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Launching of children typically empty nest.

(viii) Typically, women become more assertive, men more nurturant and
(ix) For some, career success and earning powers peak; for others "burn-
out" occurs.
(x) For a minority, there is a mid-life "crisis".
8. Late Adulthood. This is period ranging from 65 years of age and over.
The following important changes take place during this period: (i) Most people hearty and
active, although heath and physical abilities decline somewhat.
(i) Most people are mentally alert. Although intelligence and memory
deteriorate somewhat, most people find ways compensate.
(ii) Slowing of reaction time affects many aspects of functioning.
(iii) Need to cope with losses in many areas (loss of one's own faculties,
loss of loved once).
(iv) Retirement from work force creates more leisure time by many reduce
economic circumstances.
(v) Need arises to find purposes in life to face impending death.

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