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Myross Bush School

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PHOTO: Forbes and Jack from Room 7 put the finishing touches on their koru designs that they produced in our new Arts Inquiry.

the scoop



This Friday we have 8 teams (81 students) involved in the Southern Zone Soccer Tournament. Thank you to those parents who are helping out with this day and good luck to all our teams. Normal school applies for all those not going. Due to the level of involvement with the soccer tournament our first full school assembly will be next week @ 2.15pm in the Activity Centre. A major success for our school is that the Room 8 entry from our Myross Media Awards has made it as one of the 6 finalists for the Year 5 & 6 documentary section in the National New Zealand Made Awards Media competition. The evening will showcase the finalists and their school from each category and then announce the winners. Well done to all of Room 8, and to their teachers Mark and Heidi, who all put a lot of time and effort into this showcase of their terms work. To represent their class and our school we have chosen Jack Wilcox and Benjamin McIntyre, who were heavily involved in the editing of the finished product, to travel to attend this awards

evening - along with one of their teachers - Heidi Wilcox. We are on the count down to our annual Pet Day next Monday. I am looking forward to seeing all the completed posters going up this Friday about the different pets and to seeing us all enjoy another of our annual community events. All the information came home with the newsletter last week - but if you need another copy it has also been posted on the website - - Note that if you have the 'old' website cached on your computer you need to delete the web address back in your address bar so it just says This will then direct you to the right page. We are still working to get our domain provider to take down our out of date site. It was great to see so many of the Year 6 parents at the camp meeting on Monday night. Mark and Paula ran through the main objectives of the camp and a general overview of how it will run. At the beginning of the meeting I gave a quick introduction as to how the purpose of all

our curriculum activities and plans are linked back to the 5 Key Competencies Thinking, Managing Self, Participating & Contributing, Relating to Others, Using Language, Symbols & Texts - as detailed in the National Curriculum. The main purpose of a localised school curriculum is to develop these through our School's Vision and Values so our learners are not just good readers, writers and mathematicians but learners who have the ability to reflect on their learning - to learn, unlearn and relearn and to give reason about what they are doing. This is a key change from the curriculum that guided teachers when we as parents were at school! Every learning activity at school has a purpose of developing those key learning goals and you see these reflected in your child's report as our learner profile goals. Lastly - don't forget the working bee Saturday morning 9am - 12pm. If you can spare an hour or so it would be much appreciated! Regards Tim Lovelock - Principal

Kia tu Pakari

From strong foundations we grow and stand tall together

The annual Tour of Southland cyclists passed the school at 10.20am on Tuesday amongst lots of flashing lights, sirens, cameras and officials. We could tell there is a lot of planning that goes into an event like this.
Baby sitter available: Ex student, reliable. Ph Makaela 2157922 Gladstone Tyres & Mags: Get the school rewarded - $5 back to the school on every tyre purchase drop a copy of your invoice into the school Free: two guinea pigs and cage. Phone 230 4588 Judy Southland Chevrolet Club: Classic Show & Shine Sat 5th November 11-3pm at Waikiwi School Grounds. Gold coin entry. All proceeds going to Ruru Specialist School. Help us celebrate 100 years of Chevrolet. Summer Swim School 3 yrs - adult, 5 half hour lessons over 1 week. $41 includes pool entry , GST and a swim cap. 4 weeks to choose from between 9 Jan to 3 Feb. Those who enter before 26 Nov go in the draw to win a Splash Palace Package. Contact the pool for further details. Wanted to hire: Caravan for Christmas/New Year for about 12 days. Needs to sleep 2 adults, 2 children. Ph Tania 032179863 $500 reward: We are still looking for Cosmo, a longhaired black cat with white whiskers, who was taken from his home in Pine Crescent on Thursday 25 August. Possible dropped in Myross Road but have been unable to find him. We believe he is still alive and are desperate to find him. He has been in our family for 15 years and is so loved and missed. If you have any information at all could you please phone 2141310 or 0273673044 Invercargill City Council is holding a series of public meetings focussing on the review of the rural area provisions of the District Plan. These are open meetings which everyone is invited to attend. These will be held: Monday, 7 November, 7.30pm, at Tisbury School Library Wednesday, 9 November, 7.30pm at Makarewa School Wednesday, 16 November,

School News:
For Sale on Pet Day: The Garden Club
will have worm juice and fertiliser for sale at their stall on Pet Day. $2 per litre. Great for vege gardens!

MB Chelsea U6 v Otatara Won 4-3 MB Manchester United v Woodlands Won 5-0

Tennis: Good luck to Ben Clixby, Andrew

Fleming and Simone Caughey who will be competing in the Southland Primary Schools Tournament next Tuesday. Football: Coaches are still needed for several teams on Friday so please email Paula asap if you are available to help. Please check the notice that came home today with the draw. Could all players please remember to wear their Myross Bush polo tops and shorts please as the uniform.

School Road Safety: A meeting last

night with the Council regarding traffic speed outside our school has resulted in us them giving us some safety cones to place across the road to help encourage traffic to slow down. A special flyer will come home when this is ready to go! Thanks to Tania Horton, Lisa Tielkes, Samantha OKeefe for being very proactive with this issue!

Sports Notices:
Interesting Fact:... In 2011 Myross Bush
School has competed in 11 different sporting competitions, has had 54 school sports teams (not including Southern Zone events), which has involved 382 children!!! A huge thank you to parents who have helped manage and coach these teams as without you we would not be able to provide these opportunities for your children. Thank you again for all your support :-)

Friends of the School:

Pet Day Reminder: Please refer to the "Final Reminders'" notice included with this newsletter. The Pet Day return slip was due back today can you please return this tomorrow if not already returned? Also a reminder to ensure your childs name and age is clearly written underneath the baking / floral art entries (out of judges view). And finally, remember to bring some small change to spend at the stalls and we would really appreciate lots of baking items for the Market day pantry and "Cake Walk" - this is a great way for Grandparents to help support the school.

DAVID WHITE BUILDING Experienced Qualied Builder of: New Homes Residential Extensions and Renovations Farm Sheds etc... Phone 0274351490 or A/H 2304984

Week 2 Term 4
Room 1 are settling into our newly renovated classroom and enjoying the bright walls. 'Wow' was the comment most children made as they walked in Monday morning! There is no extra maths or spelling homework this week apart from going over the holiday spelling words as many children are still to complete their pet day posters. We are getting so good at sharing which is the theme for the week as we learn to play and work together. A great habit to reinforce at home - thanks. Room 6 What an awesome first week! The 'Room 6 Rockers' have come to Term 4 ready to learn and make gains. We are seeing members of the class, that are putting in the effort, shooting up through the spelling lists and improving on the Basic Facts scores in maths. Ella Wylie managed to knock 1 minute off her best ever score in our basic facts test, which is amazing, keep it up Ella. Holly Muirhead is cranking with her spelling and has gone up 3 lists in the Rocket List already this term. Room 7 are loving their new room! Our Blog is playing up at the moment but look out for photos of our fresh looking classroom by the end of the week. You are more than welcome to pop in after school any day to have a look around. We are right in the middle of our "Tuning In" phase for our "ARTS INQUIRY". So far we have done Music, Drama and Visual Art. Next week you will be able to admire our Koru designs that we created with Mrs Kahukura...they are amazing! Check out the Blog to find out what we are writing Persuasive Letters for. Room 8 Benjamin - We've been using some new learning plans. They help us be self directed when we look at the tasks and tick them off when we complete them. There is also a due date to do them by. They help me stay on task and get things done. Gabby - For inquiry we're doing art and doing all four types of arts. We're learning about the elements to dance, drama, music and visual art. I like it cause it's fun to do and I think I want to do either visual art or dance for my elective next week.

Room 3 are all working hard and back into our routines. Each morning I am checking that the children have filled in their reading log and that they have done some maths each night at home. Homework should only take 10 - 15 minutes each night and should include a little spelling pracitse too. If you are too busy to do it at night the children can do it before school. Certificates Grace Lovelock, Daniel Conner.

Room 4 have made an excellent start to the term. We are focusing on treating others how we want to be treated and are discussing this throughout the day. In maths we are learning about the place value of numbers. There are some games on the Room 4 blog at http:// that will support this learning. In writing we have continued to write recounts. Yesterday the Tour of Southland went past our school. Have a great week Evelyn


None this week due to Southern Zone Soccer Tournament.

Aviary Thank You:

A huge thank you to Raewyn Whitworth and Scholastic New Zealand for donating a great variety of books for the aviary raffle to be held on Pet Day. We really appreciate Scholastics support. Tickets will be on sale for $2 on the day.

Room 5 are off to a fantastic start, with most children settling back into homework routines very well. Thank you for your support with this. The children have been buzzing with the art workshops and discussing some of the elements they have been learnt so far. Corbin - I enjoyed playing new instruments that I've never seen or played before. We practised rhythm. Ollie - I enjoyed drawing koru designs in art. Amber - I enjoyed performing in a group during music. Paige - The volcano dance was a lot of fun. Have a great week.

Out of School Sports:

Well done to: Olivia Fraser who represented Southland in the U13 Girls Festival of Hockey Team in Timaru during the school holidays. Congratulations Olivia for getting MVP for the tournament.

Check out our school news in colour at:

from the classroom

Room 2 had a great time at our Arty Party on Thursday, experiencing all the arts, and the children are excited to begin their talent development workshops in their chosen field of art, dance, drama or music. We look forward to sharing these with you later in the term. This week we have been talking about the golden rule "treat others as you would like to be treated" and decided how this would look in our class. There are several children in our class looking forward to participating in the soccer challenge on Friday. Good luck and have fun!

3rd (Thurs) Last day for Pet Day slips

19th (Mon) End of Term 4

2012 Term Dates
Term 1 2012 Wednesday 1 February to Thursday 5th April (Easter) Term 2 2012 23 April to 29th June

Updated 2 November 2011

4th (Fri) Nominations close 12pm for Board of Trustees Elections. Last day for DVD orders 5th (Sat) 9am - 12pm Working Bee A general tidy up of the grounds before Pet Day on Monday. All welcome. 6th (Sun) Pet Day donations can be dropped off between 4-6pm

Term 3 2012 16 July to 28 September

Term 4 2012 15 October to 17th December


7th (Mon) Pet Day Board of Trustees Meeting 7.30pm Note: Change of Date

10th (Thurs) Camp Meeting for Parent Volunteers for Camp 7.30pm

Friday 4th No vembe Board r of Tru stees Nomina tions c lose on Noon. at Sat 5t h 9am Workin gB

Dont f orget. ..


22nd-25th (Tues - Fri) Year 6 Camp

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