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Cambridge CELTA

Self-Evaluation Task

Cambridge CELTA Lesson Evaluation

Name: Mariam Baker TP: 5

Complete these questions as soon as you can after the lesson and before feedback.

N.B. The ability to evaluate lessons is part of the assessment criteria. You should try to
complete this in as much detail as possible, as it helps show your competence in this area.

1. To what extent did your lesson match/follow your lesson plan? Why?
Did you change anything during the lesson? (skip anything? add anything? take more/less
time than planned for?) How did this impact on the lesson?

My lesson follows the lesson plan 90%. What did you change?

2. With the benefit of hindsight and your observations of the learners in the lesson, please
summarize (refer to the planning also, where relevant):
a. the strengths
STT is higher than TTT Ok, depending on the stage.

b. weaknesses of the lesson you have taught

Lack of ICQs and CCQs Why did you not include them?
I elicited the word ‘ashtray’ wrongly. I should’ve checked it before, especially that
it’s in the task itself. Yes, this one needed to have been pre-taught.

3. In what ways do you feel you have progressed since your last lesson? (TP2 onwards)

Pacing was better than before. ✓

4. In light of the lesson, what areas do you now need to work on in the following lessons?
Building better rapport with Ss and working on CCQs

5. What have you learned from this lesson? (about yourself? the students? teaching in general?
technology? …….? ) ? Try to show better self-awareness and analyse your own lessons in
Cambridge CELTA
Self-Evaluation Task
more depth.

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