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Student Name: Fernanda Camargo Student ID :

In Sheet 1:
1- Insert the give data into Table and name the table "Sal

2- For Bonus Column, if the Sale_Amount is greater than $30,000 AND number of Units greater than 30 then they will receive
Bonus. (10%)

3- Use Conditional formatting for Units to show the Units less than 40 in Red, between 40

4- Calculate the Maximum of Units, Sum of Unit Price and Average of Sa

5- Insert a bar chart for SalesMan and Sale_Amou

6- Add Error bars and Legend to the chart. (1

7- Filter the chart to Show the Sale_Amount for "Alexander", "K

8- Use VLookup to return Bonus for the any SalesMan that is e

11- Freez the Row header and First column at the sam

In Sheet 2:

1- Sort the data based on Region. (5%)

2- Use Subtotal command to calculate the Maximum Sale_Amount for

da Camargo Student ID : 2318173

In Sheet 1:
e and name the table "SalesMan List". (5%)

n 30 then they will receive 10% of Sale_Amount as a Bonus otherwise they will receive 5% of Sale_Amount as a
Bonus. (10%)

han 40 in Red, between 40 to 70 in Yellow and more than 70 in Green. (10%)

it Price and Average of Sale Amount with total row. (10%)

SalesMan and Sale_Amount. (10%)

and Legend to the chart. (10%)

mount for "Alexander", "Karen" and "John". (10%)

the any SalesMan that is entered in I5 cell. (10%)

nd First column at the same time. (10%)

In Sheet 2:

ata based on Region. (5%)

Maximum Sale_Amount for each region separately. (10%)

Region Manager SalesMan Item Units Unit_price

East Martha Alexander Television 95 $1,198

East Martha Alexander Home Theater 60 $500

East Martha Alexander Home Theater 60 $500

East Douglas Karen Home Theater 81 $500

East Martha Alexander Television 35 $1,198

Central Douglas John Desk 2 $125

East Martha Alexander Video Games 16 $59

East Martha Alexander Cell Phone 64 $225

East Douglas Karen Cell Phone 15 $225

Central Douglas John Television 67 $1,198

East Douglas Karen Video Games 74 $59

Central Douglas John Home Theater 87 $500

East Martha Alexander Home Theater 4 $500

East Martha Alexander Video Games 62 $59

TOTAL 96 $24,984
Sale_Amount Bonus

$113,810 10%SALES

$30,000 10%SALES Sales Man R epor t

$30,000 10%SALES Sale_Amount SalesMan
$40,500 10%SALES
$41,930 10%SALES East
$250 5%SALES

$936 5%SALES East

0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000
$14,400 10%SALES

$3,375 5%SALES

$80,266 10%SALES

$4,329 10%SALES

$43,500 10%SALES

$2,000 5%SALES

$3,627 10%SALES
$30,365 10%SALES
n R epor t

0000 80000 100000 120000

Region Manager SalesMan Item Units Unit_price

Central Hermann Shelli Home Theater 50 $500

Central Hermann Luis Television 36 $1,198

Central Timothy David Cell Phone 27 $225

Central Martha Steven Television 75 $1,198

Central Hermann Luis Television 90 $1,198

Central Hermann Sigal Television 90 $1,198

Central Douglas John Desk 2 $125

Central Hermann Sigal Home Theater 28 $500

Central Hermann Shelli Video Games 96 $59

Central Douglas John Television 67 $1,198

Central Timothy David Home Theater 46 $500

Central Douglas John Home Theater 87 $500

Central Hermann Luis Video Games 50 $59

Central Martha Steven Television 66 $1,198

Central Timothy David Television 53 $1,198

Central Timothy David Home Theater 80 $500

Central Hermann Shelli Desk 5 $125

Central Hermann Sigal Video Games 55 $59

Central Hermann Shelli Video Games 42 $59

Central Timothy David Television 7 $1,198

Central Martha Steven Television 14 $1,198

Central Hermann Luis Home Theater 11 $500

Central Hermann Luis Home Theater 94 $500

Central Martha Steven Home Theater 28 $500

Central Total
East Martha Alexander Television 95 $1,198

East Martha Alexander Home Theater 60 $500

East Martha Alexander Home Theater 60 $500

East Martha Diana Home Theater 29 $500

East Douglas Karen Home Theater 81 $500

East Martha Alexander Television 35 $1,198

East Martha Alexander Video Games 16 $59

East Martha Alexander Cell Phone 64 $225

East Douglas Karen Cell Phone 15 $225

East Douglas Karen Video Games 74 $59

East Martha Alexander Home Theater 4 $500

East Martha Diana Cell Phone 96 $225

East Martha Alexander Video Games 62 $59

East Total

West Timothy Stephen Television 56 $1,198

West Douglas Michael Television 32 $1,198

West Timothy Stephen Home Theater 7 $500

West Timothy Stephen Desk 3 $125

West Timothy Stephen Cell Phone 76 $225

West Douglas Michael Home Theater 57 $500

West Total

Grand Total















































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