James Matt Morris Philosophy of Leadership Spring 2024

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Matt Morris

Georgia Southern University

EDLD 7737

February 11, 2024


There are many different views about leadership that are as varied and diverse as the

great leaders who developed them. I have learned and am continuing to learn about the power of

positive leadership. My philosophy of leadership falls in line with the teachings of John C.

Maxwell, Steven R. Covey, and many others. In Georgia, the Georgia Educational Leadership

Standards, or GELS, are required of educational leaders. My leadership philosophy is closely

aligned with the GELS and the high bar that has been set by our state leaders.

GELS Standard 1: Develop, advocate, and enact a shared mission, vision, and core values of
high quality education and academic success and well-being of each student.

I believe a leader should be able to communicate a clear vision geared towards student

success. “Good leaders are never satisfied with what is. They see what could be, and they

continually seek to achieve it.” (Maxwell, J.C., 2018, p.130). Stakeholders look to the leader for

guidance and direction. Most successful organizations have strong leaders driving their success.

Implementing and maintaining a core curriculum and standards based learning environment is

essential for academic success. As a teacher I set out to inspire and motivate my students to

achieve what they deemed impossible. As a leader I will carry on that same philosophy on a

much broader scale.

GELS Standard 2: Act ethically and according to professional norms to promote each student’s
academic success and well-being.

Leaders have to set the tone for professionalism and ethics in the learning environment.

This means holding yourself to a code of conduct that others can admire and emulate. I feel that

a leader needs to be trustworthy, positive, and empathetic when necessary. “Effective leaders

have integrity. Integrity characterizes leaders who possess the qualities of honesty and

trustworthiness. People who adhere to a strong set of principles and take responsibility for their

actions are exhibiting integrity. Leaders with integrity inspire confidence in others because they

can be trusted to do what they say they are going to do.” (Northouse, P.G., 2021, p.30).

GELS Standard 3: Strive for equity of educational opportunity and culturally responsive
practices to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

It is incredibly important for a leader to build a community. Students and staff all come

from various diverse backgrounds, and making them feel welcome and valued are two very

important tasks for a leader. I am committed to creating safe and inclusive environments where

students and staff feel welcome and appreciated. The way our students “feel” is very important in

the learning process. If a student does not feel comfortable and safe, then how are you going to

teach them? School leaders really need to be proactive in the process of building a school

climate. It is much easier to build a positive relationship with a student before incidents escalate.

It is important for administrators to play a positive role in creating warm environments where

student diversity is embraced and various methods are used to help create a more positive and

inclusive climate.

GELS Standard 4: Develop and support intellectually rigorous and coherent systems of
curriculum, instruction, and assessment to promote each student’s academic success and

Continuous professional growth and professional development is key for the success of a school.

Educational leaders have to stay up to date on the latest research and systems, and be ready to

implement changes as needed. It is also essential to remember that what worked in the past may

not work forever. “Keep the blinders off, and be open to new possibilities. When a district or

school has always done things one way or its own way, it doesn’t mean it’s the only way.” (Strike

et al., 2019, p.71). To keep your school showing positive and consistent growth, expectations

have to be abundantly clear, and learning targets set and monitored in group PLCs. “Leaders

should be consistently asking the hard questions: Are we getting the best results possible? Where

can we improve? (...) How do we know if we are achieving the targeted goals?” (Strike et al.,

2019, p.131).

GELS Standard 5: Cultivate an inclusive, caring, and supportive school community that
promotes the academic success and well-being of each student.

“When we look at what leaders do—that is, at their behaviors—we see that they do two

major things: (1) They attend to tasks, and (2) they attend to their relationships with people. The

degree to which leaders are successful is determined by how these two behaviors are exhibited.”

(Northouse, P.G., 2021, p.78). I believe in active and visible leadership. I firmly believe that

leadership is an act of service. I feel that it is important that leaders set a great example for all

stakeholders by being positive, actively listening, and constantly learning. Administrators can

drive positive change much more easily when the school staff believes that communication is a

two way street. “Effective educational leaders foster a professional community of teachers and

other professional staff to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.” (Strike et

al., 2019, p.116).

GELS Standard 6: Develop the professional capacity and practice of school personnel to
promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

Quality educational leaders ensure that the ideas and experiences of teacher leaders are

interwoven into the fabric of the school. This creates an environment where stakeholders feel as

though they are a part of the process instead of someone simply taking orders from the top. I

believe that administrators can drive positive change much more easily when the school staff

believes that communication is a two way street. “When there is a shared vision among staff, and

teachers are active participants in the school improvement plan, implementation and

improvements will be more successful.” (Tomal et al., 2014, p.152-153). There is no way for a

leader to be the foremost expert on everything that comes across the desk, so leaning on the

wisdom and experience of your team is key for success.

GELS Standard 7: Foster a professional community of teachers and other professional staff to
promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

I subscribe to the idea that leadership, particularly in an educational setting, is a learned

behavior. “You may have been born with great natural gifts or few. That’s not important in the

end, because the ability to lead is really a collection of skills, nearly all of which can be learned

and improved.” (Maxwell, J.C., 2022, p.30). If someone is willing to take part in an ongoing

process of working with mentors and constantly reflecting and improving, then I think anyone

can acquire the necessary tools to be an effective leader. I have committed myself to working

with experienced leaders, furthering my education through graduate level courses, and

participating in professional developments to grow my knowledge and skills as they pertain to

educational leadership. Effective leaders are committed to being lifelong learners, always

seeking to improve themselves so that they can improve the learning environment. “Leaders

hone their leadership skills and expertise over time through ongoing professional learning,

reflective practice, constructive feedback, and effective supervision. (...) Experience is not the

same as expertise.” (Strike et al., 2019, p.27).


GELS Standard 8: Engage families and the community in meaningful, reciprocal, and mutually
beneficial ways to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

All leaders need to be committed to parent and community outreach and involvement

with all stakeholders. According to Strike, “effective leaders are encouraged to value and employ

the community’s cultural, social, intellectual, and political resources. (...) Partnerships can

develop between schools and these organizations when leadership, trust, stability, readiness, and

a common agenda exist.” (Strike et al., 2019, p.121). Community support is an integral part of

the day to day operations of running a school. Parent participation increases student attendance,

and student attendance increases student achievement. Leaders have to be willing to listen to the

community, and approach their ideas and concerns with an open mind. Afterall, leadership is a

service, and it is up to us and school leaders to provide the best service possible to all



Maxwell, J.C., (2018). Developing the Leader Within You 2.0. Harper Collins Leadership.

Maxwell, J.C., (2022). The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership 25th Anniversary Edition. Harper
Collins Leadership.

Northouse, P.G., (2021). Introduction to Leadership (5th ed.).SAGE Publications, Inc.

Strike, K., Mann, S., Sims, P., & Wilhite, R. (2019). In Transforming Professional Practice: A
framework for effective leadership (2nd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.

Tomal, D.R., Schilling, C.A.,& Wilhite R.K. (2014). The Teacher Leader. Rowman & Littlefield.

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