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Neural Computing and Applications (2023) 35:12751–12761 (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789().
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Performance analysis and comparison of Machine Learning and LoRa-

based Healthcare model
Navneet Verma1 • Sukhdip Singh1 • Devendra Prasad2

Received: 2 August 2022 / Accepted: 13 February 2023 / Published online: 7 March 2023
Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2023

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a widespread condition that is one of the main causes of health disasters around the world, and
health monitoring is one of the sustainable development topics. Currently, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine
Learning (ML) technologies work together to provide a reliable method of monitoring and predicting Diabetes Mellitus. In
this paper, we present the performance of a model for patient real-time data collection that employs the Hybrid Enhanced
Adaptive Data Rate (HEADR) algorithm for the Long-Range (LoRa) protocol of the IoT. On the Contiki Cooja simulator,
the LoRa protocol’s performance is measured in terms of high dissemination and dynamic data transmission range
allocation. Furthermore, by employing classification methods for the detection of diabetes severity levels on acquired data
via the LoRa (HEADR) protocol, Machine Learning prediction takes place. For prediction, a variety of Machine Learning
classifiers are employed, and the final results are compared with the already existing models where the Random Forest and
Decision Tree classifiers outperform the others in terms of precision, recall, F-measure, and receiver operating curve
(ROC) in the Python programming language. We also discovered that using k-fold cross-validation on k-neighbors,
Logistic regression (LR), and Gaussian Nave Bayes (GNB) classifiers boosted the accuracy.

Keywords Machine learning  Diabetes mellitus  Internet of Things  LoRa  Contiki Cooja

1 Introduction that make effective long-distance communication possible.

The LoRa-enabled network, where LoRa-enabled sensors
Today, due to TCP/IP protocol suite, billions of Internet of are located in the network field or on patients’ bodies, is
Things (IoT)-based equipment have been able to link with covered by the LPWAN protocols. Data transmission may
the Internet and are working too. IoT protocols are a crucial be started by the sensors or by any outside control, as per
part of the IoT knowledge heap because lacking this; the circumstances which are mentioned in Mekki et al.
connected devices are meaningless since they only allow work [1]. Throughput and collision rate have an impact on
the flow of organized, useful data. Due to the lack of a how effective and influential these strategies are. We can
standardized architecture in the IoT, using communication remotely monitor patients and gather data using the IoT-
techniques that are appropriate for the applications may be based sensor. For the amount of insulin in the blood sugar
difficult. Despite being the greatest source of Big Data to be near the normal value, patients and systems will now
today, IoT is useless without analytical power. Low power need to review a significant number of data sets and engage
wide area network (LPWAN), LoRa (Long Range), and in a lot of data interpretation. LoRa Gateways can transport
NB-IoT are a few examples of modern IoT technologies data from Lora-enabled glucose sensors to a database.
In our paper, the performance of the Hybrid Enhanced
Adaptive Data Rate (HEADR) algorithm for the LoRa
& Navneet Verma protocol of the Internet of Things (IoT) is analyzed in terms
of improved switching which will boost the data rate, high
Computer Science and Engineering Department, DCRUST, dissemination which can handle more end devices means
Murthal, Sonipat 131027, India we can add more IoT devices in this network, and dynamic
Computer Science and Engineering Department, PIET, data transmission range allocation specifically for
Samalkha, Panipat 132103, India

12752 Neural Computing and Applications (2023) 35:12751–12761

heterogeneous IoT network. It is designed to cover unsta- to Islam et al. [4], they offer a useful analysis and a model
ble frequency conditions in case of rain or bad weather that is appropriate for collecting patient physical health
condition and also the Data rate adaptation by end devices data from supporting sensors and IoT health care. The IoT
is specified in this LoRa (HEADR) protocol. In terms of system needs to be adaptable to provide all amenities
analysis, monitoring, and other clinical difficulties related during an emergency while also keeping the presence of
to diagnosis, ML techniques in DM are unquestionably medical staff and nursing staff in remote areas. This
important. However, there is an optimization approach technology also automates data collection, making it more
based on Scikit Learns that employs train-test splitting and reliable than manual patient data entry. The LoRa network
k-fold cross-validation. ML algorithms are commonly used has been used to turn an interface called my signals into a
to predict diabetes, and they deliver better results. health monitoring system that gathers information from a
As the population of various countries grows, so does heart rate, ECG sensor, body temperature, and pulse rate.
the burden of responsibility for the health of this growing The LoRa module’s performance was assessed once it was
population on hospitals, doctors, and nursing staff. So the integrated into the terminal application, and it showed
present study has focused on the IoT since it has the promise for gathering information from the patient’s body.
potential to reduce the pressure on health care systems. In the work of Lavric [5], to estimate the effectiveness
According to Verma et al. [2], Diabetes Healthcare Mon- of the LoRa protocol, more focus is given on measures
itoring Systems are crucial right now, particularly for including the number of packet collisions and network
remote health care monitoring, as visiting hospitals and performance. Accordingly, this work describes how many
standing in line for services is a waste of time for patient LoRa nodes can connect to the gateway at once while still
monitoring. It is extremely dangerous for diabetic patients abiding by the protocol’s rules. To lessen collision inci-
to wait in line since their life might be in danger at any dence and increase communication channel efficiency,
moment [3]. In this COVID-19 situation, remote monitor- several factors have been researched, including the
ing and ML prediction system such as this one may be spreading factor, data transmission rate, and duty cycle.
pretty helpful while we are incapable of actively caring for The Adaptive Data Rate (ADR) technique, which will
our elderly guardians and relatives. In Fig. 1, the applica- modify the data rate without human intervention when a
tion of IoT sensors and technology in the health care collision is determined, is one of the suggestions made by
industry is illustrated. the author for decreasing the frequency of collisions [6, 7].
However, this tactic will result in more energy being used
by the LoRa node.
2 Related work A comparison of short- and long-range communication
protocols is also demonstrated in Table 1.
2.1 Patient monitoring

In terms of applications, the Internet of Things is now more

prevalent than ever in the health care industry. According
Fig. 1 IoT in Healthcare

Neural Computing and Applications (2023) 35:12751–12761 12753

2.2 Machine learning methods respectively, for the interpretation of diabetes data. The
approach with the highest accuracy, NB, has an accuracy of
According to Zou et al. [8], information on over 70,000 82.30 percent. The study extends the choice of the top
people—both healthy and diabetes patients—was physi- attributes from the dataset to increase classification
cally collected from a hospital in Luzhou, China. Decision accuracy.
trees, random forests, and neural networks with k-fold The local hospital in Kano, Nigeria provided the dia-
validation were utilized to predict diabetes mellitus, while betes diagnosis dataset that was used in this investigation
PCA and mRMR were employed to minimize dimension- by Muhammad et al. [10]. Using this dataset, a model was
ality. Last but not least, the random forest generated the created using SVM, k-nn, LR, RF, NB, and GB. Although
most accurate forecast (0.8084). It is also mentioned that the accuracy of the random forest and gradient boosting
choosing the right characteristic requires careful consider- predictive learning-based models is 86.28 and 88.76 per-
ation of the classifier technique. cent, respectively, for these models, the receiver operating
In the work of Sneha and Gangil [9], the research goal characteristic (ROC) curve indicates that these are the best
has been to use predictive analysis to identify which feature models. The algorithm will help health care workers and
has the most influence on early diabetes mellitus predic- medical experts identify and predict type 2 diabetes in
tion. Diabetic hyperglycemia is linked to harm to several those who are suspected of having the condition.
organs, including the heart, kidneys, veins, eyes, and As per Letters et al. work [11], using the PIMA Indian
nerves. In this research, the goal is to utilize ML to create a dataset, the SVM model was used to estimate the risk
perfect classifier model whose results are equivalent to factor for diabetes after feature scaling, selection, aug-
clinical outcomes and a prediction algorithm that considers mentation, and imputation. The accuracy, selection, and
important factors. The final results of this model demon- specificity performance parameters for this model were
strated that the decision tree and random forest have given assessed as follows using a tenfold stratified cross-valida-
98.20 percent and 98.00 percent maximum specificity, tion approach: 83.20 percent accuracy, 87.20 percent

Table 1 Comparison of short- and long-range communication protocols [2]

Long-range protocols
SigFox LoRa NB-IoT

Suitability for Poor Average Good

health care
Deployment 9.5 km 7.2–10 km 15 km
Transmission 100bps 0.25–5.5kpbs 250kbps
Security Private key signature Distinctive key distribution, recognized only by 3GPP S3 security, which includes user and
Encryption and the node and base station using the unique key device identity, entity authentication,
scrambling Technique Data encryption confidentiality, and data integrity
Bandwidth 868 MHz (Eu) 868 MHz (Eu) 915 MHz (US) 433 MHz (Asia) LTE bands, in the guard bands of LTE (guard-
915 MHz (US) band mode), or re-farmed GSM bands

Short-range protocols
Bluetooth low energy ZigBee MQTT

Suitability for Good Average Average

health care
Deployment 150 m 30 m M2M
Transmission 1Mbps 250kbps 2Mbps
Security Secure pairing before the key exchange, Two keys used to AES-128b, Network key shared across network, TLS/
provide authentication and identity protection, AES-128b Optional link key to secure Application layer SSL
encryption communications
Bandwidth 2.4 GHz 2.4 GHz 2.4 GHz

12754 Neural Computing and Applications (2023) 35:12751–12761

selection, and 79 percent specificity. Patients can send data sensor, we may examine the patient’s blood for the pres-
through smart devices like smartphones and smartwatches, ence of glucose. Depending on the situation, the glucose
but it is not defined on which technology it was based. This sensor can either be placed internally beneath the skin or
suggested strategy might help medical professionals make externally on the skin as part of the continuous glucose
judgments at an early stage depending on the threat pre- monitoring system (CGM).
dicted by the computer.
3.2 Data transmission

3 Proposed work The LoRa (HEADR) protocol is used to transmit data from
the patient to the gateway. The dataset unit for the patient
In Fig. 2, the suggested model is displayed. Two compo- receives this information from the gateway. The discovered
nents make up the LoRa-based Diabetes Predictive Model data may be sent regularly or whenever the patient’s
first one is the communication module, and the second is biomedical sensor readings significantly change. This new
the processing module whose flowchart is given in Figs. 3 Hybrid Enhanced Adaptive Data Rate (HEADR) technique
and 4. LoRa-enabled sensors from the patient’s body will also enhances LoRa device implementation and resolves
first send the data to the gateway node as explained in the sensor’s data transmission range distribution issue. To
algorithm1, after that this will be stored on a server (i.e., evaluate network performance, this model shows real-time
Dataset of Patients). Following preprocessing of the data, data detection and transfer utilizing IoT protocol using the
normalization, and ML classification algorithms are Contiki Cooja simulator.
applied which is the standard protocol for applying an ML
technique. 3.3 Dataset validation and ML classification

3.1 Data gathering (i) Data preprocessing To complete the processing

module, a table with the data type and range value
The network’s data are gathered to establish a patient’s of each attribute is created using the data collected
health state. Because LoRa (HEADR) protocol is used for from patients using LoRa-enabled sensors. Fol-
transmission, sensors with LoRa capability may be able to lowing preprocessing, several ML classification
identify diabetes patients’ health states. Using a glucose models are used. Our dataset contains the

Fig. 2 LoRa(HEADR) and machine learning-based healthcare model

Neural Computing and Applications (2023) 35:12751–12761 12755

Fig. 4 Flowchart for processing module

Fig. 3 Flowchart for communication module
incorrect findings. On various other kinds of
following variables: age, outcome, BMI, HbA1c,
data sets, mean values can also be employed.
skin thickness, blood pressure, family history,
glucose value, and insulin unit. The effectiveness (iii) Correlation and Heat map Python is used for
of the used algorithms has been decreased as a figuring out these correlations and heat maps. By
result of the discovery that the data contain 0 using correlation, one may comprehend character-
values in several places. Since the Contiki is used istics more thoroughly, such as how one or more
to perform the data transmission component of the qualities are reliant on another attribute or serve as
proposed HEADR model, real Indian Diabetes a catalyst for another quality. The heat map is a
data are gathered from two different hospitals in two-dimensional graph of data where each value is
the Indian state of Haryana. represented by a color matrix.
(ii) Invalid data values There are numerous ways to (iv) Cloud storage With the aid of the gateway node,
deal with invalid data values, as listed below: the data gathered from the patient by the glucose
sensor are saved in the dataset for that patient.
Ignore the following data In the majority of
After preprocessing the acquired data, a copy of
circumstances, it is not advised because it can
the preprocessed data is sent to the cloud. Physi-
leave some crucial information behind. The
cians may utilize the cloud-based database for
‘‘skin thickness’’ and ‘‘insulin’’ columns in the
upcoming research. The suggested method auto-
dataset supplied include a large number of
matically records diabetic patients’ glucose read-
incorrect data points, although the ‘‘BMI,’’
ings and sends them to a preprocessing unit for
‘‘glucose,’’ and ‘‘blood pressure’’ values may
cloud storage.
be legitimate.
(v) Normalization We must carry out the normaliza-
Employing mean values If a mean value were
tion step following the data cleaning phase, where
used for the blood pressure column in our
we must divide the entire dataset into training and
dataset, the model would, however, yield
testing models. We will set aside the test dataset
because the data are in split form and apply the

12756 Neural Computing and Applications (2023) 35:12751–12761

training method to the training dataset. Conse- presupposes that similar objects are close to one
quently, with the assistance of this training another, which is usually the case with comparable
procedure, a training model will be produced that data points.
will function on the values of the features in the (v) Logistic Regression The category of supervised
training data, logic, and algorithm. Bringing all of learning classification techniques includes logistic
the attributes to the same standard is the aim of regression as well, as mentioned in Butt et al. work
normalization. [16]. By presenting the output result in binary
(vi) Machine learning techniques Only after the data form, which denotes 1 and 0, we can distinguish
have been presented appropriately, ML techniques between individuals who are positive or negative
can be used. Medical diagnostic datasets may be for diabetes in this diabetic dataset. Logistic
effectively mined for information using machine regression is often used to categorize our distinct
learning (ML) techniques. We may use a variety data items.
of classification and ensemble algorithms as used (vi) Gaussian Naı¨ve Bayes According to Sneha and
by Onan et al. [12], to predict diabetes using the Gangil work [9], Naive Bayes Classifiers may be
diabetes dataset. The main goal of employing ML taught quickly and effectively, especially while
techniques is to understand how these classifica- under supervision. Small training data are needed
tion methods are implemented to determine their for Naive Bayes classifiers to approximate the
accuracy, as well as to identify the major charac- classification-related parameters. Gaussian Naive
teristic that is crucial for diabetes prediction. ML Bayes only supports continuous-valued features
methods may be divided into three groups: rein- and models that follow a Gaussian (normal)
forcement learning, unsupervised learning, and distribution.
both. In this prototype, we will employ supervised (vii) SVM The Support Vector Machine approach is
learning, in which the model is trained and one of the supervised machine learning tech-
accurate result predictions are made using a niques. The SVM-generated hyperplane divides
labeled dataset. the data into two categories. In high-dimensional
space, it may also produce one or more hyper-
Classification and regression are further divisions of
planes that can be used for classification or
supervised learning:
regression also mentioned in Bondre et al.
(i) Gradient Boosting The name ‘‘gradient boosting’’ research [17].
refers to the fact that the gradient of the prediction
error determines the target outputs for each case.
In the work of Lai et al. [13], every new prototype
makes predictions in each training example to
reduce error.
(ii) Random Forest Several well-liked ensemble
techniques exist, including ‘‘bagging, boosting,
gradient boosting, ada-boosting, averaging, and
voting, etc., as mentioned in Korukoğlu et al.
research [14].’’ For forecasting diabetes, we
employ a Random Forest of Bagging ensemble
technique. Random Forest may be used for both
classification and regression tasks in the ensemble
learning approach.
(iii) Decision Tree It transforms the data collection
into a roughly sine curve based on basic if–then-
else decision principles. According to Li et al.
[15], for a deeper decision tree, prototype com- 3.4 Execution of the whole process step-by-step
plications will rise and model fitting will get more (1) The placement of LoRa (HEADR)-enabled sensors
difficult. for the data collection on the bodies of patients in the
(iv) k-neighbors We often employed the k-nn network region (Algorithm 1).
approach, which is a supervised ML algorithm, (2) The gateway sends the gathered data to the database
to solve the classification and regression issues system.
[10]. K-nn is a useless prediction method since it

Neural Computing and Applications (2023) 35:12751–12761 12757

12758 Neural Computing and Applications (2023) 35:12751–12761

b Fig. 5 a Packets received by 20 nodes in 30 min. b Constant and Table 3 Dataset structure
dynamic data transmission
Our dataset [20]
Attributes Type Values Units

Table 2 ADR vs HEADR Family history Integer {0–6} Count

ADR HEADR Glucose value Integer {80–460} mg/dl
Blood pressure Integer {80–190} mm Hg
The frequency range in ADR is The frequency range in HEADR Skin thickness Integer {7–99} Mm
800–2100 MHz, which can is proposed 24–54 GHz, which
handle tens to thousands of end can handle more end devices Insulin unit Integer {0–20} mu U/ml
devices BMI Floating {12.8–50.0} kg/m2
It is designed for situations with It is designed to cover HbA1c Floating {2.9–9.9} mmol/mol
steady radio channel conditions unstable frequency conditions Age Integer {19–65} Years
in case of rain or bad weather
Outcome Binary {0–1} 0-Negative
The majority of ADR protocols It is designed for heterogeneous
now in use are designed for end devices means dynamic end PIMA dataset [3]
homogeneous end devices devices Attributes Type Values Units
Data rate adaptation by end Data rate adaptation by end Pregnancy Integer 0–17 Count
devices is not specified devices is specified Plasma glucose Real 0–199 mg/dl
Blood pressure Real 0–122 mm Hg
Triceps skin fold Real 0–99 Mm
(3) To determine the relative relevance of various Serum insulin Real 0–846 mu U/ml
characteristics, we create a correlation and heat Body mass index Real 0–67.1 kg/m2
map after preprocessing the data. Diabetes pedigree (ancestors) Real 0.078–2.42 %
(4) Divide the entire dataset into training and testing Age Integer 21–81 Years
datasets at a ratio of 0.75:0.25. Outcome Binary 0, 1 0-Negative
(5) Choose the machine learning algorithm from the list, 1-Positive
which includes the GB, DT, SVM, k-nn, RF, LR, and
GNB algorithms.
(6) Using the training dataset and the aforementioned
ML approaches, build a classification model. steady state. Only the frequency ranges from 800 to
(7) Apply the same ML approach to test the trained 2100 MHz are covered by the current ADR, and these are
model using the test dataset. the bands set aside for LTE.
(8) Compare the performance of each classifier’s pre- The planned HEADR encompasses millimeter waves in
dictions experimentally. different band frequencies from 24 to 54 GHz. Base sta-
(9) Determine the optimum algorithm based on multiple tions for the proposed prototype are linked to routers that
analytical metrics. utilize the Internet and IoT switching devices in the mobile
network through high-speed optical fiber connections. To
adjust the channel and set the device, use the end device. A
4 Simulation results and analysis fixed data rate is scheduled for each HEADR request. With
the allocation of the downlink data transmission range, the
Improved switching, high dissemination, and dynamic data user request is made possible. As seen in Fig. 5a, a certain
transmission range allocation—all of these boost the data amount of LoRa packets were transmitted with a 1% duty
rate—support the proposed HEADR. The hybrid improved cycle. For 30 min, we sent 600 or more packets to 20
switching manages data collision prevention, data trans- nodes. A node must abide by the duty cycle constraint of
mission speed, and range allowance while routing between 1% while taking into account our simulation scenario and
the sensors. According to the user request criteria, the the suggested HEADR model. This suggested solution
HEADR chose the dissemination conditions. The end improves the LoRaWAN device implementation and
device may be given a dynamic data transmission range addresses the device data transmission range allocation
with high dispersion that includes both continuous and issue, as demonstrated in Fig. 5b. Here, we are imple-
dynamic data transfers. Based on the device’s availability, menting the data processing module after gathering the
the allocation of the data transmission range shifted to a patient’s data.

Neural Computing and Applications (2023) 35:12751–12761 12759

Fig. 6 ROC curve

Table 4 Evaluation parameters

Classifiers Precision Recall F1- AUC

0 GB 0.935583 0.929878 0.932722 0.953563

2 DT 0.940063 0.908537 0.924031 0.943976
1 RF 0.936508 0.899390 0.917574 0.938861
3 k-nn 0.859589 0.765244 0.809677 0.860412
4 GNB 0.749254 0.765244 0.757164 0.837118
5 LR 0.756944 0.664634 0.707792 0.794397
6 SVC 0.751131 0.506098 0.604736 0.723255

4.1 Comparative analysis and discussion

As per our proposed HEADR algorithm, the instant

switching data transmission range 125, 250, and 500 kHz
are used which will be decided by the end devices. Con-
cerning high band; mid band, and low band, millimeter
waves, quick switching spans a range of 24–54 GHz while
reducing latency and enhancing throughput. As compared
to the LoRa ADR algorithm as mentioned in Lavric and
Popa research [18], the overall performance of the HEADR
algorithm is better. The major difference between ADR and
HEADR is shown in Table 2.
In the work of Sripreethaa [19], by employing several
classifiers, a model for the early prediction of diabetes was
expected, with RF having the best accuracy (94%) but a
lower accuracy than the suggested model (96.48%) without Fig. 7 a Classifier Accuracy. b Accuracy after k-fold validation
k-fold validation. A performance evaluation model incor-
porating classifiers like DT, LR, SVM, k-nn, RF, GB, and with the best accuracy (77.60%) is LR, yet its accuracy is
NB is presented in Mekki et al. research [1]. The classifier lower than that of the suggested model (87.84%).

12760 Neural Computing and Applications (2023) 35:12751–12761

Random Forest approach of ML classification is having the

highest accuracy of 96.28 percent after k-fold cross-vali-
dation as shown in Fig. 7b. Patients’ datasets may be
reserved on the cloud after preprocessing with ML so that
medical professionals may later access more precise data to
research this ailment. On a LoRa network based on
HEADR, the patient monitoring method may also be
physically carried out.

Data availability Data will be made available on reasonable request.


Conflict of interest There are no conflicts of interest associated with

this investigation.

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