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NARRATOR: Once upon a time in India, there were two merchants who sold plates, pots, pans,
brooms, mops, soap, jewelery, and clothes. Each day, they took turns to sell.

MERCHANT 1: Everybody come here!. Come see our jewelry for sale, pots, pans. We have
everything you need!.

GIRL: Grandma, look at that beautiful bracelet!.

GRANDMA: How much is it?.

MERCHANT 1: More than what you can pay, old lady.

GRANDMA: At home we have an old black metal plate. Do you want it for the bracelet?.

MERCHANT 1: I have to see it first.

GRANDMA: Let´s go home so you can see it.

MERCHANT 1: Fine, you lead the way, old lady.

NARRATOR: When they arrived to the old lady´s house, she showed the plate to the merchant.

GRANDMA: Take a look at the plate.

MERCHANT 1: Mmmm, let´s see.

NARRATOR: When the merchant saw the plate, it was truly black, but when he scratched it a
little, he could see that it was a silver plate.

MERCHANT 1: This plate is worthless, old lady. If you want to, I can take the plate with me and
give you a broom.

GRANDMA: Thank you, but we prefer to keep our plate.

MERCHANT 1: It´s your decision. I have wasted my time.

NARRATOR: But the merchant was thinking about going back the next day to try to convince
her to give him the plate. Next day, merchant 2 was selling in the street.

MERCHANT 2: Pot, pans, brooms, clothes, I have everything you need!. Just come and get it!.

GIRL: Grandma, look, I still want that beautiful bracelet!.

GRANDMA: How much is it?.

MERCHANT 2: More than what you can pay, old lady.

GRANDMA: At home we have an old black metal plate. Do you want it for the bracelet?.

MERCHANT 2: I have to see it first.

GRANDMA: Let´s go home so you can see it.

MERCHANT 2: I will follow you.

NARRATOR: When they arrived to her house, she showed him the plate.

GRANDMA: Take a look at the plate.

MERCHANT 2: Mmmm, this is a silver plate. It´s all black because it is dirty. The things I have
to sell are not enough to pay you.

GRANDMA: Oh, we didn´t know. But we don´t have anything in this house!. We don´t have
any furniture, we are very poor. Can you give us the bracelet and something else?.

MERCHANT 2: I will give you everything I have.

GRANDMA: Oh thank you, you’re so kind.

NARRATOR: When the merchant left the home, he went to see his friend.

MERCHANT 2: Take a look at this. It´s a silver plate I got it from an old woman. I gave her
everything I had for this plate. What do you think?.

MERCHANT 1: What?. I saw that plate yesterday! I lost an opportunity to have it without
giving her anything in return.

NARRATOR: Then he stopped to think for a while.

MERCHANT 1: I have thought about it. If we join your honesty and the beautiful things that I
still have, we can do great businesses. Can we work together from now on?.

MERCHANT 2: Sure!.

NARRATOR: Both men cleaned the silver plate until it was sparkling. And both became very
successful merchants.


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