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In today’s world many students are facing or encountering struggles related to study schedules,
struggling to manage their time effectively, these challenges can significantly affect their academic
performance and success in their studies. As students it’s necessary that we explore effective or possible
solutions to support or help in these current days where many of us as students face challenges in
keeping up with their studies.

The most efficient solution is the implementation of individualized study schedules. By using artificial
intelligence (AI), we can analyze various factors such as student’s learning goals or target, past
performance, available study time. With this information provided by students, we can create or form
study plans that matches the individual needs and circumstances of each student.

This AI conducted individualized study schedule will be working by analyzing different or various factors
that influence the student learning experience, such as their learning goals, their past academic
performance, and available study time. In simple words, the AI can create or form a study plan that is
specifically designed to help student maximize their studies and achieve their academic goals.

The benefit of this personalized or individualized study schedules are their ability to divide study session
into small chunks or groups in order to manage your studies well and increase learning efficiency and
capacity. By using the information, we gathered by observation we have seen that shorter, focused study
sessions are more effective for learning compared to longer, uninterrupted period of study. By dividing
your study time into smaller segments, the AI will be helping in preventing fatigue in students, allowing
students to maintain focus and productivity throughout their study sessions.

On top of that, the AI will put or allocate time for each topic or subject taken by students based on its
priority and the level of difficulty. By using an example, I can say that, subjects that the students or
learner struggles with or topics that the students need to give more time compared to those ones that
the student finds easier. This adaptive approach ensures that students give more or sufficient time and
effort to areas where they need to improve the most, eventually leading to better academic results.

Besides to create an individualized or personalized study schedule, the AI will provide recommendations
for improving study environments and strategies. Factors such as setting specific study goals, and divide
study session into groups by adding breaks into your study session are extremely important for
maintaining motivation and productivity in learners. By providing support and advice to those learners
struggling, the AI will encourage students to take control of their learning journey and the most of their
study time also not forgetting that this personalized or individualized study schedule will act as personal
tutor to students.

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