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Film Review:

Type of film
General impression and conclusion
Word List
marina |məˈriːnə| - гавань для прогулянкових катерів,
гавань для екскурсійних суден, еспланада вздовж
морського берега, пристань для яхт.
to speak bluntly |ˈblʌntlɪ| - говорити різко, відкрито
висловлювати, відверто виражати.
to swell up |swel| - переповнювати, збільшуватися,
підніматися, (переповнювати почуттями).
cue |kjuː| - сигнал, репліка, знак, натяк
to hire |ˈhaɪə| - наймати
an intricately woven plot - складно сплетений сюжет
dehydration |ˌdiːhaɪˈdreɪʃ(ə)n| - зневоднення
Adrift is a 2018 American survival
drama film produced and directed by
Baltasar Kormákur and written by
David Branson Smith, Aaron Kandell,
and Jordan Kandell. The film is based
on the 2002 book Red Sky at
Mourning by Tami Oldham Ashcraft,
a true story set during the events of
Hurricane Raymond in 1983.
The film stars Shailene
Woodley and Sam Claflin
as a couple who are adrift
in the middle of the Pacific
Ocean after a hurricane
and must find their way to
Hawaii with a damaged
boat and no radio.
Five months before the hurricane, Tami Oldham arrives
in Tahiti on board the schooner Sofia and meets
Richard Sharp, a British sailor. Richard invites Tami for
dinner aboard his boat Mayaluga. The two of them
spend more time together and begin to plan a trip to
sail to Japan. While downtown one day, Tami and
Richard bump into Peter and Christine Crompton,
owners of Hazaña, a luxury Trintella 44 yacht. The
Cromptons offer Richard $10,000 and a return first-class
ticket back to Tahiti to sail Hazaña to San Diego,
California. Richard accepts the offer, on the condition
that Tami come along and that they also give her a
return ticket.
When Richard (Sam Claflin) and Tami (Shailene

Woodley) meet in Tahiti, she's working in a marina, a

girl already somewhat "adrift" but not really worried

about it yet, and he is a yacht-owner who wants to

sail around the world. Their love story involves

jumping off cliffs, random laughter, and a

conversation about flowers. There's not much

substance to it, and the script is low on subtext. The

two speak their feelings bluntly ("I sailed half the

world to find you"), with music swelling up on cue.

"Adrift" flips back and forth between their
burgeoning romance on Tahiti and the
increasingly dire situation after the storm, as
Tami struggles to keep herself and Richard
alive. It is she who makes the decision to turn
north and try to reach Hawaii, as opposed to
continuing on to San Diego. It is she who
rations out the food. When problems arise, she
has to figure out solutions. She hovers over
maps, peers through the sextant, makes
calculations, all while battling dehydration.
True Story
In September, 1983, Tami Oldham Ashcraft and her fiance, Richard Sharp, were
hired to take a 44-foot yacht on a 4,000-mile journey from Tahiti to San Diego.
About halfway through their cross-Pacific journey, they ran into Hurricane
Raymond, a tropical storm which had been building in power for a couple of
weeks. They struggled to control the yacht in 145-knot winds.
Adrift was released in the United
States on June 1, 2018 by STXfilms and
received mixed reviews from critics,
who praised Woodley's performance
and the cinematography but criticized
the familiar narrative.
It's not just a story of an incredible feat of
survival. It's also a love story, presented
with an intricately woven plot.
1. When did the events depicted in the Adrift
movie take place in real life?
2. What is the type of film?
3. What was the name of Richard's boat?
4. Who produced this film?
5. How much money was offered to Richard for
the yacht transportation?
Thank you for
your attention!

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