YC MTG Minutes 10-11-11

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Youth Committee Meeting Minutes 10/11/11 Debrief of last Youth Committee meeting with IDHS (Budgeting for results

with Sen. Kotowski) It was stated that it felt like more of a partnership, though the issue of competing interests, like highways, is a concern. Transfers out issue: some items guaranteed state allocation of dollars to funds There is a Budgeting for Results Hearing on 10/12/11 from 2-4pm. They are allowing public testimony. Outcome measures for homeless youth programs There will be a series of meetings with IDHS (Karrie Rueter) to develop outcomes together. A draft of Youth Constituency groups program model chart for the City planning council was distributed as a starting point for our outcomes discussion. Challenges: o 75% being placed into permanent housing as a goal is difficult due to those who have severe mental health issues. Some individuals are not able to adapt to some of the permanent housing placements. Also, some of the lists are long, i.e. Victor C. Neumann wait list is 1.5 years long. Recommended that there should be an outcome differential for youth with severe mental illness. o Engagement Services (outreach): 50% housing stability is a desired outcome. Many thought this was unrealistic and should be the same outcomes as community hospitality (drop-in). For example, the Crib serves different kids each night and it would be difficult to collect specific outcomes. Suggestion to look into other states that have used this system (WY, OH, MA) and piggy back what they are doing, with special consideration to both the urban and rural communities. Bonnie recommended that there be a youth voice in the outcomes, such as adding goals that youth are able to identify and work on that would enhance the overall goals set in the outcomes. For example youth (percentage) achieved their chosen goals within the domains of education, employment, housing, etc.

CCH intern, Jenifer, talked about the research she has been doing on service outcomes for homeless youth and explained her beginning work on the cost-benefit analysis to provide services to homeless youth. Feedback: We need to gather more specific DCFS statewide numbers as well. Also, continue to look into potential court costs with an emphasis on costs saved by providing services to pregnant and parenting youth. CCLV records-outpatient treatment @ shelters as compared to youth going to in-patient treatment. Also, investigate if youth who have HIV/AIDS education at a drop-in have lower instances of HIV/AIDS. Next steps: *one page fact sheet *cost-benefit analysis *used at
federal, state, and local levels.

Daria mentioned the research project but we are planning to address this at a later time due to lack of funding for the project and trying to discover what research we already have. Bonnie suggested possibly looking into CCT, McCormick Tribune for possible funding.

State Budget Advocacy Strategy Fall Strategy: o CCH is advocating for a supplemental appropriation billmistakes were made in cuts to FY 12 budget, specifically substance abuse ($28 million) and mental health ($30 million) and Emergency and Transitional Housing which was cut in half ($4.7 million). Since Homeless Youth Programs were only cut by 1%, we will focus on it in the spring. o Julie, Flora and others met with Jerry Stermer from the Governors office and made a request that line items be restored in FY 12 or FY 13. Discussed strategy. Fall is a critical time as the Governors office plans the budget in the fall. Press can be helpful with getting the word out; a compelling story or hook is needed. Meribah Knight writes for the Chicago News Cooperative , which has a Chicago section in the NYT and we should check with her about her upcoming series on homeless youth (both in families and unaccompanied). A write-in campaign is needed for homeless youth and providers to write letters to the Governor and cc: Jerry Stermer. It was suggested that a different agency/program send in letters each week in the month of November. Invite Jerry Sterner and the Governor to the HELLO art show. Outreach to the new Interim Director of DCFS.

Spring Legislative Strategy: Providers need to step up. o Plan in-district and Springfield meetings with legislators from programs district and include youth if possible. Plan visits throughout the spring session, attend in-district meetings, and create an organized/purposeful schedule. o ICASArape crisis centers lobbied every week last year and did not get cut, instead maybe had a small increase. o Organize and plan a separate lobby day with homeless youth, and reach out to providers downstate and in the suburbs.

Updates on City Plan 2.0 and City Task Force on Homeless Youth City of Chicago planning charrette on January 24-27 (3-5 year plan to address homelessness). They are meeting this fall as a steering committee to come up with a list of issues. On October 20th at 2:00 the final set of issues and questions will be set by the youth constituency group. City Task Force on Homeless Youth meeting on November 1st at 3pm to focus on the city plan 2.0 and implementing the task forces recommendations. CTFHY updates: o Provost of city colleges: be a future SNAP training site, city DCFS (IDHS issue RFP), allow lowincome full-time students to keep benefits. o Free CTA to students on the first day of school this yeareven though it was at the last minute (2-3 days before) the best first-day attendance was seen.

Presentation about One Heart One Soul art program Mireya Trejo spoke of her program One Heart, One Soul an art program for homeless youth. She is working alongside TLP and wanted to collaborate with other Chicago agencies. The program allows youth to create and sell their own art and keep their profits. Mireya also wants to bring her program to other shelters (that house youth) where no youth programs are available.

Big Idea presentation Lisa Marco Kooba proposed an idea to use the old Cook County hospital to be dorm-style living for homeless youth. It was mentioned that HY would like to stay within their communities and worries arose about housing that many youth in one area (fights, gangs, etc), the institutionalized feeling, etc. The idea of using the building for SROs was also mentioned or possibly providing dorms to students

enrolled in city colleges. It was agreed that if there is political traction for this site to be used for this type of purpose, the service providers would help to formulate the best use of the building to meet the needs of HY in Chicago. Could be used as a visual hook in the press.

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