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Pateros Technological College

College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction

Pateros Technological College Android Alumni Information System is an android

application tool that serves as a communication channel between former students and
the school, college, university, or institution. An Android Alumni System is going to be
an android based program that aids our school in keeping track of former students and
tracking them for future endeavors. The greatest asset any institution can have is the
Alumni system. This is an android-based application that allows former students to take
advantage of the benefits and services that an institution offers after graduation.

Alumni System is one of the basic problems of Pateros Technological College.

Managing alumni of the institution is a hassle due to the fact that they do not have a
system that handles everything. Though PTC have a facebook group for it’s alumni, it
still is not as good as per having an alumni system that has everything from updating
new and old alumni of the institution to communicating with them with the best way

There are alumni who are far from the school now and when they need some
requirements coming from the school, it might be a problem for them since they are far
from the school. This system could be a convenience for them because we will develop
this application specially for them. We can develop a module where they can request a
form for their request.

Pateros Technological College has their Facebook Group Page for their alumni.
Since we developed a website for the alumni. Might as well innovate it for more
convenience. Developing an application using their mobile phones could be a big help
Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

for them since everyone nowadays has their own cellphones and Wi-Fi at home and
data with their sim cards.

Alumni today are the best source of jobs, donation and knowledge capital for an
institution. Alumni of a college generally stay in touch with their immediate friends but
find it hard to stay connected with other college mates. Contact between alumni can be
used to forge business connections and to gain references or insights in a new field.
Alumni work can consist of alumni mentoring students, organizing alumni days, having
training sessions during alumni days for alumni, inviting alumni to give lectures,
arranging work practices, and proposing topics for thesis an raise funds for the

1.1.1 Background of the Study

Pateros Technological College (PTC) do not have an alumni system for android
that has everything from updating new and old alumni to communicating with them in
the best way possible. Though PTC have a facebook group for it's alumni, it still is not
as good as what they should have. The present problem of Pateros Technological
College when it comes to Alumni management is that they do not have a web-based
system that allows them to manage, or even an android application for it for the
institution to communicate and update their graduates. A Facebook group isn’t enough
for all the managing, updates and communication with the alumni of the school.

Professor Sixth Trono is one of the professors and alumni manager of Pateros
Technological College whose researchers were consulted. One issue they ran into was
when alumni in remote locations needed documentation but couldn't get to the school to
get it because of the long distance and or maybe they were busy. Professor Trono
asked us to make a request for documentation with our application project. The process
Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

will be that when an alumnus requests a document within the application, the admin will
take the process and the admin and alumni will talk about what kind of document
delivery they will take. Through e-mail will come the soft copy of the document or the
hard copy, because maybe the seal of the school is needed, then the delivery will be via
LBC or JRS. The document charges can be paid via Gcash or in the banks. With our
System, Analysis, and

Design subject, where our project was the website version of the Pateros Technological
Alumni Information System, we came up with the idea of innovating it by developing
almost the same concept but in a mobile application version. Together with Prof. Trono,
we, the researchers, gathered all the possible ideas that could be added to our
proposed project.

We, the researchers of Pateros Technological College, have agreed to produce

the Alumni Information System to Pateros Technological College. To strenghthen the
bond between the college and its new and former students. The Alumni System will help
the school in keeping its alumni up to date about events that’ll be held. The focus of the
Alumni Information System of Pateros Technological College is to create automation of
the school’s alumni information. Easy monitoring and organizing of alumni activities.
With this application, students can have an easy access about alumni through their
mobile phones.

1.1.2 Objectives of the Study

General Objectives

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

This study aims to develop an android based Alumni Information System for
Pateros Technological College which is capable of updating important information for
alumni and providing better management of alumni data.

Specific Objectives:

The following are the specific objectives of this study:

 To create an application to find any opportunities from each others.

 To develop an alumni application where alumni can see school’s announcements

and updates.
 To create a simple social network and opportunities where alumni can post
something about their social life or such accomplishments to add some
inspiration for the unemployed alumni and vice-versa.
 To develop a request form module where alumni who are living in a far places
can request a form from the application and let admin do the process for them.
To have an efficient way to get documents for far places based alumni.
 To create an Alumni Tracking to be able to see what are the pathways that
alumni are taken.
 To develop an interactive application where alumni can chat with other alumni.

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

1.1.3 Conceptual Framework

The table below is the conceptual framework using the input, process and the
output (IPO) model.


Software Requirements Pateros

1. Android Studio: College
For application Android Alumni
development. Information
2. Firebase: For System.

Hardware Requirements

Computer: For the

application coding.

Android Phone: For the

outcome of application


Figure 1. The IPO Model

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

A technique that is frequently used in systems analysis and software engineering to

describe the structure of an information processing program or another process is the
input-process-output (IPO) model. This is frequently presented as the most fundamental
framework for defining a process in introductory programming and systems analysis
texts. Using the input-process-output paradigm, a computer program or any other type
of process gets inputs from a user or other source, performs computations on the
inputs, and then returns the results of the computations. The program separates the
work into three groups:

 A requirement from the environment (input)

 A computation based on the requirement (process)
 A provision for the environment (output)

1.1.4 Significance of the Study

In this study, Pateros Technological College can use this application to let alumni
have an efficient way of communicating to other alumni. To check what are the updates
for them. The primary goal of this study is to have a formal platform of the alumni of
Pateros Technological College. The following are the chosen beneficiaries of this

 Graduated Students of PTC – The beneficiary of this study are the graduated
students of Pateros Technological College from year 2013 up to the recent
graduated students.

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

 School Faculty Members. Administrators of the school may obtain a better

understanding of how to manage the alumni, especially those who are living in
faraway places and want to get documents but can't because of the long
 Institution – By assigning projects to IT Students, The PTC would make the
students create and develop a system using the Android application techniques
that will make it more convenient for every college department and whole
insitution to utilize.
 Future Researchers – The study may improve the work through the use of
android applications and their skills as IT Students, allowing them to apply their
knowledge to create devices and equipment that are beneficial to the community
and school.

1.1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

This project has certain limitations, including the amount of response of alumni
because we don’t know where will they came from. The respondents of the study will
only be the alumni or graduated college students of Pateros Technological College. It
could be from the year 2013 up to the recent graduation. We, the researchers,
calculated the possible population that we could collect. The population could be 50
alumni who can try our project. Currently, PTC has six courses such as BSIT, BSOA,
CCS, CHRM, COA, and Computer Hardware Servicing NCII. We are only able to have
at least 50 respondents because of our financial difficulties in obtaining Firebase
database for the system's database.


The application on which the program is deployed is the project’s scope. This
project is being developed for a specific institute as an app-based solution. The admin
Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

tracks and manage all user’s inputs, logins, and logouts. The primary purpose of this
application is to have a formal platform for our school’s Alumni.

System Administration Module. The system admin can sign up on the alumni
system's registration form. The data will be entered into the system’s database so that
the admin can see all those in the system and manipulate the data.

Social Network Module. Users can use this module to post something about their
accomplishments, job opportunities or updates about their life. Admin will post all school
announcements here also.

Request Module. Alumni from a far places can use this module to request a specific
document and let admin do the process directly at school or online. The process will
have two options: Admin will send the hardcopy via JRS/LBC or send the soft copy via
email. The charges will pay via GCASH or Landbank. This module is useful for busy

Alumni Tracking Module. This module aims to improve the current tracking procedure
of college graduates and provide alumni data to college faculties.

Chat Module. To make this application interactive, a chatroom will be implemented.

User can chat another user.

Application’s Security

The following are the security planned for this project:

 Upon registering, a user must tell the admin their school id to be able to signup
and sign in to the application. The admin will add the school id to the database.

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

 The user’s posts will be post temporarily, the admin will have the approval form
before the other users can see the post.


The following are the limitations of Pateros Technological College Android

Alumni Information System:

 A system is not working if the device is not connected to internet.

 Due to financial difficulties, the database’s capabilities to store more data is low.

1.1.6 Definition of Terms

Below is the definition of technical terms and operational terms based on the
terminology and understanding of the proponent’s researchers.

Operational terms

Below is the technical terms and their definition.

Agile Methodology - In software development, a specific method to project

management is used. The Agile methodology is a way to manage a project by breaking
it up into several phases. It involves constant collaboration with stakeholders and
continuous improvement at every stage. Once the work begins, teams cycle through a

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

process of planning, executing, and evaluating. Continuous collaboration is vital, both

with team members and project stakeholders.

Android - It’s the operating system inside 2.5 billion active devices. Everything from 5G
phones to stunning tablets, Android powers them all. Phones & Tablets. Wear OS by
Google. Android Auto. Android TV. Always pushing what’s possible.

Android Studio - Android Studio is the official Integrated Development Environment

(IDE) for Android app development, based on IntelliJ IDEA . On top of IntelliJ's powerful
code editor and developer tools, Android Studio offers even more features that enhance
your productivity when building Android apps.

Application - is a computer program that is designed for a particular purpose.

Browser - is an application program that provides a way to look at and interact with all
the information on the World Wide Web. This includes Web pages, videos and images.
The word "browser" originated prior to the Web as a generic term for user interfaces
that let you browse (navigate through and read) text files online.

Database (DB) - A database is a logically organized collection of structured data kept

electronically in a computer system. A database management system is usually in
charge of a database (DBMS).

jQuery - is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML
document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much
simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.

MySQL - is an open-source relational database management system. As with other

relational databases, MySQL stores data in tables made up of rows and columns. Users
can define, manipulate, control, and query data using Structured Query Language, more
commonly known as SQL. MySQL is the most popular open-source database system in
the world. As part of the widely-used LAMP technology stack (which consists of a Linux-
based operating system, the Apache web server, a MySQL database, and PHP for
Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

processing), it’s used to store and retrieve data in a wide variety of popular applications,
websites, and services.

Mobile Application - is a software program that runs on a mobile phone.

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) - is a framework that development teams

use to create high-quality software in a methodical and cost-effective manner. The
SDLC approach is used by both large and small software companies. These teams use
a variety of development methodologies, including agile, lean, waterfall, and others.

Tracking - the act of putting students with similar abilities in a group and teaching them

Technical Terms

Below are the technical terms and their definition.

Database - A collection of information organized so that a computer application can

quickly access selected information; it can be thought of as an electronic filing system.
Traditional databases are organized by fields, records (a complete set of fields), and
files (a collection of records). Alternatively, in a Hypertext database, any object (e.g.,
text, a picture, or a film) can be linked to any other object.

System - is a group of interacting or interrelated entities that form a unified whole. A

system, surrounded and influenced by its environment, is described by its boundaries,
structure and purpose and expressed in its functioning. Systems are the subjects of
study of systems theory.
Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

Account - The combination of username and password that provides an individual,

group, or service with access to a computer system or computer network.

Password - A string of characters used to verify or “authenticate” a person’s identity.

Access - Ability to use, create, modify, view, or otherwise manipulate information on a


Device - A device is a unit of physical hardware or equipment that provides one or more
computing functions within a computer system. It can provide input to the computer,
accept output or both.

Server - A computer that is responsible for responding to requests made by a client

program (e.g., a web browser or an e-mail program) or computer. Also referred to as a
"file server".

Technology - is hardware and software that detects or causes a change, through the
direct monitoring and/or control of industrial equipment, assets, processes and events.

Internet - A worldwide network based on the TCP/IP protocol that can connect almost
any make or model of popular computers from micros to supercomputers. Special
programs called "clients" enable users with a network connection to do things like
process e-mail or browse web sites using the familiar interface of a desktop computer.

Data - recorded information, regardless of the form or method of the recording, of a

scientific or technical nature.

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

Chapter 2


This chapter provides a review of related literature and studies that will help the
researchers gather basic data and references for the current investigation. Important
facts were provided by the researchers to support the significance and relevance of the
Android Alumni Information System's creation.

2.1 Related Literature

2.1.1 Foreign Literature

The information system is an integrated group of parts for gathering, storing, and
processing data as well as transmitting information, knowledge, and digital goods,
according to Zwass (2014). The System Creation Life Cycle (SDLCwaterfall )'s
technique, in which the steps are clearly defined, was used in a number of tasks that
were carried out during the development of the Online Information System. The
waterfall approach allows for the processing and completion of phases one at a time.

Online Alumni Tracking System

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

An example of a web application that falls under information systems is an online

alumni tracking system. It aids a university in keeping track of its graduates. Internet
communication between alumni and the university is also beneficial. Additionally, it aids
in keeping alumni informed about the institution's most recent news and planned events.
The alumni will find this application quite helpful because it makes it simple for them to
stay in touch with the school even after they graduate if they don't go to the institution.

The ability to stay linked to fellow graduates and the university while living abroad
makes this application extremely valuable for those alumni who are currently doing so.
Because it allows for paperless processing and transactions, this application is also

Advantages of Computer-Based Information Systems

Computers have altered organizational efficiency, according to Davies (2013), by

automating calculations employed in transactions and account management during the
past few decades. But as these cutting-edge devices continue to transform how we
conduct business, the advantages of computers in enterprises are also going beyond
work productivity. Utilize the most latest developments in computer-based information
systems to stay ahead of the curve. Customers who don't have access to computers
can get in touch with you through phone, fax, mail, or even by coming in person. If they
have access to computers, they can get in touch with you via email, your website,
Facebook, and other social media platforms. They can take part in customer surveys
and post comments on your blog. You may learn what you're doing well, where you can
improve, and what your clients want by getting in touch with them. This ease of
communication is anticipated to increase as more people access the Internet through
mobile devices.

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

Features of an Alumni Information System

An alumni builders system, according to Webaloo (2007), consists of the

following features: Alumni class page—a directory of alumni names by class year with
links to individual profiles and email addresses; Alumni profile—is controlled by
individual users and only displays the information that he/she wants to display; Alumni
search—allows users to search by name, class, occupation, address, and other criteria;
and Alumni forum—offers alumni a way to stay in touch with one another. Alumni
Search lets users to search for graduates by name, while Secure Log-in, Profile Change
Report, and Missing Alumni Page allow the school to re-connect with graduates whose
personal information has changed. Alumni Search also allows users to search for
graduates by name.

Alumni Portal

Using an alumni portal will keep alumni administrators informed and up to date,
claims Goodwin College (2012). The Alumni Portal has been activated, enabling you to:
Update your contact information to receive vital communications and invitations to
Alumni Association events and programs; Notify us of a new job or job change, family
additions, or other news; Access College Central Network to search for jobs, post your
resume, access educational career-related documents, videos, podcasts, and much
more; Browse the events calendar for upcoming happenings; Search for classmates, s,
and other alumni.

West Negros University's web-based Alumni Information System

The West Negros University (2010) web-based Alumni Information System has
the ability to collect data from all alumni utilizing a web application form. The technology
makes it easy to communicate and show information for all issues while assisting the
Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

administrator, alumni staff, and even the public relations office in keeping the data. The
system is internet-based, allowing it to connect to all networks and access all web
portals, allowing it to gather all the data the institution, in particular the alumni office,
needs. The program doubles as a social network that offers chat, forum, blog, and
photo gallery features.

Implementation of Alumni Information System

Agudera and Mendiola (2013) claim that with the introduction of the alumni
information system, the process of gathering student data will be faster and more
accurate, and reports will be generated with greater accuracy. With the use of a
log-in/log-out form, the system will protect student files from unauthorized users. The
interface was created by the programmers to make it simple for users to grasp the
system, and they used a Microsoft Access database to hold crucial data. The system
will aid in the organization of a school.

2.1.2 Local Literature

Web-based Alumni Information System of West Negros University

The West Negros University (2010) web-based Alumni Information System has
the ability to collect data from all alumni utilizing a web application form. The technology
makes it easy to communicate and show information for all issues while assisting the
administrator, alumni staff, and even the public relations office in keeping the data. The
system is internet-based, allowing it to connect to all networks and access all web
portals, allowing it to gather all the data the institution, in particular the alumni office,

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

needs. The program doubles as a social network that offers chat, forum, blog, and
photo gallery features.

Ateneo Integrated Student Information System

Ateneo Integrated Student Information System (AISIS) is precisely defined in

AISIS Online (2006), which also notes that it acts as the portal for Ateneo students,
teachers, and staff. Officially enrolled Ateneo students may access important school

data through AISIS Online, including as their individual program of study (IPS), grades,
and class schedules. In the future, students may also enlist through AISIS Online. On
the other hand, Ateneo instructors and staff having access to AISIS can check their
class schedules and submit marks from off-campus.

Online Alumni Tracking System

An example of a web application that falls under information systems is an online

alumni tracking system. It aids a university in keeping track of its graduates. Internet
communication between alumni and the university is also beneficial. Additionally, it aids
in keeping alumni informed about the institution's most recent news and planned events.
This program is easily accessible via the internet, which will be very helpful to the
alumni because it will allow them to stay in touch with the school even if they do not
physically visit it. The ability to stay linked to fellow graduates and the university while
living abroad makes this application extremely valuable for those alumni who are
currently doing so. Because it allows for paperless processing and transactions, this
application is also beneficial.

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

University of Baguio Online Alumni Management System

The University of Baguio has been developing methods to collect and manage its
alumni information because it is an academic institution that needs an alumni system.
Additionally, it put into practice the three-tier architecture, which consists of a
presentation layer, a layer for business logic, and a layer for data services. Online
alumni registration, alumni profile updates, user guides, automated email confirmation,
alumni information management, report generation, and security of alumni information
are only a few of the specific features developed. The iterative system development life
cycle model was effectively used to carry out the invention.

Alumni Database of the University of Cebu

The study aimed to create and develop an alumni database of the University of
Cebu that would provide solutions to challenges in tracing alumni. The suggested
system would give users the ability to register and produce data for the purpose of
locating graduates. 95 respondents were given two sets of questionnaires created by
the researchers and administered using the descriptive developmental approach. The
data collected was treated using percentages, rankings, and weighted averages. The
Commission on Higher Education's Graduate Tracer Study survey questionnaire was
used to construct the alumni database, which users then validated for usability, system
security, and accessibility. The study found that compared to the conventional technique
of data recording, an alumni database system is by far a better tool, cost-saving
mechanism, and time-saving mechanism. Additionally, it would streamline the
university's efforts to support alumni in informing other global stakeholders about
pertinent developments.

2.1.3 Foreign Related Studies

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

According to Arcelo and Sanyal's book Employment and Career Opportunities

after Graduation, having a large population of educated unemployed people can
contribute to some degree of political instability in a nation because these people, who
are members of the educated class and aware of the privileges society can provide, feel
doubly deprive. This book is focused on the graduates of AB Journalism who will be
looking for jobs after they graduate. An analysis of the unemployment situation in the
Philippines revealed that young graduates are still in the job-hunting stage. Whether the
skills and knowledge they acquire in the journalism program will be applied to
occupations that suit them.

In his work, "Student Information System at the University of the Cordilleras,"

Marrero (2009) emphasized that the idea of Information Systems (IS) first appeared in
the early 1960s. The academic discipline of information science is frequently mentioned
when the term "information system" is used; it is concerned with the creation, gathering,
organization, storage, retrieval, and transmission of recorded knowledge. It is also a
group of connected elements created to help management, operations, and decision-
making in an organization. Generally speaking, the purpose of IS is to inform and assist
users in making wise decisions based on the knowledge gained from trustworthy data.

According to Evangelista (2008), Nueva Vizcaya State University's Student

Information System (SIS) is a safe, web-based interactive computer system that users
can access to view grade reports, transcripts, class schedules, and the amount of
money still owed for the semester as well as register for classes online. Students would
receive a special identifying number in this way. That special identity would be used for
all data going to and coming from the university. Individual student records would
improve the ability of admissions to track a student's development over time, provide
better data to inform more informed policy choices that would improve educational
opportunities for all students, lessen the burden of data collection thanks to a web-

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

enabled SIS, and serve as a tool for parents to keep tabs on their kids' academic
progress. Nelita M. Lalican's "Tracer Survey of Agriculture Graduates," in which the
University of the Philippines Los Baos College of Agriculture tracked its graduates with
the intention of evaluating its curriculum and debating the applicability of its production
to the current situation. According to the study's findings, employers choose specialists
over generalists and value graduates' effectiveness, efficiency, and cooperation.
Although many companies regard UPLB alumni as academically inclined, having a
know-it-all attitude while yet having an authoritative personality, they also find the
graduates to be intelligent, dependable, and resourceful.

2.1.4 Local Studies

On November 7, 2019, the Grand Alumni Homecoming will be hosted by the UP

College of Law Class of 1994 in the Grand Ballroom of the Marriott Hotel. The jubilee's
theme this year is "Pahinungod," which is an offering or oblation to the country and its
people. All events' revenues will go to the UP College of Law's devoted non-academic
staff. Tickets for the homecoming can be purchased online at or
from the respective class reps.

The UP Law Class of 1994 will commemorate its 25th year since leaving the UP
College of Law this year. The silver jubilee class often hosts the UP College of Law
Grand Alumni Homecoming each year. Each year, the UP College of Law Grand
Alumni Homecoming is a celebration that all alums eagerly anticipate. About 600
alumni of the UP College of Legal, one of the most esteemed law schools in the
nation, attend the Homecoming. Through the years, these graduates have built
illustrious careers in the judiciary, academia, government service, and private practice.
We, the host class, have planned a number of events for the alumni and some friends
to take part in so that it will be a memorable homecoming. These events serve as a

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

fundraiser to support the homecoming and our beneficiary, the non-academic staff of
the UP College of Law, in addition to bringing together our alumni as part of the
celebrations. The majority of the money earned throughout the events leading up to
the homecoming will go to the UP College of Law, as is custom.

The University takes great pride in its Alumni. Alumni of UP from all over the
world continue to actively engage in activities and concerns relating to the university.
Through the support and direction they give to their Alma institution as well as through
their successes in their respective fields, alumni consistently contribute back to the
University of the Philippines Community and the country as a whole.

The link between the alumni and the rest of the academic community is provided
through the Office of Alumni Relations (OAR). Involving alumni in institutional and
alumni programs, events, and activities helps the UP and its Alumni Association (UPAA)
identify, cultivate, and connect with them. Additionally, it whenever feasible represents
the UP and the UPAA at institutional and alumni programs, events, and activities held
locally, on- and off-campus, and abroad.

2.1.5 Existing Related System

The University has few options for interacting with former students before today.
Postal mail, letters, phone numbers, and periodicals were the main forms of
communication. Due to the likelihood that graduates will be dispersed geographically
while pursuing their careers, institutions made fewer attempts to connect with them due
to the high expenditures of publications and mailings. The majority of communications
were informative and non-interactive. People who were stationed close to the university
or who have partners who attend are more likely to be alumni interested in and involved
in school news. The community service and industrial linkage office of Wollega
Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

University manually updates its database of former students. This makes it difficult to
maintain and retrieve data effectively. The availability of the information is frequently
erratic. Activities that assist graduates and the university itself are carried out inside the
administrative office. The office employs a computer to store various alumni data that is
kept in unique databases. This involves creating countless excel sheets and papers,
which is a time-consuming operation. The group might gather these sheets and
distribute them to all of the graduates, but this activity might not happen frequently.
Phone numbers and email addresses can be freely exchanged, which can result in an
abundance of spam emails. Due of the apparent lack of privacy, many alumni will refrain
from disclosing their personal information to other graduates. Only the office manager
has access to all the information on the alumni, and no other parties are aware of the
activities carried out by the office or how the alumni system works. Even though alumni
may join, there has never been a gathering of all members to discuss how the system is
administered. There is no way for members to communicate with one another or to offer
suggestions for the organization. The current system uses the following approaches for
formation.The association has general congress which includes all members.
 The chairman, secretary, and one member serve as the congress's leaders.
 The group has three different subcomities that are chosen at the general
congress, along with one executive committee.

2.1.6 Synthesis

This chapter focuses on the various studies and other literature from both foreign
and local research that have a significant impact on the variables studied. It focuses on
several factors that will help with the development of this research. The study is
primarily focused on the graduating students and alumni of using android to create the
Android Alumni Information System. This research's literature includes books, electronic

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

materials such as PDFs, articles, and other thesis studies, both foreign and local, that
are thought to be valuable in raising awareness of the study.

The following are the summary of all related literature and studies of this

Online Alumni Tracking System: An information system is a web application that aids a
university in keeping track of its graduates. Internet communication between alumni and
the university is also beneficial. This application makes it easy for alumni to stay in
touch with the school even if they don't go to the institution.

Advantages of Computer-Based Information Systems: The advantages of computers in

enterprises are going beyond work productivity. Customers who don't have access to

computers can get in touch with you through phone, fax or mail. Utilize the most latest
developments in computer-based information systems to stay ahead of the curve.

Features of an Alumni Information System: An alumni builders system, according to

Webaloo (2007), consists of the following features: Alumni class page, Alumni forum,
and Alumni Search. Secure Log-in, Profile Change Report, and Missing Alumni Page
allow alumni to re-connect with graduates whose personal information has changed.

West Negros University's web-based Alumni Information System: The West Negros
University (2010) web-based Alumni Information System has the ability to collect data
from all alumni utilizing a web application form. The program doubles as a social
network that offers chat, forum, blog, and photo gallery features. It is internet-based
allowing it to connect to all networks and access all web portals.

Implementation of Alumni Information System: A new alumni information system will

help schools gather student data faster and more accurately. The system uses a
Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

Microsoft Access database to hold crucial data. With the use of a log-in/log-out form, the
system will protect student files from unauthorized users.

Web-based Alumni Information System of West Negros University: The West Negros
University (2010) web-based Alumni Information System has the ability to collect data
from all alumni utilizing a web application form. The program doubles as a social
network that offers chat, forum, blog, and photo gallery features for members of the
alumni community.

Ateneo Integrated Student Information System: Ateneo Integrated Student Information

System (AISIS) is precisely defined in AISIS Online (2006). AISIS acts as a portal for
students, teachers, and staff. Students may access their individual program of study
(IPS), grades, and class schedules through AISIS.

Online Alumni Tracking System: An information system is a web application that aids a
university in keeping track of its graduates. Internet communication between alumni and
the university is also beneficial. This program is easily accessible via the internet and
allows alumni to stay in touch with the school even if they do not physically visit it.

University of Baguio Online Alumni Management System: The University of Baguio has
been developing methods to collect and manage its alumni. The iterative system
development life cycle model was effectively used. Online alumni registration, profile
updates, and automated email confirmation are just a few of the specific features
developed by the university's alumni system.

Alumni Database of the University of Cebu: The study aimed to create an alumni
database of the University of Cebu that would provide solutions to challenges in tracing
alumni. 95 respondents were given two sets of questionnaires created by the
researchers. The data collected was treated using percentages, rankings, and weighted

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

 Having a large population of educated unemployed people can contribute to

some degree of political instability in a nation. This book is focused on graduates
of AB Journalism who will be looking for jobs after they graduate. An analysis of
the unemployment situation in the Philippines revealed that young graduates are
still in the job-hunting stage.

 The idea of Information Systems (IS) first appeared in the early 1960s. IS is
concerned with the creation, gathering, organization, storage, retrieval, and
transmission of recorded knowledge. It is also a group of connected elements
created to help management, operations, and decision-making.

 Nueva Vizcaya State University's Student Information System (SIS) is a web-

based interactive computer system. Users can access grade reports, transcripts,

Class schedules, and the amount of money still owed for the semester. Students
would receive a special identifying number in this way.

Our study on Android Alumni Information System mainly focuses on the

management of alumni of Pateros Technological College. The Pateros Technological
College Android Alumni Information System is expected to contribute a lot to the
management of Pateros Technological College of having a android based platform for
the alumnis.

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

Chapter 3


The methodologies utilized in data gathering and analysis were explained in this
chapter. The strategies focus on the participants' experiences and aim to understand
the causes for various behavior descriptions. Data gathering approaches and interviews
were used in the evaluation. In general, we employed the Spiral Method throughout the

3.1.1 Descriptive Research

The Pateros Technological College Android Alumni Information System will be

implemented in Pateros Technological College in Sto. Rosario Kanluran Pateros. Since
the proponents wants to develop this system to have Pateros Technological College an
Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

automized alumni information system that will manage all the alumni records as well as
update them faster. The Android Alumni Information System will also help the school to
keep track of their alumni and raise funds while developing a stronger relationship. This
project will be implemented with an android platform which will be convenient and
efficient to the alumni especially to those who can’t access the website version that
have been done with our System Analysis and Design project.

This is such a great help since the school doesn’t have an existing alumni
system. Since the pandemic started, it is hard to organize big parties or gatherings due
to health protocols. The Pateros Technological College only have a Facebook group for
their alumni which makes it hard for them to inform everyone because not everyone
have facebook accounts. The system will help organize virtual gatherings faster.

3.1.2 Experimental Reseach

The researcher's experiment develops a design with the goal of investigating and
watching activity that can handle diverse tasks in an appropriate manner. Some figures
related to the research of our system are offered.

3.1.3 Developmental Research

The "Pateros Technological College Android Alumni Information System" with all
the methods carried out for progression or experimentation will be designed in
conducting observation to handle different challenges that can be carried out by the "
Pateros Technological College Android Alumni Information System " with all the
methods carried out for progression or experimentation. Changes in elements that will
Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

be added or eliminated based on the architectural system of the study will be


3.1.4 Planning phase (Phase 1)

Using the Scrum Methodology of Agile Method, we, the researchers will develop
Pateros Technological College Android Alumni Information System. This is the section
where the research project first began. The researchers came up with the idea of having
an Alumni Information System for Pateros Technological College with the android
platform. We, together with our previous teams on our subject System Analysis and
Design Project, we developed a web-based system for information alumni system. And
we came up with the idea of innovating it with mobile device platform for easier to
access with our own hands. If this application will produce, every alumni may feel happy
since we’ve conducted an android based application for them, alumni of Pateros
Technological Colleges. This will also help the school to have a better communication
with the alumni and also raise fund if possible with the help of online transactions.

The proponents meet with Professor Sixth Trono to discuss how they might develop
our application in order to better comprehend and gather information on an interactive
mobile app. Inquiries are made concerning the courses that could be present in an
interactive application for former students of the institution. Proponents had a better
understanding of the idea of an interactive application and the modules they might add
to the Pateros Technological College Alumni Information System with the help of the

Milestone Scheduling (Phase 2)

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Table 1. Milestone Scheduling

The milestone scheduling is an idea of how long the project will last. Proponents’
include the title proposal, approving of title, preparation and creation of every chapters
of Pateros Technological College Android Alumni Information System.

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3.1.5 Flowchart

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Figure 2. Alumni User Flowchart

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Figure 3. Administrator Module Flowchart

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Figure 3. Data Flow Diagram Level 0

Context Diagram. A context diagram is a top level (also known as "Level 0") data
flow diagram. It only contains one process node ("Process 0") that generalizes the
function of our project Pateros Technological College Android Alumni Information
System in relationship to external entities. Our System has two users: the alumni and
the admin. The admin is the controller or the one who manage the system. The users
which are the graduated students of Pateros Technological College.

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Figure 4. Data Flow Diagram Level 1

In the figure, DFD Level 1 of View is a process of managing Admin and
Alumni details. Alumni can see all of the modules where they can interact with their
fellow alumni and within the application while the Admin can view alumni information
and can manipulate it if there are some innappropriate situations for the security

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3.1.8 Unified Modeling Language

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Figure 5. Use Case Diagram Model

The Use Case Diagram

This is the General Use Case of Alumni Information System. This diagram shows
the general processes or function that the system could do. The general use case of the
diagram is to show the basic use of the system if the custodian is on the system. He can
manage system settings, can view, save, delete and update posts, can add, delete,
update forums. He can also manage the gallery, course lists and alumni list.

Figure 6. Entity Relationship Diagram

3.1.9 Entity Relationship Diagram

An Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram is a type of flowchart that illustrates how
“entities” such as people, objects or concepts relate to each other within a system. ER
Diagrams are most often used to design or debug relational databases in the fields of
software engineering, business information systems, education and research. Also
Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

known as ERDs or ER Models, they use a defined set of symbols such as rectangles,
diamonds, ovals and connecting lines to depict the interconnectedness of entities,
relationships and their attributes. They mirror grammatical structure, with entities as
nouns and relationships as verbs.

The entity-relationship diagram of this system is composed of seven categories:

(1) Our respondents, which are the college graduate of Pateros Technological College
will register on the registration of the application and will be verify by the administrator.
(2) The admin is the one who are responsible for managing the application. As you can
see in the diagram, there is Admin Identity. Admin Identity is what kind of personnel you
are. It could be the head alumni of PTC, staff of the school or it could be us, the
developers. (3 and 4) Opportunity and Social network module has the same method
wherein users will input their posts according to the topics. Opportunity module is for the
opportunities for the fellow alumnis such as jobs, sessions or free training and whatnot.
As per the limitation, Opportunity Module is not a job application process. While social
network are for the alumni’s social life. (5) Request module is for the alumni who can’t
go to the school who are in needing of some documentation for their requirements in
some matter. Alumni can do a request within the app where the admin will process
everything then the soft copy will be sent through email or send the hard copy with the
seal of the school through the delivery of LBC or JRS that is near within the school’s
location. (6) Alumni Tracking is for the past students of PTC where they will input their
personal information and admin will save the data to the database. The security if their
data will be safe. (7) Lastly, the college news will be managed by the Admin. The admin
will post the news, announcements, and events to this module.

All records of the users will login and logout in the app will be recorded
accordingly. Creating information that they will input into the app and most likely benefit
the system.

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

Figure 7: Normalization

A database design method called normalization avoids data duplication and gets
rid of undesired traits like Insertion, Update, and Deletion Anomalies. Using
relationships, normalization rules break up larger tables into smaller ones. SQL
Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

normalization serves the dual purposes of removing unnecessary (repetitive) data and
ensuring logical data storage.

The figure above shows the normalization of this study wherein the Alumni’s
information is all recorded accordingly to the information that the researchers gathered.

The table for the register are the personal information of the users where admin
were able to see it and check if they are an alumni of Pateros Technological College
using their unique value which is the school ID number.

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3.1.10 Software Process

System Design and Development

Scrum Methodology

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Figure 1. Scrum Methodology

Scrum is specifically how Agile Management evolved. The foundation of the

Scrum approach is a set of extremely specific responsibilities and procedures that must
be followed throughout the software development process. It is a flexible methodology
that encourages the use of the 12 agile principles in situations when all of the product
team members have given their consent.

Sprints—the word for feedback and reflection—are temporary, brief, and periodic
blocks that are used during the execution of Scrum. They typically last between two and
four weeks. A version of the end product that can be supplied to the client with the least
amount of effort necessary must be provided by each Sprint, which is an entity in and of

A list of the project plan's objectives and requirements serves as the process's
starting point. The project's client prioritizes these goals while balancing their worth and
cost; as a result, the number of iterations and subsequent delivery are decided.

On the one hand, the market demands high-quality products delivered quickly
and affordably. To meet these demands, a company must be very agile and flexible in
the product development process. This allows for quick development cycles that can
satisfy customer demand without compromising the quality of the final product. It is a
very simple practice to use, and because of the rapid outcomes it produces, it is quite

The Scrum approach is mostly used for software development, but other
industries are benefiting from it by incorporating it into their organizational structures,
including teams for sales, marketing, and human resources, among others.

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

The architectural structure and visual design of the system are completed
during the design phase to ensure that it is user-friendly. The development phase is the
longest stage in Agile Method Phasing because it involves the proponents coding the
system and building the hardware.
The coded software is tested during the testing process to ensure that
everything is working properly. The implementation phase is when the project is
completed and the proposed system, Pateros Technological College Android Alumni
Information System, is put into effect.

Designing is based on admin, and alumni. This stage is creating a design for
the system. It has a registration form for the alumni/users and the admin and database:
the system’s main database. The system is designed as a user-friendly system.

In the development of our system, we used Android Studio for encoding the
source code of our system and our primary design and coding platform. This will require
SQL for the running of database. Fire Database will be the software used.

While the software is being created, it will also be tested for potential bugs and
errors that might hinder the flow of the system. We ensure that the software works
100% as intended and for the admin and alumni will be satisfied by using this system.
After finishing the main parts of the system, Developer gave a test sample to his fellow
groupmate and there is a lot of learning they encountered, it made them know the minor
and major mistakes in their system.

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila


It is important to accurately describe all the steps the author took to apply his or
her own research, including the logic. A detailed picture of the research job and the
method the author used to try to accomplish the study aim is provided by reporting on
the implementation. The reader can assess the research's validity based on the author's
description of how it was carried out.

The report outlines the thesis's goals, the author's method of inquiry, the
techniques utilized to gather data, the materials employed, and how they were used. It
identifies the research's target audience or topic and evaluates the validity of the results.
Any potential ethical claims are made and supported by appropriate arguments.

The report's presentation of results is its most crucial section. Both results and
findings aim to give solutions to the study problem, however they are not published in
the same manner. The results might be analyzed in a variety of ways, such as in
relation to the study problem. The way the results are presented depends on the study
type that was used and the report format. The thesis's objective must always be kept in
mind when reporting results.

Which study findings are most important must be made clear to the reader in
the presentation of the results. The results should be rationally categorized into
categories, paying close attention to those that are most pertinent to the issues at hand.
When presenting the findings of study, transparency is crucial. Regardless of whether
an answer was found, all questions must be properly answered. Results should be
presented in a clear, logical, and truthful manner. Results may be accompanied with
conclusions based on the findings.

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

Operation and Maintenance

The development of the Pateros Technological College Android Information
System operates as an instant help as it can be easy to use. It is a portable device built
to reduce the use of old methods and paper use system of alumni management app.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t support website devices for now. But who knows, if this system
will be integrated into the higher and more updated feature.

Maybe in the future, it is accessible to all mobile phones. When creating and
developing applications, it will also need maintenance for the beneficial use of users.
These are some ways in how the researchers can maximize the benefits of this system
for long-term use:

1. Add new features.

➢ it’s a good idea to keep an eye on the system, in the long run, to see how users
engage with it. Adding new feature upgrades to the app based on user feedback and
usage patterns keeps users engaged and interested.

2. Keep user interface updated

➢ maintaining a constant awareness of changing user patterns, trends, and usage
habits are critical to the app's long-term success. Users become more mature as they
spend more time with the program. The user interface must also mature, especially if
researchers want to keep existing users interested and provide them with the greatest
possible experience.

3. Fix bugs timely

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

➢ Programmers lose users if they don't check in on the system frequently and fix bugs
as soon as possible. Always be on the lookout for bugs and technical problems and fix \
them as soon as possible. Keep track of user comments and reviews so that any
concerns or complaints may be addressed quickly.

4. Monitor performance
➢ Keep a look out for slow loading times, lags, and concerns with responsiveness. It's
important to keep track of the system’s technical functioning as well as its analytics
reporting. Monitoring these indicators can help researchers develop the system, reduce
user loss, and keep it in top shape in the long run.

5. Schedule system maintenance

➢ Regular system maintenance might help prevent missing out on problems or bugs. It
also ensures that the program is always up to date and continues to function properly
over time. Furthermore, telling users ahead of time about scheduled maintenance builds
expectations for both the user and admin. This is necessary if researchers don't want to
surprise their users with a "System down for maintenance" notification, which can be
very annoying. Bugs and Errors to the system will still trigger so there will be
maintenance and patches to fix the stubborn problems existing within the system and
update the system as fast as possible.

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter focuses on the collection of data, presentation, and analysing of

data gathered. The researcher will present the gathered data analysis from the
graduated students of Pateros Technological College between the year 2013 up to the
recent who answered the survey questionnaire.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The proponents made used of the following statistical treatment:

A. Simple Percentage
The following for computing the demographic profile of respondents.


P = Percentage

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

F = Frequency for each category

N = Total number of respondents

100 = Constant multiplier

Weighted Mean

The formula for computing weighted mean is:

Where WM= weighted

mean w= weight

X= assigned weights

Ʃx= sum of the weights

The quantitative results yielded by the computations through the weighted mean
were interpreted as follows:


5 4.1-5.0 Strongly Agree

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

4 3.1- 4.0 Agree

3 2.1– 3.0 Moderately Agree
2 1.1 – 2.0 Disagree
1 0.1- 1.0 Strongly Disagree

Locale of the Study

PTC Android Alumni Information System was conducted at Pateros
Technological College located at College St. Sto Rosario- Kanluran, Pateros Metro

Population and Sampling Technique

The respondents were one of the vital parts of this study. Without
respondents, the proponents cannot conduct this kind of study. The respondents
were graduated students of Pateros Technological College who volunteered to
answer the survey questionnaire through an online form. When proponents
collected the data of the survey within the time limit (1 week) given, there were
already 70 respondents who answered the survey.

For the proponents’ sampling technique, the proponents decided to use

voluntary sample as it is made up of respondents as it was the most convenient for
the time given and so as the place. Proponents posted the survey questionnaire
online, mainly through the use of social media to ask respondents to participate in
online survey questionnaire.

Table 2. Total Number of Respondents

Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

Respondents Population Percentage (%)

BSIT 47 67%

BSOA 12 17%

CCS 11 16%

Total 70 100%


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Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

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Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

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Pateros Technological College
College St. Sto. Rosario-Kanluran, Pateros, Metro Manila

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