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Model Answer Sheet

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Identify the error/errors if any and rewrite Ans- The ashvamedha or horse sacrifice was an

the following statements: (Question 1-20) ancient ritual.

[1*1=20marks] 12. The iron pillar in Mehrauli, Delhi, is a

1. We visited to London. remarkable example of the skill of Indian

Ans- We visited London. crafts persons.

2. Apply this cream in your face. Ans- The iron pillar at Mehrauli, Delhi, is a

Ans- Apply this cream over your face. remarkable example of the skill of Indian crafts

3. I sat on my desk. persons.

Ans- I sat at my desk. 13. The blood have white blood cells which

4. I walk to school each morning. Today I am fight against germs that may enter our body.

taking a bus. Ans- The blood has white blood cells which fight

Ans-I walk to school every morning. Today I am against germs that may enter our body.

taking a bus. 14. Several breed of sheep are found in

5. It’s an secret. different parts of our country.

Ans- It’s a secret. Ans- Several breeds of sheep are found in

6. “Kavya, sent that dog away.” different parts of our country.

Ans- “Kavya, send that dog away.” 15. Can you suggest which type of soil will be

7. Then I was begin writing. the best for making pots, toys and statues?

Ans- Then I began writing. Ans- Can you suggest which type of soil would

8. I am not interested by this movie. be the best for making pots, toys and statues?

Ans- I am not interested in this movie. 16. He run fast and reached the bus-stop in a

9. The lions that we see on our notes and few minutes.

coins had a long history. Ans- He ran fast and reached the bus-stop in a

Ans- The lions that we see on our notes and few minutes.

coins have a long history. 17. Breathing is part of respiration.

10. The Puranas was written in simple Ans- Breathing is a part of respiration.

Sanskrit verse and were meant to be heard 18. Magadha had two very powerful rulers,

by everybody. Bimbisara and Ajatashatru, which used all

Ans-The Puranas were written in simple possible means to conquer other janapadas.

Sanskrit verse, and were meant to be heard Ans- Magadha had two very powerful rulers,

by everybody. Bimbisara and Ajatashatru, who used all

11. The ashvamedha or horse sacrifice was a possible means to conquer other janapadas.

ancient ritual.
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19. Epics is grand, long compositions, about 26. Use the following idiom in your sentence:

heroic men and women, and include stories Beat around the bush

about gods. Ans- To avoid getting to the main point of the

Ans- Epics are grand, long compositions, about issue

heroic men and women, and include stories ‘Stop beating around the bush, and tell me

about gods. what exactly happened.’

20. He was known by me. 27. Point out the difference between the

Ans- He was known to me. following two words:

21. Identify the correct antonym of the word Dye-Die

given: Ans- Dye means to make something of a

Malicious- absence/ugly/ good/ sharp different colour.

Ans- Malicious means ill-natured, harmful. Die means to stop living

Antonym for malicious is good. (Q No. 28-30) Use the words in your own

22. Choose the appropriate synonym: sentences to clearly distinguish their

Disgrace- discomfort/obstacle/defect/ meanings:

humiliation 28. lesson, lessen

Ans- Appropriate synonym for disgrace is Ans-

humiliation. Lessen- The main purpose of diversifying

(Q. No. 23 & 24) Correct the phrasal verbs: investments is to lessen the risk of loss.

23. They need to put their own economic Lesson- You must read the lesson thoroughly to

house in place. understand the concept.

Ans- Put the house in order- They need to put 29. pray, prey

their own economic house in order. Ans-

24. We must abide to the rules. Pray- I’ll pray for your speedy recovery.

Ans- Abide by- We must abide by the rules. Prey- Deer are the natural prey of the mountain

25. Choose the correct one word substitution lions.

for the given expression: 30. reign, rain

That cannot be avoided – Ans-

Fatal/ inevitable/invincible/edible Reign- Megasthenes visited India during the

Ans- Inevitable means something that cannot reign of Chandragupta Maurya.

be avoided. Rain- It’ll rain soon.

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Read the following passage and answer the ability to think abstractly or logically. The

questions that follow: (Q no. 31-35) authors suggest that fluid intelligence is a much

Brain training is big business. From online better indicator of abilities such as problem-

websites to video games to mobile apps, it solving ability, abstract thinking skills, memory

seems like there are plenty of ways to give your capacity, and processing speed. While the study

brain a bit of a boost. But does all this brain found no indication that test preparation

training really work? Can it increase your improved IQ that does not mean that this

cognitive abilities or your IQ? According to a preparation has no value.

few recent studies, while these brain training 31. What Is Cognitive Training?

tools might help sharpen your abilities to retain Also known as brain training, cognitive training

information, they won't necessarily increase is a non-pharmacological approach that

your intelligence or improve your ability to involves following a series of regular mental

reason and think abstractly. The parent activities designed to help maintain or even

company of one of the most prominent "brain increase a person's cognitive (thinking)

training" websites was recently fined for abilities.

deceptive advertising. Earlier studies have 32. What are the potential benefits of brain

found no link between increased intelligence training activities?

and brain training exercises. The same is the ANS - The focus of these activities is to help

case with standardized tests. Students today people become better at things like learning,

take a wide variety of standardized tests, from solving problems, and reasoning.

assessments throughout elementary school to 33. On comparing crystallized intelligence

evaluations required for college admission. and fluid intelligence it is found that

While test preparation for such assessments ANS - Crystallized intelligence includes facts

can increase factual knowledge, one study and information, while fluid intelligence

suggests that this preparation does little to involves the ability to think abstractly or

increase overall IQ. Why is it so? While test logically and gives a learner skills such as–

preparation increases what psychologists refer problem-solving and information processing.

to as crystallized intelligence, it does not 34. From the passage one can arrive at the

increase what is known as fluid intelligence. conclusion that both brain training and

Crystallized intelligence includes facts and standardized tests -

information, while fluid intelligence involves the

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ANS - Do not really increase overall IQ and Gangetic Plains, home to around 900 million

mental abilities. people, which can have far-reaching effects on

35. In the passage, ‘give your brain a bit of a human health. While dust storms are a regular

boost’ means to - feature in the region during October-

ANS – Sharpen the brain November, densely populated cities like Delhi

Read the following passage and answer the and Kanpur in the Indo-Gangetic Plains are

questions that follow: (Q no. 36-40) vulnerable to windborne long-range air

Dust storms of May 2018, in Northern India, pollution from crop residue burning in the

contributed to the deteriorating air quality in North, and now this study shows the effect of

the region and the capital city of Delhi, with dust storms during the March-May time frame.

implications for human health, a study found. This really puts the Indo-Gangetic valley in a

The high death toll from the severe dust storms unique spot in terms of it being targeted by

that lashed the region was mainly attributed to these different hazardous conditions which are

the intense winds, which surprised even mostly outsourced from other areas.

scientists and meteorologists. But apart from 36. Why are dust storms in Delhi a cause of

the immediate damage to life and property, concern?

drastic changes in air quality from the dust The dust tends to worsen air quality over the

engulfing the region affected far more people Indo-Gangetic Plains, home to around 900

with potential implications for human health million people, which can have far-reaching

stated a team of researchers who analyzed the effects on human health.

impact of the spell of dust storms that struck 37. Where do the dust storms frequently

the region that month. occur?

Dust storms commonly occur in the Indo- Dust storms commonly occur in the Indo-

Gangetic Plains – the fertile plains in northern Gangetic Plains – the fertile plains in northern

India that stretch all the way to the East – from India that stretch all the way to the East.

March to May, the pre-monsoon season. 38. How does a dust storm form in India?

Westerly winds typically bring loose sand and Westerly winds typically bring loose sand and

soil particles, picked up from the Arabian soil particles, picked up from the Arabian

Peninsula or the Thar Desert in North-Western Peninsula or the Thar Desert in North-Western

India, to the Indo-Gangetic Plains. The dust India, to the Indo-Gangetic Plains.

tends to worsen air quality over the Indo-

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39. By saying, ‘This really puts the Indo- 42. The outbreak of the second wave of covid

Gangetic valley in a unique spot’ the writer was terrible.

refers to the fact that 43. The concept of social security has gained

The Indo- Gangetic valley receives its pollution momentum across the world.

from other areas or factors. 44. The principles and values of life of the Father

40. Find the word/words in the passage that of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi are a heritage

have the same meaning as the following: for the entire world.

(i) worsen (ii) carried by the wind 45. The world's largest solar park has been

ANS – established in Bhadla.

(i) deteriorating (ii) windborne 46. Education should be changed according to

Translate the following sentences into the needs of the student.

English: (Q no. 41-50) 47. The power of concentration is the only key

41. सुशासन राज्य सरकार का मुख्य ध्येय रहा है। to the treasure trove of knowledge.

42. कोविड की दूसरी लहर का प्रकोप भयानक था। 48. In a gentle way, you can shake the world.

43. दुवनयाभर में सामाजिक सुरक्षा की अिधारण को बल ममला 49. The President of India, Shri Ram Nath

है। Kovind presented the Bharat Ratna Awards at

44. महात्मा गाांधी के ससद्ाांत और िीिन मूल्य पूरी दुवनया के सलए Rashtrapati Bhavan.

धरोहर है। 50. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution

45. भड़ला में विश्व का सबसे बड़ा सोलर पाकक स्थावपत वकया गया mentions three types of justice (social,

है। economic and political).

46. विद्याथी की आिश्यकतानुसार सशक्षा में पररितकन होना 51. Make a precis of the following passage in

चावहए। about one third of its length:

47. एकाग्रता की शसि ही ज्ञान के खिाने की एकमात्र कुांिी है। We all know what we mean by a "good" man.

48. एक विनम्र तरीके से, आप दुवनया को वहला सकते हैं। The ideally good man does not drink or smoke,

49. भारत के राष्ट्रपवत राम नाथ कोवििंद ने राष्ट्रपवत भिन में भारत avoids bad language, converses in the presence

रत्न पुरस्कार प्रदान वकए। of men only exactly as he would if there were

50. भारतीय सांविधान की प्रस्तािना में तीन प्रकार के न्याय ladies present, attends church regularly and

(सामाजिक, आर्थिंक और रािनीवतक) का उल्लेख है। holds the correct opinion on all subjects. He has

ANS – a wholesome horror of wrong-doing and

41. Good governance has been the main motto realizes that it is our painful duty to castigate

of the state government. sin. He has a still greater horror of wrong

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thinking, and considers it the business of the (i) Women Empowerment

authorities to safeguard the young against (ii) Energy Conservation

those who question the wisdom of the views (iii) Importance of Good Reading Habits

generally accepted by middle-aged successful Ans-

citizens. Apart from his professional duties, at (i) Women Empowerment

which he is assiduous, he spends much time in Women empowerment is a concept that has

good works: he may encourage patriotism and been subjected to a lot of questions over the

military training; he may promote industry, years. There will always be a section of the

sobriety and virtue among wage–earners and society who will consider women inferior to

their children by seeing to it that failures in men and thus oppose the movements to uplift

these respects receive due punishment; he may them. However, liberals have raised the

be a trustee of a university and prevent an ill- question that do women need to be

judged respect for learning from allowing the empowered. According to them, women are

employment of professors with subversive already empowered; they are strong and equal

ideas. Above all, of course, his "morals" in the to men, and what we need is to reform the

narrow sense must be irreproachable. society that makes them feel weak.

ANS - Keeping all the perspectives in mind, women

Characteristics of a good man empowerment is a significant and vital issue

According to the author, an ideally good man is that must be discussed and reflected upon by

intensely religious and avoids bad habits such us. Women have been receiving lower wages

as smoking and drinking. He does not use than men in the employment sectors for a long

obscene or indecent language and has a fear of time. It was the second wave of the Feminist

wrong doing and wrong thinking. He is Movement in the USA that fought against

professionally dutiful and takes active interest economic discrimination and demanded that

in promoting virtues such as patriotism, women receive equal pay for equal work along

industry and sobriety among workers and their with vacations and maternity benefits.

children. If possible he prevents the The process of empowerment does not happen

employment of professors with subversive overnight. People have been protesting against

ideas. discrimination on the basis of sex since the 18th

52. Write a paragraph on any one of the century, and they have come a long way.

following in approximately 200 words: Presently, we live in a society where women

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have the right to vote, equal representation in Since the residential segment utilizes the force

political forums, and the right to education. in an assortment of utilizations, this is a likely

There is a long way to go before we achieve territory to be considered for energy

equality, but we must acknowledge and enhancement. Energy conservation is a piece of

celebrate our little victories. the idea of Eco-adequacy.

(ii) Energy Conservation (iii) Importance of Good Reading Habits

There is a wide hole in the grace and intensity At this stage, reading habit helps students to be

of India, and overcoming any issues by putting prepared for the broader aspects of life. It is the

in force new stations won’t happen in not so stage that creates their future. Students score

distant future. The other option is to preserve better marks in exams if they have the habit of

each watt of energy. Energy conservation in the reading. It is because they don’t write

residential division is a valid statement to begin depending on a single book. But they read

as about 20% of the total energy created is used multiple books on a particular subject and write

for a household reconstruction, which is an their version of that which creates the

impressive offer. difference. Apart from academics, at this stage,

Local force utilization in India takes about students sometimes lose their mental peace or

one/fifth of the all-out force utilization, which is become frustrated. Reading a good book can

significantly high. Beforehand the force was restore psychological healthiness.

sponsored in all the conditions of India, and Reading helps in thinking critically. Reading

individuals (mis) used power generously helps in reducing stress by taking us to an

without agonizing over the proficiency of the unknown world full of knowledge. Practice

apparatuses. makes a man perfect. So good reading habits

On account of the economic changes, the can make you smarter than before. It will

endowment is being pulled back in power part enhance your experience to make you ready

in a staged way all through India, and the force and confident enough to participate in a

duty is steadily expanding. The individuals debate.

started to understand the requirement for Reading improves communication and writing

energy conservation. skills. A good reader becomes an excellent

Indeed, even the Government of India made a speaker and a good writer. Most of the

represent energy conservation in 2001, which successful people spend some time on reading

shows the reality of the force circumstance. every day. It is the most beautiful way to spend

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your free time while using it for your paying off their debts. The trafficked children

betterment. There are different kinds of books are forced to live in unsafe conditions and trade

available. When a person reads stories of sex or work for traffickers to meet their

successful people, s/he gets inspired. S/he families’ needs.

works hard and tries to achieve the goal. Also, Child marriage is one of the main issues in the

s/he gets to know how people faced different rural parts of the country. Young girls are

difficult situations before getting successful. So, forced to marry, at times, even to men much

s/he doesn’t get upset while facing difficult older to them. The female folks are sexually

situations. Reading good books can make good exploited, abused, treated as slaves, and are

citizens who think rationally and critically on forced to work in unhealthy conditions.

circumstances and decides accordingly. One of the leading causes of child trafficking,

53. Write a paragraph on any one of the especially in the rural areas, is the lack of

following in approximately 200 words: education and awareness. People are unaware

(i) Child trafficking of their fundamental rights and legal

(ii) Rainwater harvesting regulations to defend and protect themselves.

(iii) Impact of Covid – 19 Child traffickers easily target uneducated and

Ans- naive parents.

(i) Child trafficking Child Rights and You (CRY) Mission

Child trafficking is currently a global crime CRY or Child Rights and You is an NGO that

increasing at an alarming rate. Many factors works towards ensuring happier childhoods for

give exponential rise to child trafficking. all children. CRY’s mission focuses not only on

UNICEF estimates that in 2011 about 150 million the prevention of child trafficking but also on

children were involved in child labor in most other aspects such as the rescue mission of

developing countries. children, restoration, and the rehabilitation

Child trafficking demands more girls to exploit process of the victims. CRY is an organization

them for sexual activities. Sometimes girls are that works for the overall well-being of child

trafficked for sexual exploitation or prostitution trafficking victims.

as a part of the family business. (ii) Rainwater harvesting

Poverty is another primary contributor to child Rainwater harvesting refers to the

trafficking. Parents sell their children to accumulation, storage, and preservation of

improve their economic conditions or for rainwater for its future use. Rainwater

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harvesting is vital as it meets the local municipal ● Rainwater harvesting is an alternative to
water demands and reduces the overall capital reduce the stress of public water supply
expenditure. sources.
Rainwater harvesting meets a lot of purposes-
● Construction of deeper wells can
it can be used for industrial, domestic, and
damage the natural environment as
agricultural purposes. Rainwater can be
well as the groundwater table level.
purified before using it for drinking purposes
Therefore, the source of rainwater is
and other routine activities.
highly effective and dependable. Stored
Benefits of Rainwater harvesting:
harvested rainwater can be used as an
● Rainwater harvesting positively affects
alternative to municipal water and used
underground water quality. It dilutes the during the water crisis.
number of nitrates, fluorides, and the
● Rainwater harvesting holds vast
salinity of the underground water.
benefits. To function well, rainwater
● It contains zero hardness and almost
harvesting systems have to be
neutral pH, making it highly suitable for designed performed and maintained
industries, homes, institutions, to ensure and maintain the
industries, and other commercial quality of water. The harvested
establishments. water needs to be purified and
● Rainwater Harvesting reduces water filtered before consumption or

supply bills. for use in other purposes.

● It is an excellent method that solves the (iii) Impact of Covid – 19

water shortage crisis and lessens the The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a dramatic

energy consumption in water loss of human life worldwide and presents an

disturbance. unprecedented challenge to public health, food

systems and the world of work. The economic

● Rooftop rainwater harvesting controls
and social disruption caused by the pandemic is
urban flooding.
devastating, tens of millions of people are at
● Recharge of rainwater to the ground in
risk of falling into extreme poverty.
the coastal regions prevents the
Millions of enterprises face an existential
seawater immersion into the
threat. Nearly half of the world’s 3.3 billion
global workforce are at risk of losing their
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livelihoods. Informal economy workers are our societies, particularly in the emerging and

particularly vulnerable because the majority developing world. Only together can we

lack social protection and access to quality overcome the intertwined health and social and

health care and have lost access to productive economic impacts of the pandemic and prevent

assets. its escalation into a protracted humanitarian

The pandemic has been affecting the entire and food security catastrophe, with the

food system and has laid bare its fragility. potential loss of already achieved development

Border closures, trade restrictions and gains.

confinement measures have been preventing We must rethink the future of our environment

farmers from accessing markets, including for and tackle climate change and environmental

buying inputs and selling their produce, and degradation with ambition and urgency. Only

agricultural workers from harvesting crops, then can we protect the health, livelihoods, food

thus disrupting domestic and international security and nutrition of all people, and ensure

food supply chains and reducing access to that our ‘new normal’ is a better one.

healthy, safe and diverse diets. The pandemic 54. Elaborate any one of the following

has decimated jobs and placed millions of themes in approximately 150 words:

livelihoods at risk. (i) Be the change you want to see

Millions of agricultural workers – waged and (ii) Pen is Mightier than the Sword

self-employed – while feeding the world, (iii) United We Stand Divided We Fall

regularly face high levels of working poverty, Ans-

malnutrition and poor health, and suffer from a (i) Be the change you want to see

lack of safety and labour protection as well as We must change ourselves first in order to

other types of abuse. change the thoughts of society. But only a few

Countries dealing with existing humanitarian are seen contributing towards it. Changing

crises or emergencies are particularly exposed society’s thinking is a herculean task. It cannot

to the effects of COVID-19. Responding swiftly be done single-handedly. But if winter comes,

to the pandemic, while ensuring that can spring be left far behind? If one person is

humanitarian and recovery assistance reaches successful in changing the thoughts of others

those most in need, is critical. for good, then he can bring about a revolution.

Now is the time for global solidarity and This inspiring thought of Mahatma Gandhi itself

support, especially with the most vulnerable in stands as an example. Gandhiji molded the

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views of the society towards justice and non- a sword. This indicates that the power of writing

violence. He loved his nation. He changed is infinite, while the power of the sword is

himself and then changed society. Humans temporary.

follow other ideals. A good leader can change (iii) United We Stand Divided We Fall

the entire nation. One person cannot perform all activities alone.

Similarly, in today’s world, we need to mind our He/ she requires a team to achieve goals. When

ways of looking towards the degrading a group gets separated, each of its members

environment. Let us take a step forward and falls. Hence, unity is crucial to carry out tasks.

throw our wrappers in dustbins, conserve the The short essay on united we stand divided

environment, turn off the tap while brushing when we fall, tells why it is vital to stay united.

and be a change ourselves. Let’s work for And why we should not fight with each other.

‘Swatchh Bharat Abhiyan’ and other social Several reasons don’t allow people to stay

movements, spread awareness and change the united such as jealously, envy, which can take

world. various forms. It can be gender inequality,

(ii) Pen is Mightier than the Sword racism, or any other factor that forms a gap

Ideas have a more significant impact than between people. The feeling of staying together

violence. Force is hardly capable of swiftly imparts in our peace and harmony. If we are

changing the ideas and beliefs of the people. unified, we can achieve success sooner or later.

When new ideas influence people, changes Unity is the most significant aspect of every

occur in society. For example, the great single circle of our lives. From the united we

victories of Napoleon, Alexander and other stand divided we fall paragraph, it can be

rulers ended up in the void. Nevertheless, the concluded that strength lies in harmony, and

excellent teaching and writings of authors and disunity can lead to conflict. The feeling of

philosophers have permanent impacts that live togetherness provides moral support and

eternally in the minds of people. This is the peace in tough lives. So, instead of being

reason why a scholar is believed to rule the disunited, one should always think of staying

world with his writings, while a king can only united so that no misfortune can befall us.

rule his kingdom. 55. Write a letter to the editor of the Tribune

The "pen is mightier than the sword" is a well- in order to protest against the recent hike in

known proverb speaking about the power of school fees. (150 words)

literature. A pen can accomplish a lot more than Ans-

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House No. 921, As more and more schools focus on the profit

Second Floor, motive, schools have become unaffordable for

Sector 40/B, the poor people. Education, which is a

Jaipur. birthright, has become an impossible dream for

students hailing from lower or middle class

Date families.

Your newspaper, the Tribune, with its

To, journalistic expertise and wide reach among its

The Editor, readers can help create awareness towards

The Tribune, such socio-economic issue. In view of the same,

Industrial area, I make an earnest appeal to help today’s

Sector 29, children in getting access to their rightful

Jaipur. education. They are, after all, the future of the


Dear Sir, Yours faithfully,

In view of the enactment of 86th Amendment, ABC

2002 to our constitution, children in the age Or

group of 6-14 years have the right to Write a report describing a railway accident

compulsory education which has been included that you witnessed.

as a Fundamental Right under Article 21A. At Ans-

the same time, it is a fundamental duty of the A Railway Accident

parents and/or guardian in Part IVA Article 51A. Railway accidents have become so frequent in

However, owing to the rising cost of education recent times that hardly a month passes when

and the increasing inability of parents to pay there is no accident. There occurred a terrible

such exorbitant fees charged by various railway accident last night at Dungarpur station

schools, a large number of deserving students on Jaipur-Delhi track. The Jaipur-Delhi superfast

are being deprived of their fundamental right express bound for Delhi had run smoothly for

to compulsory education. This attitude of the two hours, after it left Jaipur Junction at 11 am.

schools is almost a mockery of our own Most of the passengers were dozing in jam-

constitution. packed compartments. Suddenly there was a

crude jolting of the carriages. Then came a

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terrible shock and the train came to a sudden of honour was presented by the President’s

loud shrieking halt. Amid the brisk rush, guards. Mr. Biden was then led to the platform

passengers were heard bewailing. The train specially erected for the purpose. In his speech,

had collided with a goods train due to a wrong Mr. Major thanked the Prime Minister of India

signaling by the pointsman. The engine and the for his warm and hearty welcome. He spoke of

two compartments has derailed and the deep relations between India and the USA

overturned. It was a horrible site to see the and expressed his desire to strengthen them

human bodies entangled into the twisted iron further. He commended India’s role in world

rubble of those compartments. Luggage was geopolitics as well as in promoting peace and

scattered all over. Dead bodies were lying harmony at international level. He reiterated

scattered amid blood and human limbs. A few his country’s concerns at the growing terrorism

living passengers were groaning; some were and to suggested means to curb it.

unconscious. Soon rescue work was Or

undertaken and the surviving passengers were Write a letter to the chairman, Punjab State

hospitalized. The villagers provided rescue to Electricity Board, Mohali, Punjab,

many. It took a week to restore normalcy. complaining about frequent instances of

56. You are a journalist, write a report on the power failure during your examinations.

arrival of an important guest at the airport. Request him to restore normalcy in the

Ans- power supply. (150 words)

India Welcomes Joe Biden House no. 721,

New Delhi, January 20, Mr. Joe Biden, President First floor,

of The United States of America, arrived here at Sector 14,

the Palam airport at 9 am (ISA). He was Mohali, Punjab

welcomed at the airport by the Prime Minister,

Mr. Narendra Modi. Mr. Biden was accorded a Date

red-carpet welcome on his arrival on a state

visit for three days. Mr. Modi, his cabinet To,

colleagues, high commissioner of USA, Mayor The Chairman,

of Delhi, Members of parliament and many Punjab State Electricity Board,

other dignitaries were present at the airport to Mohali, Punjab.

give Mr. Biden a ceremonial ceremony. A guard

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Sub: Bringing your kind attention towards Yet, the authorities concerned do not seem to

frequent power failures in Mohali. have taken my complaint seriously the last time

Dear Sir, I wrote to them.

I, a resident of sector 14, Mohali, am currently Finally, I request you to take immediate steps in

preparing for my 12th Pre-board Examinations order to deal with the problem at the earliest.

which are to be held from 1st March, 2022. I am In view of the fact that poor preparation can

finding it very difficult to cope with the frequent affect the future of students adversely, kindly

outages of power supply in our locality. These treat this matter with utmost urgency.

power failures are over and above the usual Hoping you will ensure immediate and

load shedding, which makes it impossible to necessary action.

study in the poor light and high heat conditions. Yours faithfully,

Understandably, we cannot expect to do well in ABC

the examination if this situation continues for


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