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1. Choose the correct word. Then put the sentences in the correct 3.

3. Complete the common phrases with the verbs in the box.

a. Do/Are/What you studying at university?
a. What do/have/did you eat last night?
b. Is/Does/Are the train to Paris leave at 4:00?
c. Where has/does/is your best friend live?
d. What time is/does/are we having the meeting tomorrow?
e. Do/Does/Is you always get up at seven?

Present Simple
(daily routine - habit)

Present Simple

Present Continuous
(an action happening at
4. Complete the table with phrases from exercise 3. Can you add
around the moment of
speaking) any more phrases?

Present Continuous
(a future arrangement)

Past simple
(an action that started
and finished in the past)

2. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1) You’re going to watch an ad. What differences can you 1) You’re going to watch an ad. What differences can you find
find between the two videos? Use the present simple to between the two videos? Use the present simple to talk about
talk about them. them.
In the first video…….. In the first video……..

Whereas in the second video….. Whereas in the second video…..

2) You’re going to watch a second ad. Can you describe this 2) You’re going to watch a second ad. Can you describe this man’s
man’s morning routine? What seems to be the problem? morning routine? What seems to be the problem?

get up give voice command(s) get dressed make play get up give voice command(s) get dressed make play
leave go to check turn off turn on open leave go to check turn off turn on open
cannot drink cannot drink

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