Social Studies Interest Inventory-1

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Social Studies Interest Inventory

Teaching Notes

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Name ______________________
Social Studies Interest Inventory
What do you want to learn about? How do you want to learn?
1. What are your favorite ways to learn during Social 6. What are your favorite parts of Social Studies?
Studies? Drag a check next to your top 3. Drag a check next to your top 3.

____ group projects ____ online research ____ maps ____ online research

____ reading books ____ watching videos ____ famous people ____ speeches

____ center rotations ____ field trips ____ dates + timelines ____ interviews

____ making posters, brochures, presentations ____ photographs ____ diary entries

2. What is the most interesting thing you’ve ever Drag a circle over YES or NO for each of the questions.
learned about in Social Studies?
Do you enjoy…
7. ...learning about animals? YES NO
3. What famous people are you interested in learning
8. ...looking at maps? YES NO
more about?
9. ...looking at art? YES NO
10. ...listening to new music? YES NO
4. What time in history are you interested in learning
more about? 11. ...learning about new technology? YES NO
12. ...chapter books read aloud? YES NO

5. What’s your favorite way to work? Rank these choices, with 1 being your favorite and 3 being your least favorite.

____ by yourself ____ with a partner ____ in small groups © Teaching is the Sweetest
Name: Type here
Social Studies Interest Inventory
What do you want to learn about? How do you want to learn?
1. What are your favorite ways to learn during Social 6. What are your favorite parts of Social Studies?
Studies? Write a check next to your top 3. ✓ ✓ ✓ Write a check next to your top 3. ✓ ✓ ✓

____ group projects ____ online research ____ maps ____ online research

____ reading books ____ watching videos ____ famous people ____ speeches

____ center rotations ____ field trips ____ dates + timelines ____ interviews

____ making posters, brochures, presentations ____ photographs ____ diary entries

2. What is the most interesting thing you’ve ever Draw a circle over YES or NO for each of the questions.
learned about in Social Studies?
Do you enjoy…
Type here
7. ...learning about animals? YES NO
3. What famous people are you interested in learning
8. ...looking at maps? YES NO
more about?
Type here 9. ...looking at art? YES NO
10. ...listening to new music? YES NO
4. What time in history are you interested in learning
more about? 11. ...learning about new technology? YES NO
Type here 12. ...chapter books read aloud? YES NO

5. What’s your favorite way to work? Rank these choices, with 1 being your favorite and 3 being your least favorite.

# by yourself
____ # with a partner
____ # in small groups
____ © Teaching is the Sweetest

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