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Exam –Unit 1

Full name:Obregon Rondan Carlos Jairo Date: March 17, 2022.

A. Put the words in the correct category.

Italy roommate Polish seventy Mexican

relationships country nationality numbers
colleague Italy Polish seventy
roommate France Mexican eighteen
eighteen colleague France

score 8

B. Circle the correct words.

1. This is my boss Ms. / Mr. Lefort. She’s French.
2. Victor is my best classmate / friend.
3. I live in Peru / Peruvian.
4. Julia is a mechanic / salesperson. She works in a bookstore downtown.
5. Happy Birthday. Here’s your present / place.

score 5
Choose a, b or c.

1. A: How are you?

a. Not bad.
b. And you?
c. Thanks.

2. A: What’s up?
a. Bye.
b. Not much.
c. See you.

3. A: See you later.

a. Good morning.
b. Take care.
c. I’m very well.

4. A: How’s it going?
a. Great.
b. Good evening.
c. Have a nice weekend.

score 4
A. Complete the questions with Who, What, Where or How.

1. What ’s your e-mail?

2. Who ’s your favorite teacher? Mrs. Turner.
3. How old are you? I’m fifteen years old.
4. Where are you from? Venezuela.
5. What do you do? I’m a firefighter.

score 5

B. Complete with the correct form of the verb be.

1. A: Is John from South Africa?

B: No, he is .

2. A: Are they actors?

B: No, they Are .
3. Ted and I am twenty years old.
4. Amanda is our new neighbor.

score 6

C. Circle the correct words.

1. William is a / an electrician and his roommate is a / an dentist.

2. A: Are you / You are from Colombia?
B: No, I’m not.
3. My / I’m name is Luke and he’s / his name is Joseph.
4. We’re / Our married. We’re / Our last name is Madison.
5. She / Her is from Hungary. score 8
Read the blog and complete the sentences with Tanya, Vicky or Ethan.


Hi! I’m Tanya and I’m 21. I live in Miami and I’m a hairdresser.

Posted by Tanya Nickson at 12:00


RE: Hello, Tanya! I’m a hairdresser, too. My name’s Vicky and I’m 28. I live in New
Orleans with my roommate, Susan.

Posted by Vicky Martin at 12:14


RE: My name’s Ethan and I live in Miami, too. I’m 25 years old and I’m a reporter.

Posted by Ethan Thomson at 12: 25

1. Vicky is 28 years old.

2. Tania and Ethan live in
3. Ethan isn’t a hairdresser.

score 8
Fill out the form about yourself. Then write sentences about yourself.

First name: Carlos

Last name: Obregon
Nationality: Peruvian
Age: 14
Marital status: Single
Phone number: 901522940

My first name is Carlos

My last name is Obregon
I am from Peru
I am 14 years old
My phone number is 901522940
My e-mail is
My marital status is single

score 16

Total score 60

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