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Important ideas:
think about light entering a building through windows and doors when
lighting sets.

almost all adventure stories have an antagonist. some can be more

metaphorical like the main character’s short-comings but in most typical
kids movie cases there is a literal bad guy in the way of the main goal.
maybe have an evil character trying to find the magic bowl for their own evil
uses. gargamel type - bad guy but not traditional evil, kind of stupid or
always loosing.

to avoid having to make loads of characters have a narrator that can talk to
the characters

instead of two main characters maybe have one main character and two
bag guys as the trope of angry irritable leader and big dumb henchman
who isn’t that evil. it works better with pace and interactions, like the wolf in
sword in the stone.


Look at Road to Eldorado

Muppets for the traveling via map


Message could be use imagination

Max 10fps to save time, minimum 6fps

They live in a world where childhood fairytales are myths like greek
mythology is to us. But now no one believes in the magic. Maybe just
goldilocks is the myth and they decided to go and find the mythical
portage bowl so that the world thinks they are heroes?

Trip to Panama: comes home to a better place but its still the same, new
perspective. —— this inspired to look at Strange World.

take lots of inspo from the owl in sword in the stone for a
grumpy/sarcastic character

look at luca for kids as main character duo type vibe

mub + grub

Opens with storybook

Narrator explains some context

Characters sitting on couch bored and decide to go on an adventure

Travelling on a boat (maybe made of a milk carton), one character could

even play the she was the one notes and the other character is like
snarks bark in a sarcastic tone the magic of cinema

Use blue cellophane type material to make the water?

Make it to an island with a spooky forest or ruins? - get back up again

from trolls style scene where sunshine lollipops is playing and the main
characters is going thru it like nothing is wrong while baddies are
around and the side kick is like :0 bruh are you seeing this everything is
not fine then the main looks a round a bit, zoom in on him as the music
fades and spooky backing track gets loud and everything gets darker
but then RECORD SCRATCH main is like …. NAHHHH and the fun music
starts again. main is flicking a branch out the way and it hits side etc

They fall into a hole. Lego movie style fall into cave but its on a map and
the line go in all sorts of directions and hit walls etc. OR use this
concept for trying to get somewhere and they get lost

An action comedy revolving around an overly optimistic main character and

a witty but sarcastic sidekick are in a world where our nursery rhymes are
their mythology and legends and now no one believes in the magic. It's set
100 years after Goldilocks, an all powerful deity, went missing cursing the
world to never agin be just right, e.g. there isn't a single comfy bed in the
whole land. This leads the main character to want to find the magic again to
be seen as a hero look at the cloudy and a chance of meatballs island
where all hope is gone and flint wants to make everyone happy. The duo
go on a mission to find the legendary porridge bowl that is prophesied to
have the 'perfect' magic, bringing back balance to the world. When they
return to their home

An adventure comedy revolving around an overly optimistic main character
and a witty but sarcastic sidekick are in a world where our nursery rhymes
are their mythology and legends and now the magic is diminishing. It's set
100 years after Goldilocks, an all powerful being, went missing - cursing the
world to never again be just right, e.g. there isn't a single comfy bed in the
whole land. This leads the main character to want to bring back the magic
to be seen as a hero,
look at the cloudy and a chance of meatballs island where all hope is
gone and flint wants to make everyone happy and drag the sidekick along
for the ride. The duo go on a mission to find the legendary porridge bowl
that is prophacised to have the 'perfect' magic, bringing back balance to
the world. The mission takes them far and wide as they meet both friend
and foe along the way. When they return to their home everyone is so
happy to see them and they all celebrate with a porridge party? (The ending
is undecided so far).

narration style ideas (it can help move the story along without having to
show loads of locations or characters):
evan almighty

muppet christmas carol, technically gonzo is the narrator, don’t love the
fact that he’s physically in it but the way he narrates could influence my

like in orion the dark and muppet treasure island open with an ‘action
scene’ that turns out to be a character (maybe the main one) is telling a

have some obviously evil looking character ‘help’ them get to the island/
hes on the island and helps navigate like ‘long John Silver’, ‘Domonic
badguy’ and also try to kill/trap them like the wolf from sword in the

side character has a rizzo the rat type of energy

scene idea:

main: oh man i wish we could make everyone happy

side: yeah maybe you can leave.. that might work

main (dryly): ha ha ya very funny. But seriously if only there was
something we could do.

OS narrator: Haven’t you heard the prophacy?

side and main look up, look at each other then start screaming and
kermit style flailing around.

narrator: um… guys… clears throat… QUIETTTTTT.

they freeze in whatever position they were in and stop screaming.

narrator: thank you.

the prophacy gets explained. well now all you need is a map.

side: well guess thats a bust.. I’m going to take a nap

main: hey don’t give up. strokes chin… we just need to look farther

dramatic zoom out to show a store with a massive sign saying

‘Michael's maps for every occasion - especially quests’

side: well that’s convenient

good op for iconic extra character like the yohoo summer blowout


narrator reading the story of goldilocks but then he gets to the end
maybe in the middle he goes blah blah blah you know how it goes…
but what you don’t know is what happened after….. and then he gives
a sentence or too of THEN SHE DISAPPEARED, in a 100 years a village
grew around the bears house and in one apartment lives

then open scene like emmet apartment in the lego movie.

I can make the opening a storybook and the picture of the village is
2D with a greenscreen square in the apartment building which i can
edit in the 3D set of the characters home.


main (being the long lanky bendy wriggly hoe he is) leans back lifting
his front leg up quite a bit and almost falls on it while bent arm
shrugging and marching on saying oh
well….guessimdoingitanywaybyeeeeeeeeee as he speeds off screen
and side is just left there gawking like ugh what noooooo. im picturing
robin hood (the fox version duh) doing this movement i swear.


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