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A: Hi, how are you?

B: Hello, I´m________ and you?

A: I´m_________

A: So, what´s your name?

B: I´m___________ and you?

A: I´m___________.

A: It's great to meet you.

B: Nice to meet you too.


A: So, where were you born?

B: I was born in _________. How about you?

A: I'm from _________.

B: Wow sonds good

A: thaks, you too.

B: By the way, do you have a favorite color?

A: Absolutely! My favorite color is _________.

B: Nice choice!

A: That's interesting! It says a lot about a person, right?

B: Definitely! So, what's your favorite color telling about you?

A: I've read that _________ signifies _________. How about your favorite color?

B: Well, I've heard that _________ is associated with _________. Does that resonate with you?

By Andrew

A: What are you studying?

B: I'm studying _________. How about you?

A: I'm pursuing _________.

B: What semester are you in?

A: I'm in my _________ semester. And you?

B: I'm in my _________ semester.


A: What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

B: I'm passionate about _________ and _________. I absolutely adore the book _________, and
my favorite movie is _________. Also, my favorite song is _________. I dream of traveling to

A: That's fantastic! I'm really into _________ and _________. I love the book _________, and my
go-to movie is _________. My favorite song is _________. I've always wanted to visit _________.


B: It was great sharing our interests.

A: Likewise! Let's catch up soon.

B: Definitely! Have a great day.

A: You too!

By Andrew

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