Exam Unit5 A2 Gold Experience

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Name: ________________________________________________ Date: __________________


1. Read this conversation about Emily and Paul’s plans for today

Scrabble day
EMILY: Hi Paul! What are you doing today?
PAUL: I’m seeing my dentist at three o’clock in the afternoon. Have you got any plans for today?
EMILY: I’m meeting John and Jane at the cafe. We’re going to play Scrabble. Maybe, you might
join us after your appointment at the dentist's.
PAUL: Sounds good. I think my appointment will finish at four o’clock. I’ll call you when it finishes;
then I can join you.
EMILY: Great! We’re going to talk about the Interrail. We’ll need your advice.
PAUL: Alright! I’ll give you very valuable information about the trip. Look! Andy is coming.
EMILY: Oh no! He’s going to see me! He lent me his Geography book, and I’ve lost it. Now, he’ll
probably ask me about it.
PAUL: OK. I got it.
EMILY: Bye, Paul.

2. Are these sentences true or false? (1p.)

a) Paul won’t be at the dentist's after three o’clock today. ______
b) Paul can meet Emily and others after his appointment. ______
c) Paul is leaving the dentist at four o’clock. _____
d) Paul doesn't know anything about an Interrail trip. ______
e) Emily isn’t going to see Andy. ______
f) John, Jane and Emily have planned to play Scrabble in the café. ______

3. Complete the sentences with the correct words. (tip: they are about means of transport)

a) Holland is the country that has more ________________ than citizens.

b) Traveling by________________ is the safest means of transport.
c) You can give your uncle a ________________ flight, it's a new experience so they can see
the city from the sky.
d) _________ a horse is a good way to take a route through the countryside.
e) This summer I am going to rent a ________________ to spend a week on the sea with my
f) We are going to take a _____________ trip to Lisbon. We will go 25 people.
g) At the age of 18 you can _________________ a ______________.

4. Match the words (1p.)

a) Yatch Coach/Bus station

b) Bike
c) Bus Airport
d) Coach
e) Ferry Train station
f) Plane
g) Train Harbour/Por
5. Complete these sentenses with the correct form of the verbs. Use the future with GOING TO.

a) The dog is dirty. We ____________________________ (wash) him.

b) I ____________________________ (visit) my grandparents on Saturday.
We____________________________ (eat) at a restaurant tonight. It’s my mum’s birthday.
c) Paul ____________________________ (play) basketball later.
d) When __________________you ____________________________ (study) for the test.
e) My mum __________________________ (not work) this week. She’s on holiday.
f) What _________________ you ____________________________(do) this afternoon?

6. Look at the pictures of Tom’s plans for next week and complete the sentences below. Use
the PRESENT CONTINUOUS and the words in the box. (1p.)

Invite a friend for lunch Do his homework Go to the library

Go to the park Play tennis Help his grandma
See a film

1 On Monday, Tom ___________________________________________________________

2 On Tuesday, he _____________________________________________________________
3 On Wednesday, he ___________________________________________________________
4 On Thursday, he _____________________________________________________________
5 On Friday, he _______________________________________________________________
6 On Saturday, he _____________________________________________________________
7 On Sunday, he ______________________________________________________________

7. Lucy is going to go to a new school next year. Write questions. Look at what Lucy thinks and
answer the questions. (1p.)

a) she / go / to school by bus

Will she go to school by bus?
No, she won’t. She will go to school by car
b) she / have / many friends

c) she / have / an old teacher


d) she / study English


8. Listen to four people talking about their futures and choose the correct option for each
question. (2p.)

A. Which speaker(s) will study drama?

c.Rebecca and Greg
d.Sarah and Rebecca

B. Which speaker(s) will study care work at the local college?

c.Rebecca and Sarah
d.Sarah and Greg

C. Which speakers will continue to do the job they are doing now? Choose TWO correct

D. Which speaker(s) will work with computers in the future?

a.Paul and Greg
d.Rebecca and Paul

E. Which speaker(s) lost a job during COVID 19 lockdown? Choose TWO correct answers

F. Which speakers found a job during COVID 19 lockdown? Choose TWO correct answers
9. Write an email to your friend about the school trip to
Lisbon. (2p.)
1. Beginning
2. Where are you going? When? How are you getting there?
3. What are you going to do? What will you take with you?
4. Ending


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