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School Uniforms Equal Success

“Pupils should wear school uniforms as they provide many benefits.” Do you agree or disagree?

Kristina Hartmanová

27th January 2023

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"You need to focus your decision-making energy. You need to routinize yourself. You

can't be going through the day distracted by trivia."

Barack Obama1

The debate over whether school uniforms are necessary has raged for years, and with an

increasing number of schools adopting uniforms in recent years, the issue is becoming more

visible. It was primarily a private school code, but it is now spreading to public schools, and

celebrities have attributed their success to uniforms, fueling the debate.2

School uniforms are an essential part of school life. They convey a sense of unity,

belonging and equality. Despite many claims to the contrary, a child's individuality can come to

the fore when he or she wears a uniform. And since children no longer have to spend hours

looking for the perfect outfit for school, they have more time for other activities.

Lewis, Michael. 2012. “Michael Lewis: Obama’s Way | Vanity Fair.” Vanity Fair. Vanity Fair. September 11, 2012.
Bloem, Craig. 2018. “Why Successful People Wear the Same Thing Everyday.” Www.Inc.Com. February 20, 2018.
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School uniforms unite students by removing the "haves" and "have-nots" and forming a

unified team. When you see others dressed similarly to you, you feel a sense of pride and unity.

It functions similarly to a sports team and its shared uniform. A sports team works as a unit to

achieve a common goal: victory. Students who wear uniforms feel the same sense of belonging

but instead of the common goal being victory it’s a feeling of school pride. Bullying is reduced

because all children wear the same outfits, which makes social differences less visible and less

likely to be used as motivation for harmful acts against other students. Students who wear

uniforms are more visible to one another and the public. As a result, while wearing the uniform,

students are less likely to commit acts that draw unwanted attention to themselves or the school. 3

Both students and teachers benefit from uniforms. They help teachers keep students safe because

anyone who isn't wearing a uniform stands out on the school grounds. Students can easily be

identified in a crowd while on excursions, reducing at least some stress for teachers. Overall,

uniforms contribute to a safer and thus happier environment for everyone.

Many people argue that forcing children to wear uniforms hides their individuality, but

this is untrue. Personal style may be understated, but if they want to stand out from the crowd or

get their personality across through the medium of fashion they can. Uniforms can be tailored to

their liking without having to cut anything. Earrings, bracelets, shoes, and other accessories can

bring out a person's sense of style. The school's dress code usually allows for all of these items.

Their confidence in other areas grows as the emphasis on fashion decreases. Communication

skills improve as a child learns to express himself or herself verbally rather than relying on his or

her fashion sense.

Alleyne, Sylvan I., Velma LaPoint, Jennifer Lee, and Harold W. Mitchell. 2003. “Black Educators’ Views on Middle
School Students’ Dress and Uniforms: Addressing Challenges from Commercialism.” The Journal of Negro
Education, no. 4: 418.
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When you don't have to spend hours looking for the perfect outfit, you have more time

for other, more productive activities. Children who do not wear uniforms may spend hours each

week in front of the mirror trying on outfits for the following day of school. Stress from this can

result in depression and anxiety.4 Wearing a uniform can alleviate all of this. As a result, a child

can concentrate on more important matters such as schoolwork and after-school activities. As a

result, your child will be well-rounded and happy, and he or she will succeed in school and life.

Many celebrities wear uniforms and attribute their success to them, including Barack Obama,

Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg. Barack Obama alternates between a blue and grey suit. Steve

Jobs famously wore a black turtle neck. Mark Zuckerberg wears the same t-shirt every day. They

do this so as not to waste time on trivial things like deciding what to wear every day.

In conclusion, the benefits of wearing a school uniform far outweigh the drawbacks. As

the playing field is levelled, children form stronger bonds with their school and classmates. The

individuality of a child is not hidden behind the uniform, but rather manifests itself through a few

specific choices. Their confidence grows as they rely on communication and their other

personality traits to get their point across. Because they don't have to spend hours looking for the

perfect outfit, they have more time for more important social skills. Uniforms are not the panacea

for the world's problems, but they are a step in the right direction towards helping our children

live happier and fuller lives by focusing on what matters rather than the triviality of what they

have to wear to school the next day.

LaPoint, Velma, Sylvan I. Alleyne, Harold W. Mitchell, and Jennifer Lee. “Attitudes of Youth of Color on Student
Dress and Uniforms: A Case of Commercialism in Schools.” The Journal of Negro Education 72, no. 4 (2003): 406–
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