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Assignment Brief and Feedback form

(Graded unit with single assignment)

Name of Centre: Learner achievement (please circle) NB: All learner

achievement is provisional until confirmed at the AVA Awards


Level Achieved: L3
(Level 3 units only)
Resubmission? Y N

Title of Access to HE Diploma: Access to Nursing and Midwifery

Unit title(s): Homeostasis and controlling Unit code(s): CBB032

factors in the body
Learner: Chelsey Topliss Tutor/Assessor: Akin Oluro

Description of Assignment:
This assignment contains two reports through which you would have demonstrated your understanding and
application of knowledge on homeostasis and controlling factors in the body.

Task-1: Covering assessment AC 1.1, 1.2, 3.1 and 4.1

Case study report (word limit -1700)

Gloria was taking part in the Richmond park 10k run. She headed off to the race after having breakfast and a
banana with plenty fluid. It was a very hot, sunny day and runners were advised to carry plenty of electrolyte
enriched fluids for rehydration during the course of the race.
Refer to the case study where appropriate when addressing criteria:

● Explain the requirements for regulation of the internal environment. Reference some named homeostatic
systems in your explanations.
● With an example each, explain negative and positive feedback mechanisms, whilst identifying the
involvements of the relevant organs in these mechanisms.
● Explain the skin’s roles in the regulation of body temperature.

● Explain the roles of at least 4 different hormones in homeostasis and the roles of insulin in blood glucose
Task 2: Covering AC 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 (word limit -1400)
Produce a report to:

● Explain the structures of the nervous system, its main components and roles in homeostasis.

● Explain how nerve impulses are generated and conducted along myelinated and non-myelinated axons.

● Describe features of a typical synapse. Differentiate between inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters
with examples and explain impulse transmission at motor end plates.
Please number all pages and be sure to include your name and College ID on each page, at the end
of the work you must have the word count clearly shown.
Any work that is submitted late or has criteria not attempted will be capped at Level 3.
Both tasks must be submitted to Turnitin and Moodle Assignment.

Assignment Brief and Feedback form
(Graded unit with single assignment)

Date set: 11.01.2021 Date for draft submission Date for submission of task : Week starting
(if applicable): 08.03.2021

Extension date Signed by Tutor/Assessor Date

(if agreed): to agree extension: submitted:
Internal Moderation: Yes / No Signed by internal ON TIME / LATE
Date: moderator:
Learner declaration:
 The explanations and evaluations in this work have been developed and written by me.
 I have not submitted material copied from the Internet, text books or other sources in place of my own thinking
and writing.
 When I have referred to the work of others I have done so to discuss, comment on or argue their ideas.
 I have kept quotation and paraphrasing to an absolute minimum and only to support points I have made.
 I understand that referencing the names of authors whose ideas I have used without including my own
interpretation of those ideas, does not meet the assessment criteria and cannot attract the Pass, Merit or
Distinction grades.
 I have not copied the work of my peers.
Learner comments: (please use this space to comment on any aspect of the assignment when handing in your work)

Signature: Date:
TO THE LEARNER: Please attach this assignment brief to any written work you are handing in for assessment, or
submit the brief as instructed.
Level 3
Unit title: Homeostasis and controlling factors in the body
This assignment addresses the following Assessment Criteria from the unit (or a copy of the unit may be attached, if
all AC are covered):

AC no Level Three
1.1 Explain the requirement for regulation of the internal environment by reference to some
1 Understand the
named homeostatic systems.
principles of
1.2 Explain negative and positive feedback in a homeostatic control mechanism, and the
involvement of organ(s) in this mechanism.
2 Understand the
structure, main 2.1 Explain the structure, main components and role of the nervous system in homeostasis.
components and 2.2 Explain how nerve impulses are generated and conducted along axons.
role of the 2.3 Explain the structure and functioning of synapses and the mechanisms involved in
nervous system transmission at excitatory synapses and at motor end plates.
in homeostasis.
3 Understand the
mechanisms and
3.1 Explain the structure, mechanisms, and role of the skin in maintaining a normal body
role of the skin in
maintaining a
normal body
4 Understand the
role of hormones 4.1 Analyse the role of at least 4 different hormones in homeostasis and the role of insulin.
in homeostasis.

Assignment Brief and Feedback form
(Graded unit with single assignment)

Level 3 units only:

Learners achieve a Pass if they meet all Level 3 Assessment Criteria for a unit. You will achieve a Merit or Distinction
by meeting the following Grade Descriptors. Your tutor will give you feedback for all three grades.
Grade Descriptor Merit Distinction
The Student, Student’s work or
The Student, Student’s work or performance:
Makes use of relevant:
Makes use of relevant:
● Facts
● Facts
GD2: Application of And/or
knowledge Excellent levels of
Very good level of
● Consistency
● Consistency
● Accuracy
● Accuracy
Grade Descriptor Merit Distinction
The Student, Student’s work or
The Student, Student’s work or performance:
● Puts forward arguments or ideas which
● Puts forward argument or ideas
are consistently unambiguous and
which are generally unambiguous
GD7: Quality but which are in a minor way
limited or incomplete. ● Taken as a whole, demonstrate an
● Taken as a whole, demonstrates excellent response to the demands of
the brief / assignment.
a very good response to the
demands of the brief/assignment.
Grade Guidance: Learners must carefully read the guidance below which is linked to the components above
Task 1-case study report:
● You will be expected to demonstrate very good accuracy within your answers with limited errors that show
that you have a clear understanding of the structures and functions of the endocrine system and the
relationship between the different organs in maintaining homeostasis.
● You will need to be able to apply very good examples when explaining positive and negative feedback loops
in controlling homeostasis.
● You will need to demonstrate that you can apply the case study (Gloria) appropriately and use the correct
terminology within your responses.
● Your work should on the whole be grammatically accurate and free of spelling and punctuation errors. Please
take the time to proof read your work.
Some citation in-text is required to support your answer and this should be structured according to the Harvard Style
and be accompanied by a bibliography.

Task 2- Report: You are expected to provide detailed and correct descriptions/explanations on:

● The structures (branches/divisions of the nervous system), main components (you will discuss neurons based
on their structures and functions) and explain the roles of the nervous system in homeostatic control.

Assignment Brief and Feedback form
(Graded unit with single assignment)

● Nerve impulse generation (consider resting potential, depolarisation, action potential and repolarisation) and
differentiate between impulse generation myelinated and unmyelinated axons.
● Describe the features of chemical synapses, explain the transmission of impulses across a chemical
synapse, differentiate between excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters (give examples) and explain the
actions of excitatory synapses at motor end plates.
•Referenced and relevant diagrams may be included. Proof read and ensure that your work is grammatically fluent
and logically presented. In-text citations and bibliography should be done in Harvard style.

Task 1-case study report:

● You will be expected to demonstrate excellent levels of accuracy within your answers with limited errors that
show that you have a clear understanding of the structures and functions of the endocrine system and the
relationship between the different organs in maintaining homeostasis.
● You will need to be able to apply excellent examples when explaining positive and negative feedback loops in
controlling homeostasis.
● You will need to demonstrate that you can apply the case study (Gloria) appropriately and demonstrate
consistency with your application of terminology and responses to the criterion.
•Your work should on the whole be grammatically accurate with the use of correct terminology and free of spelling
and punctuation errors. Please take the time to proof read your work.
• Evidence of extended reading must be demonstrated to support your answer and this should be structured
according to the Harvard Style and be accompanied by a bibliography.

Task 2- Report: You are expected to provide consistently detailed and accurate descriptions/explanations on:

● The structures (branches/divisions of the nervous system), main components (you will discuss neurons based
on their structures and functions) and explain the roles of the nervous system in homeostatic control.
● Nerve impulse generation (consider resting potential, depolarisation, action potential and repolarisation) and
differentiate between impulse generation myelinated and unmyelinated axons (description of myelin sheath
and what produce it in CNS and PNS should be included).
● Describe the features of chemical synapses, explain the transmission of impulses across a chemical
synapse, differentiate between excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters (give examples) and explain the
actions of excitatory synapses at motor end plates.

•Referenced and relevant diagrams must be included. Proof read and ensure that your work is grammatically fluent
and logically presented consistently. In-text citations and bibliography must be done in Harvard style.

Assignment Brief and Feedback form
(Graded unit with single assignment)

Part A: Feedback on credit level

Location of Tutor/Assessor comments on assessment criteria
AC no achieved
evidence (you could also indicate on the work itself where each AC is met)

Case study


2.2 Report


Case study

Case study
Level achieved Date:

Resubmission (if applicable) If any of the assessment criteria for this assignment have not been met at Level 3, a
resubmission may be permitted. Resubmission must follow the QAA guidelines and be permitted only once.
Requirements for resubmission/new Task set:

Assignment Brief and Feedback form
(Graded unit with single assignment)

Date Set: Date due: Date Submitted:

Feedback on resubmission:

Level achieved Tutor/Assessor’s

after resubmission: signature:

Part B: Feedback on grading (Applicable only if all assessment criteria achieved at Level 3)
Grade indicator
Grade (P/M/D)
Tutor/Assessor comments against grade descriptors Please enter the final grade on
Descriptor page 1 based on this grade
profile e.g. PPM=P

Application of

GD7: Quality

Tutor/Assessor’s reason for final grade decision :

Assignment Brief and Feedback form
(Graded unit with single assignment)

Areas for development:

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