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Youth Lead Mental Health and Gender Equality Campaign in Palawan

Project INDAY is a youth-led campaign in Palawan, Philippines, aimed at

raising awareness about mental health and gender-based violence. The campaign
is being implemented by Junior Chamber International (JCI) Puerto Princesa
Peacock, a youth-led organization. Under Project INDAY, JCI Puerto Princesa
conducted a series of seminars on GBV and mental health awareness, as well as
Short Film Making and Infographic-Making Contests. These initiatives allowed the
youth to showcase their creativity and passion for advocacy while raising
awareness about these important issues. The goal is to educate young people
about these important issues and to empower them to become advocates. The
campaign has already had a positive impact, with many participants expressing
interest in becoming volunteers or advocates for mental health and gender-based
violence prevention.

Source: UNFPA Philippines | Palawan youth campaign for mental health, gender-based violence

Global plastics treaty now!

Governments have officially adopted a mandate to negotiate a global, legally-

binding plastics treaty to address the whole lifecycle of plastics. The negotiations
for the Global Plastics Treaty have started, with the goal of completing the
process by the end of 2024. The future treaty has the potential to put the world
on a path towards a plastic-free future, but it will be up to us to make sure that it
delivers on its promises. The treaty aims to limit plastic production and use,
change the way corporations deliver products to people with a focus on refill and
reuse, hold corporate polluters accountable, demand full transparency on plastic
production, use, import, and export, require wealthy countries to lead the zero-
waste transition and help others, and ensure that Indigenous Peoples, Frontline
communities, waste pickers, and affected workers have a voice in designing a just
transition to a reuse economy.

Source: Greenpeace International | Let's end the age of plastic

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