Notatki Recdyski Ang

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 Rewarding – making you feel satisfied

 Secure – positioned or fixed firmly and correctly

And therefore not likely to move, fall or break

 Glamorous – attractive in an exciting and special way

 Stimulating – encouraging new ideas

 Fulfiling – making you feel happy and satisfied, syn. REWARDING

 Well paid -

Steady -
† Hazardous =

– very
ordinary and
therefore not

Repetitive- involving
doing or saying the same thing
all and all over again

Strenuous –
needing or
using a lot of physical /

mental effort or energy

Arduous – difficult, needing a lot of effort and energy,


† Mind-numbing – extremely boring

† Low paid
† Fast-paced – happening very quickly

† Temporary job
o Administrative job - relating to the arrangements and work that is needed to control the operation of a plan
or organization
o White collar job – mental rather than physical

o Blue collar job – blue collar workers do work needing

strength or physical skill rather than office work

 Collaborative – involving a group of people

working together for a special purpose
*clerical relating to done in the office

o Manual

o Creative

o Pink collar – traditionally done by women

Blue collar jobs
 Refuse collector/ Dustman – a person whose job is to take’s people rubbish away (śmieciarz)
 Assembly line worker – a person who works in a factory on an assembly line, performing

a particular job which must be finished before the product moves to the next person
(pracownik linii montażowej)

 Firefighter – a person whose job is to stop fire from


 Civil servant – a person who works in the Civil

Service (urzędnik państwowy)

 Sound technician worker – a person whose job is to assemble, operate and

mentain the technical equipment (dźwiękowiec)
White collar jobs
 Teaching practitioner – a teacher’s assistant

 Business executive – a business executive is

someone who is employed by a business at a senior
level. Executives decides what the business should do,
and ensures that it is done (dyrektor wykonawczy)

 Speech-language therapist/pathologist - Speech

language therapist provides life-changing treatment, support and care for
children and adults who have difficulties with communication, eating,
drinking and swallowing (logopeda)
GP – GENERAL PRACTITIONER – family doctor (lekarz rodzinny)

 Make-up artist
 Graphic designer
 Computer Programmer
 Plastic surgeon
 Dental hygienist
 Graphic designer
 Talent scout – a person seeking for other’s people talents (łowca talentów)
 Computer programmer
 Make-up artist
 Sound Technician
 Convention or meeting planner - supervises and coordinates the
strategic, operational, and logistical activities necessary for the
production of events (planner spotkań i konwencji)
 Childcare worker
 Speech language therapist/pathologist

Pink collar
 Make-up artist
 Childcare Worker
 Dental Hygenist
 Speech-language therapist/pathologist

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