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quizzical there we go
is this Gavin
Hi Gavin
This is Jason calling from cross country mortgage screeching about that refinance
inquiry we got for your home there in Florida
I hear you Gavin. But you know, getting a raincoat is super quick, straight to the
point and totally free. Wouldn't it be great to know your options, it takes less
than 10 minutes
totally understand wanting to keep a good rate, Kevin. The cool part is though, as
a direct lender, we've got really competitive rates that could surprise you. How
about we quickly check if we can save you some money with a free quote? It's all
upside for you.
GPT taking forever? No worries, we can provide a quick theoretical without hard
credit pool. It's all online and super simple. Let's just confirm a couple of
details first, and I'll get you over to a loan officer at no time. First things
first, I'm gonna ask you some qualifying questions. Have you filed any bankruptcies
or foreclosures in the last three years?
Great, and have you missed any mortgage payments in the last 12 months?
Sounds good.
And now in the inquiry, you mentioned that the home is worth around 300,000 Is that
fairly current?
Right, so I wanted to ask you roughly how much your home is currently worth? And
roughly how much do you still owe on your mortgage?
Gotcha. Thanks for confirming that Gavin, you're all set. I'll transfer you to a
loan officer and they'll have that freeway quote for you in a jiffy. Just one
second. Okay, so a few things to note. Number one, obviously, these grey lines are
me talking on my phone simulating a customer. But number two, when we're getting
lead info from their contact record within five, nine, obviously you saw GBT
already knew their house was worth around 200,000. So it basically said, All right,
and just to confirm your home's worth around $200,000 We need to redo our
qualifying questions so that that detection still works. So in other words, we're
looking for something that's like, I think it's a string that's 80% Like roughly
how much is your home currently worth? But basically, if I say, quote, roughly how
much is your home currently worth? You'll see it go green. Instead, we need to
basically look for these qualifying questions smarter. So that now if you know we
get that lead info from five, nine or whatever dialer we're using on the customer,
we can say something like cheap you saw GBT have me say earlier, which was what?
And now in the inquiry, you mentioned that the home is worth around 300,000 Is that
really current as opposed to having to ask this for Batum. Anyway, something to
point out, but that's why that didn't work. brief walkthrough on our UI here,
customer sentiment, it's basically sentiment analysis on what the customer is
saying, obviously, the customer sounds frustrated, it'll say the customer sounds
frustrated. Here are some tips on you know, keeping them calm. Basically just
generally guide the agent in making sure the customer stays happy on the call that
they're taking called checklist right here is gonna walk the agent through the call
and make sure that they're hitting everything they need to hit as far as like their
greeting disclosures, qualifying the customer before they transfer it and then
finally the agent will be able to see okay, I'm going to transfer this and
hopefully make a sale. So this call checklist is looking for specific phrases which
I didn't really follow. But traditionally in a call centre, you'll have a specific
script you're going off of so an example That would be Hi, Kevin, this is Gavin
calling from cross country mortgage reaching out to you on a recorded line about
your mortgage inquiry for the home, they're in Florida. That should satiate greet
the customer, because obviously it follows the script that the call centre agents
would normally use. Establish your reason for the call. I said I'm reaching out
about your mortgage inquiry in Florida, that'll check that or refinancing career,
you know, whatever it may be for each individual call centre, qualify the customer
if I say she ate this last qualifying question. Roughly, how much do you still on
your mortgage? You'll see that I'll go green as well as qualify because all of our
qualifying questions have been asked. Obviously, like I said, we need to redo the
dissection on this so that it can understand not just this exact phrase, but you
know, contextually analyse and understand when this question was asked in a
different way. Also, instead of basically looking at seeing if we ask the question,
it would probably be worth it to detect the question being asked, and then also
detect what the customers answer is. So now if I asked customer, have you found any
bankruptcies or foreclosures in the last three years? And the customer says, yes,
yes, I have, I don't really want this to go green. Because they don't qualify, I
probably want it to go red. And as long as we're redoing our qualifying questions,
logic, anyway, it's probably worth doing. But anyway, getting into the details. So
assuming I greeted the customer, I told them why I was calling, and I made sure
they qualified. The last thing would be transfer convert in five, nine, that'd be
this button, we'd type in the number of the closer or whoever. And they could go
ahead and close that. That sale did transfer. Five nine will basically look at the
disposition ID on that and recognise it. Anyway, that's that's pretty much how the
checklist works. This box is all about giving the agent responses when they need
it. So in this little customer box up top, if the customer says something, for
I just don't know if I want to learn right now. You'll see GBT will eventually
reply, there it is, I completely get where you're coming from. But how about we
just get that freeway quote, so you can have all the information, it's quick,
there's no obligation and who knows, you might find the right deal for you. Now, if
we had a if we had learned an objection rebuttal that matched this, so if we, let's
say another agent in the call centre, heard, I just don't know if I want a loan
right now somebody else that we this call centre dial dial to set this to try and
get off the phone call mind would detect it and save what that agent said. And then
now if somebody says the same thing I just don't know, if I want to own right now.
Basically, call mine will query our database and find the rebuttal that is
associated and put it here, which I think I can actually show you because all I
would need is to check our database for what kind of info we have stored second.
I don't want to refinance because I have a low interest rate.
So you'll see I don't want to refinance, because I have a low interest rate, it'll
find the matching rebuttal in the database, and then I'll put it here. And I'll
tell you how effective it was on how many total attempts, we have other options
like a fixed rate mortgage or home equity line of credit that won't affect your
current low interest rates. So another agent heard this same objection, said this
to overcome it, it was the most successful that we've ever stored. So it was shown
to me, and now I can use that if I don't like what GPT came up with or, you know,
maybe GPT just doesn't understand the situation, this would be the fallback.
Assuming we've encountered this same objection before, obviously. But yeah, I mean,
that's pretty much the UI. Good.
If I can ask like no few quick questions here, please. So first is like about this
call checklist? Are we gonna have the same or are there any possibilities to get it
changed? Like the options of this call checklist? Who would get changed? Or
it would always, it's going to vary based on customer so obviously, in a mortgage
setting, this might still fit what we need. I would imagine if we were selling, I
don't know cookware, like pots and pans, it would be different. Every call centre
has different things that they want to make sure their agents are doing. Whether
it's strictly adhering to a script, in which case we would have something that
would kind of reflect that. Or if it's just kind of a baseline to go off of like
greet them, make sure they qualify and tell them why or call Calling basically
there's more that goes into these, like greet the customers basically saying, Hi,
I'm so and so calling from this place, I'm reaching out on a recorded line because
if you are calling somebody and you are recording those calls, you have to say that
legally. So this will only go green, if that is said. And then that way, a, the
supervisor of the call centre has metrics on if if his agents are breaking the law,
and B, we don't want to just make the screen if you say hi, because everybody's
gonna say that. And that doesn't help us as far as data at all. Obviously, you
know, if we were selling cookware, like in that example, we wouldn't need qualified
customer because everybody would qualify, you can buy a pan, you can buy a pan,
whoever can buy a pan. But in mortgage, obviously, we have to make sure they
qualify by asking, you know, things like Have you filed any bankruptcies? Have you
missed any payments, blah, blah, blah. So yes, this will change customer to
customer down the road, we're going to want an easy way to I don't know if there is
going to be an easy way, here's the thing, it would be nice if we got a template,
and then we made like an easy, UI based editor for that template to kind of spin
off customised instances of the programme for who we're selling it to in the
future. The problem with that is for things like the call checklists and qualifying
questions, it, it's going to be hard, because you're basically qualifying
questions, we're not going to want to look for exactly what it is because
obviously, we want to take into account like what the customer says in response to
this question. And you know, depending on their response, then we can actually say,
okay, they qualify green or you know, they don't, and then obviously, that would
affect this checklist. But things like that, it's really hard to set it up properly
the first time so that now if we're selling it to a company that does sell
cookware, I can just somebody that works at call mine can basically go in and say,
Okay, these are the qualifying questions they're gonna want their agents to ask,
this is the checklist of things, they want to make sure it gets done. Obviously,
there's going to have to be some some programming and some actual interference on
the Combine side, we can't really automate that. But in a perfect world, it would
be automated, or at least it would be automated as much as we can. Yes.
Sure, thank you. What I understand here is like no, this called check list will
depend on the industry or domain, right. And according to that checklist,
obviously, the questions will be different and varied. According again, according
to the industry is very, you have to do, okay. Okay. And one other another silly
question, please. So, if I may know, like, you know, how we are, or where we are
creating this checklist, like the options of checklists, please? How are we
currently doing that? You said? sencor. Let go. Okay.
Yep, hard coded. So basically, I mean, I would show you, I don't remember what
document it's, and basically, in one of the scripts that this runs off of, we've
hard coded, greet the customer satisfaction for the call qualify the customer. And
then we link those with other code that says, This is what that means. And then
it's just variables that satiate, basically, it's all done in code. Now the UI, if
I pull up a blank UI real quick, I think it's called Yeah. So if I pull up
our blank UI, you'll see that the call checklist and the qualifying questions are
hard coded in the UI as well. So those are static, whereas things like what the
customer is saying cheapy T's response, obviously, the transcript and the customer
sentiment analysis is done on the fly. It's generated by this local client that
we're running. And it's being sent to my UI instance, right here. Now, making
qualifying questions and the call checklist dynamic will probably serve us well,
because we can you know, whether we run a query on somebody's organisation name, so
now, you know, if I'm a call mind user, and my user profile says, I work at Cross
Country mortgage, then we can dynamically throw this college checklist and these
qualifying questions into the UI, as opposed to just anyone that goes on here has
the same ones, which is probably what we're gonna have to do. But for now, the
setup is that they are hard coded on the UI, and they correspond to specific
events, which then will kind of dynamically changed the UI, but obviously
dynamically change things that are statically on it, if that makes sense. This
whole setup is very convoluted. I know. It's complicated. I'm sorry.
I think that we can do definitely, I think a qualifying questions on the checklist
that we can dynamically pull from the back end. Business on that Agent ID or some
agenda really, because agent ID will belong to some domain, right? We'll be serving
to some contact centre like GCM or MPs or other Acme Corporation. Yeah, I would
have done that. Yeah,
I would generally say, I don't know, it depends on our approach. But even if we had
a database table that basically said, organisation, cross country mortgage, and
then we had, you know, a row or a column, excuse me for call checklist, qualifying
questions, that would make it easier because then in the onboarding process, we
could come in here, and we could say, these are the things that they want to make
sure their agents are doing for the call checklist. These are the things that they
want to make sure that their agents are asking as far as the qualifying questions.
And then let's say on another table, there's a record for Gavin Pireaus. This is as
a organisation ID blah, blah, blah, then basically, his UI can say, okay, Gavin
Pireaus, he works across country mortgage, the call checklist, and qualifying
questions that correspond to cross country mortgage are these, those would get
thrown onto the UI in the corresponding spots. The only problem again, is the logic
behind them. So you know, we can put different checklist items here and different
qualifying questions, but we have to basically figure out a way to say, Okay, this
has been satiated. Check it off. And I don't know the simple way to do that. But
obviously, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
So we need to identify the right kind of a verse or something the way mechanism
like it understands, okay, this is the exact qualifying question and identifies the
qualifying qualifying question correctly. And like Mark Seaton.
Yep. And the current logic is basically looking at what each qualifying question is
as a total sentence. And then it's running a likeness query on it. So basically, if
I say something that's, I think it's 70%, similar to this exact sentence, it'll
check a green. So you could continue to do something like that, where you know,
okay, if somebody says a sentence that's 70%, similar to whatever qualifying
question we have in the database for this organisation, then you can check it off.
But obviously, we want to look at what was said after that, to make sure that it
was actually, you know, a response that we're looking for before we mark it green.
Because if I asked this, and then the customer says, No, they don't qualify, we'd
want to market red. But you got I mean, the detection on that should be simple. We
can still run a likeness query, we want to make sure that it's a low enough value,
though, that it'll still recognise it if I ask it with different phraseology. But
yeah. And then called checklist, I imagine. It would depend, like, greet the
customer, you could do generic, so basically, Hello, my name is and then you know,
dynamic wildcard, whatever name here, I'm calling from and then whatever wildcard
thing here, that would check greet, but obviously, you know, things were not a
target audience is not mortgage. But if we did sell to someone that needs to make
sure they are saying something specific, in greet the customer with and greet the
customer, like on a recorded line, for example. We basically need that to satiate
this. But I think you could also, from a very simple perspective, do that in a in a
database table, because you'd essentially just say, what you have a column related
to well, you'd have probably two tables that correspond anyway, you have a database
entry that says, This is the car checklist item. And then corresponding to that, to
check that off, here are things that you want to look for. And then you'd have that
basically associated with it. I mean, you get it. Sure. Last year. Yes, you're a
solutions architect. But yeah, from my level.
Yeah, definitely. We have to, we have to find that activate to kind of find the
correct way to implement that. Maybe, yeah, because right now it is working, maybe
because right now maybe like 100 objections are there, or 1000s objection or the
1000 rows. But in future like we have a lot of data. It does take some more than
letter C. Right.
And another thing to keep in mind is the separation of data. So obviously, one
organization's data should be held in a different place than another's. And
obviously we can use any of them to train our models and testing improve our
product, but we obviously don't want to mix cross country mortgages data from users
or just from a setup perspective of combined with another organisations. It's gonna
be very Important. Now, I don't know if that would mean having a separate database
period for each customer or just having separate tables that are not corresponding
to each other, we'll have to strategize that. But obviously keeping data per
organisation separate should be a priority. Yes,
that is definitely yeah, because that the multi tenancy that we have kind of, we
want to add here that can be achieved, definitely that will kind of how to
implement to this kind of organism, by forget the all data to the organisation ID,
if there's any later also, you want to kind of get the data by organisation ID,
yep, there's gonna be a, there's gonna be a lot that goes into this, there's
probably going to have to be us, obviously, we know there's gonna have to be a
supervisor portal for, you know, organisation, contract managers with call mine
where they can go in and make changes to settings based on what they want their
agents to do, or what they want them to see most of the provisioning, like, if
we're going to change the checklist, we want to do that we don't obviously want to
have like the customer of calm mind, changing things on the UI or changing the
code, but giving them control over settings, that they're, they may very well want
to change within calm, and there's gonna have to obviously be a portal for them to
do that. And then along with that, there's gonna have to be call nine accounts that
they can, you know, sign in with, and then that would give them access to that.
Good idea later on, definitely thing that would be a great kind of onboarding. way
to do that. And how I can suggest, like, for example, I am an agent, and some
rebuttal did not work, whatever the suggested rebuttal did not work. And I try
something different than I think we discussed earlier, there should be a way to
kind of get the feedback from an agent, like this rebuttal worked better than the
whatever was suggested. Yep.
So call mine in its current iteration. Let me backtrack a little bit. The initial
demo of call mine, the initial version of this did do that. So where the customer
would say I just don't have time right now. And the agent said, okay, no worries,
I'll be quick, if that worked, obviously, would save it to the SQL database, which
is the suggested rebuttals you'll see populated by say, you know, a magic
objection. So it did save those and it saved, how successful they were on how many
attempts they were tried on. And then if I said something that did not end in a
conversion, in other words, I put in transfer it to a loan officer in this case,
because that would indicate that I successfully converted that customer, it would
add one number to the total attempts and keep the successful attempts the same. So
we would basically say, Okay, well, now this has been tried two times, but only one
of the times it was successful. One call it was tried on. It did do that. However,
I stopped that because I was using GPT, to basically pull that and GPT would mess
it up. And I didn't want to store bad data. So just not storing data. And having
the call recording to strategize a way to do that better later, was kind of a
priority, as opposed to storing data that you don't know is accurate. But yeah, we
can have it automatically do that I have had it automatically do that in the past.
It's just not currently doing that. But there's metrics we can use, like we like
GPT so good at language processing that we can probably honestly have it. Look, if
it identifies an objection from the customer. Look at the rebuttal that the agent
said and then look at the customer's response to that rebuttal. And then you could
do you know, things like sentiment analysis, and if it was positive, then you'd say
that worked. And if the call continued for more than 1030 or 20 seconds, then it
worked. There are metrics that we'd want to use above just conversion or not,
because you know, let's say I say a rebuttal to an objection and it works. And then
five minutes later, the customer throws me another objection and the rebuttal I use
that time doesn't two completely different objections, two completely different
rebuttals. That call wouldn't be a it wouldn't be a sale it wouldn't convert. So
then, you know, the old version of call mine would basically say okay, none of
those objections, had any rebuttals that worked, whereas some of them did. Even
though the call can lead to a sale. Right. All right. But yeah, that is also
something we need to
think think yeah, figure out a better way of we can manage that is not wrong. There
are any, any UI you have kind of in your mind like that. You You want to kind of
have it for example view. First we want to start with the some UI also. Because you
were UX is kind of our Probably one of the top priority. If you think you have
something in your mind, then we can definitely get that some rough ideas or some
rough wireframes or sub references. And then you can kind of pass that to our UI UX
team, and made over Daikon, then from. From that, that point, they can take forward
and kind of groom that and make some more enhancement.
some preliminary things that I've thought about the suggested rebuttal section.
Obviously, as time goes on, when coal mines used in a call centre, it's going to
learn more and more rebuttals to objections. However, this is taking up a third of
our usable space more than a third of our usable space on the UI, and 75% of the
time, we don't have one stored. So basically, if there is not a rebuttal found in
our SQL database, for any given objection, this should be hidden. And then we would
have more space for obviously, an AI response and the customer, whatever they said,
in case, you know, what they said goes bigger than this little tiny space that they
have. Overall, making things more dynamic would probably be preferred. The driving
philosophy behind any UI improvements is going to be based on
ease of readability. So if I'm, if I'm an agent, taking a call at the customer is
going to get a little bit
apprehensive if they say something, and I take 20 seconds to respond. But if
there's this much text on this UI, and I have to basically search around for what I
should be saying, that might take me a few seconds, and it leads to something
really uncomfortable. Because if I'm talking to use a lesson, and you say, Well, I
just don't know if I want to do that right now. And I'm sitting here waiting for
five seconds trying to figure out okay, is this what I'm supposed to be reading?
What about this? What about this? What is this just went green? It's distracting me
What is that, it's going to lead to some problems. So dynamically hiding things,
maybe not dynamically, adding things dynamically showing things that are relevant
at that very moment is what should be driving the UI design, as opposed to having
it all here all changing constantly, it distracts from what the agent can, can see
and do and what they can respond to in a timely manner. So, you know, maybe most of
this is hidden, and it's just sentiment analysis, a checklist that's not so
distracting, you know, maybe tucked away somewhere, or, or maybe not completely
visible at all, maybe we just get the metrics from called checklists like, Okay,
this agent checks this box 95% of the time, on transferred calls this 180 7% of the
time, so on so forth, we give that information to the supervisor, and we just alert
the agent when they're good to transfer and convert. You know, maybe they don't
need to see, oh, great calm, I'd recognise that I greeted the customer. Maybe we
just take the data, that of how often the agent actually does it on calls that they
transfer, because that's when it matters. And just let the agent know, hey, you
have everything you need to go ahead and sell this product to the customer. I mean
that that's an easy way to get rid of this checklist and take more focus off of
things that shouldn't be focused on. And things like that, you know, hiding suggest
a rebuttal if there's not one, boom. Because beyond that, you have sentiment
analysis, which you're probably going to want to look at, you know, if somebody's
getting frustrated, GPT can tell you how to calm down and continue on and not waste
that lead. You're going to want to see what the customer just said to make sure
that you know, Cole mind understood it properly. And that GPT is responding to what
they actually said as opposed to Miss Miss hearing it and giving you something that
you shouldn't be saying because you don't really have time to read that this,
obviously, like I don't have time to read GPT response through all the way before I
read it to the agent or before I read it to the customer to know that it was good.
So that's kind of where this comes from. Because basically, as they say, I can say
okay, yep, that's what they said. I know GBT responded to what they actually said
and it was correct. And then I can just read that immediately.
Yes, the bottom line, yeah. So I got the point. The bottom line is like, at any
point during the conversation, the UI must kind of help the agent to quickly
identify what is kind of where the agent should look into in this UI. Like whether
it is a rebuttal or whether or something he got a response or something on it
transcribed. So that you should not be confused like where, where now, the agent
should look into like whether in a checklist or qualifying question on transcriber.
rebuttal for instead, like the UI, UX, supernova Alpecin, to kind of get his
attention or some other mechanism to quickly help him, like, Okay, this is
something kind of used in production,
All right, instead of like the UI, UX, supernova, all Belgian to kind of get his
attention or some other mechanism to quickly help him. Like, okay, this is
something kind of used in production, right?
Yeah, yep. And what obviously, there's two ways to do that. One way is to make it
flash or get their attention. And the other way is to cut down on the number of
things you can look at. So obviously, a lien into both things, we can get rid of a
good conscience, we can do that with like I talked about like with called
checklist. And then obviously, let's say GPT, comes up with a response to something
they just said, Maybe this box flashes, maybe there's a colour change that happens,
something to draw attention, and also minimise the distracting factors of the UI
that don't need to be here all the time. Maybe we hide the transcript, find a
button, where now if the agent forgot, an important number, or an important phrase
that the customer said, they can just click that and then this will appear. And
then they can scroll up and find it, as opposed to this just constantly changing in
their eyes kind of going over to it naturally, because it's changing, things like
Another thing, like
kind of a wishlist feature, eventually would be, we're running logic on this
transcript. So now, you know, when the customer says, I don't know, price or a
number that would be identified, and then we can kind of put that easily accessible
for the agent. So that now if the agent says, Well, how much is your house
currently worth the customer response? There would be a number in this in this
transcript, right, and one other text bubbles, it'd be nice if call mine basically
identified that and said,
values of note.
Customer stated, customer stated, you know, colon, and then home value, and then
the number that they said, remaining on the mortgage value they currently said, we
can pull data that we think might be relevant to the agent, and make it easily
accessible so that they don't have to scroll up 5000 messages and try and read what
they said on a call because they won't have time to do that. So that's another
thing that we could build on and that we probably should.
Yeah, I think that value in front of the kind of urgency. Always give them a
context like okay, this is something what we have talked about.
Yep. And then obviously, God,

I'm sorry, going. I was just saying that, like, my Wi Fi went off, and I had to
restart that I pretty much mistaken realisation of last five to seven minutes, but
I'll go through the recording. Yeah. Yeah, worries. No worries.
One question, Gavin, on the UI UX side, do you have any kind of style guide? So for
example, every like most of the company, how like branding, the branding and
colours and something they have, they have defined like, they want to go with these
colours. Oddly, they have defined some colours for the brand and font and size and
something like, if you have something that, then we can turn it off, definitely we
will kind of leverage that. And will, that style guide will kind of guide us to
design and kind of this UI and enhance this UI. Yeah, if you do not have, and you
want us to develop that also, we can do so.
Yeah, that's a good idea. So it just generally across call centres. They don't like
product branding. So obviously, on the UI, we don't want to put call
anywhere on here, because the the leaders of the call centre don't want their
agents to know what it is and then go to a new call centre and say, Hey, I use this
really cool thing on my last job, it's called call mind. And they would know that
because they see the logo, and now they're competing with their previous. But these
call centres do like to white label it with their branding. And initially, that was
what this I don't know if you can see this wider bar up top. But that's what this
was for. So basically, now let's say we sell it to cross country mortgage, cross
country mortgage can just basically slap their logo right here. And then it looks
like it's an in house kind of software solution. So yes, we want to allow them to
white label it. And maybe that's as simple as in that supervisor UI or that
supervisor, customer, you know, customer facing portal that we talked about. Maybe
in there, they can just upload a logo png and then that'll just dynamically throw
it on the UI. I'm fine with that. As far as font, I think we want to control the
font, because we don't want these supervisors that aren't really tech savvy or not
actually on the phones to basically specify a font and size and a colour that is
not easily readable, because that's going to make it look like our product is
underperforming, when in actuality, they misconfigured the low end, right, we want
to keep that out of their hands. But as far as colour palette, I'm not against
that, because you know, like for Progressive Insurance, if you're familiar, they're
white and blue, this would match perfectly. But if we go to CCM, and they want to
use their what are their colours, I think it's dark grey and green. Sure, I don't
care, as long as it doesn't affect the readability. So maybe, again, in that
supervisor portal, it'll allow you to use a colour picker, you can upload your
logo, and then pick the colours off that and this background, you know, things that
aren't these boxes that need to stay white so that you can read the text, maybe
those things change. And then the background that's not you know, the white behind
this black text will be dark, and then the something else would be another colour.
That's also fine. We can give them as much customization as we want. I mean,
ideally, they're going to want to make it what they need it to be beyond what
obviously we pre programmed for them before handing it over. But we obviously don't
want to do things like give them control over things that might make coal mine
perform worse than it should like, obviously, like a good example would be changing
the text and size colour of that because we want it readable. I'm open to
customization so long as it doesn't make us look bad and that our products
underperforming because they misconfigured.
Yes, I think yeah, we can definitely like we should leave that option for
customization like the Adyen, like, text colour in the background, one colour
background. So we can, okay we in allow a logo or to upload some branding for the
company, the number that png something and allow some customization on font font
size, one colour and background.
Cool. I've got that ready to go.
So just one quick question. I haven't talked about anything on search
functionality, would we need any search on the text, which is being like generated
over here in this corner right corner?
On this, that's a good idea. Actually, I didn't think about that. In that
supervisor portal, we're going to have where the leader of the call centre can go
in and view data and metrics for his call centre. I think that would be useful
there. Because now if they want to search a specific objection, they can do that.
And if they want to search for a specific response to an objection, they can do
that. So if they hear something, and they think, Well, I don't know if I want my
agent saying that they can just go in there and search it and see if it's actually
effective. And then if it is great, and if not, okay, stop saying that guys,
whatever. The agent, I don't think needs it. I think it would just detract from
what they're supposed to be looking at, kind of convoluted the UI. But we want to
give each call centre, the absolute most insight into their data. And that would go
along with that in the form of a function on the supervisors UI. So we we need to
focus on being really, really good at making their data accessible and give them
everything we have, as far as looking into what's working in their call centre,
what's not who's asking the questions they need to who's not on calls that people
say this specific rebuttal? How effective is it? How successful are the sales that
happen after that? It'd be great if I was a leader of a call centre and I could
basically go into call mind and say, Okay, well, I see that on calls that somebody
says they don't have time, we are only converting 25% of them. And then you know,
you'll obviously have a bunch of rebuttals for that objection. But just from a high
level, if people say they don't have time, it's really hard to convert them that
would be something that would be helpful to know.
So from a high perspective,
giving these call centre leaders the absolute most data and an easy way to organise
it, look through it and find what they want to should be a priority. And I think
search search kind of falls under that umbrella, which is a good idea. Thanks. I
didn't think about it.
And that and also like when I was exploring a net, like attached to perspective
giving the past back down to supervisor, they also use kind of tech take this
entire task, like Kenosha and send it to kind of a judge deputy and get somebody
out of that. So that somebody they know where we can have a resume to the
supervisor, the supervisor does not have to go through the entire conversation. And
the task isn't
that somebody can read through these things and kind of help the leader of the call
centre, you know, extrapolate the relevant data as opposed to them going and
looking for it, that would be obviously very valuable as well. We want to give them
the ability to find whatever they want, but they shouldn't have to find it on their
own. So again, it's a good guiding philosophy for how we strategize that moving
forward. That supervisor interface should be infinitely powerful, you can do
anything you need to or want to do. But you don't have to, to extrapolate the
values, you can have some kind of goal.
One quick question I just wanted to ask, if you have some kind of dashboard, or,
you know, reporting or measures metrics, the supervisor interface.
The supervisor, we don't have one currently, but that supervisory interface that
we're kind of preliminarily strategizing right now, that would be the home of that
data. And it would probably be where I think I called this out a long time ago. I
know we're discussing a million in one different things, but I all of these things
are going to have to be done at some point. I mean, we could really kind of in this
call focus on the the foundational stuff, like, you know, we're gonna have build
out sessions for story items, I think we're gonna have a call on that what I think
we call it out Thursday, Friday, tomorrow or Friday, and that we can get really
foundational, but from a high level to answer your question. That supervisor
interface is going to be the home of all the data across the call centre, it is
probably worth having an agent specific endpoint or UI or portal where they can go
in and see what's working for them. And areas they can improve. Which would be easy
to strategize, because, you know, basically, you'd have GPT, read through all their
calls. And he would basically say, hey, when you say this, your wording could be
better. And maybe this wording will lead to more conversions. And you know, maybe
you should stop saying this totally, because it doesn't look like it's working. per
agent, we can give agents everything they need to be successful on the phone, and
we can minimise these calls, that they're fumbling, tenfold, we should do that. And
then obviously giving the supervisor access to all the data they could ever want is
also important. The agent however, we don't need to get that, you know, in depth,
we don't need to give the agent the ability to search. Well, they can have the
ability to search. But you know what I mean? We don't need to give them the massive
amount of data or access to massive amount of data a supervisor will have, we
basically just need to use the data, we have to tell the agent, what they should be
doing more of what they should be doing less of some quick things they can adjust
to be more successful.
Yes, I think makes sense.
to kind of get all data, so bases on that supervisor kind of make action perform
better. And then what are the goals to solve? Yep,
supervisors spend a lot of their time making sure their agents stop saying things
that they don't think works. And supervisors spend a lot of time training their
agents. If the agent has their own call mine portal, they can just go there and
call me they'll do it for them take a lot of the pressure off the leadership of the
call centre that'll win us a lot of brownie points. Got it? Yep. And obviously
before we can go into making either of these user facing portals, whether it be
supervisor or agent we have to build out really, really, really good data storage
and reporting. Yes, chicken before the egg. Yeah. So strategizing, what data we're
going to keep and how we're going to get it and how we're going to know if it's
good or not, is a whole different conversation that has to happen before all that
but just to kind of increase team understanding of what we're trying to do we can
kind of from a high level talk through some of these things so that we know what
our end goal is.
Yes, so that is definitely a we will kind of attain from architecture per se.
Active, like, all better, we can kind of structure the data that can help us to get
all actionable insights.
I think I'm good. Okay. So far.
Yeah, if anybody has any more questions, shoot in my way, obviously, tomorrow or
Friday, whenever you guys have availability, we'll we'll schedule our first our
first year a work session where we'll build out epics. And we'll start building out
some user stories for the development team. In that call, we're gonna get very
foundational, obviously, we're going to have to strategize what epics we're going
to start with. And then we're gonna have to dive into those epics and start
building out some very foundational user stories. And we can't get ahead of
ourselves, because these user stories that we create tomorrow are going to be the
first things that these devs work on. So things like rebuilding web servers as
containerized apps rebuilding our way of handing out the UI as a React app,
rebuilding the UI, those are going to be the foundational efforts that allow us to
get into the nitty gritty, like we just talked about in the future. Tomorrow, we'll
be very nearsighted and focused on First things first. And then obviously, as we
slow burn further and further with development, and we have all this groundwork set
up, we can get more into okay, what data do we need to store? How do we need to
store it? Stuff like that. But tomorrow will be a lot easier to handle, I think, or
I think what we can do is we can have a one click on tomorrow. Instead, guys, okay,
for the working sessions. How about you Silesian?
Yes, I'm all level before then I think we need some high level epics to be created.
we can also create those in our working session tomorrow. I don't mind either way.
I think obviously, from from a high level, some of the beginning epics are, you
know, obviously going to be strategizing a new UI, and then how we're going to
basically vet that and you know, strategizing, migrating these servers to
containerized instances and making sure they're scalable and stuff like that. It's
all very, very groundwork. But I'm not opposed to, to creating those epics
tomorrow. And then if we have capacity creating those user stories.
Okay, I'm available tomorrow, same day, we're saying,
How long do we want to allocate? We want to, ideally, I think the development team
is good to start first week of January. So that gives us what, less than a week, I
mean, obviously, if it takes longer to build out the items that they would need, we
can wait to bring them on. But time is of the essence. So as much as we can get
done tomorrow in terms of getting something for them to start working on, the
better. And then as they work through that, in that sprint, we can obviously have
another working session and build out more items to kind of stay ahead of them. But
I don't know.
an hour, an hour and a half, two hours. I don't care how long goes it's more what
you guys have capacity for tomorrow.
Let's say what is your take on this, please? What is your availability?
I'm a little more than an hour to one hour, so we can schedule it for an hour. But
like, just we can keep it some like half an hour of going with like, if you go when
you have extra for half an hour. So in total one and a half for maximum. Yes. Yes,
that makes sense.
We can do that tomorrow.
School 10 to 1130.
All right. Well, I'm
happy with our call today. I think it was productive. I hope everybody understands
a little bit better. Obviously, I don't expect you to retain everything we talked
about. But hopefully you'll have a better understanding of the direction we want to
go in and kind of what our end product will look like. Obviously tomorrow we'll get
into what we're going to be working through now.
Sure given.
Yes, I think this was definitely productive, I would say. So we understand this
better from a UX perspective, why? Why do you want to kind of looking forward to
enhance it specifically, on the functionality perspective also?
Right. And go, and if you can just please post his feet on the chair if it's okay.
Yeah, no problem.
I know when previous calls we've had when I wasn't the owner, and somebody recorded
it, I didn't have access to that recording. And so I imagine if I put it in this
chat, you probably won't have access either. So I will try to pull this recording
and then I'll probably just throw it in SharePoint or something and just email you
guys the link and make sure you have read access. Because I think if I throw it in
teams, you won't, because I haven't historically, but I'll get it over to you. Long
story short.
Thank you. All right.
Thank you guys.
I appreciate the time. Looking forward to getting into some of this stuff with you
guys tomorrow.
We'll see you tomorrow. Yeah.
Thank you so much, everyone. Thank you.

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