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Faculty Member Name: Daneryl Weber

Rank: Associate Professor
Academic Division: Liberal Arts & Humanities
Academic Year: 2021-2022

Form AF, Annual Report of Teaching Faculty, supports the college’s evaluation process and allows the individual
faculty member to reflect upon performance from the previous academic year, and to plan operational and
professional goals for the next academic year.

Part I: Narrative: Please list and describe your activities and accomplishments in as many of the following areas as are
appropriate. Attach any applicable documents you wish to include. Include strengths and recommendations for

1. Teaching Effectiveness
List and describe your specific activities to address the following: Success in securing optimum progress
on the part of students, resourcefulness, the ability to vary classroom procedure in order to stimulate the
interest and the intellectual curiosity of students, the ability to inspire students to think for themselves,
and a genuine and contagious interest in the subjects you teach. This can include summary Student
Evaluations and Grade Distributions of Instructor. List your SEEQ scores and grade distributions here
and please discuss and explain any anomalies or concerns or triumphs.

• Recipient of the 2021-2022 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching

• Conducted ongoing conversations with colleagues about teaching approaches, methods,

and strategies for a variety of issues and challenges, including specific assignments and

• Implemented ideas about moving beyond “standardizing” expectations for language usage
to more of a code-meshing approach with meta conversations about language choices with
my students. Retooled my approach to DEN and Comp I courses and my approach to
teaching our students.

• Implemented standardized assignments this year as decided upon by the former

Composition Committee. Added a more rigorous formal research paper assignment back
into the class. In general, I was very pleased with the results and with much of the work my
students did this year. It felt as though I have finally struck an effective balance in my lineup
of assignments that allows students freedom and flexibility, gives them adequate support,
yet also demonstrates evidence of real improvement in student writing and critical thinking.

• Taught seated classes on campus and at Sullivan Correctional Facility and asynchronous
online classes for the college. Added a new course to the curriculum as a special topics
class, Writing as a Way of Healing, which I had piloted in Sullivan CF the summer before.
Integrated interactive classroom activities such as small group work, collaborative creative
projects, reading circles and other small group activities, creating collaborative in-class
presentations using a variety of software platforms, etc.

• Continued mastering Brightspace and integrating its use into my courses, including but not
limited to grading and tracking. Continued integrating the use of video notes, Zoom
recordings, and other additional features into my teaching.

• Re the Comp II Assessment, I discovered that our current Brightspace platform does not
support tying course learning outcomes to platform-based rubrics. I am hoping the new
platform will enable this, which would allow us to effortlessly gather masses of useful data
and also connect courses taught by various instructors (adjunct & full-time) in the programs
more seamlessly into the assessment process.

• Created and modified new assignments that responded to current cultural and social
events while allowing students a wide variety of choices in choosing topics corresponding
to their own interests.

• Incorporated discussion and application of a variety of multi-modal platforms (Padlet, Prezi,

Google slides, PowerPoint, video clips, etc.) in all my classes, advancing students’
functional, rhetorical, and critical literacy and allowing students to compose in different
ways for different purposes and audiences

• Used multiple modes (videos, PowerPoint, Prezi, readings, in-person activities, etc.) to
deliver course content. In the Healing class, I also integrated several valuable activities
from my work as a violence prevention workshop facilitator at Woodbourne CF.

• Consistently included assignments in all classes that enabled students to reflect on, track,
and document their own progress. Student (and instructor) self-reflection is one of my most
valuable tools as an instructor.

• Am currently revising my Writing as Way of Healing class to become a hy-flex class. I

continue to hope this class will be useful for a variety of students who have been dealing
with life in a global pandemic.
SEEQ scores are currently not available. Below are my grade distributions for this year:
I don’t have comparison numbers for the grade distributions, so I’m not sure how to interpret these.
For me, low enrollment/participation and vanishing students remains a key concern. This was always
a problem, but the pandemic has greatly exacerbated the problem.

2. Service to the Department & College

Service to the department can include recruitment initiatives, committee work where you are
representing your department, support of department curriculum revisions, etc. Service to the college
includes service to Educational Programs and Administrative Work of the College beyond job
description. List and describe specific activities including collaborative work with departments across

• Served on the Institutional Assessment Committee 2021-2022

• Served on the Middle States Steering committee 2021-2022
• Served as Secretary of the PSA 2021-2022
• Member of PSA Executive Committee and thus met regularly on the MAC and JEB committees
• Served actively on the Negotiations Committee, which successfully negotiated a one-year
contract extension
• Served on the Search Committee for the new full-time Composition faculty member (Kathena
• Served on the Search Committee for the Tutoring Coordinator (Naquan Holman’s new
• Served on the Student Conduct Committee, attending meetings whenever I was able
• Conducted three interdepartmental classroom observations, two in the fall (Art, Culinary) and
one in the spring (Culinary)
• Member of the Brightspace and online learning committees (which met rarely this year)
• Member of the Composition Committee, which became active again this year and met monthly
• Member and Co-Chair of Standard V: Educational Effectiveness Assessment Committee for
the Middle States Report
• Designed a template for each Middle States chapter
• Became the internal writer for the Middle States Report; meeting regularly with the outside
editor to complete the Report
• Served on the IRB committee in Fall 2022

A note about this list: I am not sure that this amount of service is sustainable, or that my work is as
effective as it could be if I went deep rather than broad. That is, I suspect I could be more effective in
certainly areas, particularly re assessment and teaching, if I focused more on those areas and
perhaps stepped back from a few other things. That said, I’m well aware that challenges remain due
to current circumstances on campus, including a lack of adequate resources and staff.

3. Assessment Effectiveness
List and describe work devoted to course & program assessments, committee work, and professional
development in this area. Please share assessment results. List how you meet your class objectives, the
selection and organization of content, selection of learning experiences, and the determination of what
to evaluate and how.

• Member of the Institutional Assessment Committee

• Met regularly to discuss assessment plans and make recommendations
• Worked on the Comp II Part 2 assessment this year. The results were unsatisfactory, as the
technology did not support the assessment we had planned and communication with part-time
instructors was also challenging. I will meet with the other instructors at the end of the summer
to discuss and finalize the assessment.
• Internally, I rely most heavily on student reflections. All students in my classes reflect on their
work as well as on the class, and I give them “feedback for the instructor” assignments as well.
I pay close attention to student comments and continually work to improve my strategies and
• I am currently working to tie specific learning objectives for each course to every major
assignment. This will give me lots of valuable info about where students are meeting each
objective and where they need more support.

4. Rapport with Students

This can include inside the classroom as well as work advising students and mentoring. Please share
your successful activities as a faculty advisor, including mentoring and coaching students to completion.

• Remained in ongoing communication with students, advisees, and the advising center as
• Especially because classes remained small, I felt I was able to maintain a good rapport with
my students.
• I will continue to move my online communication more toward formal channels, chiefly
Brightspace and Starfish.
• Mentored several students toward and through graduation; presented a student award at the
ceremony this year to one of my outstanding students

Provide examples of how you have developed a rapport with your advisees this past year.

• Continued using Starfish to communicate with hard-to-reach students, raise, and clear flags
• Met with students one on one as needed
• Was generally available to students, online as well as in person
• Guided multiple students through the process of graduating
• Wrote several letters of recommendation for students for college transfers and job applications

5. Professional Growth
Describe continued specialization in your field and in the scholarship of teaching. List and describe
your specific professional development activities during this reporting period. You may include the
following; increased command of one’s special field through graduate study, independent study,
creative work, conferences, research, publication, workshops, webinars, attainment of professional
degrees, mentoring of professionals, consulting, travel and related experience.

• May 2022: presented at a national conference in Baltimore, the Rhetoric Society of

America, on critical race theory
• The presentation was well-received; I am currently working on turning that research into
a published article
• Ongoing monthly participation in a critique group with other published authors
• Ongoing reading and research in the literature of pedagogy theory and practice
• Currently reading Redesigning America’s Community Colleges for campus discussion
• Became a Teaching Artist for Rehabilitation Through the Arts in September 2021. Have
been designing and delivering a keyboard (music) class to incarcerated students since.
• Continue to be the outside coordinator and chief outside facilitator for the Alternatives to
Violence Project at Woodbourne CF. Led a Basic Workshop in May 2022 and an
Advanced Workshop in June 2022.
• Taught in Sullivan CF for SUNY Sullivan in the fall (and for STAC in the spring).
• Served in June 2022 as a reader for the College Board AP exams. This keeps me
connected in the field and overall is excellent norming practice in the field of academic
writing and college readiness.

Daneryl Nier-Weber

5.5 Continuing Education Units

55.94 Professional Development Hours

as a participant in the June 2022 College Board AP® Reading scoring the
AP English Language and Composition Exam.
6. Digital Literacy
Please list and describe professional development and use of: the college’s Learning Management
System, electronic tools such as google drive, OER resources, interactive power points, etc. (include
work done with the help of Starfish).

• Made extensive use of features in Brightspace, including simplifying grading and

feedback through the use of Google drive to consolidating commenting and rubrics in
• Extended my use of video feedback and comments on Brightspace
• Use of Brightspace (with SulliMail as a backup) to communicate with my students
• Use of Starfish chiefly to send messages to advisees
• Have been using open source textbooks and materials for the last several years, one of
which was adopted by the Comp Committee as one of our approved textbooks this year
• Increased my use of Starfish to communicate with students and keep track of (and
nudge) at-risk advisees

Note: Falling on the ice and breaking my wrist in Feb 2022 forced me to greatly expand my
technological capabilities, from exploring dictation software to extensive use of video notes,
recordings, online comments, etc.

7. Professional Goals for the Previous Reporting Period

Please list the goals you identified in your previous reporting period and describe how you
accomplished them. How did accomplishing these goals make a difference if your professional life?
What challenges did you find in accomplishing these goals, if any.

• Continue working on research and professional development, especially in the areas of

teaching at the community college level and teaching in the prison
o This is ongoing
• Create a publication plan for the memoir I am writing
o The memoir draft is finished and revisions are underway.
o I was working on the query and book proposal and enrolled in a course on how to find
and solicit an agent. My goal was to come up with a list of 50 literary agents and begin
the query process by the end of 2021. I did not meet this goal.
o This project has somewhat stalled, due to taking on other commitments.
• Submit a proposal to at least one national conference
o Proposal was accepted
o Presentation was given in May 2022 at the national conference of the Rhetoric Society
of America.
• This year I attended two workshops on beekeeping given by Art Riegal.
o I assisted with installing and checking on several new hives.
o I will continue to assist with beehives as I am able

8. Professional Goals for the Coming Reporting Period

Professional goals are clearly-stated objectives about what you want to achieve in your career. Having
well-thought-out and well-planned career goals can make a difference in your professional life; they
allow you to see the big picture, they let you measure your progress, and they help you to step out of
your comfort zone.
List your professional goals for the coming reporting period and describe your criteria for successful
achievement. Discuss your goals with your division Dean to ensure they are measurable, attainable, and
that they fit with the strategic plan and direction of the division and College as a whole.
If you are unsure of the strategic plan and direction of your division and/or the College, please consult
with your division Dean.

Goals this year will be largely similar to last year’s until we complete the Middle States review
• Complete the writing and editing of the Middle States Self-Study Report in Sept. 2022
• Continue deepening my understanding of assessment and how to structure it more
effectively. This will include working with the VP’s office and the assessment committee
on curriculum mapping, including possible revision of Program Learning Objectives for
Liberal Arts and Humanities as we assess the program over the coming year. I have
been working with outside editor, who I hope will guide faculty through the process of
curriculum mapping in a workshop, if possible.
• Continue assisting with multiple MSCHE committees.
• Focus on publishing this year: at least one academic article.
• Finish memoir revisions and move forward with the publishing plan.
• Continue working toward on creating more effective teaching strategies and improving
as an instructor. I will assess this through both formal and informal student feedback.
• Work with our new full-time instructor to finish the Comp II assessment for 2022 by the
beginning of May 2023.

Academic Year: 2023

Goal: Research into, implementation, and assessment of Anti-racist pedagogy, continued
How will you accomplish this goal:
• Finish the readings on the reading list I compiled last year
• Continue refining and redesigning my courses in 2022-2023
• Implement. Use formal and informal measure to assess my success.

How does this goal fit with the strategic plan and direction of the division and College as a whole?
(repeat as many times as needed)
• This goal will support the division and the College in multiple ways, by supporting
diversity, retention, and student learning

Additional comments: (optional, please include any information on service to the community if applicable.)

Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Submit to Division Dean by June 1
✔ Classroom Observations
✔ Other supporting documents (if applicable)

Part II: For each of the attributes listed below, rate yourself according to the designated rating scale and provide
substantive analysis to validate the rating.

4= Exceeds Expectations 2= Approaching Expectations
3= Meets Expectations 1= Improvement Needed
Exceeds Expectations: Outstanding performance that regularly exceeds expectations over an extended, sustained period of time.
Meets Expectations: Consistently strong performance, always meets expectations.
Approaching Expectations: Generally meets expectations, rare moments of inconsistent performance
Improvement Needed: Inconsistent performance, not meeting expectations.

Rating Rating
Teaching Effectiveness 4 4
Service to the Department & College 4 4
Assessment Effectiveness 3.5 4
Rapport with Students 4 4
Professional Growth 4 4
Digital Literacy 4 4
Ability to meet professional goals from previous year 3.5 3.5

Although I gave myself pretty high marks this year, I will continue to work on improving as an
instructor, writer, faculty member, and member of the assessment committee. I am glad the college is
revisiting the assessment of teaching effectiveness and look forward to participating in discussions of
how we might better assess how we’re doing. Personally, I want to work on constraining my activities
so I can focus more on the most important things.

Part III: For the Division Dean: For each of the attributes listed in the Rating Chart in Part II, rate the faculty member
according to the designated rating scale and provide substantive analysis to validate the rating. The Division Dean may
choose not to provide a numerical rating.

Comments: (optional)
First of all, congratulations on your well-deserved honor of winning the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty
Service. You level of dedication to teaching is exceptional. The fact that you continually try to improve rather than take
the easy road and stay stagnant is a tribute to your energy and enthusiasm for teaching. Your initiative to integrate
interactive classroom activities means you are open to adapting to meet the needs of the continually changing student, and
the multiple modes you use to deliver course content requires you to stay on top of technology and digital literacy.

The hard work you are doing this semester regarding the new “hi-flex” class is extensive, and goes above the normal
amount of time spent on class preparation. In addition, the amount of time you must have spent to complete the Middle
States Self-Review Report, even if it did come with a stipend, must have taken hours of time outside of normal working
hours including weekends and evenings.
Your long list of service to the college, including the writing of the self study report, appears to have made even you a bit
weary, and I completely agree that “this amount of service to the college is not sustainable.” I hope you have weeded out
some of your service areas, though I suspect that even if you have the hi-flex course filled in any gaps.

I hope this year you can examine what service areas are the most important for you to remain in, vs. what you should hand
off to individuals with more time on their hands. It is common knowledge that many of the same people on campus step
up to multiple service roles, while other faculty and staff are under-represented on such, and for your health, you should
really examine what you should keep vs. what you should pass on to another faculty or staff member. If you ever want
help sorting that out, feel free to come chat with Rose or me. Sometimes a different perspective from someone else will
help end the battles that our minds can seem to settle.

Signature: ___________ ____ Date: __30 June 2022_____

Submit to Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs by the end of June

Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs

Comments: (optional)

Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________

I have read and discussed this evaluation with the Division Dean and have received a final copy. My
signature confirms receipt although I may not agree with its contents.

Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________

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