Athlete - Academy Peak Performance C C C 2 6 3x Week

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Peak Performance Strength & Power Free Week Of Workouts

Week 1, Day 1 - Speed + Conditioning

Workout Date: ________________ Total Workout Time: ________________

Exercise Sets Reps Weight Distance Time Rest Notes

Thigh Switch 1 15.00 yds --:-- min
A-March 1 15.00 yds --:-- min
A-skip 1 15.00 yds --:-- min
C-skips 1 15.00 yds --:-- min
Straight Leg Pulls 1 15.00 yds --:-- min
Sprint Warm-up
Single Leg High Knees 1 15.00 yds --:-- min
Side Shuffle 1 15.00 yds --:-- min Perform each side
Vertical Power Skip 2 15.00 yds --:-- min
Horizontal Power Skip 2 15.00 mi --:-- min
Backward Run 2 15.00 yds --:-- min
Hill March 2 10.00 yds 45 sec
Alternate: Stadium Plyo Series () 2 1 2:45 min
Resisted Sprints Hill Bound 4 10.00 yds 45 sec
Hill Sprint 6 10.00 yds 1:30 min
Alternate: Stadium Sprints () 6 1 1:30 min
Conditioning Figure 8 Run 1 1 00:15:00 --:-- min
Staff Member Notes:

Week 1, Day 2 - Dynamic Effort | Upper Body

Workout Date: ________________ Total Workout Time: ________________

Workout Recommendations

The dynamic rep exercises should be done as heavily as possible without losing speed. choose a weight around 50-60% 1rm then add the bands to it and try to
explode up with each rep. H

Percentage 1RM breakdown:

1 rep = 100% 1RM
2 reps = 95% 1RM
3 rep = 93% 1RM
4 reps = 90% 1RM
5 rep = 87% 1RM
6 reps = 85% 1RM
7 rep = 83% 1RM
8 reps = 80% 1RM
9 rep = 77% 1RM
10 reps = 75% 1RM

This can all be slightly adjusted 1-2% based on how you are feeling on the day.

For accessory lifts each week try to gradually increase your weight week to week. you should feel like you have 2-3 reps left in the tank. if you could have done
5+ with proper form increase the weight.

Exercise Sets Reps Weight Distance Time Rest Notes

PVC Pipe Complex 1 10 30 sec
Dynamic | Mobility Band Pull Apart 2 15 30 sec
ET / IT Rotation Band Work 2 15 30 sec Perform each side
Banded Bench Press 3 6 40% 45% 30 sec
Dynamic Effort - 3 rounds Alternate: Banded Dumbbell Bench Press () 3 6 30 sec
Drop-in Plyo Push Up 3 6 2:00 min
Alternate: Alternating plyo push up () 3 6 2:00 min
Dumbbell Pullover 3 8 1:00 min
Landmine Row to Press 3 6 --:-- min Perform each side
Accessory Work
Standing Rainbow Slam 3 10 1:30 min
Lateral Kneeling MB Shot Put 3 5 1:00 min Perform each side
Alternating Hammer Curl 3 12 1:30 min
Dips 3 12 1:30 min
Alternate: Weighted Tricep Dip (Easier) 3 12 1:30 min
Lu Raise 3 12 2:00 min
Staff Member Notes:
Banded Bench Press:

Add a band around back keep weight 50-60% plus tension of the band. use a small red one.

Additional Notes:

Equipment Needed: Dumbbells

Week 1, Day 3 - Top Speed
Workout Date: ________________ Total Workout Time: ________________

Exercise Sets Reps Weight Distance Time Rest Notes

Thigh Switch 1 15.00 yds --:-- min
A-March 1 15.00 yds --:-- min
A-skip 1 15.00 yds --:-- min
C-skips 1 15.00 yds --:-- min
Straight Leg Pulls 1 15.00 yds --:-- min
Sprint Warm-up
Single Leg High Knees 1 15.00 yds --:-- min
Side Shuffle 1 15.00 yds --:-- min Perform each side
Vertical Power Skip 2 15.00 yds --:-- min
Horizontal Power Skip 2 15.00 mi --:-- min
Backward Run 2 15.00 yds --:-- min
Falling Start 4 1 1:00 min
Sprint Tech Kneeling Start 3 1 1:00 min
Wickets, Stride Control 5 20.00 yds 1:30 min
Down Hill Sprint 5 1 20.00 yds 3:00 min
Sprint 3 1 30.00 yds 3:30 min
Staff Member Notes:
Wickets, Stride Control:

You can use cones and set them up... First 3 cones 3 - 3.5 feet apart.... Next 3 cones 3.5 - 4 feet apart... Last three 4.5 - 5.5 feet apart..... Adjust according to
stride length

Week 1, Day 4 - Max Effort | Full Body

Workout Date: ________________ Total Workout Time: ________________

Workout Recommendations
We will be using a cluster set during this phase of training. To perform a cluster set you will perform the first number of reps take a quick rest of 15-20s then
perform the second number of reps, rest 15-20s, and finish off the set with the final number of reps before resting fully before the next cluster set.

When choosing a weight you want to choose the weight equivalent to the total number of reps -2 as you will be able to perform more reps due to the increase in
rest time between reps.

For example, if the cluster is 3-3-2 the total number of reps is 8. 8-2= 6 so choose a weight that is 85% 1RM (see chart below)
Perform 1-2 warm-up sets before jumping into your working sets.

The first exercise in the French Contrast Training Set (the main strength movement) should also follow the 1RM % for selecting a weight.

During our main strength movements, for example, we want to choose a weight that is 80-85% of our 1RM, or on an RPE scale of 8. Record your weight so you
may use it as a reference next week and increase the weight. As a general rule as the reps decrease throughout this program, you want to increase the % of
your 1RM by 2-3% (however if you find yourself feeling strong on a particular training session you may go above and add more weight. If you prefer to just add
weight this would be anywhere from 5-10lbs each week.

Percentage 1RM breakdown:

1 rep = 100% 1RM
2 reps = 95% 1RM
3 rep = 93% 1RM
4 reps = 90% 1RM
5 rep = 87% 1RM
6 reps = 85% 1RM
7 rep = 83% 1RM
8 reps = 80% 1RM
9 rep = 77% 1RM
10 reps = 75% 1RM

This can all be slightly adjusted by 1-2% based on how you are feeling on the day.

For accessory lifts each week try to gradually increase your weight week to week. you should feel like you have 2-3 reps left in the tank. if you could have done
5+ with proper form increase the weight

Exercise Sets Reps Weight Distance Time Rest Notes

Perfect Stretch 1 5 0 sec Perform each side
Lateral Lunge to Hip Flexor Stretch 1 5 0 sec Perform each side
Walking RDL Stretch 1 5 0 sec Perform each side
Walking Quad Stretch 1 5 0 sec Perform each side
Hip Circle Walk 1 10 0 sec Perform each side
Band Pull Apart 1 15 0 sec
Barbell Back Squat 3 6 85% 87% 15 sec Intensity: @4-6 rep max weight
C.C.C Method Alternate: Anderson Squat (Easier) 3 6 15 sec
Box Jump 3 3 3:00 min
Alternate: Hurdle Hops () 3 5 5.00 yds 3:00 min
Bench Press 3 6 85% 87% 3:00 min Intensity: @4-6 rep max weight
C.C.C Method
Alternate: Close-Grip Bench Press () 3 6 3:00 min
Floor Chest Pass 3 10 3:00 min Perform each side
Barbell SL RDL 3 6 2:00 min Perform each side
SA Dumbbell Row 3 8 2:00 min
Farmers Carry 3 30.00 yds 2:00 min Perform each side
30.00 yds
30.00 yds
Alternate: SA Front Rack Farmers March (Easier) 3 10 50.00 yds 2:00 min
Alternate: Farmers Carry SA Lateral Load () 3 10 30.00 yds 2:00 min
Lunge Overcoming Iso 3 1 00:00:07 2:00 min Perform each side
Staff Member Notes:
Barbell Back Squat:

We will be using a cluster set during this phase of training. To perform a cluster set you will perform the first number of reps take a quick rest 15-20s then
perform the second number of reps, rest 15-20s, and finish off the set with the final number of reps before resting fully before the next cluster set.

Cluster Set Reps: 3-2-1

Box Jump:

Use a hurdle, box, or object that is 16-20in high. Keep a quick ground contact time (fast of the floor). Each week Focus on getting higher and higher over the

Bench Press:

We will be using a cluster set during this phase of training. To perform a cluster set you will perform the first number of reps take a quick rest 15-20s then
perform the second number of reps, rest 15-20s, and finish off the set with the final number of reps before resting fully before the next cluster set.

Cluster Set Reps: 3-2-1

Floor Chest Pass:

Be Explosive, goal is to throw as fast and hard as you can

Notes for C.C.C Method:

Each cluster set is broken up by the sequence of the number. So if the reps say 322 that means a set of 3 then rest for 15-20s then 2 reps, rest 15-20, then 2
reps. So 322 would actually be 3-2-2 for a total of 7 reps that have broken up not actually 322 reps for that set.

Farmers Carry:

Try to get up to 50% BW or more in each hand.

Week 1, Day 5 - MOBILITY ROUTINE *optional*

Workout Date: ________________ Total Workout Time: ________________

Workout Recommendations
Chose to either do the mobility routine or athletic performance day to help achieve your training goals.
Exercise Sets Reps Weight Distance Time Rest Notes
Hip Flow 1 5 --:-- min Perform each side
90/90 Hip Switch 2 10 --:-- min Perform each side
1/2 Kneeling Hip Shift 2 5 --:-- min Perform each side
ASLR's 2 10 --:-- min Perform each side
Mobility Quad PNF Couch Stretch 2 1 00:00:30 --:-- min Perform each side
KB Calf Smash 1 1 00:01:00 --:-- min Perform each side
3-Way Shoulder | Lat Stretch 2 1 00:00:30 --:-- min Perform each side
Thoracic Overhead Mobility Stretch 2 00:00:30 --:-- min
T-Spine Reach Through 2 10 --:-- min Perform each side
Staff Member Notes:
Hip Flow:

Perform 5 reps of each exercise and on each side.

Week 1, Day 6 - Dynamic Effort | Lower Body

Workout Date: ________________ Total Workout Time: ________________

Workout Recommendations
The dynamic rep exercises should be done as heavily as possible without losing speed. For the banded deadlifts choose a weight around 50-60% 1rm then add
the bands to it and try to explode up with each rep. Hanging High Pull choose a weight that is about 60-80% hang clean max and focus on exploding from the
bottom hang position each rep.

Percentage 1RM breakdown:

1 rep = 100% 1RM
2 reps = 95% 1RM
3 rep = 93% 1RM
4 reps = 90% 1RM
5 rep = 87% 1RM
6 reps = 85% 1RM
7 rep = 83% 1RM
8 reps = 80% 1RM
9 rep = 77% 1RM
10 reps = 75% 1RM

This can all be slightly adjust 1-2% based on how you are feeling on the day.

For accessory lifts each week try to gradually increase you weight week to week. you should feel like you have 2-3 reps left in the tank. if you could have done
5+ with proper form increase the weight.

Exercise Sets Reps Weight Distance Time Rest Notes

Perfect Stretch 1 5 0 sec Perform each side
Lateral Lunge to Hip Flexor Stretch 1 5 0 sec Perform each side
Walking RDL Stretch 1 5 0 sec Perform each side
Walking Quad Stretch 1 5 0 sec Perform each side
Hip Flexor Banded Distraction 1 00:00:30 --:-- min
Mobility Lateral Hip Banded Distraction 1 5 0 sec Perform each side | Tempo: 1-2-3
Ankle Banded Distractions - Doriflexion 1 00:00:30 0 sec Perform each side
Hip Circle Walk 1 10 0 sec Perform each side
Primers Physioball Leg Curl W/ Hip Bridge 1 10 0 sec
Oblique Opener 1 5 0 sec Tempo: 1-1-5-1
SL lateral line hops max vert 2 10 2:00 min
Plyometrics Banded Skaters 3 6 30 sec Perform each side
Lateral Jump to Box Jump 3 3 30 sec Perform each side
Banded RDL 3 6 1:00 min Perform each side
Dynamic Effort - 3 rounds
Sprint 3 1 20.00 yds 1:00 min Perform each side
Power Clean 3 5,4,3 77% 80% 3:00 min
Power - 3 rounds
Banded Trap Bar Deadlifts 3 5 40% 45% 0 sec
Dynamic Effort - 3 rounds 50%
Approach Box Jump 3 4 3:00 min
Sled Push 5 1 10.00 yds 2:00 min
Power Overhead Scoop Toss 5 3 10 lbs 2:00 min
Alternate: SA KB Swing () 5 10 10 lbs 2:00 min
Seated Calf Raises 3 10 1:00 min
Cable Hip Flexor Raise 3 10 1:00 min Perform each side
Staff Member Notes:
Banded Trap Bar Deadlifts:

Keep the weight lighter around 50-60% 1rm and move the bar fast

Approach Box Jump:

Start 2-3 steps behind the box and take 1-2 steps and a final gather step before jumping onto the box. Add a smaller box to be able to step down off the box
and minimize impact of the landing

Seated Calf Raises:

Ude a plate loaded or machine seated calf raise if available to you

Additional Notes:

Equipment Needed: Sled

Week 1, Day 7 - Acceleration P.A.P.
Workout Date: ________________ Total Workout Time: ________________

Exercise Sets Reps Weight Distance Time Rest Notes

A-skip 1 10.00 yds --:-- min
Thigh Switch 1 10.00 yds --:-- min
C-skips 1 10.00 yds --:-- min
Straight Leg Pulls 1 10.00 yds --:-- min
Single Leg High Knees 1 10.00 yds --:-- min
Warm-up Vertical Power Skip 1 15.00 yds --:-- min
Horizontal Power Skip 1 15.00 mi --:-- min
Backward Run 1 15.00 yds --:-- min
Ankle Dribble 1 15.00 yds --:-- min
Calf Dribble 1 15.00 yds --:-- min
Knee Dribble 1 15.00 yds --:-- min
Sled Sprint 5 1 10.00 yds 2:00
Acceleration P.A.P. - 5 rounds Sprint 5 1 20.00 yds 1:30
Sprint 5 1 30.00 yds 4:00
3 Cone Drill 5 1 2:00 Perform each
min side
4 Cone Shuttle 3 1 25.00 yds 2:00 Perform each
Agility tech + decel 25.00 yds min side
25.00 yds
4 Cone (sprint, backpedal diagonal, sprint, shuffle, 3 1 --:-- min Perform each
sprint) side
Staff Member Notes:
Sled Sprint:

Chose a weight ont the sled that is between 40-60% velocity decrement to maximize power output. Using 50% velocity decrement as an example, if it normally
takes you 1.5s to run a 10-yard sprint, choose a weight that now that 10-yard sprint with the sled takes you 3s.

3 Cone Drill:

Set cones 7 yards apart

Staff Member Notes:
4 Cone Shuttle:

Set cones 5 yards apart for 20 yards. Complete as instructed in the video

4 Cone (sprint, backpedal diagonal, sprint, shuffle, sprint) :

set cones 5 yards apart

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