Phonetics - High NotesTranscription Keys PDF

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High notes

Mrs Jones was very fond of singing. She had a good voice except that some of her high
notes tended to sound like a gate which someone had forgotten to oil. She was very
conscious of this weakness, and took every opportunity she could find to practise these
high notes without disturbing the family. She usually went for a walk along country
roads and whenever she heard a car or person coming, she stopped practising.

haɪ nəʊts
/mɪsɪz ʤəʊnz wɒz vɛri fɒnd ɒv ˈsɪŋɪŋ// ʃi həd ə gʊd vɔɪs ɪksɛpt ðət səm ɒv hə haɪ
nəʊts tɛndɪd tə saʊnd laɪk ə geɪt wɪʧ sʌmwʌn həd fəgɒtn tə ɔɪl// ʃi wəz vɛri kɒnʃəs
ɒv ðɪs wiːknɪs/ ən tʊk ɛvri ɒpətjuːnɪti ʃi kʊd faɪnd tə præktɪs ðiːz haɪ nəʊts wɪðaʊt
dɪstɜːbɪŋ ðə fæmɪli// ʃi ˈjuːʒʊəli wɛnt fər ə wɔːk əlɒŋ kʌntri rəʊdz ən wɛnɛvə ʃi hɜːd
ə kɑːr ɔː ˈ pɜːsn ˈkʌmɪŋ/ ʃi stɒpt præktɪsɪŋ#

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