Hinton - 2014 - Histología y Genes Que Regulan El Crecimiento de La ATM

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DOI: 10.1002/DVDY.24130


Genes that Regulate Morphogenesis and Growth

of the Temporomandibular Joint: A Review

Robert J. Hinton*

Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, Texas

Compared with the joints of the limbs, our understanding of the genes that regulate development and growth in the tempo-
romandibular joint (TMJ) is fairly limited. Because the morphogenesis of the secondary cartilage and other intra-articular struc-
tures in the TMJ occurs later and in a different manner than in the limbs, the genetic control of TMJ development might
reasonably be assumed to differ from that in the limbs. However, studies of the specific genes regulating TMJ morphogenesis
and growth have only begun to appear in the literature within the last decade. This review attempts to survey and interpret
the existing knowledge on this topic and to suggest fruitful avenues of investigation for the future. Studies to date using
knockout and over-expression of candidate genes suggest that a developmental hierarchy of joint structures exists, with

condyle development primary. A hierarchy of gene expression also exists: Runx2 and Sox9 expression is critical for condylar
cartilage formation. Several of the other genes discussed in this report may regulate TMJ morphogenesis by affecting
Sox9 and Runx2 expression and control the ihh-PTHrP axis by means of these genes. Developmental Dynamics 00:000–000,
2014. VC 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Key words: temporomandibular joint; development; gene expression; condylar cartilage; mandibular fossa; articular disc

Submitted 30 January 2014; First Decision 11 March 2014; Accepted 17 March 2014; Published online 00 Month 2014

Introduction cartilage. They are found, transiently in some instances, at many

locations in the developing craniofacial complex (Vinkka, 1982)
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is an important contributor and continue postnatally in regions such as the mandibular con-
to the growth of the mandible in length and height, resulting dyle, angular process of the mandible, and intermaxillary suture
from endochondral ossification at the deep surface of the man- (Petrovic, 1972; Hinton, 1988). Because of its persistence and role
dibular condylar cartilage (MCC). The growth at the MCC appears in the growth of the mandible, the MCC is one of the most impor-
to occur largely in response to that of the midface, which is tant secondary cartilages. During the evolution of the TMJ as the
mostly driven by the cartilages of the cranial base and nasal cav- multi-bone reptilian jaw changed in mammals to a single bone
ity (Petrovic et al., 1975). This ”adaptive” growth, which enables housing a specialized dentition, the periosteum of formerly intra-
mandibular growth to remain synchronous with that of the mid- membranous bones was transformed into a perichondrium in
face, is facilitated by unique features of the MCC that relate to its force-bearing areas where the “new” TMJ would develop (Cromp-
unusual developmental history. ton, 1985). In the mammalian TMJ, the seamless transition from
Because its morphogenesis occurs late in prenatal develop- a periosteum on the ramus to a perichondrium in the force-
ment, the mandibular condylar cartilage has been designated as a bearing mandibular condyle is reflected in the spatial continuity
secondary cartilage in contradistinction to primary cartilages of of the fibrous and osteogenic layers of the periosteum with the
the limbs and cranial base (Beresford, 1981). Unlike these carti- articular and prechondroblastic layers of the perichondrium (Fig.
lages, the mandibular condylar cartilage arises either from alka- 1). In another reflection of its evolutionary origins, the TMJ is
line phosphatase-positive cells of likely periosteal origin (Shibata formed by three separate mesenchymal condensations (condylar,
et al., 2002) or as a condensation separate from the developing temporal, and disc) that grow toward each other during develop-
bone (Vinkka, 1982; Anthwhal et al., 2008); it develops adjacent ment (Sperber, 2001); in contrast, the joints involving primary
to the intramembranous bone of the mandible, distinct from cartilaginous articulations develop within a single block of
Meckel’s cartilage (Vinkka, 1982; Radlanski et al., 2003). Second- mesenchyme.
ary cartilages such as the MCC are fibrocartilages that are struc- A secondary cartilage, such as the mandibular condylar carti-
turally distinct from both the limb growth plate and the articular lage, differs from primary cartilages most clearly in its superficial
layers, comprising a perichondrium in which the cells that are
*Correspondence to: Robert J. Hinton, Department of Biomedical Sciences,
Texas A&M Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, TX 75246. Article is online at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/dvdy.
E-mail: bhinton@bcd.tamhsc.edu 24130/abstract
Grant sponsor: NIH; Grant number: DE015401 C 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Fig. 2. Histology of the growing (postnatal) mandibular condylar carti-

lage. A, articular layer; P, prechondroblastic layer; C, chondroblastic
layer; H, hypertrophic layer; B, zone of endochondral bone formation.
Coronal section, Attwood’s stain. Inset: Cranial base synchondrosis, an
example of a primary cartilage. Note that all cells are chondrocytes,
and that they are oriented in vertical columns (palisades) in contrast to
the more multi-directional orientation in the condylar cartilage. Sagittal
section, hematoxylin and eosin stain.

Fig. 1. Continuity of perichondrium in mandibular condylar cartilage et al., 1980; Glineberg et al., 1982), reduced loading (Bouvier and
with periosteum of adjacent ramus in growing (postnatal) rat. Note how Hylander, 1984; Hinton, 1998), and placement in a nonfunctional
the fibrous layer of the periosteum (long arrows) on the condylar neck environment (Duterloo and Wolters, 1971; Petrovic et al., 1975;
is continuous with the articular layer of the condylar cartilage (long Englesma et al., 1980).
arrows). Similarly, note how the osteogenic layer of the periosteum
(short arrows) is continuous with the prechondroblastic layer of the
In light of this unusual manner of development and the dis-
condylar cartilage (short arrows). Alcian blue stain. tinctive characteristics of the dividing cells in the MCC, it would
not be surprising if the molecular determinants of development
relatively undifferentiated (prechondroblastic) (Fig. 2) secrete a and growth of the TMJ were somewhat different from those in
matrix rich in type I collagen rather than the type II collagen primary cartilaginous joints. However, studies of the specific
matrix secreted by chondrocytes (Silberman et al., 1987; Mizogu- genes regulating TMJ morphogenesis and growth have only
chi et al., 1990). It is these relatively undifferentiated cells of the begun to appear in the literature within the last decade, although
prechondroblastic zone of the perichondrium, not the chondro- many of these developmental and structural differences have
cytes in deeper layers, that proliferate and mature to effect been known for years. To a significant degree, this recognition
growth at the mandibular condylar cartilage (Petrovic et al., may reflect a belated examination of the TMJ in existing trans-
1975; Carlson et al., 1980). Unlike the proliferative chondrocytes genic and gene knockout models, prompted by a realization of
of primary cartilaginous joints (inset, Fig. 2), the prechondrocytes the peculiarities of this “dental” joint. The present study is an
in the condylar cartilage exhibit a dual potential, forming either attempt to synthesize what we have learned from these models
cartilage or bone, depending on the mechanical forces impinging and to reflect on what we still need to know.
on the tissue (Glineberg et al., 1982; Lydiatt and Davis, 1985).
This phenotypic lability is underscored by the expression of both Genes Affecting Morphogenesis of the TMJ
Sox9 and Runx2 RNA (markers for the chondrogenic and osteo-
genic pathways, respectively) in the mesenchymal cell condensa- The formation of the temporomandibular joint in the mouse (Fig.
tion and later in the prechondroblastic cells of the developing 3) largely resembles the sequence that occurs in humans: the
MCC (Shibata et al., 2006) and by the preferential localization of appearance of mesenchymal condensations that will become the
the cell fate mediators Notch and Twist to these cells (Serrano condyle, mandibular fossa, and articular disc (embryonic day [E]
et al., 2011). Because the localized transformation of a periosteum 13.5), followed by the differentiation of chondrocytes in the
to a perichondrium is thought to occur in regions subjected to deeper layers of the MCC (E15.0) and bone formation in the man-
biomechanical forces or low oxygen tension (Hall, 1972), second- dibular fossa. The process finishes with the formation of the artic-
ary cartilages can shrink or be replaced by bone if the evoking ular disc and the upper and lower joint cavities (E17.5) (Shibata
stimulus is reduced or eliminated. Numerous examples of this et al., 1996; Gu et al., 2008). The inactivation of several genes
lessening or loss of the cartilaginous phenotype have been docu- has been shown to result in the absence or major diminution of
mented for the MCC in response to lack of movement (Carlson structures at each of these developmental stages.

Mandibular Condylar Cartilage

The genes Runx2 (essential for bone formation) and Sox9 (needed
for cartilage formation) are both expressed in the mesenchymal
condensation that initiates the formation of the mandibular con-
dyle. As zonal differentiation in the MCC progresses by E15, both
genes are expressed in the prechondroblastic zone, as well as in
the newly formed cartilage (Shibata et al., 2006).
Runx2 (2/2) mice, which do not form bone at all, exhibited no
disruption of primary cartilage formation (e.g., in the limbs and
Meckel’s cartilage), while the MCC and other secondary cartilages,
such as the angular and coronoid, were completely absent (Shibata
et al., 2004). A condylar condensation that was alkaline phosphatase
(AP) -positive and exhibited weak Col 1 expression was present, but
reduced in size at E18.5, compared with the wild-type condensation
at E14. Because Runx2 is also an important contributor to the matu-
ration of the mesenchymal condensation (Nakashima et al., 2002), it
is possible that its absence may have accounted for the smaller con-
densate size. The mesenchymal condensations that also formed at

the muscle attachment sites on the mandible were inter-connected.

However, no genetic markers of secondary cartilage formation (e.g.,
Col2 or aggrecan) were evident, suggesting that differentiation had
been arrested in the preosteoblastic stage. A subsequent study
showed that Runx2 (2/2) condylar explants could be induced to
undergo chondrogenic differentiation (but not hypertrophy) by the
addition of exogenous BMP-2 (Fukuoka et al., 2007), suggesting
that the secretory products of osteoblasts may contribute to second-
ary cartilage formation.
Inactivation of Sox9 in cranial neural crest cells (Fig. 4) also
resulted in the complete agenesis of the condylar cartilage (Mori-
Akiyama et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2011). In addition, mandibular
fossa formation was greatly abbreviated, and the articular disc
appeared more diffuse than in the controls, with incomplete joint
cavity formation by E18.5 (Fig. 4L). However, Runx2 expression
was still present in the mandibular ramus and early on in the man-
dibular fossa condensation of the null mice. Meckel’s cartilage was
absent, as were any bones formed by endochondral ossification.

Mandibular Fossa
Only two studies have reported a malformed or absent mandibu-
lar fossa. One of these is the Sox9 knockout described above
(Wang et al., 2011). Taking advantage of the fact that the man-
dibular fossa is derived from cranial neural crest cells but does Fig. 3. A: Temporomandibular joint at blastematic stage showing con-
not express Sox9, Wang et al. were able to examine fossa devel- dylar (CO) and temporal (T) blastemas separated by less dense mesen-
chyme that will form the future disc. Mandibular bone, MB. Mouse,
opment in the absence of the mandibular condyle. Although the
embryonic day 15. Hematoxylin and eosin, sagittal section. B: Temporo-
mesenchymal condensation for the fossa formed normally at mandibular joint at cavitation stage illustrating chondro-differentiation of
E14.5, it experienced a delay in ossification (expression of condylar cartilage and formation of joint spaces in progress. Superior
Runx2) and began to gradually regress, so that only a small bit of joint space is evident (upper right), but inferior joint space is not yet
bone remained laterally at day E18.5 (Fig. 4J). Thus, the mandib- formed. CC, condylar cartilage; AD, articular disc; LPM, lateral pterygoid
muscle; TB, temporal bone. Mouse*, embryonic day 17. Hematoxylin
ular fossa was not congenitally absent but rather failed to sustain and eosin, sagittal section. *The superior joint space forms earlier in a
its development and actually regressed over time. The authors mouse, opposite the human condition. C: Temporomandibular joint at
were able to further test this relationship by using two mouse maturation stage. Both inferior and superior joint spaces are fully
models that were “natural experiments”: one in which the devel- formed, lateral pterygoid muscle is attached to condylar neck and articu-
oping condyle becomes dislocated from the developing mandibu- lar disc begins to resemble postnatal form. CC, condylar cartilage; AD,
articular disc; LPM, lateral pterygoid muscle; TB, temporal bone. Mouse,
lar fossa and one in which a greatly enlarged Meckel’s cartilage embryonic day 19. Hematoxylin and eosin, sagittal section.
displaces the condyle from its normal position relative to the
mandibular fossa. Dislocation of the mandibular condyle from
the mandibular fossa (mimicking the absence of the condyle) fossa permitted normal fossa development to continue. These
once again resulted in the arrested development of the fossa, experiments suggest that normal fossa development depends on
while the presence of Meckel’s cartilage in articulation with the normal condyle development.

kinase signaling pathways, including those triggered by fibro-

blast growth factors (Purcell et al., 2012). Spry1 and Spry2 were
expressed in the lateral pterygoid and temporalis muscles adja-
cent to the TMJ structures, while the fibroblast growth factor
receptors Fgfr1, Fgfr2, and Fgfr3 were expressed differentially in
the periosteum, perichondrium, and MCC. The overall effects of
the Spry deletion were specific to muscle: Meckel’s cartilage was
unaffected but the temporalis and lateral pterygoid muscles were
48% and 69% larger, respectively, than in the control embryos.
The articular disc formed normally, and the condyle, although
histologically normal, was somewhat smaller than wild-type con-
dyles. However, no condensation was observed at E14.5 for the
mandibular fossa, and the fossa was absent except for a small lat-
eral portion, similar to that seen in the study by Wang and col-
leagues (2011). Individual inactivation of either Spry1 or Spry2
had no effect on the TMJ phenotype, nor did inactivation of
Spry1 and/or Spry2 in bone or cartilage. The authors suggested
that the enlarged temporalis muscle may have impeded the con-

densations of the temporal bone from fusing to form the mandib-

ular fossa in the mutant animals.

Articular Disc and Joint Cavities

The articular disc forms within a third mesenchymal condensa-
tion situated between the condensations that will become the
MCC and the mandibular fossa. By E16.5, a condensation of cells
in this intermediate region is discernible and gradually assumes a
disc shape. Simultaneously, small clefts in the mesenchyme
appear between the forming disc and the temporal bone. As these
clefts coalesce, the superior joint cavity (space) takes shape. By
E17.5, the inferior joint space between the disc and condyle is
present (Gu et al., 2008). The earliest studies describing the
absence or incomplete formation of the articular disc featured
mice lacking the Indian hedgehog (ihh) gene (Shibukawa et al.,
2007) or one of its downstream effectors such as Smoothened
(Smo) or the Gli family of transcription factors (Purcell et al.,
2009). Ihh is recognized as an important regulator of long bone
Fig. 4. Inactivation of Sox9 in the cranial neural crest cells results in an
development and growth, including intramembranous bone collar
absence of condylar cartilage and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) malfor- formation, chondrocyte proliferation and maturation, and endo-
mation. A,B: Skeletal preparations of mandibles from postnatal day (P) 0 chondral ossification (Koyama et al., 2007). Mice in which ihh
wild-type control (A) and Wnt1Cre;Sox9f/f mice (B) reveal an absence of was inactivated failed entirely to develop a disc or to undergo
cartilage elements in the condyle and angular process in the mutant.
cavitation (Fig. 5), leaving a thin layer of mesenchyme separating
The mutant mandible appears shorter and also lacks the coronoid pro-
cess. C,D: Coronal sections through the TMJ forming region of embry- the condyle and mandibular fossa. Disruption of downstream
onic day (E) 14.5 wild-type (C) and Wnt1Cre;Sox9f/f embryos (D) show effectors of ihh signaling resulted in disc formation but incom-
formation of the glenoid fossa condensation. In the wild-type control, the plete cavitation (Purcell et al., 2009). The authors concluded that
Meckel’s cartilage and condylar condensation are evident (C); however, ihh signaling is required not only to initiate disc morphogenesis
in the mutant, the mandibular ramus condensation is observed instead,
and the Meckel’s cartilage is also absent (D). E–J: Coronal sections
but also to promote disc maturation and cavitation at a later
through the TMJ forming site of wild-type and mutant mice at various stage of development.
stages reveal normal processes of TMJ development (E,G,I) and regres- Another model in which the disc failed to form or was delayed
sion of the glenoid fossa in Wnt1Cre;Sox9f/f mice (F,H,J). K: Higher involves a gene that interacts with ihh. Mice deficient in Trps1, a
magnification of the TMJ from E18.5 wild-type mice shows a compact
gene coding for a transcription factor mutated in human Tricho-
normal articular disc structure with flatted cells (arrow). L: Higher magni-
fication of the disc-like structure from E18.5 Wnt1Cre;Sox9f/f mice Rhino-Phalangeal syndrome, show a nearly identical phenotype
shows a less compact tissue with irregular cell shape (arrow). c, condyle; to that in ihh (2/2)) mutants—i.e., the complete absence of a
m, Meckel’s cartilage; gf, glenoid fossa; mr, mandibular ramus; agp, disc and joint cavities (Michikami et al., 2012). Like ihh, Trps1
angular process; crp, coronoid process; lpm, lateral pterygoid muscle. regulates various aspects of growth plate proliferation and matu-
Scale bars ¼ 1 mm in A,B; 200 mm in C–J. Wang et al., Dev Dyn
2011;240:2466–2473. Used with permission of the author.
ration, as well as the intramembranous ossification of the peri-
chondrium (Napierala et al., 2008). In perichondrial ossification,
Trps1 interacts with ihh/Gli3 signaling (Wuelling et al., 2009). In
The mandibular fossa also fails to develop in mice deficient in addition, Trps1, expressed in the perichondrium and chondro-
both the genes Sprouty 1 and 2 (Spry1(2/2); Spry2 (/)), cytes of the developing MCC at E15.5 (Michikami et al., 2012), is
which encode intracellular inhibitors of the receptor tyrosine known to be a strong repressor of Runx2 (Napierala et al., 2008).

Runx2 and Sox9, exhibited reduced ihh expression in the MCC

but the ectopic expression of ihh in the mandibular fossa. In the
context of the previous models, it could be argued that the
reduced ihh in the condyle plays a role in the delayed and mal-
formed disc and cavities.

Genes Affecting Growth at the TMJ

For several genes, inactivation results in few if any effects on the
morphogenesis of joint structures, but instead exerts a significant
impact on growth, primarily at the mandibular condyle. The pre-
viously discussed effects on articular disc formation in ihh (2/2)
mice are accompanied by inhibited proliferation and reduced
expression of Sox9 and PTHrP (a critical component of the ihh
regulatory loop) in the MCC, resulting in a severely shortened
mandible (Shibukawa et al., 2007). In tamoxifen-induced condi-
tional ihh knockouts at postnatal days 4, 7, 14, and 56, disrup-
tions in the zonal architecture of the MCC were also evident, with

greatly reduced zones of prechondroblastic and early chondro-

cytic cells (Ochiai et al., 2010). Partial ankylosis of the disc to the
condylar surface was also present, suggesting that ihh may be
Fig. 5. Histological analysis of the effect of ihh inactivation on articular important for the postnatal growth of the TMJ. In limb cartilage,
disc formation. A–F: Serial sections from embryonic day (E) 18.5 wild- PTHrP forms a negative feedback loop with ihh, with PTHrP
type (A,B). ihh / (C,D), and ihh //Gli3/ (E,F) embryos were maintaining the chondrocytes in a proliferative, less differenti-
stained with hematoxylin and eosin or processed for in situ hybridiza- ated state. This feedback loop appears to work in the prechondro-
tion. The articular disc is indicated by an arrowhead, the upper joint
cavity by an arrow, and the lower joint cavity by a double arrow. Lubri-
blasts of the MCC as it does in proliferative chondrocytes of the
cin expression was given a computer-assisted artificial color. Scale growth plate (Shibukawa et al., 2009). Mice with the targeted
bar ¼ 100 mm. Shibukawa et al., Dev Dyn 2007;236:426–434. Used with expression of a constitutively active PTHrP receptor in cartilage
permission from the author. also show postnatal TMJ abnormalities, but in this instance, the
condylar cartilage is mostly composed of immature chondrocytes
and fibroblastic cells, with only a few islands of hypertrophic car-
Because Trps1 is also expressed in the mesenchyme where the tilage (Tsutsui et al., 2008). Another study analyzed the effect on
presumptive disc will form (Michikami et al., 2012), it is perhaps the TMJ of Ndst1 inactivation, which catalyzes the constituent
not surprising that Trps (2/2) mice share a disc agenesis pheno- sulfation of heparan sultate proteoglycans (HS-PGs). Although
type with ihh (2/2) mice. severely affected Ndst (2/2) mice lacked a TMJ, mildly affected
The implication of these models—that ihh-related signaling mutants at E18.5 exhibited a thicker prechondroblastic cell layer
may be critical for disc formation—can be evaluated in other with increased proliferation compared with wild-type animals
models displaying TMJ disc agenesis or malformation. For exam- (Yasuda et al., 2010). Although the ihh expression was unaffected
ple, the condylar agenesis in Sox9 (2/2) mice is accompanied by in mutants, the topography of ihh signaling activity, as indicated
a poorly formed disc and no definitive joint cavities (Wang et al., by its receptor Ptch, was much broader than in wild-type animals.
2011), which could be attributed to the absence of the ihh nor- The authors suggest that this finding reflects a more extensive
mally present in the absent condyle. In another model by the field of ihh diffusion allowed by the lack of ihh binding to the
same group, mice in which the ectopic activity of canonical Wnt defective HS-PGs in the mutant condyles.
signaling occurs due to stabilized b-catenin exhibit a wide open Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-b) signaling also plays
mouth due to abnormal skin development (Wang et al., 2011). an important role in regulating the growth of the MCC, as indi-
This circumstance disrupts the normal relationship between the cated by the consequences of conditional inactivation of one of
developing condyle and mandibular fossa and leads to a regres- its receptors, Tgfbr2, in cranial neural crest cells (Oka et al.,
sion of the mandibular fossa and no articular disc. The authors 2007). This receptor is specifically required for proliferation in
postulated that the increased distance between the condyle and both osteoprogenitor and chondroprogenitor cells. Although a
the disc condensation occasioned by the open mouth posture mesenchymal condensation for the condyle was present in Tgfbr2
could inhibit diffusible factors that would normally mediate disc mutant mice at E14.5 (Fig. 6F), metachromatic staining of the
formation. cartilage was greatly diminished in the mutant condyles by E16.5
Conditional inactivation of the homeobox gene Shox2 in cra- (Fig. 6D). When joint formation was complete in wild-type ani-
nial neural crest cells results in a delayed appearance of TMJ mals at E18.5, chondrogenesis of the condylar process remained
structures, including the articular disc. At E17.5, at which time an greatly reduced compared with mutant condyles, and the hyper-
articular disc had formed in wild-type mice, the Shox2 (2/2) trophic zone was entirely absent (Fig. 6B). Thus, although mor-
mice had no discernible disc primordium. A disc had finally phogenesis of the condyle was not completely abolished, the
formed in the newborn Shox2 (2/2) mice, but was adherent to resulting structure had only a vestigial cartilaginous component.
both the mandibular fossa and condyle, indicating incomplete A subsequent study by this group (Oka et al., 2008) demonstrated
formation of joint cavities (Gu et al., 2008). The Shox2 (2/2) a greatly reduced proliferation in the condylar cartilage of
mice, which showed a considerably reduced expression of both mutant animals as well as a diminished expression of Sox9.

articular forces may also contribute to maintenance of the sec-

ondary cartilage (Rot-Nikcevic et al., 2007).
Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) signal by means of four recep-
tors (fgfr1–4) to regulate a variety of cellular processes, including
cartilage growth and endochondral bone formation (Ornitz,
2005). One of those receptors, Fgfr3, is considered to inhibit
chondrocyte proliferation and negatively regulate endochondral
ossification in long bones, with Fgfr3 disruption leading to over-
growth (Colvin et al., 1996) and constitutive activation to short-
ening (Deng et al., 1996). Three of the FGF receptors (fgfr1, fgfr2,
and fgfr3) are expressed in different layers of the condylar carti-
lage (Molteni et al., 1999; Purcell et al., 2012). Mice with a
knock-in mutation in Fgfr3 that greatly enhances the receptor’s
affinity to its ligands display a set of alterations in the TMJ struc-
ture and growth beginning at postnatal day 21 (Yasuda et al.,
2012). The overall size of the condyle, as well as total cartilage
thickness, was less in the mutant mice, with reductions in prolif-
eration, Sox9 and Col10 expression, and a diminished trabecular

bone network underlying the cartilage. The secondary cartilage

lining the temporal bone was also reduced. The treatment of
mutant explants with ligands for Fgfr3 resulted in reduced prolif-
eration and down-regulation of Ptch, the receptor for ihh, as well
as other components of the ihh feedback system, suggesting that
Fgfr3 and ihh may exert opposing actions on proliferation and
chondrocyte maturation in the MCC. The Sprouty genes Spry1
and Spry2 also encode intracellular signaling inhibitors that
Fig. 6. TGF-b signaling is required for proper development of the con- affect FGF signaling. In the Spry1(2/2)/Spry2 (2/2) mice
dylar process. Histological analysis of the coronoid, condylar and described earlier as exhibiting regression of the developing man-
angular processes in control and Tgfbr2fl/fl;Wnt1-Cre mice. A,B: Hema-
toxylin and eosin staining shows clear zones of endochondral ossifica- dibular fossa, the condylar cartilage was described as having a
tion in the condylar and angular processes in the control at E18.5. The normal histological structure, albeit 50% smaller in length and
insets show X-gal staining of the condyle and angular processes. The 25% smaller in width compared with wild-type animals (Purcell
endochondral ossification of the condylar process is diminished in the et al., 2012).
Tgfbr2fl/fl;Wnt1-Cre mutant at E18.5. C–F: Safranin-O staining of the
condylar process at E16.5 (C,D) and at E14.5 (E,F). At E16.5, the three
The Shox2 (2/2) mice, which exhibited a delayed develop-
zones, articular, intermediate and hypertrophic, are visible in the con- ment of joint structures, also displayed reduced bone formation
trol, but chondrogenesis of the condylar process is dramatically dimin- in the condyle, as reflected by a greatly diminished osteocalcin
ished and the hypertrophic zone is not detectable in the mutant expression, as well as thinner layers in the condylar cartilage and
(arrows). At E14.5, the condylar cartilage matrix is visible in control less hypertrophy (Gu et al., 2008). Both Sox9 and Runx2 expres-
(arrows), but not in the Tgfbr2fl/fl;Wnt1-Cre mice (asterisk). Scale
bar ¼ 200 mm in panels A–F. Cd, condylar process; Cr, coronoid pro- sion were reduced in the mutant condyles, but the overall effect
cess; Ang, angular process; az, articular zone; iz, intermediate zone; on the condylar cartilage structure and growth appeared consid-
hz, hypertrophic zone. Oka et al., Dev Biol 2007;303:391–404. Used erably less than in the TGF-b model.
with the permission of the author. Although I am not aware of published TMJ phenotypes from
any other transgenic mice models, there is suggestive evidence
that other genes may affect TMJ morphogenesis and growth.
Runx2 expression, however, increased in mutant condyles, as did While not fully explored, two studies demonstrate that signaling
the expression of Dlx5, a transcription factor important for osteo- by BMPs, like that of TGF-b, may affect condylar cartilage mor-
blast differentiation. The authors suggest that TGF-b signaling phogenesis and growth. Deletion of the BMP type 1 receptor Alk2
influences cell fate in the dividing cells of the MCC by regulating in neural crest tissues has been shown to result in a much smaller
Sox9 expression, which in turn represses Runx2 expression. In a mandible with no development of any secondary cartilages in the
follow-up to these experiments, half mandibles from E13.5 and mandible (Dudas et al., 2004). Moreover, conditional deletion of
E14.5 mice exposed in explant culture to an inhibitor of the BMPr1A in cartilage of early postnatal mice significantly reduces
downstream signaling of type I TGF-b receptors that partner with mandibular length and drastically attenuates the extent of the
Tgfbr2 showed a complete loss of secondary cartilage not seen in condylar cartilage as well as cell proliferation and Sox 9 immu-
vehicle-treated explants, and pre-existing secondary cartilages in noreactivity in 4-week-old mice (Jing et al., in press).
E15.5 explants disappeared after 4 days in culture (Anthwal Another likely possibility is the Notch family of receptors
et al., 2008). These results indicate that TGF-b is necessary for (Notch 1–4) that have been identified as cell fate mediators in
initiation of secondary cartilages in the mandible. However, stud- many tissues (Curry et al., 2005; Purow et al., 2005). In cartilage,
ies of mice lacking all striated musculature show that muscular there is a growing understanding that Notch signaling is context-
influences are critical for the maintenance of secondary cartilages dependent, with disparate effects in developing and fully differ-
in the mandible. The most pronounced effects were seen in the entiated chondrocytes (Kohn et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2013).
muscle-associated angular and coronoid cartilages with a lesser Although these studies have focused on limb cartilage, there is
effect on the condylar cartilage, where the authors speculate that evidence that Notch signaling may also be important in the

perichondrial cells of the TMJ. Examination of the gene expres- Frizzled 4 (8), are highly expressed in the perichondrium (Ser-
sion in the perichondrial (PC) and underlying cartilaginous (C) rano et al., in press).
portions of the MCC micro-dissected from 2-day-old mouse con- An additional indication that b-catenin signaling affects
dylar cartilages using a gene array permits the identification of cells similar to MCC prechondroblasts arises from its effect on
genes that are preferentially expressed in the perichondrium superficial zone (SFZ) cells in the articular cartilage. These cells
(Hinton et al., 2009). Use of an array profiling 84 genes related to have gene expression and phenotypic profiles distinct from
the Notch signaling pathway indicated that the perichondrium of those of the underlying articular chondrocytes and exhibit
the MCC was enriched in many Notch signaling pathway genes chondro-progenitor properties with a strong capacity for prolif-
(Serrano et al., in press). Genes with considerably higher expres- eration over time (Yasuhara et al., 2011). The activation of b-
sion in the PC sample compared with the C sample included catenin signaling caused a strong increase in proliferation and
Notch 3 and Notch 4 (5, 3.5), their ligands Jagged 1 and 2 lubrican expression in these cells, whereas the ablation of b-
(4, 5), and other regulators of Notch ligand specificity and catenin signaling produced the opposite effects. Although the
downstream signaling, such as MFNG (7), Deltex (13), and SFZ cells still retain the properties of articular chondrocytes, it
presenilin enhancer 2 (4). Another notch receptor, Notch1, has is interesting that they represent a chondro-progenitor cell pop-
been shown using immunohistochemistry to be localized in the ulation phenotypically labile in response to varying levels of b-
superficial layers of the MCC, most prominently in the prechon- catenin signaling. Moreover, these progenitor cells express the
droblastic layer (Serrano et al., 2011). Moreover, Notch1 expres- Notch1 receptor, which mediates their proliferation (Dow-
sion in the MCC explants from E17 mice was up-regulated by thwaite et al., 2004).

increasing concentrations of exogenous FGF-2 and down-

regulated by increasing concentrations of exogenous TGF-b2
(Serrano et al., in press). Implications
The Wnt/b-catenin pathway is still another potential regulator Although changes in TMJ morphogenesis or growth occur in
of TMJ morphogenesis and growth. b-catenin signaling has been response to inactivation or constitutive activation of numerous
shown to be an important determinant of cell fate in osteoproge- genes, some generalizations are possible regarding (1) the devel-
nitor cells, and in its absence, these cells develop into chondro- opmental hierarchy of TMJ structures and (2) the hierarchy of
cytes (Hill et al., 2005). Indeed, the only study using b-catenin gene expression affecting TMJ morphogenesis and growth.
signaling to examine the TMJ demonstrated that transgenic mice
with stabilized b-catenin had complete agenesis of the condylar
cartilage (Wang et al., 2011). Two other studies have character-
Developmental Hierarchy of TMJ Structures
ized the effect of the b-catenin levels on cells similar to the divid- Four genes are expressed very early in the mesenchymal conden-
ing cells of the MCC. The first study focused on cranial sutures in sation that will become the mandibular condyle: Sox9, ihh,
which b-catenin is critical for both the proliferation and differen- Runx2, and Osterix (Shibata et al., 2006; Gu et al., 2008). Inacti-
tiation of osteogenic precursors such that the inhibition of b- vation of either Sox9 (Mori-Akiyama et al., 2003; Wang et al.,
catenin results in suture abnormalities (Mirando et al., 2010). 2011) or Runx2 (Shibata et al., 2004) resulted in complete agene-
Like the prechondroblastic cells of the MCC, the preosteogenic sis of the condylar cartilage. Although not described in the
cells of a cranial suture are continuous with the osteogenic layer Runx2-null mice, the mandibular fossa condensation occurred in
of the periosteum and can exhibit a secondary cartilaginous phe- Sox9-null mice; bone formation was initiated but the majority of
notype in certain sutures that is reversible in response to the fossa regressed, leaving only a slight remnant on the lateral
decreased loading (Hinton, 1988). Goodnough and colleagues aspect (Fig. 4). In light of their experiments in which the fossa
(2012) showed that the transcription factor Twist1 is directly acti- failed to form when physically displaced from the developing
vated by b-catenin in osteoprogenitor cells and that Twist1 binds condyle or maintained by an enlarged Meckel’s cartilage (Noggin
Sox9 to suppress chondrogenesis. Twist has been localized to the (2/2) mice), Wang and colleagues (2011) postulated that man-
preosteogenic cells of cranial sutures (Rice et al., 2000), as well as dibular condyle formation (or a surrogate such as Meckel’s carti-
to the prechondroblastic layer of the MCC (Serrano et al., 2011) lage) is prerequisite for the formation of the mandibular fossa.
where it is joined by another cell fate determinant gene Notch. It The experiment in which fossa agenesis occurred following an
has also been shown that the prechondroblastic (chondroprogeni- open mouth posture that created greater displacement between
tor) cells of the MCC, similar to the preosteogenic (osteoprogeni- the fossa and condylar condensations suggested to them that
tor) cells of developing sutures (Iseki et al., 1999), express Fgfr2 some sort of diffusible signal originating in the condyle must be
receptors (Fuentes et al., 2002; Molteni et al., 1999). Fgfr2 expres- necessary for proper joint development. Interestingly, the only
sion and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) immunoreactivity are pres- other model in which fossa agenesis occurred (the Sprouty 1 (/
ent in the same cell layer (proliferating osteoprogenitor cells) of ) Sprouty2 (/) mice) featured an intact, albeit smaller, con-
developing sutures, with Fgfr1 expressed as these cells differenti- dyle; however, condyle-fossa continuity was disrupted by a
ate into osteoblasts (Iseki et al., 1999). These findings parallel the greatly enlarged temporalis muscle. The common factor in both
observed distribution in the MCC of Fgfr2, BrdU immunoreactiv- models appeared to be the requirement for signals emanating
ity in prechondroblasts, and Fgfr1 in chondroblasts, the differen- from the condyle to the fossa, such that a lack of fossa formation
tiated phenotype (Fuentes et al., 2002). Thus, in sutures and in could result from either agenesis of the condyle or from disrup-
MCC, Twist has an overlapping distribution with Fgfr2, making it tion/ blocking of the signal due to distance or an intervening
plausible that Twist activated by b-catenin contributes to the structure.
regulation of cell fate in both tissues. Our study of genes differen- Several models displayed abnormalities of the articular disc
tially expressed at higher levels in the perichondrium of the MCC and/or the joint cavities surrounding it. The complete absence of
indicates that two mediators of Wnt signaling, PPAR -g (6) and disc and joint cavity formation was observed in ihh (/) mice

(Shibukawa et al., 2007). Most other instances of disc malforma-

tion or delay, often accompanied by failure of the joint cavities
to fully form, occurred in three groups of models: (1) those
involving genes in the ihh signaling pathway (Smo, Gli); (2) those
involving genes that interacted with elements of the
ihh signaling pathway (Trps1); or (3) models that exhibited
reduced or no ihh in the MCC (Shox2, Sox9, respectively). The
Spry1 (2/2)Spry2(2/2) mice with mandibular fossa agenesis,
but in which the MCC was present, still exhibited disc formation.
Taken together, these studies present a strong argument that sig-
nals originating within the condyle are critical for initiating disc
formation and cavitation. The fact that the articular disc failed to
form in the experiment in which Meckel’s cartilage maintained
fossa formation (Wang et al., 2011) lends further complexity to
the signals required.
Fig. 7. Cartoon of genes that may regulate cell fate, proliferation, and
differentiation of mandibular condylar cartilage cells based on the stud-
Hierarchy of Gene Expression Affecting TMJ ies described in this review.
Morphogenesis and Growth

This catalog of TMJ phenotypes resulting from inactivation or

alteration of homeobox genes and growth factors has clearly 2013) make it clear that Notch signaling inhibits chondrogenic
demonstrated that multiple genes contribute to TMJ growth, and differentiation in committed chondrocyte progenitors. More-
to a lesser extent, to TMJ morphogenesis. However, two genes, over, TGFb-mediated chondrogenesis is facilitated by reducing
Runx2 and Sox9, figure prominently in many of the models and the Notch repression of chondrogenesis (Grogan et al., 2008)
are the only genes known to date that if inactivated, produce and by down-regulating Dlx5 expression (Oka et al., 2008).
agenesis of the MCC. Both are expressed very early (at E13.5– Finally, studies in cranial bone osteo-progenitors (Goodnough
E14) in the mesenchymal cell condensation that will become the et al., 2012) have demonstrated that activated b-catenin signal-
condyle (Shibata et al., 2006; Shibata and Yokohama-Tamaki, ing inhibits Sox9 expression and chondrogenesis in vivo by
2008). In limb bud development, Sox9-expressing osteo- means of Twist1 expression, which binds Sox9. Conversely,
chondroprogenitors give rise to Runx2-expressing osteogenic Goodnough and colleagues showed that Twist1 conditional
cells (Akiyama et al., 2005). However, studies in avian (Buxton deletion in the cranial mesenchyme before fate specification
et al., 2003) and mammalian (Shibata and Yokohama-Tamaki, induces chondrogenesis, suggesting that down-regulating
2008) secondary cartilages demonstrated that the reverse may Twist1 or its upstream progenitor b-catenin may also allow for
occur in secondary cartilage where chondrocytes form by means Sox9 expression in the MCC. Adenoviral introduction of Runx2
of an up-regulation of Sox9 in a precursor population expressing in Runx2 (/) chondrocyte cultures strongly induces the
Runx2. If Sox9 is expressed downstream of Runx2 in the TMJ expression of ihh (Yoshida et al., 2004), which (by means of its
instead of the situation found in the limbs, the Runx2 and Sox9 feedback loop with PTHrP) clearly mediates the rate of hyper-
knockout phenotypes are explicable and would account for the trophic chondrocyte differentiation, as well as the proliferation
continued expression of Runx2 in Sox9 knockout mice (Wang in MCC (along with TGFb and perhaps Notch), as shown in the
et al., 2011). ihh-null mice (Shibukawa et al., 2007). Possible regulators of
The actions of several of the other genes outlined in this TMJ cell fate, proliferation, and differentiation are depicted in
report may regulate TMJ morphogenesis by affecting Sox9 and Figure 7.
Runx2 expression, and, by means of these genes, control the
ihh-PTHrP axis. Oka and colleagues (2007, 2008) demonstrated
that the inactivation of TGF-b signaling drastically reduces Conclusions
Sox9 expression, resulting in a defective condylar cartilage at a
very early stage that retards chondrocyte differentiation. In Although chondrocytes in the MCC secrete typical cartilage-
addition, condyles in mice with inactivated Tgfbr2 signaling specific products such as Col2, aggrecan, and Col10 (Shibata
had a slightly increased Runx2 expression and enhanced et al., 1997, 2006), the MCC differs from primary cartilages of the
expression of Dlx5, a transcription factor important in osteo- limbs in the perichondrium containing its dividing cells. In some
blast differentiation (Oka et al., 2008). Because cartilage is not respects (e.g., their responses to ihh), it appears that these pre-
lost entirely in the Tgfbr2-inactivated mice, other genes must chondroblasts behave similarly to the proliferating chondroblasts
affect Sox9 expression. One possibility may be Shox2, because in a growth plate. However, these models and other studies have
both Runx2 and Sox9 were reduced in Shox2 null mice (Gu documented clear-cut differences in gene expression between the
et al., 2008). However, Sox9 is also a downstream transcrip- MCC and limb cartilages for which the significance is currently
tional target of Notch signaling, which in turn is activated by unknown. These differences include: the rapid chondrocyte
FGF signaling (Nakanishi et al., 2007). Although Notch recep- hypertrophy in the MCC as reflected in the greatly overlapping
tors are present on mesenchymal cells (Nakanishi et al., 2007) expression of Col1, Col2, and Col10 (Shibata et al., 1997); the
and indeed on prechondroblastic cells of the MCC (Serrano absence in the MCC of Gdf5 & Gdf6 proteins seen in the joint
et al., 2011), over-expression studies in pellet culture (Grogan cavities of the developing limb (Purcell et al., 2009); differences
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