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JANUARY 13, 1928] SCIENC7E 41

I wish to add one last word, on the desirability of matter through the radiation of mass, but does not
printing the name of the author of the species fol- overlook such technical details and perplexities as the
lowing the scientific plant or animal name. I labored simultaneous existence of giant and dwarf stars in
for years to secure this obviously just custom with coeval clusters, the problem of devising laws for the
one important bibliographical publication before the release of subatomic energy consistent with the de-
publishers were convinced of its importance. mands of astronomical observations and at the same
L. 0. HowARD time reconcilable with any satisfactory picture of the
BUREAU o0 ENTOMOLOGY, annihilation of matter which the student of subatomic
U. S. DEPARTMENT O0F AGRICULTURE activity can postulate.
A lesser scholar than Eddington would not have
SCIENTIFIC BOOKS closed the book with an anticlimax. It is a mark of
genius and modesty worthy of a successor to the tradi-
Stars and Atoms: A. S. EDDINGTON, Sc.D., F.R.S., tions of Newton that his closing paragraph should
Plumian Professor of Astronomy in the University read:
of Cambridge. New Haven: Yale University Press.
London: Oxford University Press. pp. 127. I should like to have closed these lectures by leading
up to some great climax. But perhaps it is more in
IN "Stars and Atoms" Professor Eddington has accordance with the conditions of scientific progrese that
given us one of the most valuable and delightful they should fizzle out with a glimpse of the obscurity
monographs on astronomy that has ever appeared in which marks the frontiers of knowledge I do not apolo-
gize for the lameness of the conclusion, for it is not a
the literature of science.
conclusion. I wish that I could feel confident that it is
The rapid strides of physics and chemistry into the even a beginning.
realms of the stars have fairly bewildered students H. T. STETSON
of the older astronomy, and it is a remarkable service
which the author has rendered in giving to the gen-
eral reader, without mathematical details, the essen- SPECIAL ARTICLES
tial problems of modern astrophysics. With a suffi- THE CORRELATION BETWEEN INTELLI-
ciently extensive description of the atom and its ion- GENCE AND SPEED IN CONDUCTION
ization that will enable the general reader to picture OF THE NERVE IMPULSE IN A
the mechanism of radiation and radiative tempera- REFLEX ARC
ture, the author portrays the essential make-up of the THE present paper is a preliminary report of a
sun and stars and makes clear the problem of the study to determine if there is any relationship be-
maintenance of their heat. tween the factors of intelligence and reflex time or
When one reads the all too often dogmatic state- speed in conduction of the nerve impulse in a reflex
ments concerning recent advances in astronomy, one are.
feels refreshed in finding so great an authority as Dr. My work of the last three years as a fellow of the
Eddington sounding notes of caution while making National Research Council has centered around an
sharp distinctions between the demonstrable and the investigation of the neural processes in stuttering,
speculative. and there has developed out of this research a refined
The saving sense of humor which relieves the technique for utilizing action current measurements
dilemma in many an embarrassing scientific situation in functional neuromuscular derangements. In
keeps the reader in friendly terms with the scientist, studying certain reflexes during stuttering among
even in his wildest guesses and in the end fosters a patients widely different in intelligence an apparent
genuine faith and confidence in results of notable relationship between reflex time and intelligence or
significance. mental ability was noted. These observations were
In few books, indeed, does one sense more acutely verified on the patellar tendon reflex. Nearly all the
the true spirit of science in its never-ending quest for excellent work that has been done on this reflex has
divining the nature of things. From the first chapter involved so-called gross reflex time or the time elaps-
to the last the reader is carried at almost breathless ing between the application of the stimulus and the
pace through round after round of astrophysical dis- movement of the foot or thickening of the muscle.
covery till he is introduced to matter in all but un- This gross reflex time probably would not correlate
believable states as it exists in the companion to very highly with such mental factors as we wish to
Sirius. study because nine tenths of the time is taken up by
In his final chapter on stellar evolution, Dr. Edding- movement of the muscles in extending the foot and
ton makes a strong argument for the annihilation of any factor affecting the central nervous mechanism
42 SCIENCE [VOL. LXVII, No. 1724
would be masked. Our technique provides a means sistance coupled amplifier, a portable, three-element
of determining the length of time elapsing between oscillograph, a vacuum-tube oscillator, a mechanical
the stimulation of the patellar tendon and the pro- stimulating mechanism and a signal circuit.'
duction of the action currents in the muscles, which The amplifier furnished medium amplification and
is about one tenth as long as the gross reflex time. was exceptionally free from inherent disturbances.
In other words, it permits the measurement of speed The oscillograph is manufactured by the Westing-
of conduction in a reflex arc. house Electric and Manufacturing Company. The
We secured a group of forty-four individuals rang- element which recorded the action currents was ap-
ing in mental ability from feeble-mindedness to that proximately ten times as sensitive as the other two
of very superior university men and gave the Otis standard vibrator elements which furnish the signal
test of mental ability, Higher Examination, Form A, and the time lines. A special photographic unit was
which has a reliability coefficient of .921. The cor- devised to replace the one with which the oscillograph
relation between the scores on this test and the reflex was originally equipped. This specially built unit
times was found to be .87 with a probable error of will handle four hundred feet of moving picture film.
.024. The bright individual has a short reflex time, The oscillator is a General Radio Company product
while the dull individual has a long reflex time. This and was used to furnish a time line of a thousand
high correlation is really astounding inasmuch as we complete cycles per second. The stimulating mecha-
are undoubtedly dealing with an imperfect measure nism described elsewhere& delivered blows of constant
of intelligence. Even if the test scores represented intensity and at a uniform rate of six per minute.
absolute measurements of intelligence we could not The signal circuit was actuated by discharging a con-
expect a higher correlation. We therefore took every denser which had been charged previously.
precaution to verify our findings both on the instru- The electrodes were German silver plates, twenty-
mental side and on the side of intelligence rating. seven millimeters in diameter, covered with canton
We looked about for other criteria of alertness or flannel, which was soaked in a saturated saline solu-
intellectual responsiveness and also for a group of tion before each experiment. One electrode was
individuals which presented a fairly normal distribu- placed over the place where the femoral nerve enters
tion of these mental characteristics. Forty-three uni- the rectus femoris muscle which, according to an
versity freshmen on whom the University of Iowa unpublished study by Tuttle and MacEwen, is half
qualifying examination scores were available were way between the superior margin of the patella and
selected to fulfill the above requirements. This ex- the anterior superior spine of the ilium. The second
amination aims to measure the ability of a student electrode was placed peripherally about six inches
to do college work. The correlation between the from the first. Control experiments have shown that
University of Iowa qualifying scores and the reflex the amplifier is stable and able to respond instan-
time again turned out to be .87 with a probable error taneously to changes in potential impressed on the
of .025. The two correlations being equal is an input.
element of chance. The correspondence between the The subjects were comfortably seated, with the
intelligence ratings and the reflex times was very thigh slightly elevated to put some tension on the
close, not only for widely separated individuals but quadriceps muscles. An explanation of the manner
for the intermediate subjects as well. in which the experiment was going to be carried out
The mean score on the Otis of the forty-four sub- was given to each subject in order to dispel any
jects was 53.9 as compared to 53.0 obtained on 2,516 fears he might have of being shocked or injured.
college students reported by Professor Otis. The Care was taken also to select individuals who were
range of our group was from thirteen to seventy-five not fatigued and who had not been ill recently.
as compared to the range of his group, twenty to Reflex time is determined in a record by ascertain-
seventy-five. ing the length of time elapsing between the instant
The mean score of the forty-three freshmen in the of application of the stimulus to the patellar tendon
university qualifying examination was 362.0, which and the arrival of the action currents at the first
is approximately the mean of all freshmen students. electrode. Reflex times are read and reported in
The range of our group was the same as that of the thousandths of a second. At least eight records were
entire freshman class inasmuch as every tenth stu- obtained on each subject.
dent, which included the highest and the lowest, was 1 Theodore A. Hunter is to publish elsewhere a tech-
selected from a list arranged in the order of percen- nical description of this set up.
tile rank. 2 Tuttle and Travis. "A Comparative Study of the
The apparatus finally developed to obtain the reflex Extent of the Knee-jerk and the Achilles-jerk. " Am.
time in the knee-jerk consisted of a three-stage, re- J. Physiol. 82, 1927, 147.
JANUARY 13, 1928] SCIENCE 43
All reflex time experiments were made and the logical and physiological terms. It is conceivable
records read in ignorance of the results from the that we are here dealing with a relatively complex
intelligence tests. Also fifteen records were selected reflex are-perhaps more complex than has been sus-
at random and read by a disinterested person. The pected, and it is fair to assume that it is typical of a
agreement between the two readings was practically large number of reflex arcs which constitute an
perfect. integrated central nervous system. Now, according
The mean reflex time of the forty-four Otis cases to the best modern theories of intelligence the cogni-
was .0194 seconds. The range was from .0114 to tive processes may be thought of as hierarchies of
.0268 seconds. The mean reflex time of the forty- reflexes of which the vast majority are perhaps at
three university freshmen was .0197 seconds. The as low a level in the central nervous system as that
range was from .0154 to .0245 seconds. of the patellar reflex. If this is true, we have in the
Each group gave a fairly normal distribution in type of conduction through the patellar reflex arc a
reflex time. The great individual differences in reflex sample of the type of conduction that takes place in
time are considered as very important. It varied all well organized motor life and possibly, as these
from 11/1000 to 27/1000 of a second. In other facts indicate, also the cognitive. Tests of intelli-
words conduction over a reflex are in one individual gence have always stressed the element of speed and
was two and a half times as fast as conduction over this is perhaps right, because an intelligent response
the same reflex arc in another individual. to a complex situation may conceivably be thought of
These marked differences in reflex times found in as a prompt response, radiating into a large number
our groups are probably referable to differences in of systems. We may think of the central arcs of
synaptic resistances in the arcs and not to differences an individual as having a personal equation, just as
in resistance of the nerve trunks. Just how much we do in a gross way when we observe one man is
of the nervous system is involved in the patellar ten- quick and another is slow in his movements, even in
don reflex is a debated question, but a recent study his thought movements.
by the writer3 showed that the action current records Whatever the interpretation through further study
during the knee-jerk were practically identical with may prove to be, we have in this concept of the rate
those during voluntary extension of the foot. Both of conduction through a central arc, a new approach
sets of records gave indication of two different rates to the neuro-physiology of intelligence or mental
of discharge, one furnishing the audio or principal alertness.
frequency of from three hundred to six hundred LEE EDWARD TRAvis
oscillations per second, and the other, the modulating UNIVERSITY OF IOWA
inaudible frequency of from eight to twelve per sec-
ond. This slower rate of discharge is probably from A COMPARISON OF GROWTH CURVES OF
the Betz cells in the precentral cortex and would MAN AND OTHER ANIMALS
indicate that the higher centers are involved in the IN connection with investigations on the time rela-
knee-jerk. If this is true we are dealing with a con- tions of growth of domestic animals, several charts
siderably greater number of synapses than is com- have beeln prepared on the growth of man. The pur-
monly thought of in this connection and a larger pose of this article is to present four of the most strik-
fraction of the nervous system as well. ing, or the most instructive, charts together with a few
Although the individual differences in rate of con- comments. For a background to this work and for de-
duction in the reflex are we have been studying are tails of technique the reader is referred to a series of
great they take on real significance when viewed in Research Bulletins which are being published by the
connection with the complicated associational paths University of Missouri Agricultural Experiment Sta-
of the cerebral cortex which probably function in the tion (Columbia, Mo.).
higher mental processes. Figure 1 represents an equivalence chart for growth
We are here confronted with a new fact-a fact of man and animals. It represents growth equivalence
which has become available by the refinement of tech- only for the phase of growth following puberty. This
nique in measurement. It challenges us to reinves- chart serves to illustrate the fact that the difference
tigate all the generally recognized phenomena of this between the growth curve of man and that of any
particular reflex. It opens up an unlimited vista of other animal under consideration is infinitely greater
inquiries into the nature of its cause, the conditions than the difference between the curves of widely sepa-
under which it varies, and its meaning in psycho- rated species of animals. The growth curve of man
3 Travis, Tuttle and Hunter. " The Tetanie Nature is, quantitatively viewed, in a class by itself, unless it
of the Knee-jerk Response in Man." Am. J. Physiol. is found to be related to the curves of other primates.
81, 1927, 670. This figure suggests the following comments:

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