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1. What is First Aid?

A. Immediate Care given to sick/injured individuals when EMS arrives

B. Immediate Care given to sick individuals before EMS arrives

C. Immediate Care given to sick/injured individuals before EMS arrives

D. Immediate Care given to injured individuals when EMS arrives

2. You approach a conscious victim but they refuse assistance. The victim lapses into an
unconscious state, what should you do?

A. Permission is ‘implied’ if the victim is unconscious

B. Call EMS and begin to give care

C. Call 911 and wait until professional help arrives

D. A and B are correct

3. Which of these is not considered a body substance?

A. Phlegm

B. Pus

C. Skin

D. Urine

4. You should suspect that a victim has head and spinal injuries if

A. The victim fell from a height greater than their own

B. The victim is found unconscious for unknown reasons

C. The victim suffered from a lightning strike

D. All of the above

5. A casualty is bleeding severely from the right calf. You have applied direct pressure and
elevation of the leg but the bleeding continues. What do you do?

A. Apply pressure at the Carotid artery

B. Apply pressure at the Femoral Artery

C. Apply pressure at the Popliteal Artery

D. Apply pressure at the Brachial Artery

6. How do we check a casualty for normal breathing?

A. Holding a mirror to the casualty’s mouth

B. Looking for chest movement, listening and feeling for normal breathing

C. Putting your ear to the casualty’s chest

D. Looking and listening for any signs of movement

7. How long do you check to see if an unconscious casualty is breathing normally?

A. No more than 10 seconds

B. Approximately 10 seconds

C. At least 10 seconds

D. Exactly 10 seconds

8. How should you open the airway of an unconscious casualty?

A. Jaw Thrust

B. Head tilt chin lift

C. Head tilt and Jaw Thrust

9. You are performing a scene survey and a patient has a green tag, what does that mean?

A. The patient is dead

B. The patient needs immediate attention

C. The patient has minor injuries

D. The patient needs medical care but the injury is not life threatening

10. Which method of priority of treatment is correct?

A. Breathing, Broken bones/burns, bleeding, other conditions

B. Severe bleeding, breathing, bones/burns, other conditions

C. Bones/burns, breathing, , bleeding, other conditions

D. Severe bleeding, bones/burns, breathing, other conditions

11. A person who is unconscious, not breathing, has a weak pulse, needs


B. Heimlich maneuver

C. Rescue Breathing

D. All of the above

12. For CPR on an adult, the compression to breaths ratio is..

A. 5:1

B. 2:30

C. 15:1

D. 30:2

13. Which of the following could indicate internal bleeding in the stomach?

A. Bright red frothy blood coughed up

B. Dark red blood vomited

C. Smoky urine

D. Black tarry motions from the rectum

14. A casualty is bleeding severely, what order of treatment is correct?

A. Call EMS, lay casualty down, apply dressing, apply direct pressure and elevate limb

B. Apply dressing, lay casualty down, call EMS, apply direct pressure and elevate limb

C. Lay casualty down, apply dressing, apply direct pressure and elevate limb, call EMS

D. Apply direct pressure and elevate limb, lay casualty down, call EMS, apply dressing

15. A casualty has cut their finger. What do you NOT do?

A. Apply antiseptic solution

B. Put a plaster on the wound

C. Apply direct pressure if necessary

D. Wash with main tap water

16. Casualty has an Avulsion. What should you do?

A. Use a tourniquet to stop all blood flow

B. Initially, allow the wound to bleed a little to reduce infection

C. If no bones are broken, apply direct pressure and elevate injured area

D. Both A & C

17. What causes angina?

A. Insufficient blood flow to the arms

B. Insufficient blood flow to the heart muscles

C. Insufficient blood flow to the lungs

D. Insufficient blood flow to the brain

18. Which is not a type of stroke?

A. Hemorrhagic

B. Menstrual

C. Cardiac

D. Ischemic

E. Both A & D

F. Both B & C

19. If you suspect stroke in a casualty, what test should you perform?





20. There are ______types of bleeds.

A. 5

B. 4

C. 3

D. 2

21. Which would you do when caring for a seizure victim?

A. Remove nearby objects that might cause injury

B. Place a small object between the victim’s teeth

C. Try to hold the victim still

D. All of the above

22. What is the treatment for a casualty who is sweating profusely, confused and has a history of

A. Give rehydration salts

B. Give sugary drink or food

C. Give a banana

D. Give water

23. Which of the following can cause a stroke?

A. A blood clot in an artery in the lungs

B. A blood clot in an artery in the brain

C. A blood clot in a coronary artery

D. A blood clot in the leg

24. If an individual suffers from severe allergies, they should always walk with

A. Aspirin

B. Insulin

C. Adrenaline (Epipen)

D. Glucose

25. CPR can be performed in water.

A. True

B. False

26. What should your FIRST action be when treating an electrical burn?

A. Check level of responsiveness

B. Check ABC

C. Check for danger and ensure that casualty is not in contact with electrical source

D. Start CPR

27. In general, a splint should be?

A. Loose, so that the victim can still move the injured limb

B. Tied with cravats over the injured area

C. Snug, but not so tight that it slows circulation

D. None of the above

28. A colleague is experiencing heat cramps during a workout. You should

A. Apply cold packs

B. Have the victim walk slowly to get rid of the cramp

C. Massage the muscle to increase circulation

D. Give cold water or sports drink

29. What medical condition will develop from severe blood loss?

A. Anaphylaxis

B. Shock

C. Hypothermia

D. Hypoglycemia

30. What is treatment for a soft tissue injury?

A. Bandage the injury

B. Massage the injury site to encourage circulation

C. Give the patient sugar water

D. Use RICE method

31. For which of the following should you contact EMS?

A. A 40-year old man who has burnt his hand with hot coffee

B. A 20-year old who has a sunburn on her shoulders

C. A 68-year old woman who has a blistered grease burn on her hands and arms

D. All of the above

32. A victim has a large burn on the forearm, you should

A. Use ice or ice water to cool the burn

B. Remove any cloth that has stuck to the burn and apply burn cream

C. Use large amounts of cool water to cool the burn

D. All of the above

33. A victim has suffered an electrical burn, you should NOT

A. Check breathing and pulse

B. Cool the burnt area

C. Check for possible fractures

D. Treat for Shock

34. A large piece of glass is sticking out of the victim’s arm. What do you do?

A. Contact EMS

B. Remove the glass and control the bleeding

C. Do not remove the glass and control bleeding

D. Both A and C

35. How many back blows do you give a conscious choking adult?

A. 5

B. 10

C. 15

D. 20

36. Performing the Heimlich maneuver can cause internal injury.

A. True

B. False

37. You encounter a victim that is experiencing a heat-related illness? You should

A. Place the victim in warm water

B. Apply cool wet cloths

C. Wrap the victim in a blanket

D. Force the victim to drink fluids

38. I was working backstage at a theatre in Guyana. I did not walk with my ‘theatre shoes’ and so
I opted to work without shoes. During the production, I walked on a thumbtack. What type of wound
will this cause?

A. Abrasion

B. Contusion

C. Puncture

D. Avulsion

39. If a victim is shivering, has crinkling of fingers and toes (vasoconstriction) and confusion, that
victim may be suffering from

A. Profound hypothermia
B. Mild hypothermia

C. Severe hypothermia

D. Frostbite

40. When can you move a victim?

A. When it would be easier to care for the victim

B. When you have multiple victims

C. When the victim is in danger

D. All of the above.

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