Aksmunc 2022

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Delegate’s Manual

Dear Delegates,

The present manual contains all the essential information in regard to

the rules of procedure followed in the AKSMUN. It also contains some
important preparation tips in order to help you make the most out of
your participation in the conference. Please, note that separate guides
will be uploaded for the committees and are not included in this

It is the utmost desire of the Organizing Team to see well prepared

delegates at AKSMUN, who are both eager to participate and have
good knowledge of their chosen committee topics. Therefore, you are
highly encouraged to study this guide carefully and conduct thorough
research on the conference's agenda.

What is the guide for?

The rules of procedure found in this guide find uniform application to

all General Assembly (hereinafter referred to as “GA”) committees of
the AKSMUN as well as the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP), the World Health Organization( WHO), United Nations
Women (UNW), Disarmament and International Security Committee

What you should do prior to the conference?

There is a pre - AKSMUN checklist.

So, before coming to the conference, make sure you have completed
all the tasks listed below:

● Select the committee that suits you best

● Read the present guide
● Learn essential information about the country you represent
Conduct research on the two topics of your committee's agenda
Contact your Chairs via the emails provided in your study guides.

Learn important information about the country you represent:

● “What is the population of the country?”

● “What is the GDP per capita?”
● “What is its relationship with the UN?”
● “Does it have any enemies on the world stage?”
● “Is it a military superpower?”
● “Does the country get along well with its neighbors?”
● “Does the country possess weapons of mass destruction?”
● “What is its political system like?”
● “Has your country ever fought a war or is it currently involved in a
● “Have there ever been any allegations of human right abuses ?

Conduct research on the two topics of your committee's agenda:

There is no such thing as a standard way to conduct research. Here

are some suggestions that might assist you in this process:

● Always look out for the newest developments on an issue.

● Find out if any major countries are involved.
Interact with your Chairs as much as you can:

Prior to attending an MUN conference, many questions occupy your

thoughts. You might be unsure regarding the research approach you
should adopt towards a particular agenda item or you may have a
question in regard to a procedural matter. In any case, do not hesitate
to contact your chair.

Words and Phrases to introduce Preamble Clauses:

Points & Motions

Points during debate may NOT interrupt a speaker except for a Point
of Personal Privilege, which refers to audibility. Delegates may not just
immediately state their point, they must wait until the chair recognizes
a Point.

Points of Personal Privilege

● Refers to the comfort and well-being of the delegate.

● May only interrupt a speaker if it refers to audibility.
● May not refer to the content of a speech.
● Is not debatable.
● Does not require a second (support).

Point of Parliamentary Inquiry

● Point of information to the chair concerning Rules of

● May NOT interrupt a speaker.
● Don't simply overrule them because they are unknown.
● Example: “Could the Chair please explain to the house what is
meant by open debate?”

Point of Order
● Delegates use this point when they want to bring the Chair's
attention to a speaker'sor another delegate's mistake or violation
of parliamentary procedure, i.e. if the chair makes an error in the
order of debate or in the setting/observing of debate time.May
NOT interrupt a speaker.
● Is not debatable.
Right of reply

● This is a short statement to a Speech by a delegate who has the

● Entertained only in opening speeches by Student Ambassadors.

Motions Motion to approach the Chair

● When you want to speak to the Chair.

Motion to move to the previous question:

● Calls for the closure of debate and a vote to be taken on the

motion (resolution/amendment) pending.
● When discussing an amendment, in time in favor, this motion
means to move to time against the amendment.
● Needs a second, if proposed by the house.
● Calls for a re - debate and a re - vote of a resolution that has
already been discussed (adopted).
● May be overruled by Chair if time needs to be filled. Motion to
divide the House.
● Only necessary if no other draft resolutions on the issue are
● May be moved by the Chair or a delegate, may not interrupt a
● Requires a “second” by the house, and is quickly voted upon if
an objection is voiced.
● May be overruled by Chair if time needs to be filled.
● Although delegates like to say “Motion to move directly into the
voting procedure” the correct expression is “Motion to move to
the previous question”. Please, remind the delegates of this new
wording. Chair needs to ask for objections.

Motion to extend debate time

● At the chairs' discretion/ not debatable.

● Needs a second, if proposed by the house.
● Needs a simple majority or a ruling by the chair to be adopted
(e.g. due to lack of time or a guest speaker).

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