. ‘with decreasein concentration, ‘Test tubes, measuring cylinder, glass rod, pH paper, universal indicator solution, 0.1 M and 0.01 M solutions of some salts 4. Using pH Paper. Takea strip of pH paper and put 1-2 drops of the first salt solution on it with the help ofa glass rod. Observe the colour on the pH paper. Compare, the colour ofthe pH strip ‘with the ‘pH indicator chart’ and estimate the pH of the solution. Repeat the process with diffeent salt solutions and record the observations in the data table. ‘sing Indicator Solution. Take some clean and dry tet tubes and put about SOmLof one of the salt solutions in each test tube. Now add 3-4 drops of universal indicator solution to each toot tube by means ofa dropper. Swirl the solutions until the colours become uniform Compare the colour of each solution with the ‘pH indicator chart’ and estimate the pH ofthe solution, ‘the aqueous ‘the aqueots 5 ‘The aqueous 5 IM: Determine t ReQui! ‘est tubes, meast solution and pH ps PROCEDURE 2. Using pH P fruit juices Now put on: jon each stri

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