1994 Smith TNF Family

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Cell, Vol.

76, 959-962, March 25, 1994, Copyright 0 1994 by Cell Press

The TNF Receptor Superfamily Minireview

of Cellular and Viral Proteins:
Activation, &stimulation, and Death
Craig A. Smith, Terry Farmh, an intact T2 gene is also conserved in the recently se-
and Raymond 0. Goodwin quenced variola genome, the pathogen responsible for
Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology smallpox in humans (Shchelkunov et al., 1993).
lmmunex Corporation The canonical motif of all these receptors is that of cyste-
Seattle, Washington 98101 ine-rich pseudorepeats, each containing about six cysts
ines and 40 amino acids, although considerable variation
in size and number is evident (e.g., CD30 and CD27).
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) seems always to have en- Soluble forms, released by proteolysis, for most of these
joyed a rather conspicuous visibility in biomedical re- receptors have been observed; one (4-l BB) is generated
search. With historical roots in the century-old phenome- through alternative splicing (Goodwin et al., 1993). The
non of bacterial-induced hemorrhagic necrosis of tumors, cytoplasmic domains are rather small (48-221 residues)
TNF-or, rather, its two homologous forms, TNFa and LTa and generally lack sequence homology among them-
(lymphotoxin, TNFj3)-were finally molecularly cloned in selves, suggesting major differences in signaling mecha-
1984, among the very first cytokines to bs so unambigu- nisms. None possess sequences implying catalytic ac-
ously defined. Although TNFa and LTa, classically the tivity.
respective products of activated macrophages and T cells, The ligands for CD30, CD27, CD40, 4-188, and Fas
can indeed kill many transformed lines, these functionally were identified and cloned not by protein sequencing, but
similar and extraordinarily pleiotropic cytokines are today through direct expression cloning strategies (Goodwin et
viewed as primary mediators of immune regulation and al., 1993; Suda et al., 1993). This approach rested on the
the inflammatory response, closely linked to the develop assumption that putative ligands would, like TNFa, exist
ment of disease. The crucial involvment of TNF, for exam- in active surface forms identifiable by specific binding of
ple, in septic shock, some autoimmune disorders, and soluble receptors (as immunoglobulin fusion chimerics).
graft-host disease is well established (see Beutler, 1992). In fact, all ligands except LTa, which appears to be a se-
Since the cloning of two distinct but structurally homolo- creted protein, reflect prototypic pro-TNFa architecture:
gous receptors for TNF, ~75 and ~55 (each of which binds type II membrane proteins, with the C-terminus extracellu-
both ligands), the past 3 years have witnessed the rapid lar, the N-terminus intracellular, and a single transmem-
emergence of two superfamilies, of which the TNFs and brane element. Soluble (proteolytically released) forms of
their receptors are only representatives (Farrah and Smith, TNFa are well known, although reports have not yet estab-
1992; Suda et al., 1993; Smith et al., 1993). To date, 12 lished such alternative forms for other ligand members.
receptors have been identified (Figure 1) with which we Family-defining sequence homology (Figure 3) is re-
can associate some eight TNF-related cytokines (Figure stricted to - 150 residues in the C-terminal (receptor-
2). The distinctive but overlapping cellular responses their
interactions produce clearly define developmental and
regulatory networks involving cells of the lymphoid, hema-
topoetic, andother lineages. In thisminireviewwe make no
attempt to discuss individual members comprehensively
and instead highlight emerging global characteristics that
distinguish them from other cytokine families: structure,
biological networks, and the intriguing ability of some
members to induce cell death. A new face to the TNF
system seems at hand.
The TruF Receptor Fam//y /lIkracls
w/M a Par@//el Fern//y of Ligands
The receptors, with two exceptions, are all type I mem-
brane proteins with sequence homology (almost entirely)
confined to the extracellular region. The exceptions, T2
and A53R, are poxvirus gene products that map to differ-
ent genetic loci and have been shown to encode soluble,
Figure 1. The TNF Receptor Superfamily
secreted forms of TNF receptors (Smith et al., 1991).
Homologous domains are shown as open boxee and cyateine residues
These function to complex (and thereby inactivate) host- by hortzontai lines. Number of amino acids in the (nonhomotogous)
produced TNF. T2 is clearly an acquired form of the ~75 extracellular linker and cytoptasmic domains are indicated. Suppled
cellular receptor, while A53R, since it binds only TNFa and boxes in the cytoptasmic regions represent death domains. TNFR-RP
shows much lower sequence homology, may represent a is a predicted family member encoded by a trarscrtbed sequence from
third TNF receptor. The extraordinary virulence of wild- human chromosome 12p (Saens et al., 1996). OX40 is a rat T cell
activaton antigen with no reported cognate. In laboratory strains of
type myxoma poxvirus, uniformly fatal to its host (rabbits), vaccinia virus, the A63R open reading frame is interrupted by a prema-
is reduced nearly 50% in recombinants differing only by ture termination codon (Goebel et at., 1Sso). See Goodwin et at. (1996)
an inactivated 72 gene (Upton et al., 1991). Interestingly, for original references.

4-1 BBL

Figure 2. The TNF Family of Cytokines

The homologous C-terminal domains are indicated by open boxes.
Extracellular and cytoplasmic domains, which lack sequence homol-
ogy, are indicated by closed bars. The number of amino acids in each
domain is shown. LTa is shown in both secreted and alternative mem-
brane-associated forms, comptexed with LTD. The arrow indicates the
proteolytic cleavage site in pro-TNFa that allows for the release of
sotuble form. Only TNFa, LTa, and LTg have been shown to form
oligomers. Figure 4. Crystal Structure of Soluble p55 TNFR-LTa Complex
Reprinted from Figure 4 in Banner et al. (1993).

binding) region, which in soluble TNFa and LTa fold into

a t&pleated sheet sandwich and trimerize (Eck et al., 1992; nism for growth factors. The novel feature here is that
Jones et. al., 1999). Sequence consewation is particularly activation involves receptor trimerization; most cytokine
high at protomer interfaces. It seems likely, therefore, that families appear to induce dimerization, although by differ-
all ligands in this family adopt a similar tertiary structure ent schemes. Platelet-derived growth factor, for example,
and form oligomers. is a dimer (immunoglobulin family) whose receptor is a
A unifying picture of the prototypic interation between tyrosine kinase, while growth hormone, a member of the
ligands and receptors has literally crystallized from a mile- hematopoietin family, is a heterodivalent monomer (De
stone X-ray diffraction study by Banner et al. (1993) who Vos et al., 1992).
solved the structure of a human LTa-soluble p55 TNF re- Many observations, however, suggest this disarmingly
ceptor complex. Thiscomplex, containing theextracellular simple picture may need revisions. First, structural diver-
portionsof three receptors bound toone LTa trimer, clearly gencies in other family members imply variations in inter-
establishes the pseudorepeat sequences in the receptor action motifs. CD30, for example, contains six domains,
as true domains forming an elongated array that lies in the not four, separated by a nonhomologous region of 74 resi-
interfaces between each pair of the three ligand protomers dues, while CD27 contains three domains, one truncated,
(Figure 4). Roughly 90% of receptor-ligand contacts occur and appears to be a disulfide-linked dimer. Further, some
through domain 2, and each receptor contacts both pro- evidence suggests that TNFa and LTa oligomers may be
tomers in the interface. Such a complex would bring recep- intrinsically polydisperse, consisting of homodimers, tri-
tor cytoplasmic domains into close apposition, presum- mers, and tetramers (Schoenfeld et al., 1990).
ably complementing binding sites for unknown signaling Second, one ligand family member (LTf3), with no known
components, and is consistent with ligand-induced recep- biological activity, has been shown to form heterologous
tor cross-linking as the near universal activation mecha- complexes with mature LTa (e.g, 52al), serving to anchor

A Figure 3. Sequence Homology in C-Terminal
PK*“LIHSTLIPA Domains of TNF Ligand Family
Alignment begins with N-terminus of soluble
.. . f...... TNFa. Residues conserved in four or more
b L b % t I>/, i b i LbC b b b i
member5 are stiobled: cvsteines are in closed
.“....“.“...,.,.- ,..‘........, boxes. Letter5 &I indicate !3 strands in TNF
EPKMYYP tertiary structure. Asterisks indicate residues
r,“:::::::%r having ~55 receptor contact5 in crystal struc-
::Fi’“” ture. Lowercase b indicates buried residues in
... .f . . . . I - LfVfLkiiiii
rbrbrbLbrbkb b bb tbtbbbb b tLLtLtLcbbTrt the B-sheet interior; 1, residues at TNF pro-

the normally secreted LTa to the cell surface of T, B, and glial cells of the nervous system, raising the possibility of
NK cells (Browning et al., 1993). Superficially, these li- functional interplay.
gands thus begin to resemble cassettes, whereby combi- Biological Networks: Apoptosls, Necrosk,
natorial arrangements could produce different oligomers and Costhufatlon
with potentially altered receptor specificities, greatly in- Ligand family members can induce pleiotropic biological
creasing diversity of function. Such a mechanism in an responses, including differentiation, proliferation, activa-
entirely different family is reflected by the use of the plate- tion, or even cell death. It is clear, however, that T cell-
let-derived growth factor A and B ligand subunits (A-A, mediated immunity, particularly contact dependent and
A-B, and B-B dimers) to generate heterotypic and homo- antigen driven, provides one unifying theme. Without ex-
typic cross-linked dimers of the a and 8 receptors. Generic ception, all ligands as well as their receptors are T cell
ligand-receptor interactions suggested by the crystal products(although not uniquely so). Both human PBTcells
structure of LTa-p55, however, predict that mixed oligo- and CD4+ T cell clones show enhanced proliferation when
mers of LTa-LTj3 would produce inactive (that is, ligand- treated with any family ligand in the presence of mono-
bound but uncross-linked) ~55 (or ~75) TNF receptor com- clonal antibodies to CD3 (Goodwin et al., 1993). Thus,
plexes. This suggests one function of LT8 is to inactivate autocrine T cell loops, largely mediated through cell-cell
LTa (with respect to TNF receptors) and implies the exis- contact, are a common feature of the family. The observed
tence of a distinct receptor for LTj3 that, when cross-linked, variation in ligand induction kinetics is also consistent with
would generate novel signals. Heterologous complexes different roles for these ligands in T cell activation (Smith
with still other family members could enormously increase et al., 1993; Beutler, 1992). As B cells are also capable
the complexity of biological networks. of expressing receptors for CD30, CD40, TNFa, LTa, and
Third, there is no clear rationale for the redundancy built CD27, for example, this family may contribute T cell help
into the TNFa/LTa (~551~75) system, nor is it clear how to B cells as well. TNFa and CD3OL, however, are also
common such redundancies will be in other family mem- abundantly expressed by activated macrophages, with re-
bers. These ligands display nearly identical biological ac- ceptors for the former expressed on nearly all vertebrate
tivities and bind each receptor. Most cells, however, ex- cells. Clearly, the dominant physiological networks are an
press variable levels of both receptors, even though evolving subject.
heterologous receptor cross-links seem prohibited and Aconsequenceof the type II membrane protein architec-
each receptor can, on its own, transduce different signals ture of these ligands, particularly on T and B cells, is the
(Pfefferet al., 1993; Tartagliaet al., 1993). One implication cell-cell contact nature of the interaction: it helps ensure
is that functional cross-talk may exist between family ligand expression is antigen dependent and demands that
members. signals generated by TNF family ligands in target cells are
Fourth, the cytoplasmicdomains of these ligands clearly productively coordinated with accessory signals gener-
serve important but unknown functions: they are nearly ated by other cognate pairs (e.g., cytokine-receptors,
as conserved in sequence across species as extracellular CD80-CD28, adhesion molecules such as CD58-CD2).
regions, suggesting they carry binding sites for unidenti- The essence of signaling in this family is therefore one of
fied proteins. For example, we calculate the cytoplasmic costimulation. Soluble forms of TNFa (or perhaps CD3OL)
domains of human and mouse CMOL are 82% identical; produced by macrophage may sewe to extend the range
mouse and human TNFa, 88%; mouse and human of activities and provide flexibility to the immune response
CD30L, 81%. There is little homology among these do- (Browning et al., 1993; Smith et al., 1993).
mains in different ligands, however, arguing against con- The biological function of CD40-CD4OL provides a par-
servation as a result of common biosynthetic or internal- ticularly clear example of costimulatory function. Almost
ization mechanisms. Since direct cell-cell contact is a exclusively the product of activated CD4+ T cells, CD4OL
primary means of ligand-receptor interaction in this fam- provides essential signals to purified B cells, costimulated
ily, bipolar signaling may occur, blurring the distinction with interleukin-4, to undergo immunoglobulin isotype
between receptor and ligand. switching and to secrete mature immunoglobulin. Confir-
Finally, the low affinity nerve growth factor receptor mation of this in vitro picture comes from studies of pa-
(NGFR), while structurally a member of this family, binds tients carrying mutations in the X-linked CD4OL gene: pa-
a family of ligands (the neurotropins) structurally rather tients show normal numbers of B cells, but a virtual
different than TNF. NGFR also interacts with the trkfamily absence of immunoglobulin isotypes other than immune
of receptor tyrosine kinases, which show no homology to globulin M and an inability to mount an antigen-specific
TNF receptors. Further, while the genomic architectures antibody response, with concomitant susceptibilty to op
of CD40, both TNF receptors, and CD27 are rather similar, portunistic infections (Callard et al., 1993).
they appear quite different from the p75 NGFR. Thus, The TNFa/LTa (p55/p75) system is more complex.
whether the (extracellular) structural homology of NGFR Transgenic mice deleted of the p55 TNF receptor illumi-
subunit reflects a functional interaction or even distant nate the fundamental importance of TNF and this receptor
evolutionary relatedness between these two systems is while illustrating the difficulty in unraveling networks in
unclear (Smith et al., 1993). Intriguingly, however, NGF such a pleiotropic system (Pfeffer et al., 1993). These ani-
has been shown to affect lymphocyte function, NGFRs mals are severely impaired in the clearance of the bacterial
are expressed at high levels on follicular dedritic cells in pathogen Listeria monocytogenes, die rapidly from infec-
germinal centers, and TNF receptors are expressed on tions, and are extraordinarily resistant to lipopolysaccha-

ride-mediated septic shock. Lymphocyte populations, many aspects of vertebrate development and homeosta-
however, are normal and clonal deletion of potentially self- sis, combine to ensure ever greater interest in this emerg-
reactive T cells is unimpaired, indicating normal thymo- ing cytokine family.
cyte development. The creation of ~75 TNFR knockout
transgenics and, particularly, of double knockouts of ~75 References
and ~55 should prove invaluable in dissecting this complex
system. Alderson, M., Armitage, Ft., Maraskovsky, E., Tough, T., Roux, E.,
Schooley, K., Ramsdell, F., and Lynch, D. (1993). J. Exp. Med. 178,
The most recently cloned family member is the Fas li- 2231-2236.
gand, the search for which had approached the status of Allen, R., Marshall, J., Roth% R., and Sidman, C. (1990). J. Exp. Med.
an immunological Holy Grail (Suda et al., 1993). The rea- 172, 1367.
son is that the Fas antigen, broadly expressed on both Baens, M., Chaffanet, M., Cassiman, H. J., van den Berghe, H., and
myeloid and lymphoid cells, including thymocytes, has Maryen, P. (1993). Genomics 16, 214-218.
been characterized as responding to activation (through Banner, D., D’Arcy, A., Janes, W., Gentz, R., Schoenfeld, H.J.,
cross-linking) by inducing apopotic (programmed) cell Broger, C., Loetscher, H., and Lesslauer, W. (1993). Cell 73, 431-
death. Since this process is fundamental to immune sys-
Beutler, B. (1992). Tumor Necrosis Factors: The Molecules and Their
tem development and Ca%-independent T cell-mediated Emerging Role in Medicine (New York: Raven Press).
cytotoxicity, the ligand may play a crucial role in these Browning, J., Ngam-ek, A., Lawton, P., DeMarinis, J., Tizard, R.,
phenomena. This is consistent with the finding that a natu- Chow, E., Hession, C., O’Brine-Greco, B., Foley, S., and Ware, C.
rally occurring autosomal recessive mutation in mice, Ipf (1993). Cell 72, 847-856.
(lymphoproliferation), maps to the fas locus, and homozy- Callard, R., Armitage, R., Fanslow, W., and Spriggs, K. (1993). Immu-
gous animals exhibit lymphadenapathy and autoimmune noi. Today 564, 559664.
disease, resembling systemic lupis in humans. One Ipr de Vos, A., Ultsch, M., and Kossiakoff, A. (1992). Science 255, 306-
mutant producing a defective Fas protein behaves as a
Eck, M., Ultsch, M., Rinderknecht, E., deVos,A., and Spring, S. (1992).
dominant-negative mutation with respect to a phenotypi-
J. Biol. Chem. 267, 2119-2122.
tally very similar mutation, g/d (generalized lymphoproli- Farrah, T., and Smith, C. (1992). Nature 358, 26.
feration disease), on a different chromosome, suggesting
Goebel, S.. Johnson, G., Perkus, M., Davis, S., Winslow, J., and Pao-
that fas and g/d encode receptor-ligand cognates (Allen letti, E. (1990). Virology 179, 247-266.
et al., 1999). Nagata and colleagues demonstrate that this Goodwin, R., Din, W., Davis-Smith, T., Anderson, D., Gimpel, S., Sato,
is indeed the case (Takahashi et al., 1994 [this issue of T., Maliszewski, C., Brannan, C., Copeland, N., Jenkins, N., Farrah,
Cc//j). While defects in the Fas system clearly give rise to T., Armitage, R., Fanslow, W., and Smith, C. A. (1993). Eur. J. Immu-
aberrancies in the immune system, it seems the proximal nol. 23, 2631-2641.

cause is not thymic failure to eliminate autoreactive clones Jones, E., Stuart, D., and Walker, N. (1989). Nature 338, 225-226.

through apoptosis, as originally suggested (Watanabe- Mapara, M., Bargou, R., Zugck, C., Doehner, H.. Ustaoglu, F., Jonker,
R., Krammer, P., and Dorken, B. (1993). Eur. J. Immunol. 23, 702-
Fukunaga et al., 1992). Indeed, T cell repertoire formation, 708.
as well as both positive and negative selection, proceeds Pfeffer, K., Matsuyama, T., Kundig, T., Wakeham, A., Kishihara, K.,
normally in homozygous Ipr (or g/u) animals (Sidman et Shahinian, A., Wiegmann, K., Ohashi, P., Kronke, M., and Mak, T.
al., 1992). Instead, Fas appears to be involved in activa- (1993). Cell 73, 457-487.
tion-driven T cell suicide, a process by which chronically Russel, J., and Wang, R. (1993). Eur. J. Immunol. 23, 2379-2382.
activated mature T cells undergo apoptosis, suggesting Schoenfeld, H., Poeschl, B., Frey, J., Loetscher, W., Hunziker, W.,
a role for Fas in peripheral tolerance (Russel and Wang, Lustig, A., and Zulauf, M. (1990). J. Biol. Chem. 266, 38833869.
1993). Shchelkunov, S., Blinov, V., and Sandakhchiev, L. (1993). FEBS Lett.
319, m-93.
The contingent ability to induce death is rather unique
to this family and is well established for TNFa, LTa, and Sidman, C., Marshall, J., and Boehmer, H. (1992). Eur. J. Immunol.
FasL. The p55 TNFR and Fas share a 95 residue homology
Smith, C., Davis, T., Wignatl, J., Din, W., Farrah, T., Upton, C., McFad-
region in the cytoplasmic domains, which deletion studies den, G., and Goodwin, Ft. (1991). Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.
have established to be crucial for the apoptotic death activ- 776, 335-342.
ity (Takahashi et al., 1994; Tartagliaet al., 1993). However, Smith, C., Gruss. H., Davis, T., Anderson, M. D., Farah. T., Baker,
Fas appears to have a pleiotropic nature, and it is here E., Sutherland, R.. Brannan, C., Copeland, N., Jenkins, N., Grabstein,
that Fas mirrors the properties of other family members. K., Gliniac, 8.. McAllister, I., Fanslow, W., Alderson, M., Falk, B., Gim-
pel, S., Gillis, S., Din, W., Goodwin, R.. and Armitage. R. (1993). Cell
Fresh PBT cells, for example, as well as some B cell tu- 73,1349-1360.
mors, respond to Fas activation with proliferation, not Suds, T., Takahashi, T., Gotstein, P., and Nagata, S. (1993). Cell 75,
death (Mapara et al., 1993; Alderson et al., 1993). Strik- 1169-1176.
ingly similar is the behavior of at least three other family Takahashi, T., Tanaka, M., Brannan. C. I., Jenkins, N. A., Copeland,
members, CD39 and both TNF receptors. In each case, N. G., Suds, T., and Nagata, S. (1994). Cell 76, this issue.
the specific responses, including cell death (apoptotic or Tartaglia, L., Ayres. T., Wong, G., and Goeddel, D. (1993). Cell 74,
necrotic) or proliferation, depend upon cell type, stage of 845-650.
differention, transformation status, and the presence of Upton. C., Mace% J., Schreiber, M., and McFadden, G. (1991). Virol-
other stimuli. Thus, elucidation of the full spectrum of FasL ogy 184,370-382.

activities may prove unexpectedly illuminating. Their fun- Watanabe-Fukunaga, R., Brannan, C.. Copeland, N., Jenkins, N., and
Nagta, S. (1992). Nature 356, 314-417.
damental involvement in the immune system and the win-
dow they provide on the apoptosis phenomena, crucial to

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