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a. Here i think “time varying”means“season varying”.

According to the common sense and

previous results, they’re age,team,various performance metrics such as effective field goal and
free throw shooting percentage of the player,total points scored by the player. Note that these
metrics reflect the progress of athletes' strengths

a. For time invariant predictors, they’re height,weight,position,college,debut details the length of

career and the performance history of the player.
Yes i think it’s necessary to think about the fixed effects.For example, i ndividual characteristics:
such as player's height, weight, position are fixed attributes. These attributes typically remain
constant throughout a player's career but may have an impact on their salary or other

b. Here i think we should choose fixed effect model. From the above report,we already know that

team and position are significant for salary.So is believed to be correlated with covariates.And

we could also get the conclusion from the Hausmen test.

c. When team owners adjust the salaries of individual athletes or make team restructuring
adjustments, according to the fixed-effects model, team owners should use different approaches
for different athletes, arranging them accordingly based on their characteristics.

a. I think so. We know that fixing endogeneity is one way to establish causal inference.Using fixed
effects model can control for individual-specific characteristics and thereby more accurately
estimate the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. The fixed effects model
evaluates causal relationships by comparing changes within the same entity across different time
points or conditions.
b. To evaluate cooperation among team members, we could take more predictors into account to
collect data.For example, a player's number of assists may not have a significant impact on the
player's individual value, but it contributes to the team's overall contribution.
c. Random teams mean random teamwork. Teamwork may affect how well a player's individual
abilities are displayed as well as the final outcome of the game. Then it will affect the player's draft.
To answer this question,we may need the following data: for a known team, the final score of the
team's games over several seasons, and the respective scores of each player on the team.We can
analyze to get a sense of whether the team's results are highly dependent on certain players, or
whether different players contribute to the team in a largely similar way.

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