Kumar Manish Rent Agreement

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This Rent Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into on this

[28/02/2024], between:

Ram Chandara Shah
S/o Jai Kishun Shah
[Address: Maharaji Pokhar, Purani Gudri Road, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, 842002]

Kumar Manish
1. Premises:
The Landlord hereby agrees to lease out a shop located at Maharaji Pokhar,
Purani Gudri Road, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, 842002 (hereina er referred to as the
"Premises") to the Tenant, for the sole purpose of commercial ac vi es.

2. Term:
The term of this Agreement shall commence on [Start Date] and shall con nue
on a monthly basis therea er un l terminated in accordance with the terms

3. Rent:
The Tenant shall pay a monthly rent of INR 10,000 (Indian Rupees Ten
Thousand Only) to the Landlord. The first month's rent shall be paid in advance
upon the execu on of this Agreement. Addi onally, the Tenant shall provide a
security deposit equivalent to two months' rent, totaling INR 20,000, which
shall be refunded to the Tenant upon the termina on of this Agreement,
subject to any deduc ons for damages to the Premises beyond reasonable
wear and tear.

4. Electricity:
The Tenant shall be responsible for paying all electricity bills associated with
the Premises during the term of this Agreement.

5. Termina on:
Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing six (6) months'
advance wri en no ce to the other party. In the event that the Tenant fails to
pay rent for two (2) consecu ve months, the Landlord shall have the right to
terminate this Agreement immediately without further no ce.
6. Use:
The Premises shall only be used for commercial purposes as agreed upon by
both par es.

7. Governing Law:
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
laws of the State of Bihar, India.

8. En re Agreement:
This Agreement cons tutes the en re understanding and agreement between
the par es concerning the subject ma er herein and supersedes all prior
agreements, whether wri en or oral.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the par es hereto have executed this Agreement as of

the date first above wri en.


Ram Chandara Shah……………………………………..


Kumar Manish …………………………………………….



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