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1) Mention functions of Platelets

2) Cross matching of blood
3) Functions of lymph
4) Anticoagulants
5) Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR).
6) Classify anaemias
7) Classify leucocytes. Give an account of development and functions of different
Leucocytes. (E)
8) T cells v/s B cells
9) Erythropoietin
10) What is Hemoglobin and what are its functions? What factors are required for its
formation and discuss the catabolism of Hemoglobin. (E)
11) Rh-factor and its importance.
12) Morphological classification of anemias.
13) . Blood groups
14) Haemolytic jaundice
15) Packed cell volume
16) Types of Haemoglobin
17) Erythroblastosis fetalis
18) Describe the blood groups and their significance; What is the importance of Rh
factor? (E)
19) . What is the Physiological importance of normal oncotic pressure of Plasma?
20) What is the physiological basis of Blood grouping? Explain the Blood Groups and
their clinical importance (E)
21) Anaemias
22) Give an account of the various factors involved in blood coagulation. How is
blood prevented from clotting in the vascular system (E)
23) Describe the process of coagulation of blood. Write a note on fibrinolytic system.
24) Lymphocytes
25) Functions of Plasma proteins
26) Mention some causes of physiological leucocytosis
27) Define Erythropoiesis. Describe the stages of erythropoiesis and mention the
factors influencing it (E)
28) Landsteiner's law
29) . Describe in detail the production and morphology of white blood cells. Write a
brief account of their role in the inflammatory response of the body (E)
30) Write the different types of Immunity? Describe the role of lymphocytes in
Immunity (E)
31) ) Blood indices
32) Describe in detail the process of Haemostasis? Add a short account of some
common Bleeding disorders (E)
33) Describe the reticulo-endothelial system
34) Immunoglobulins
35) ) Plasma proteins and their functions
36) Fate of RBC/Haemoglobin
37) Functions of platelets
38) ) Functions or leucocytes
39) . Enumerate stages of Erythropoiesis. Describe the morphological changes.
What is the effect of lack of Vitamin-B I2 and iron (E)
40) Define Haemostasis. Explain the steps involved in intrinsic mechanism of
clotting. Add a note on Haemophilia(E)
41) State how erythroblastosis fetalis can be prevented
42) Haemophilia
43) Stages of erythropoiesis
44) Rh-Incompatibility
45) Rh factor
46) Haemolytic disease of the new born
47) Platelets and their functions
48) ) Nutritional deficiency anaemia
49) Effects of mismatched blood transfusion.
Cell and muscle nerve
1) Draw a diagram of sarcomere and label it.
2) Refractory period
3) Define Resting Membrane Potential. What is its ionic basis?
4) Motor end plate
5) Mention the actions of chemicals at Neuro-muscular junctions.
6) Cholinesterase
7) Curare
8) Physostigmine
9) Depolarization and repolarization
10) Myasthenia gravis
11) Molecular basis of skeletal muscle contraction
12) Wallerian degeneration (Wallerian degeneration and regeneration)
13) . Four differences between smooth muscle and cardiac muscle.
14) . Discuss origin, distribution and functions of the Sympathetic and
Parasympathetic Nerves
15) Actin and Myosin
16) What is synapse? Describe the important features of synapse
17) Rigor mortis
18) Types of muscle fibers
19) Excitatory post synaptic potential
20) Neuromuscular Junction
21) Feed Back Mechanism
22) . Excitation-Contraction coupling in skeletal muscle
23) Saltatory conduction
24) What ionic fluxes occur during excitatory and inhibitory post synaptic
25) Define chronaxie and utilization time
26) Types of nerve fibre (Classification of nerve fiber)
27) Motor unit
28) Effect of denervation of skeletal muscle
29) Types of Muscle fibres
30) Sarco-tubular system
31) Strength duration
32) Smooth muscle
33) Draw and label the structure of a chemical synapse. Explain the steps involved in
synaptic transmission. What is post tetanic potentiation
1. What is blood brain barrier? What is its functions and clinical importance?
2. What is Referred pain? Explain suitably
3. Functions of Limbic system.
4. Mention the formation, composition and functions of Cerebro Spinal Fluid (C.S.F).
5. List the differences between upper motor neuron lesion (UMN) &lower motor neuron
6. . Mention the properties of Receptors
7. . What is Referred Pain? Explain the theories of Referred Pain and mention few
8. . Waves of EEG
9. . Give an account of the connections and functions of Hypothalainus
10. Brown-Sequared syndrome
11. . Wallerian degeneration
12. Stretch reflex and inverse stretch reflex
13. . Hemiplegia
14. Tremor
15. . Discuss origin, distribution and functions of the Sympathetic and
Parasympathetic Nerves.
16. Cerebrospinal fluid
17. Plantar reflex
18. . What is synapse? Describe the important features of synapse
19. . Brown sequard syndrome
20. Anterograde amnesia.
21. Alfa block in Electroencephalogram
22. Role of Hypothalamus in Blood volume regulation
23. Explain the secretion and function of any one of them. What is decerebrate rigidity?
24. Salutatory conduction
25. Referred pain
26. . Paradoxical sleep
27. Motor aphasia
28. . Conditioned Reflex
29. . Discuss the function of reticular formation
30. Lower Motor Neurone Paralysis
31. . What are the nuclei of the Hypothalamus. Describe their connections and functions
of Hypothalamus
32. . Functions of Cerebellum
33. Aphasia
34. . Babinskis sign
35. . Describe briefly the functions of hypothalamus.
36. Draw a diagram showing the pathway for epicritic touch sensation and label
37. What is spinal shock ? What is it due to ?
38. Synaptic delay
39. What is decerebrate rigidity? Explain its manifestations
40. Golgi-Tendon reflex
41. Name the main descending tracts in spinal cord. Describe the cortico spinal tract and
effects of lesions in it
42. Reflex Action
43. .Synapse
44. . Describe briefly the functions of hypothalamus
45. Excitatory post synaptic potential
46. Paradoxical sleep
47. . Describe the origin course and termination of corticospinal tract. Mention the effects
produced due to lesion of the corticospinal tract at the level in internal capsule
48. Draw and label pain pathway
49. . Frequency and voltages of B rhythm of EEG
50. 2 Describe the pathways for pain sensation. Add a note on central analgesic system.
51. Types of nerve fibre
52. . Functions of C.S.F
53. . Describe the origin and outflow of the sympathetic nervous system. Give
examples of stress situation in which sympathetic activity increases
54. Decerebrate rigidity
55. . REM sleep
56. What is Synapse? Describe the synaptic transmission in detail
57. . Anterograde amnesia
58. Motor Aphasia
59. . Name the ascending tracts of the spinal cord and explain spinothalamic tracts
60. Muscle tone
61. Red nucleus
62. ) Physiology of memory
63. Dec-cerebrate rigidity
64. Classify receptors. Trace the pathway for pain. Write briefly on endogenous
pain inhibiting system
65. UMN lesion
66. Sleep disorders
67. Speech area and its function
68. Relfex and their properties
69. . Describe the formation, circulation, composition, reabsorption and functions of
Cerebro-Spinal fluid. Add a note on Hydro-cephalus
70. Neurologia
71. Central connections of trigeminal nerve
72. Role of Hypothalamus in reproduction
73. Draw a diagram on cross-section of spinal cardat mid-thoracic level. Identify various
74. Name the basal ganglia. What are its connections and functions. What are the signs of
75. Righting reflexes
76. Events of synaptic transmission
77. Draw and label the structure of a chemical synapse. Explain the steps involved in
synaptic transmission. What is post tetanic potentiation
78. 78 .Neurotransmitters in autonomic nerve system
79. Describe the origin, course, termination & functions of pyramidal tract. Add anote on
80. Tabes dorsalis
81. Properties of receptors
82. Functions of cerebellum
83. 82.Condition reflexes
84. Where are the suppressor areas of the cortex? What is their functional significance
85. 84.Enumerate the differences between upper motor neurone lesion and lower motor
86. Trace the pathway for pain sensation. Indicate the lesions which would abolish pain
87. Describe the chief connections and functions of pre-frontal lobe. State the effects of
pre-frontal functions
88. Myostatic reflex
89. Disorders of speech
90. Functions of tract of Gail and Burdach
91. Muscle spindle
92. Describe the connections and functions of cerebellum. Write a note on
1) Heart sounds.

2) .Venous Return

3) . Carotid bodies

4) Define arterial blood pressure. Mention its normal values. Explain the regulation of
blood pressure.(E)
5) . Korotkoffs sounds

6) P-R Interval

7) Jugular venous pulse

8) . Draw diagram of right atrial pressure curve. Describe the pressure changes in the right
atrium during a cardiac cycle. (E)
9) Explain the changes occurring in coronary circulation during a cardiac cycle. Why pain
occurs in the chest in Angina Pectoris (E)
10) C’ wave in atrial pressure curve

11) What are the baroreceptors? How the baroreceptors regulate the blood pressure(E)

12) Second Heart sound.

13) . Adrenergic receptors of heart

14) Dehydration shock

15) Factors influencing coronary blood flow

16) . P – R Interval significance

17) Flck’s principle

18) Cardiac index

19) Draw and label the ECG of lead II and explain the significance of Pwave & ST
20) Enurnerate the events of cardiac cycle. Describe the pressure changes in the left
ventricle of the heart
21) . Define blood pressure. Mention the factors maintaining Blood Pressure. Explain the
short term and long term regulation of Blood pressure .
22) Bipolar Limb Leads

23) Cardiac Reserve

24) What is peripheral resistance in the cardiovascular system? How is it controlled?

25) Venous return.

26) What is the normal blood pressure? Give an account of regulations of arterial blood
pressure .
27) Draw and label jugular pulse tracing. Mention the causes of these waves

28) Refractory period

29) What is Cardiac Output? Mention one method for measuring Cardiac Output.
Describe the factors which regulate cardiac output
30) E.C.G.

31) Baro-receptors

32) . P-R interval

33) Splitting of the Second heart sound.

34) Baro-Receptor reflex

35) ) Frank- Starling's law

36) Define Cardiac output. Mention the methods to measure cardiac output. What are the
factors which regulate cardiac output
37) ) Conducting system of heart

38) Properties of cardiac muscle

39) Explain the origin, and spread of cardiac impulse. Add a note on heart block

40) . Role of baroreceptors in the regulation of blood pressure

41) Origin and spread of cardiac impulse

42) Define systolic, diastolic and pulse pressure. Describe the short term regulation of
arterial blood pressure
43) Give an account of the reflexes regulating the heart rate & responses to changes in
arterial blood pressure.
44) Define cardiac output. Mention four factors regulating cardiac output

45) ) Draw and label the normal left intraventricular pressure curve

46) State the effects of moderate haemorrhage. Explain the compensatory reactions
activated by haemorrhage
47) All or none law of heart

48) Sinus Arrhythmia

49) Define systolic, diastolic and pulse pressure. Describe the short term regulation of
arterial blood pressure
50) ) Triple response
51) ) Enumerate the factors that control the coronary blood flow
52) What is the normal arterial blood pressure in an adult? Describe the role of baro-
receptors in the regulation of arterial blood pressure giving experimental evendices
53) . Define the term stroke output, cardiac output and cardiac index. Describe the
relation of cardiac output
54) ) P.R.Interval and its significances

55) Startling's law of heart

56) Jugular venous pulse

57)Conducting system of the heart.
58) A-V Node

59) Peripheral resistance


1. Explain the physiological actions of Insulin

2. Adrenogenital syndrome
3. List the important effects of Adrenaline on different tissues.
4. Addison's disease.
5. Myxoedema.
6. Mention normal blood calcium level. Explain how it is regulated
7. Milk ejection reflex.
8. Aldosterone
9. . What are the actions of Thyroid Hormones on metabolism? Give an
account of hyposecretion of thyroid hormone.
10. diabetes Insipidus and diabetes Insipidus
11. Gigantism
12. Describe the synthesis, transport and regulation of secretion of Thyroid
hormones. Discuss about cretinism
13. Anti inflammatory effect of Glucocorticoids
14. Endocrine functions of kidney
15. Thyroid function tests.
16. Name the hormones produced by supra renal glands. Describe the action of
any one of them
17. Dwarfism.
18. 18.. Enumerate the hormones of anterior Pituitary gland.
19. What is tetany? Describe one hormone which is the causative factor, in detail.
20. Role of ADH in fluid balance of the body
21. Function of Glucagon
22. Adrenal Medullary Hormones
23. Name the Hormones of Posterior Pituitary. Explain their functions
24. Cretinisim
25. Give an account of the physiological actions of growth hormones and
mechanism of these actions
26. ACTH
27. Anti thyroid drugs
28. Describe the synthesis, transport and regulation of secretion of Thyroid
hormones. What are the features of hypo secretion of thyroid hormones in the
29. How does Insulin influence the blood sugar level
30. Mechanism of action of insulin
31. Name the hormones secreted by thyroid gland. How is thyroxine
synthesized. Describe the physiological actions of thyroxine
32. Myxoedema
33. Actions of Insulin
34. Tetany
35. Steroid hormon6
36. Goiter
37. Actions of glucagons
38. . Name the hormones produced by supra renal glands. Describe the action
of any one of them.
39. Local Hormones
40. ) Diabetes insipidus
41. What are Catecholamines? Explain the synthesis metabolism actions and
regulation of secretion of Catecholainines
42. Aldosterone escape
43. Functions of pineal gland
44. Describe the hormonal regulation of serum calcium level. Add a note on Tetany
45. Temporary endocrine gland

46. What are hormones of adrenal medulla? Describe actions of one of them in
47. Second messengers
48. Actions of parathormone
49. Addison's disease
50. Actions of Aldosterone
51. Actions of 1,25 DHCC
52. Cretin and pituitary dwarfs
53. Explain the hyper pigmentation seen in Addison's disease
54. Acromegaly
55. Cushing's syndrome
56. Describe the role of pancreatic hormones in regulation of blood glucose levels. Add
a note on diabetesmellitus

57. Describe the functions of hormones of Adrenal cortex. State the effects of hyper
functioning of adrenal cortex
1)Describe the composition, functions and regulations of gastric juice secretion. (E) 2)Explain
the hormonal phase of Pancreatic juice secretion .(E)
3) . Mechanism of Hydrochloric acid secretion in stomach
4) . Deglutition
5) . Function of Gastrin
6) . Movements of small intestine

7) . Mass peristalsis

8) Peptic ulcer.

9) Gastro colic reflex.

10) Describe the functions of Bile

11) ) Bile salts

12) .Dietary fibres

13) Digestive Lipases

14) Movements of small intestines

15) . Secretin

16) . Intestinal Villi

17) Composition of pancreatic juice

18) Describe the composition and action of Bile `

19) Sham feeding

20) ) Defecation

21) Describe the composition, function and regulation of secretion of gastric juice.

22) Composition and functions of success entericus

23) Gastric emptying time

24) Functions of pancreatic juice.

25) Describe the composition & actions of Pancreatic juice

26) Lipid digestion in intestine

27) )Functions of large intestine

28) Describe the formation of HCL in stomach. Add a note on Antacids

29) Regulation of secretion of saliva

30) ) Functions of stomach

31) ) Functions of Bile

32) ) Law of intestines

33) Describe the composition, functions and regulation of pancreatic juice secretion

34) ) Gastric emptying

35) ) Cholecystokinin-pancreozymin (GCK-PZ)

36) Give the composition, functions of gastric juice. Explain the mechanism of
secretion of gastric juice. (E).
37) Chylomicron

1. Describe counter current multiplier system in the kidney.(E)

2. Describe reabsorption of water in Renal tubules. Add a note on Diabetes insipidus.
3. Discuss the mechanism of regulation of our body temperature(E)
4. Discuss the mechanism of formation of concentrated urine. Add a note on
diuresis (E)
5. Juxta glomerular apparatus.
6. Role of ADH in fluid balance of the
body 7.Endocrine functions of kidney3
7. What is Tubular maximum for Glucose
8. Anti Diuretic Hormone (ADH)
9. Functions of skin
10. Sweat glands ( Eccrine type of sweat gland )
11. Fever
12. Micturition reflex
13. Heat loss mechanism in the body
14. Glomerular filtration rate (Glomerular filtration and factors affecting)
15. Juxta medullary nephron
16. Urea clearance
17. Functions of distal convoluted tubule
18. Role of skin in the regulation of body temperature
19. Heat loss mechanism in the body
20. Counter current mechanism
21. Pecularities of Renal circulation
22. Threshold substances
23. Heat Production in the body
24. Action of ADH on concentration of urine
25. Filtration fraction
26. Describe the mechanism involved in the concentration of urine .(E)
27. Diuretics
28. Cystometrogram
29. Explain the role of the kidney in the maintenance of water balance in the body?
Add a note on Diabetes Inspidus (E)
30. Ultra filtration
31. Glucose reabsorption from renal tubules
32. Tubular secretion
33. Cortical and juxta medullary nephrons
34. Mechanisms of acidification of urine
35. Nerve supply to bladder
36. Loop of Henle
37. Diabetes Insipidus
38. Automatic bladder

1. Describe the actions of ovarian hormones.

2. Family planning methods in males.
3. What is Puberty? Mention the changes that occur during puberty in females. (E).
4. . What is spermatogenesis? Mention factors which regulate spermatogenesis.
5. Corpus luteum.
6. Milk ejection reflex.
7. Ovulation
8. Contraceptive methods
9. Menarche Menopause
10. Describe the functions of Placental Hormones. Discuss the diagnostic
importance of Human Chorionic Gonadotropins? (e)
11.. Describe the hormonal control of menstrual cycle. Add a note on rhythm method of
family Planning (E)
12. Signs of ovulation
13. Pregnancy test.
14. Seminal fluid
15. Progesterone
16.. Oestrogen
17.Factors influencing spermatogenesis
18.) Oxytocin
19. What are the effects of tying the vas deferens
20. Effects and oestrogen on mammary gland
21. Feto-Placental unit
22. Pregnancy Diagnostic tests
23. Progesterone
24. Menstrual cycle
25. Oral contraceptive
26. Mention various methods employed in Contraception and discuss their merits and
demerits. (E)
27. Tests for ovulation
28. Ovarian Hormones
29. Actions of testosterone
30. Oral pill regimes
31. Tests for primary sterility
32. Family planning methods in male
33. Blood tests barrier
34. Stages of spermatogenesis
35. Stages of uterine menstrual cycle
36. Mechanism of action of the oral pill
37. Galactopoiesis
38. Pregnancy diagnosis tests
39. Functions of Sertoli cells
40. Functions of placenta
41.) I.U.C.D.
42. Chorionic gonadotropins
43. Outline the effects of castration in male:
1. Before puberty 2. After puberty
44) Endometrial cycle
45) Oral contraception
46) hCG.
47) Cryptorchidism
Respiratory system
1) Cyanosis
2) Surfactant and its functions
3) What is Hypoxia? Classify it. Explain them in brief. (E)
4) Various stages of Asphyxia.
5) Residual volume
6) . Define vital capacity and mention its values
7) . Hypoxia
8) . Lung surfactant and its applied aspects
9) .Tidal volume
10) Discuss the uptake of oxygen by the blood and the factors that determine its
11) . What is asphyxia? Explain its features.
12) . Intra-thoracic and Intra-pulmonary pressures
13) Apnoea.
14) . Enumerate the respiratory centers. Describe the neural regulation of
respiration (E)
15) . Intra pleural pressure.
16) Describe the transport of oxygen in the blood. Draw oxygen dissociation
17) Sea water drowning
18) What is asphyxia? Describe the various stages of asphyxia(E)
19) Hering bruer inflation reflex
20) Draw a diagram to show the structure of the respiratory membrane and enumerate
the haemodynarnic factors influencing the exchange of gases across the membrane
21) Artificial Respiration
22) . Describe the transport of oxygen in the blood. Add a note on Bohr's effect,
with the help of ODC Curve
23) Ventilation-Perfusion Ratio
24) Describe the modes of transport of Cot from the tissues to the lungs
25) ) Discuss the role of Hering Breur Reflex
26) Cyanosis
27) . Nitrogen narcosis
28) Role of the abdominal muscles in the respiration
29) Dead space Air
30) What is the composititon of normal alveolar air? How does a change in partial
pressure of CO2 in alveolar air affects respiration?
31) Classify hypoxia. Describe how the body acclimatizes itself to high altitude
32) . Timed vital capacity
33) Vital capacity
34) Oxygen Dissociation Curve
. 35) What is Hypoxia? Classify and give a detailed account of the different types of
Hypoxia with examples. Add a note of O2 therapy.(E)
35) Describe the process of uptake and transport of oxygen in the blood. Add a note on
the oxygen dissociation curve.
36) Circulation time
37) Oxygen debt
38) Describe the mechanism of acclimatization to high altitude
39) ) Define and give the value of lung compliance. Outline the method of its
40) Draw and locate the respiratory centre Describe the neural regulation of
respiration. Write about Herring-Breuer Reflex
41) ) What is Dysbarism. How can it be treated?
42) Vital capacity and its variation
43) Periodic breathing
44) What are Herring-Breuer reflexes? What is their role in respiration?
45) ) Oxygen dissociation graph
46) Respiratory membrane
47) Types of CO2 transport
48) Role of peripheral respiratory chemoreceptors in the regulation of respiration
49) Muscles of inspiration
50) Hypoxic Hypoxia
51) Peculiarities of pulmonary circulation
52) . Define, Classify and describe the various types of hypoxia. Add a note on
periodic breathing
53) Respiratory centres
54) Maximum voluntary ventilation
55) ) What is dead space air
56) . In what forms 02 is transported in the blood? Draw a oxyhaemoglobin dissociations
curve. How is it obtained. Mention the factors which cause a shift to the right and
those which cause a shift to the left
57) Dysbarism
58) ) Peculiarities of pulmonary circulation
59) ).What is the Fick principle? How is it used in measuring pulmonary blood flow
60) ) Mouth to Mouth respiration
61) Describe the chemical regulation of respiration
62) Acclimatisation to high altitude
1) Draw a neat diagram of Light reflex pathway and label it.
2) .Functions of middle ear
3) Mention common errors of Refraction, its causes and their corrections.
4) Light and dark adaptation of eyes. .
5) Hearing Tests
6) .Visual pathway.
7) Name the different parts of the Ear. Explain the mechanism of hearing
8) . Astigmatism
9) Near response of Eye.
10) Olfactory cells.
11) . Tympanic Reflex
12) . Presbyopia.
13) . Dark adaptation.
14) Taste buds.
15) Intra ocular pressure
16) . Organ of Corti
17) Taste pathway
18) Mention refractory errors. How can they be corrected ?
19) Myopia
20) ) What are the functions of tensor tympani and stapedius ?
21) Accommodation reflex
22) . Olfactory cells
23) ) Colour vision
24) . Explain the Auditory pathway with suitable diagram. Add a note on Auditory
25) Rhodopsin cycle
26) Colour blindness
27) 2. Explain with the help of a labelled diagram the visual pathway. Indicate the
effects of lesions of the pathway at different levels
28) ) Taste modalities
29) ) Impedence matching
30) Perception of smell
31) Briefly explain what is meant by Argyll-Robertson pupil
32) ) Outline the olfactory pathway
33) What changes occur in the eyes during accommodation to near vision
34) Accommodation of the eye

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