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Name of Court-
Case No –

……………………………, S/O, W/O-…………………………………, of Vill

-……………………………, P.O -………………………………, P.S. - …………………………,
Dist - ………………………………….., ………. Petitioner


……………………………, S/O, W/O-…………………………………, of Vill

-……………………………, P.O -………………………………, P.S. - …………………………,
Dist - ………………………………….., …………….. O.P.


Where as the petitioner filed a case U/S – 125 Cr.P.C. praying for
maintenance for herself and her minor sons / daughters, bearing case No-
MR……………… But due to wrong entry of the next date of the case in the
Diary of the concern Law-Clerk the case has been finally dismissed for
default on …………………….
Against such dismissal the petitioner preferred one Cr. Revision
Case , Vide Case No…………………….. to the court of Ld. Addl. District &
Sessions Judge, Gangarampur at Buniadpur, D/Dinajpur. As per direction
of the Ld. A.D.J. Gangarampur at Buniadpur this petitioner preferred the
above numbered case for restoration of the M.R. Case No……………… .
Notice is hereby given to you for attending this court on the …………
Day of …………………… 201……, at 10.30 A.M. to file W.O. (if any) against the
subject matter of the instant petition for restoration. Other wise necessary
order will be passed in your absence.
Given under my hand the seal of the Court, this…… day of
………………… 201……

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