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Assignment-03: Create an Offline News

Reader Android Application!

Assignment Objective:
● Create an Android App that implements “An Offline News Reader” - Android

External Resources and Code

This assessment is open book-- you can look at text or online sources as you see
fit. You may copy small pieces of code (lines that contain semi-colons <10%)
from the internet. So as long as you understand how it works and cite the source in
a comment, you are good. As per the academic honesty policy, you may not copy
code (even with modification) from other students, or from other sites on the
internet. You may not consult other students or look at their code. You may not
share your code with other students.

Overview and Submission Requirements

Your task is to work individually to create an Android application to implement the
missing part of the provided template (Please see inside D2L, assignment-03
template program). To submit this assessment, submit a compressed folder
(*.zip) with all project related files. Please do not rename your main project
folder! Just zip everything inside the original project folder and submit in the d2l
assignment submission page.

Overview of the App:

Offline News Reader is a new app that can work offline. i.e. The app stores
information in a local database every time when it downloads something from the
web. In the provided template, the app will update everyday just once! If the app’s
user reads a news item that was previously read, instead of downloading the new
from the web, the app will load the news article from previously stored local

Grading Rubrics (Total 10 points):

1. App process information from API. Creates title array lists items and stores
the updated ‘Title list’ into local database (every day just one time).
2 Points
2. The app will download and update news details of a web address, only when
it is unavailable to the local database. 2 Points

3. The app does not crash frequently for ordinary reasons. 2 Points

4. Up and back buttons work as expected. 1 Point

5. Code is readable and well commented. 1 Point

6. Naming for classes, methods, and variables is appropriate. Functionality

decomposed into classes and methods. 1 Point

7. The app should use different colors to indicate loading from web and loading
from local database instead of ‘Log.i’ information. 1 Point

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