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alt+26 >>> (->)

ctor with tabtab => make constractor

prop with tabtab => make property

fraction >>Meaning F in float number = 43.27F;

Discard >> Meaning _ in int num = 100_000_000; //For Readability


Implicit conversion
int num1 = 10;
double num2 = num1; // Implicit conversion

Explicit conversion>>>>
double num1 = 10.5;
int num2 = (int)num1; // Explicit conversion


String Interpolation >>>>

string firstName = "John";
string lastName = "Doe";
string name = $"My full name is: {firstName} {lastName}";


Use switch case instead of if statement ( if the elements bigger than 5 )

becase the switch case build Jump Table and its take time.

string greeting = "Hello World!";
greeting += " from Tutorials Teacher."; // creates a new string object with new

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Hello World!");

sb.Append("from Tutorials Teacher."); //appends to the same object with same


literal Suffix => f in this code

float Mah = 123f;



int [] = { 2 , 3 , 5}

int [,]= { {2 , 3 , 5} , {2 , 3 , 5} }

Judged Array => One D Array of Arrays with different sizes

int i = 1;
object o = i; // boxing >> from value type to Reference
int j = (int)o; // unboxing >> from Reference type to value With explicit Casting

nullable types => ?

int? nullableInt = null;

float? nullableFloat = 3.14f;

> null collapse operator

int M = k ?? 0; >>>> Meaning ig k not equl null put it else put 0


Ram -> Stack & Heap

Calling By value => Stack.

Calling By Reference => Identifier in Stack and it initial Value in Heap.

string s1; => Identifier.

s1 ="Mahfouz";=> Value.


Jume Statment => break , Continue, goto , return


static => shared between all objects.

Instance => every object have new one.


static => Value static for all but can change.

Constent => Value static for all but can't change.


inheritance => PartTimeEmploye : Employe

Polymorphism => Virtual & Override on method


Class Modifiers OR Access Modifiers => Public , Internal (default) ,


argument => send when i calling method.

parameter=> send with Definition.

Ref and Out in Methods => Ref should assign to value in calling
=> out can assign value in method.


OOP - Properties in C#
set and get accessories


Class VS Struct

struct === All data types call by value is struct

=> can't contain Pramaaterless Constractor.

=> support fields but don't support field initializer like => private int id =
but support if it const

=> can't support Finalizer.

=> can't support protected
=> is call by value.
=> imutable


mutable => ‫قابل للتعديل‬

imutable => ‫غير قابل للتعديل‬


Enums => For Readability and ease to use ||| Strongly Typed Named Constants and
support number datatype and can't support string
Flags => Meaning 0 or 1

enum year
// items of the enum

Console.WriteLine(year.January); // January

Inheritance => Readability, reuseability , and avoid DRY .

Polymorphism =>

Abstractions =>

















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