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The first Parents’ Day was celebrated in South Korea in 1973. Unlike National
Parents’ Day in the U.S., which was celebrated every fourth Sunday of July, the
date of celebration for Parents’ Day in South Korea falls on May 8th. Parents’ Day
is not a public holiday, but it is widely celebrated. Initially, the entire week was
designated as a week for respecting the elderly. However, since 1997, October has
been dedicated as the month for the elderly. During the celebrations of Parents’
Day, different activities and events are enjoyed to show appreciation, recognition,
and love toward parents’ role in raising their children.

-National Parents’ Day is a family event that is an important part of Korea culture
-recognizing the important role of parents in nurturing and raising children
and their selfless commitment and lifelong sacrifice
-Express your gratitude and love for your parents
-Strengthen the family bond
-school-aged children typically give gifts that their parents deserve. These
are usually letters and handmade red carnations. And you can see the red
carnations can be bought on the streets during May 8, but it is also an
activity for arts class in schools
-At many schools, a special Parents’ Day Ceremony is also held. Children
will sing a song made to celebrate this day, and their parents are invited.
There is also a special activity arranged where the children will wash their
parents’ feet.
-some of the most popular gifts for adult children to give are gift certificates,
medical check-ups, vacations, and simply money or other practical gifts
such as mattresses and household appliances.
-Adult usually take time out of their day to have a meal with their parents,
coupled with a Parents’ Day gift
-For elderly:
+social organizations will arrange for visits and activities for those in nursing
+Comforting and encouraging lonely and helpless elderly
+Many programs are organized such as performing traditional games, traditional
music,performing arts and sports …
END: Although it is not a holiday, for many days before May 8, just by leaving the
house you can feel the atmosphere of this holiday. The celebration of Parents'
Day in Korea reflects the significance of family relationships in Korean
society and reminds people of the value of family as the foundation of

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