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Hello everyone,

For my research topic, I chose China as my topic and to be more specific, I also chose an
interesting article called “China's Stalling Economy Puts the World on Notice”. This article
focuses on the issue of the rapid slowdown that is occurring rapidly in the Chinese market in
general. The article starts with talking about the how the Chinese market grow in the last century
and made its way to the world as the number 1 producer and consumer due to the high
population of about 1.4 billion people, and the verity of its people skills especially in
manufacturing. The article mentions that the recent decline in population in the last decade led to
the rise of many neighboring countries like south Korea and Australia who are now considered
fierce competitors. The article also mentioned that the slow rate of economic development and
for several months before lifting the covid restriction even after lifting them which is an
indication for a serious economic problem in the horizon as export and imports have declined
severely for almost five months which is another indication of a major issue with deflation
economy as prices starts to fall in basically everything in China from real estate to food with a
slow demand and no commercial activity. The article focused specifically on the current Chinese
housing market with no costumers available due to the major decline in the country’s population
led to a big issues also in the construction and finance sector in the Chinese market and we can
also add the major demand for consuming foreign luxury items like olive oil, wine, and other
items which is currently leading to the shrinking of their position as the number one consumer in
the world and add to the tariffs that the Trump administration added salt to injury. The article also
mentioned the threat of market collapse domestically and internationally as tensions rises in the
political relationship between the USA and China which can affect the economic sector as the
Chinese communist party is failing in finding any solutions to the current problems in the

Link to the article:

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