Human Health and Diseases

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ee a er | Auman hae” itd SRE a Scpreseatalion ghee ce 4 + zt LS iclegndd » as othe state, g),, complete hg mental aul Sotial Treetion divasa: * poess Wh. waell- bey. i anc Quilty teantafled,. ftom | Ahe iP EMOn) danse | f~ anather powcon are Called ore hows i Alps ee hae . { Ju % Noe Thyections’ Sp faases : ' } 2 ; | eon iad join Bae” *® Disease Ch + easily bard Whe are “hot ae one bess cies Peson to Another Peisn ar calle ES: Conca 3 div Reasons yen disnse : 1 > Dhype.tions (Es, Bactos 2 He Sate ped siitako, gest Lima, , Eanes S. Genetic alidesder (peronts 5 chdldsasduciisn Pathogens = * Dikease, Causing Thay LiFe °W oh toad Frade | he hat ae * »Palieegens Gu erm hein the Pe“and ses the vanlou dijentive, Bacteual Disease + : ee Sam cl’ euch i) Typhotd : f : * Dro Camted bya “badclertuns lCalllee|| earn * Affect small ansting % human > By 05 # # Spread reough contaminated feel onl teas. He) gebegss 8 be weakncss fe guitestinal g. path (sever cao) Cerngzamalion ost + : ay (ee yee Joyy Widal case sil } } I a tseb nF rer Several years “igi aie lei) sa WD Prcumoniot % Db e Caused by he Jpllovae®y beactonics Is SBeplstocau proumonda eS) 2 Haemephdis anpluenzae Ys a Ayeets aby act (Alueoli) 4 lungs: % leds Jp acspialiow problems. % Troussiited — by daoplati /arrasols -raloased bs & water dn ay anfected ere: seuwsnltied ip —_ ale bs. sharia qlapses nd wine Ap Symplonns : seuss — wuaxdhor4 8. Cough J fowad af Atk fe Headadbeis> aeeseoRt be \ & Lips aud ves tun * phae wei ae St ta i = Gefen sensi) 125 ii) Dyson: poyansstt ¥ Ir is cowed by Shigetla. hovctortinny seosigeys R Emess fatal matter Ines vad walee on | iv) plague: ‘ * Coused a O badlantiim ates | yenatiio: * pestin rk oli % AUC Oral MES heo va of sossii vy) piblthewk : \ sf Pm ae bya bactolum dated, atcha oliphtious (onages shat) os pl boa % % Ajlects — tuacat seedy PS published gj # 4 é ©, sAT k 35s SNS et A ieasos ‘a D Commer, eal : 4 ; en Comoro, 7 pete oe wae ee oat ogee jag Eat q aot ried by. abepte Boe . @ Sanyoeted pobson’ aval y AYN F wl ahal & baltinaworp ‘oy halo opra Sane tf Ioan see bay Psa (Ren acum) telesling tn humans EO ayn ® ATM cg to (pees og oe Presi ae Ee —— Ee putt, platy ancl vegetable. Symptom te ternal bleeding se Bie perisiya? AOS A Be Muscudar pair a Anasmia (Decraw im REC) . atd.- S+ Birteage % er ad Passage : . , Dy Cie phebiie HEA 2 Ceusool by “tie fellas Waa, ‘Wueherdita ‘Boncreglt” Wuchercria malay a Puchererin, siCallecl \\ * lady “wolm’ 4 Vector = 1 6 Fungal. diese. uss heal a as Pon. halss — adnsilacts \ ATE Ty caused by the g, gence aspera 1 Ie Mero sper 5 : we 2+ Talclo phyla ; ze Epidosnid pgton’ As! 3a 7 Pppewance 4 iy aide tho ports 4 lhe het Clan en, egy em eT on tte i sa Itigprnd p dan 8 a A Heat” ane mowinke ; Pa coat te a Be gnotn by Ho uyeetad 3 ihapete Saeels5, saul "Gam Beef vila pd homed af AT ‘ falas Sem awe 8 VIN FUEL Coused by ho. probezeayyuCatled Myplasildelian 94 depos a mala ase Caused by & Jupp 3 “Plasencia i odie ue Rit Ie Plasmodiin “item 2+ Plasmeduim ovale _3> Plasmoduim Malarian 4 4 Plasonerliiom 4 aleticlei” (14 Mferyeta 9 plaamedium: * Plasmedilim Acqublor feo nos db a) Man Biot I. ve prophets morpiste 1 nit \ 4s When fem, Hi] vie plasters Anophele mosis titer am “dngdel Perio mosquite. nocd eg ont Bee VG 2 Sexual 2pacducton, Ii geretes tan npla etn stor? i abet 4 mosque. Ane| Apo 25s os speed htestinad ‘ Copel, ; So Sf nd? PorerBites + ae. shires bol yy \ i> tiles) 9 Sabitrany® gi a" | i ren a * Whom hos modgdifortitas ct Nay Peden, i a sponses enter uty Im andl Acackes tho de © & Plasmodition multdslss Bethan Poe baie a and — undagoos — asoxual Aspect aud peda | male and female) -gamnatess nf Hi Spore z0ules low & Now, "Roaches asl bleed calls ta i polaase a fore Aubstanto called “He. sy ie (Ths agueretnn ABR Aboud yp hhk’? clillner Ate pe 84 days ; |B Ruptaro 9 eRe takes... plate. j pink ATRS: ars} st x0 sofia} apes seat presage fh Damuno Me nwt x Ir & Boys “ { . 2 - sat # tenga wsory De fa fap pteesSpyros oe # Atqpited ‘a ‘lg ting M tactet % 1 st bh (AS Ralsls — \Acpaatad De * iE eo Bas fia tay, 9k ys TE is Caused ts. HIV C Human dius dorgltinty » Vises) HV Ba a 4atk OB HIV. se ee mel head . espe 3 cay p ph too 9b), Robitalrldoa e OW” : a HV “TE “pila on gonalic math oe. ._ anaiernasl Machantine a Apreadngs «5 a . HIV ” ant pom sypcted | peor to normal | peor” pad is aw x HIV wedi Ue, macarepl “ae Bay reeal \Peasen- Cones % Tr Maracphage folloctng ponctow faker plac: 6 Vinod /e. 5 Jrd dermpot AL pete Buin”? ag cap eae Maal | By \ ~ aa x vbel pun get ruled fn Lhe macsophage* so, Maceophate Nae Called Hiv) peey * vol 4 Rn} Vaaisel Steal lite affect Sue” hodt! calls. a x HIN attacks the frotpea =. - dymphoryt?s, cond, Aeleoy, them x em ari ial, ee rr #80, ah ane, Gy. co ba ctaain5, Yume Seen on pst 4 Botte 2a vidight NEB wy ie 335 popht ihe or sah 40 & = at wl a” Gs Ways 4 Apreading AIDS + wal ' syueautilng ebrtact ola rape pol suginat + aa othe * Thode Bai dima tag bohown jie HIV aApetlion aud the appeatanin gg AyrtTons. (pw readhsr{ & to to word) oie 402 ALpgYAd So xamnd Bp dongs abun) & cap BLISA asi €naiece WER Emmano yscrbont! Awad: 2 western Blot “n ‘ Pawertion Q- AIDS: : H Sapo BOK se joan pas tua Ol | \ % Avoid fox vdeth — prultiple paix Senod + % PAaperr Ad perta),. off, ,roadlos. and) Syne + % Checking tho blood Lzgene RRapuwdn ) % Face distitbutiow — g Cobcloms Mas ayer -% rer ereres | XS Conbolkig ding — abase. 7 fol & # NAXS! —ntitinal «ATES tel " patil RFacatmowl Q — pntl — aobiowdel divas ova VIK ® eybetive . ual ALDS- oggenwation vi Ca ¥ Tit poxmat bey coll © Covi llad and aeguletid % De Cantante Th homal Ss sen. 0! BRE thine ee obead ag Buss wh Piet uta sabibitions os X yy antag age mas cells TYR! Cancer: ' Boman Gemour comnppeel oe 1% ; Db semadu, Ba particular On docalion j % Te dows, vot Bps@d to. the, other“ bady park * or Causcs "tile damage - sf a. Malignant tiamour: — Corcunernias pile ai H Tumowr colle, eae sewade aah damage the |. fod 9 vchasuune aad3o 2, PHOTAH ch FR Maliginek, smo Mn meet ‘Fann pom Petts, Me Be SINAARS ID | ort. Catt “NGaaclnegerys: secllansto~ Cd htornus tA vdeo -¢ Says “ez ax = Tonsing Sadistow 40% Seq algihua tbr xQ Bava ® 2 pieafs: indies) Non Dovidsihig” Aaclinbien en le aL gawd * Wath ona aaa eeeEOEOEOEeEeEE—E=E Chemical Carcinogen: & Tolauo, Smoke pulogol Cancehogoms weve whith —Comse —Conton ate called,” encoppeie. Vi! ond the gene patsonl’ nti sedan. fh, come & Vial Once goes” # Boveral genes in normal eotts Can get, actialad wder Contain Condilions orl daacls 1 ontagete taansgcrmion calls Peoak, gens ano called eotular t2 tancogets, (Cond on parole 0 hlogonds. : Deletion aul deeguoss qe Ganeean) pur cyan pA Concar, can hen, detorlie . chy... BAO» feed Canon Lice Ieuterin, Can be doled Be sludies 3 ie Seale paseslatil a2 dee! Sh ae K Concer” Gp Fiitenhal” Gagan “be “atoeted “hg, saclay Pls Geraays) CT star (Compuloa Tonpgpaply) ard mei Stan, (Manto Acsovsnls area) sogt BP * Compulad tominghophs wes x dimensional ti oumage @ an \ objeck A MRT stow user strong magnetic paid abd won vonigis sepa to) aidleoe “the pasmoleg al “andl Phe changer Sah ahs bisigy te x Audi bods oe Canten ~ speciyie “antigens ave'-abe wel in ine dolar = cancer eS bap Ci 2 PO*4 buantds ado 3 At 4 I Suage (Tipnut ut ~ sassy home: salfnten i chtaapy.(x “Aau) 3p Aap) B Chemo therapy Caauge. (chergfeabey Ge Temmuno Ahekapy (teanuunity svete) \Soge mat — dikes Yond) rodlad! vdithi) paps adits “ : | A DAugs Al obtainad jaom mostly {lowing “plant and abo pom fenge 1) opsb. 1) Canna bios i) Loa alikaléad » WV) Basbutusates °° : VY) praphate ritnes : VO. Benzo old zapines bs), we F Vit) Moxphina, 1 Opioids = 8 These daugs bt ty ithe pict Reteplars te é Gaittro “antostinal wee elt celled Pa ee . - MoAphine « jaa maak * Tk Labo oblaied pom ploweu ¥ Fees *DTr ho a vey eyeetive. fa patients urdergorig Camabiods + PEeteop gp qcheraltll hla. Lsanet seteptons patent En the) bratins “om ® Canmabiroie| — AC Camnabs — Aatw " ir ab dey one taki by Speabiowes alto “napBbaaabiaatan. aye ste | Cardipvastulan agin, wd spy, angloescence x Govenlly Sakon by oral an tion. ainie ong) sgh T eMasyiohd lod doy po , * Hoshdle meiannre pits ah * Chars . x % Grange at Covoalkalsid / Colatne : ! ATE oblained from she Coto plant Called “pay tlnony lum tata” (ar 4 native south aerice) Called Coke (oa) Caacle | uit the Sravupel q nour” Wi) Drercosed evergy # Alopa betladona and captiaa aso sore) plagb HisBd sheer badluptengentiang Panes ig “Ch Hiatioe : \ i kD ow % TE stimulates the», aolaenal adanalie cantatas. Sapues, Taw, cenyslonicg) wise ie Broa COM, Pronabitis 3 erplajsoma., Cp, read beads disease’; jos y Wher. Negation cra sit pip rl so K3mokig — sntroaset Casbon- monoride (co) onlin ie blood anc roduuor the Concentralionm a oryger th bled >O, oN OE ae bah duet a ga bad eval d2aysopady adjay paws ¥ sadn sit Jo % ak porbasth ban IMMowrry: , ee , . > w Dane mechandm —g. oub body Whith ggtt yrst dieass — Causthy — aagandims. * Imnuue SysGon : | Neha oily 7 “mm Truate ““Deihwciaty > 7 . Sond pulobfta events sd adimdod pope Ls Acti.» Tererushay | LS Passe Immunity | Natisel / tmrato, Emmaus: | X" Thats prom Bete has anobasd — aqoatA & Defense’ —ochan3m:’ prosent at the feng % calle! — tanato Tamu 2 . : Soin. se, Flo a Mero - OAgauins — fa | Otia at es 5 Boon node: fenQRswe oma | rash “hyte wg Ge polatasio) si aankok ban — hoaky Faced ik Sfomacly * alia. im Teams” p, ee th Sa cellular ‘Bate O&K Following cots hago eylase. ( ard dostioy the : hago exgul) : I Neubro pil (WBOIPMNL: Poly moapho Nucleon bate ta ESM MO Ces LOBE) oP aime 848 be MA Crcphages C1 ayuer) awit Nalinad, kilos. -rype..\9), Limphotyto+) My Eyeraine baraiidas\: dyer \ eaebite . H Vis anjected colts socaaty pasted Called Trheryes.n! The = paobein prolecls,. nove: ected, colt dpeorthas vSol angetion. MANE Hom nN 7 Aaeyat | Acquiwd Trarnuwvityt 3 # Dranuunitiy — pcqudiod cys he a aay ip dime Called §— Acaqytiod! fae % Polhogens specie. . % Whe our body ontoulers a polhoger ye eae time | smmune Syston produto a Avsponse called“ “Puurnory nespewe” ovo sntousity) ee extourtis uh same pathogen, Crvales a. etiontladly “gepdse J anamnesbie. Beso, (high lend hd happens based on memoay. %* Prmasy,, and. secondary Aesponses 42 pandutecl by tivo Bp Lymphory les - I! B- Lymphocytes woeld “SRY rapt vol a * iyephe joe! aw (2 Ailigbur dediohethh bd Mlibody - piolialy/edcxatily” Bays Demat’ “Bystien. BO Jympogytes Setwlt, antibodés in sesponmse te antigen iw blood aed ode ee has”! 4990 * This ype gy smarty ic Collecl Antibedy- Trumunity (0A) Hurvurrod ATrumunily « yyermad fae pone. Mean T= hymphocgas: BY Pomehetneel eH * Lt cloes not Produce antibodias but help’ Lymphocytes is” seexetel’ anita debs ma Me Pe gammy a daa tal = "hte Toamaiby eT ) sagedqaza nM - Te ongad 'abospldalatzoa!’") eat’ “mediated” Shera, at Slo <, Wwsct ai -~* aa Faaweplatnel og) uo Types be Ailibeleliéd , dorsor, 1S Yeup 2SAT A alt, i 3 alt ee ee iS m SSsty | irae (ts dak, ) ZaA- : 3 A ot ae | )TgB- Ephitow te ‘ | 288? ph Relsd on salyn bafaygon abawaih iii ieee Cale on! kas o> Sei } 9BG - Gomme. for. most: tigi napa i 7 Beye oe 4 PBendar ant) i GIwwons pKlLawwg ordre, isos \ oadbagehetes irorlsstile 20 tsspdtohg — mage 4 vonk ph foshekugg LF _—sW#s—a—s——W a Ache Embnunatiy 2. 5 Sradinls X When a host D exposal to antigens (cane) ea Win’ «Mo bes / Tractve —mitavbes) Imre am gph activate ancl antibobdt ane \ paces” B Called acto aati fF i % AcEue, — somunity Zs. low arel | takes Hee pie a | pl Atspomae: & vaccinelion % ased on acta. alll _ Racombinanls°) prin» fechwology Zs ee frac Vaso tei (> vacate’ * ; 4 mostly vacuo, ase preduted jrom bactaria, and eos 3 s " degli Be. Be vageilee aN pabtuced ee Se i Foleo Condaiasss | “gas * During pines 4oolis Actives” somo, “usllleclas , fom salads Amothe stthabugl’ ema The als z algmpet SeaRNt € Pajama anbibodés quien agpsiat adaia and : bile az examples = pamwe spare \ os Yo woidaales. pbodaun - oo gees Adylil va 88 Auleigy: Kalas rs + Exaggerated 20sponse q she Ay 3 su auilgens prdsont thr «ithe ahiBiemed™ get yar eal * Duukg A ALergy » OU ——— LULU se Antibodbs Lge C2 preduccel/ 2 "End 1B. Kale ventebaales,. 4 : ai “pute calls. kon Abtinguis 4 ' omen = t ie curel uunkwoior mason, * a | aiacked,. by. our sremmuinrd > deipstang © Ang _ mms re ehBoabe (Se ~eeaibhe\ au Z 23 “BINT, “Aor “RA GRISY (ew ant Matiation and? pt eens. coferbsidn ys sf dafyrenTao ke idles “0% , Baers o if ws w 5 5 Payer paleles g aight asiceant ian | i % App QE sansa K | 1 wt wii K + ye bone masse: a maln — primary lyrphtil Ongar * aA Most 9 the blood tall : lps in the dale pret 3 * matinabion 4 n> * T * ppb aaa susfiol somal a ert ges oe pen acer? te, eaten Ulng rll 2865 pln i aia uae oe lan Sages * Boon Bhaped OFgan. % Sploce — Conteuls Aymphocytes » monocys and noutreplile ae ange fie a Meal by taping Mot: borne — mitroorganiine . : x1 b Aasge abifn & RBC. hymph nodes: yy paphome. cones % Small talld “Abuclanes Located ak dijerent points {along Jymphalic —aystom- t # lymph — ode aps tho Loe borne ritcimarganéme and align % Anligens Gapped Sn the Iymph nodes ase Aesponsible ga the achivaliow Aymphoctes and — prccdluces” % Mucosal Layer 3s assoudtid US Aasprsalosy Siact, duggstive Afact ancl rogerital Bact. AWALT — Constilults S07. @ the Lymphoid! Jivsee 2. our body. 41 P| Prvstin chant | es pine, rated ag Isa t hg ‘the _ body Coan. - gokart TE tee at a Arel yes % -Pacper “te pal 4 waste. * Disinectation q iat Aosowalee a * Elimination

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