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FWF146 Cover.indd 8 8/11/2017 11:29:46 AM
Daiwa’s iconic TD SOL
returning Summer 2017/2018

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FWF146 Cover.indd 9 30/11/2017 12:39:37 PM

16 22 28

Picture Illustration by Trevor


30th Year Anniversary The
Heroes who saved The Murray
Cod – Frank Prokop
30 Years Fly Fishing – Trevor Hawkins 22
Switch Baiting Eildon Cod – Mick Caulfield
& Bill Classon
Swimbaiting For Trout – Nige Webster
Targeting Lake Trout – Andrew McGovern 40
Toolondo Three Decades on – Lubin Pfeiffer 46
Planning an Impoundment Barra Trip
– Jason Ehrlich 50
A New Era For Victorian Trout – Trevor Hawkins 58
South-West Victorian River Guide – Colby
Lesko 64
The Goodoo Guide – Dean Norbiato 68
Coming Full Circle – Rod Mackenzie 74
Soft Plastic Revolution Rivers & Creeks -
Part one – Rhys Creed 80
Goulburn Backwater Tactics 101
– Erhan Cinar 86
Fishing For Art – Trevor Hawkins 96
Trout Trolling – Colby Lesko 110
6 Editorial – Bill Classon and Trevor Hawkins
14 Tim Smith’s Solar & Lunar Tables
90 Fly Talk – Mick Hall
94 Tackle Rat
102 Fishing Books – Jim Findlay
104 Electronics – Pat Swift
114 Tactics – Andrew McGovern
116 Subscriptions

68 80 120 Mail Order

122 Gear – AFN Pro Staff
132 Tackle Makers – Frank Prokop
134 Report Round-up
4 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Contents.indd 4 30/11/2017 8:54:47 AM



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FWF147 Contents.indd 5 30/11/2017 8:56:15 AM

Editorial wi th sson
Bill voClar Hawkins and Tre

Bill Classon elcome to the 30th
Australian Fishing Network
Freshwater Fishing Australia Pty Ltd Anniversary Issue of
A.C.N. 060 058 997 Freshwater Fishing magazine,
Unit 19-20, 52 Corporate Blvd,
(Continuation of Clare Street), some 147 issues starting back in
Bayswater. Vic. 3153 Mel. Ref: 64 K4 1987! A lot of our past history can
P.O. Box 544 Croydon Vic 3136
Telephone: (03) 9729 8788 be gleaned from other significant
Facsimile: (03) 9729 7833 issues like our 20th Anniversary,
MANAGING EDITOR our 50th and 100th Editions.
Bill Classon Email:
Over the years we have always had some great teams that put this
ASSISTANT EDITOR magazine together, while for many years it was Helen and I that did
Trevor Hawkins Email:
the editing (mainly HelenClasson), it became obvious that we needed
Nigel Webster Email:
the help and advice from a full time editor.
Debbie Sheldon-Collins I re-connected with many of them for this issue and here is their
Julian Patino

Andy Teale / Jarrah O’Brien
STEPHEN BOOTH 1998 - 2001
Email: My first job in fishing media,
Nige Webster apart from writing for various
publications, was with AFN as
ACCOUNTS editor of Freshwater Fishing
Susan Brophy Email: Magazine. I was also lucky
MAIL ORDER & SUBSCRIPTIONS enough to be around at the
Sue-Ann Miller launch of Sport fishing Magazine
Tel: (03) 9729 8788 and I learnt my editing trade
under Helen Classon’s guidance.
TRADE SALES I have a degree in aquaculture, so
Leah Hill, Andy Teale I simply learnt editing skills on
the job.
DESPATCH After spending three
Mark Shearn, Brendan Classon years with AFN I moved from
ILLUSTRATIONS Melbourne to Queensland where
Trevor Hawkins I launched the Trade Only magazine AFTR and edited Queensland Fishing Monthly with
the Fishing Monthly Group, while at the same time spending two years with Australian Bass
Rob Mitchell Tournaments (ABT) organising and running these industry leading events.
I spent 13 years with Fishing Monthly Group, the last 8 being the Managing Editor of
Sue-Ann Miller & Julian Patino their magazines.
Three years ago I moved to Wilson Fishing as their Marketing Manager, a move that
has allowed me to reconnect with primary his passion in fishing – throwing lures at Murray
Gordon and Gotch
cod and golden perch. Being Queensland based there’s always a lot of travel to find good
CONTRIBUTORS: Submissions are most welcome and
should be done on word processing programs. Photos should
cod fishing, but travel is a small hindrance compared to be being swamped with work and
be high resolution, unmodified digitals. Articles represent literally having no time to chase cod.
the authors’ views and not necessarily those of the publisher.
Email for full contributors guidelines.
I co-authored a book – Freshwater Fishes of Australia with Bill Classon.
Freshwater Fishing Australia is published bi-monthly from issue

BEN SANDMAN 2001 – 2003

67 (cover dates will be: Jul-Aug, Sep-Oct, Nov-Dec, Jan-Feb,
Mar-Apr, May-June) by Freshwater Fishing Australia Pty Ltd.
All material copyright © and all rights reserved. No part of the
contents of this publication may be reproduced without prior Turning his lifelong passion for fishing and
written consent of the publisher. All attempts are made to verify boating into a successful career, I’ve worked across
maps, guides and other information but Freshwater Fishing
cannot be held responsible for incorrect or misleading material. most of Australia’s fishing/boating media in roles
It is not possible for this company to ensure that advertisements spanning staff journalist to managing editor.
published herein comply with the Trades Practices Act 1974 and
that responsibility must therefore be on the person, company or I was 10 years old when Freshwater Fishing was
advertising agency submitting the ads for publication.
first published and always read every issue cover to
cover. (I remember receiving a letter from Ben when
he was 12 and sent him some lures… didn’t know
he’d be the editor at 24! – Bill)
Contributing articles to Freshwater Fishing
and other magazines as a teenager, I completed a

6 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Editorial-Impoundment.indd 6 30/11/2017 9:02:26 AM


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FWF147 Editorial-Impoundment.indd 7 30/11/2017 9:02:29 AM

journalism degree at Monash University and started work with ACP, it opened up a raft of opportunities for me to explore, and after a
on its boating magazines and BlueWater Boats and Sports fishing, brief hiatus from the fishing industry, I am now the editor of Fisho,
before joining AFN late 2001. an intuitive smartphone app and desktop site.
In 2003, I headed to Brisbane to join Fishing Monthly Group So, to the team at the Australian Fishing Network and all of the
as editor of several of its magazines (including founding editor of loyal readers who have continued to support Freshwater Fishing
VFM), and two years later was in Darwin as editor of NAFA, before magazine, I’d like to say kudos. You’re still fresh after 30 years.
returning to Melbourne as managing editor of a series of magazines
for Club Marine.
By late 2005, having been involved in the production of 250+ BILL CLASSON 2014 – NOW
magazine issues in a very short time, I established (and ran for 10 Since Justin’s departure I have returned
years) a specialist marine PR/media business working with brands to the editor’s chair with relish and must
including Bar Crusher, Garmin, Haines Hunter, Honda, Lowrance, say have been looking forward to this
Simrad and many others. issue for some time.
During that time, he also presented the FishnetTV series and I have delayed this release to
started, which he sold to Fishing World. re align the magazine release
These days, I head the marketing for Bar Crusher Boats and still dates to now become a
enjoy fishing for everything from trout to marlin. December/January release.
Moving forward Freshwater
Fishing will continue as
JIM HARMON 2004 – 2011 a Bi Monthly – but now
Jim was a good friend with release dates #148
and regular fishing buddy February/March,
of Bill Classon over the #149 April/May and
years that came on board our next big one #150th June/
for a contract period of July – our 150th Issue and so on.
month only and ended up In 2018 look for more integration with
staying in the editor’s chair our On-Line TV Station – Our TV Show THE
until 2011. FISHING SHOW and ofcourse more great articles.
Prior he was a senior Have a look too on page 116 and 117 for our Limited Release
programmer for General lures celebrating our 30th Anniversary.
Motors Holden, a position
the he held for over 20
years. Jim took on the
editor’s role with a serious
passion and introduced
Speaking of
many new writers over the Anniversaries,
years. co-incidentally
After his retirement in apart from
2011 he remained in the industry working for the tackle company being this
Clarkson Imports in Ferntree Gully in Victoria. magazine’s
JUSTIN FELIX 2012 - 2014 Anniversary,
it is also
It was a big
our General
step up for a 24
year-old who had
– Debbie
just completed
his fishing media
Collin’s 20th
with fishvictoria.
with the company as well!
com. To his
Many of you no doubt would have had contact with Debbie
credit though,
early on as she looked after our subscriptions and mail orders
Bill Classon filled
me with the
Debbie is our General Manager of the AFN Media Group and
confidence to
celebrates her 20th Anniversary with AFN this year.
take the reins of
Debbie joined AFN in 1997 as our Subscription Manager and
both Freshwater
has held a number of positions within AFN over the years. Prior
Fishing and its
to her appointment as General Manager in 2008 she was our
sister publication Sport Fishing Australia. Needless to say, it was a
Marketing Manager. This was at a time when there were very few
massive learning experience and a whole lot of fun, and for that I’ll
women in senior management positions in our industry!
always be grateful.
I can recall the first Fishing Trade Show that she attended,
When you consider the vast changes across the media
along with my daughter Katie and three other females in the AFN
landscape and the new platforms upon which readers consume it
Team. It was the first time a major tackle company was staffed by
these days, it’s easy to see why three decades in the magazine game
an all-female team and since then Debbie has led our company
such a huge feat is. It’s of little wonder then that Freshwater Fishing
professionally and with passion and dignity.
magazine is considered the Bible within angling circles around the
From all of here at AFN, our readers and our supporters –
As far as my personal career progression goes, I’ll always
Thankyou Debbie!
be indebted to the Australian Fishing Network and this great
publication. Not only did it open my eyes to the publishing industry,

8 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Editorial-Impoundment.indd 8 30/11/2017 9:02:50 AM

* Compared to previous model F90.



FWF147 Editorial-Impoundment.indd 9 30/11/2017 9:02:53 AM

inland fisheries.


with ling &
Travis DAinowswor th
W ith a crystal ball and some imagination, Victorian Fisheries
Authority’s CEO Travis Dowling, alongside Inland Manager
Anthony Forster and Marc Ainsworth outline what could be on the
Victoria’s inland recreational fisheries are best described by one
word; diversity. Our warmer northern waters boast terrific Murray surviving, growing and getting caught up to 35cm.
Darling natives like cod and yellas, whilst our southern waters are still
cool enough to support several trophy trout fisheries. Now that’s an INVESTING IN PRODUCTION
envious left, right combination for any freshwater fisher! Our Snobs Creek hatchery will remain the corner-stone of fish
production and we expect further investment will boost numbers
MECCA NATIVE IMPOUNDMENTS of key species that have a track record in the Eildon climate. Where
Thirty years ago, when Freshwater Fishing magazine was born, we can’t grow them, we’ll buy them, as we do now for golden perch
Victoria’s native fisheries were in poor shape. Murray cod were rarely and Aussie bass. We are getting better at growing fish too. We’ve
encountered and nobody could have imagined their amazing recovery increased our Murray cod production with the same resources
that was just around the corner! Alas, three decades later, thanks to from under 100,000 fingerlingsa year to more than 500,000 and
considerable stocking efforts, fish ladders and habitat improvements, growing!Our focus will stay on producing high-quality fish that
tighter regulation and more responsible attitudes from anglers, the meet the expectations of anglers. If more plankton ponds, broodfish
species is back, big time! ponds or specialist equipment is required, then we’ll chase down the
Lake Eildon’s Murray cod population is the talk of the town resources to make them happen.
currently and, looking ahead, the vision is to create similar high-
quality native fisheries with cod and yellas in Eppalock, Cairn Curran, RETURN TO THE MENU
Kangaroo, Hume and potentially even Rocklands. We won’t forget the Helping trout cod and Macquarie perch populations recover will be
rivers either! a higher priority in coming years. We want to get some populations
We’re confident of the formula now, having learned heaps from back to a point where anglers can once again take one or two, if they
the ‘million Murray cod’ stocking program in Lake Eildon. We want so choose. That’ll likely mean a combination of stocking, habitat
to build further on its success and have it rival Copeton as home to improvement and tight regulation, but it’s a challenge we’re up for
Australia’s monster cod! Imagine that, just two hours from Melbourne and there are benefits for anglers and the environment in getting
and with houseboats to make night surface sessions even easier! multiple agencies partnering to get the best bang for our buck.


Trout remain hugely popular and we have trout fisheries that rival Speaking of partnerships, the future of inland recreational fisheries
anywhere in the world. Dedicated stocking of our productive lake will depend a lot on how agencies work together, leverage funds
fisheries such as Purrumbete, Bullen Merri and the iconic Toolondo including fishing licence fees, and work towards common goals.
remain the backbone of our approach, supported by opportunistic Getting that right will deliver better access, boat ramps thatenable
and rapid stockings when water is abundant in lakes like Tooliorook, lake launching whether levels are 10 per cent or 90 per cent, and
Bolac and all our western district. facilities that meet the needs of grass-roots anglers. We acknowledge
Our central highland waters encircling Ballarat will be as that some anglers want wilderness fishing experiences with no
important as ever, providing great flyfishing within arm’s reach of the facilities and others want all the bells and whistles, and it’ll be our
state’s second largest regional centre. Wendouree, Hepburn, Newlyn aim to balance that with the reality-check of an ageing population
and Tullaroop just to name a few. There’s so much to offer keen trout and changing demographics.
anglers in that district and we want to keep it that way!
Our high country wild trout populations, on either side of the CARP
Great Divide, will continue to be influenced primarily by climate, Carp! We have a once in a generation chanceto get rid of most carp.
however pro-active groups are already lending a helping hand to plant Imagine our waterways running much clearer, full of native smelt
trees and increase shading to extend cool water reaches and minimise and gudgeon, all thriving in clean waterthat’s teeming with natives
impacts of hot summers and low flows, which are an inevitable reality, and trout. There’s lots of work going into that at the state and federal
now and into the future. level and there’ll likely be a call to the fishing community at some
stagefor advice and assistance. Let’s all get behind this game-
BASS TRAIL IN GIPPSLAND changing opportunity!
Coastal flowing catchments of Gippsland are prime water for tough,
temperature tolerant and hard-fighting Aussie bass. Our stocking IT CAN BE EVEN BETTER
program has hit its straps and reliable production is no longer a We’re very happy with the state of affairs in Victoria’s inland fisheries
challenge. That means we can build fisheries with depth of 10 or more through the Andrews Labor Government’s Target One Millionplan,
year-classes, which provide sensational angling in stocked rivers and which is investing a record $46 million, including $9 million from
lakes like Glenmaggie, Blue Rock and the Snowy River. fishing licence fees, into improving your fishing. Times are pretty
Historical stockings of bass into Lake Bullen Merri have shown good and there’s not much on the horizon that’s likely to change that.
what these fish are capable of in terms of growth and their longevity But that doesn’t mean we’ll rest on our laurels! There’s more to be
means attaining sizes of 50cm are not out of reach if they’re living done, only some of which has beenalluded to above. With Fisheries
for 15 years or more. Our journey with their sibling species, estuary now a stand-alone Statutory Authority thanks to Target One Million,
perch, into freshwater lakes and rivers is 10 years behind that of bass, we aim to raise the bar further and keep Victoria at the top of the list
but the early signs are promising at waters like Devilbend and Melton when it comes to diverse freshwater fishing destinations!
reservoirs, Lake Karkarook and the Werribee River where they’re NEXT ISSUE NSW.

10 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Editorial-Impoundment.indd 10 30/11/2017 9:03:06 AM

FWF147 Editorial-Impoundment.indd 11 30/11/2017 9:03:13 AM

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FWF146 Cover.indd 16 30/11/2017 9:11:14 AM

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Squidgies has teamed up with Shimano, to develop the next generation in soft baits “Squidgies Bio Tough”. Combining “Dura Stretch” toughness technology
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FWF146 Cover.indd 17 30/11/2017 9:11:23 AM

PE nd slick
• Soft a

• Soft a

ca sts
• Fo


nd slick
qui i

ck er str

A knot s
me • BR t
• Extre

gth for stro


r connection

FWF147 Solar Lunar.indd 13 30/11/2017 9:32:20 AM


ou hear the
old guys rave
on about the good
old days. But what if
the good old days weren’t very
good at all? What if the good old
days are actually being experienced
right now? And what if it weren’t
for the efforts of a few dedicated and
largely unsung heroes? No doubt we’d be
lamenting the demise of our freshwater
cod species. Well, that’s exactly what
happened in Australia. So allow me to Back then, fishing for Murray cod highly regarded sportfish like bass and
shine a light on the heroes who saved our in the western waters involved taking was surprised that golden perch and even
cod species. as many set lines, cross lines and drum Murray cod were viewed as difficult or
I have been really, really lucky to nets as you thought you needed, and filling unworthy targets for lure tossing.
have known, respected and looked up to up a large fridge freezer with as much beer There are some really interesting stories
these guys – the ones who put in the hard as it could hold and then camping out and of Rod’s exploits back in those days. Some
yards when no one else did. And I like to replacing the beer with cod. Good old boys say he had a fishing rod to ‘reinforce’ the
think that I was able to play a part in this could get well and truly ripped and still whip aerial on his motorbike, and then there
significant and important part of our history. catch fish. are stories of mystery sightings of police
Things were looking really bleak Most farmers had a drum net off their vehicles near weirs or good water as a fresh
for all of our cod species back when foot valve for irrigation. It was just one of moved through. On top of that somehow his
Freshwater Fishing was rolling off the those things, and some of the keen young quota (something that isn’t even really talked
presses for the first time. A perfect storm Fisheries Officers of the day were frustrated about nowadays) may or may not have been
of blatant disrespect for them as a ‘real’ with the lack of attention to these goings on. largely made up of overtime parking near
species, over fishing, the introduction and By the early 1970s, the Murray cod and the local bowls club.
population explosion of redfin and carp, other native fish were in big trouble. I haven’t talked with Rod in detail about
the unregulated use of chemicals like Let’s talk about some of the unsung these stories, but they don’t need to be true
arsenic,dieldrin and aldrin, the excessive heroes who battled to turn this whole in any way to add to the colour of the man I
extraction of water for irrigation, flood situation around. think of as the Banjo Patterson of Australian
mitigation, the building of dams, the view of fishing writing.
ROD HARRISON I first met the great man in 1982. I was
our major inland rivers as sewerage overflow
Enter our first and perhaps best known a failed dropout from Sydney Uni with an
systems and the unbelievable belief that the
heroes. interest in Australian native fish, although
only good river was one that looked like a
Rod was a country cop who was working I was (and probably still am) a better trout
concrete culvert, had a devastating effect on
out bush. He had loved to fish for our more than native fish angler. Rod lived about three
our Australian native fish.

16 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 The Heroes Who Saved The Murray Cod - Frank Prokop.indd 16 30/11/2017 9:42:55 AM
The Heroes Who Saved The
houses down from the Shell harbour pub
and there was a tackle store on the opposite
corner. I went to see Rod about starting up
a branch of Native Fish Australia and I
Murray Cod
coaxed a love affair for ‘the green fish’
among many young anglers like me. I wasn’t
very good at it, but I was allowed into the
circle of these people (although I never got
where he took full aim at the irrigation and
chemical uses of the cotton industry. And
the hornets got well and truly stirred up.
There were threats and all sorts of posturing
was nervous as hell about meeting the meet the great Vic McCristal) and others went on and it was getting very hot in the
someone of his physical and like the wonderfully idiosyncratic Ross ‘Chiz’ kitchen.
literary status. Chisholm, Allan Thurbon and in Victoria, A ‘significant’ increase in the number
He took me over to the dedicated Willy Trueman. of birth defects in some parts of the cotton
the pub and I drank While Rod was promoting and gaining growing areas got some attention. My
about 10 recognition for the great Murray cod, it’s opinion, for what it’s worth, is that some of
litres of numbers were going backwards – and the wives pulled rank and suggested that
Coke bloody fast. And they weren’t alone. things had to improve. To be fair, while there
Silver perch were once so common in the is still a ways to go – the cotton industry of
Murrumbidgee River around Canberra 2017 is nowhere near as damaging as it once
that they were considered a pest. People was… but more on that later.
could get Macquarie perch when Rod Harrison was not the only angler
they wanted a feed, and catfish to promote Murray cod, but for me, he was
numbers in the rivers were the one to make it legitimate. He added
falling faster than the town character and personality to a fish that
drunk on show day. was, up to that time, a somewhat tragic and
It started to get Rod mouldy head stuck up behind the bar in
annoyed, then angry, and almost every western pub.
then downright pissed off. I was lucky to co-author (an Australian
Carp became a significant first) several articles with Rod, including
problem in the 1970s, but the second of the Lures-In-Depth features
they were also a really and a piece on Copeton Dam that featured
convenient scapegoat a nice Murray cod. Rod was also the man
to pave over other who promoted the ‘Deepest Dozen’ diving
environmental lures that was an important catalyst for the
cracks that were Australian lure making industry. Rod was
widening by the day. probably the first person to advocate really
Rod wrote an article big lures for Murray cod.
called ‘Them old “Look at that mouth; these lures barely
cotton fields back home’, get them interested,” Rod would say.

That day.
“You gotta drive mate, so you better stay
on the soft stuff. I don’t want to have to bail
you out the first day we meet,” Rod said.
And I learned so much.
I learnt about a bloke who started to
catch a few native fish on lerrrs (Rod has a
special way of pronouncing the word and
I can still hear it perfectly). Rod started
writing about these fish as if they were in the
same league as bass and trout.
He wrote about the places he fished
and did it in such a way that many people
wanted to get out and see our great brown
land. He inspired people to become more
active and do more than just check their set
lines once or twice a day. It took a while, but
with the support of Fishing World magazine
and people like Ron Calcutt, Vic McCristal,
Gordon Winter, Peter Newell and Bryan Pratt
among others, the legitimacy of native fish
as an angling target started to increase.
Rod started using the entirely more
appropriate Aboriginal name (one of them)
Goodoo for the iconic Murray cod – and  Rod Harrison 17

FWF147 The Heroes Who Saved The Murray Cod - Frank Prokop.indd 17 30/11/2017 9:43:11 AM
And Rod is rightly enshrined in the almost completely empty and we were using poorly named) trout cod. Researchers
Australian Lure Hall of Fame for these gill nets, we were only catching one or two were always taking the funny looking cod
contributions. cod a night. The best cod fishery in the land to the definitive ‘type’ specimen held at
Rod has gone on to become a true living had very few cod in it in those days. the Australian museum, only to find they
legend of Australian fishing. He is probably And rather than there being beautiful were the same. It wasn’t until Berra closely
best known for his fly fishing exploits. I once cod lures hanging off the numerous exposed compared trout cod and a Murray cod that
saw him outcast a snobby fly fisherman with snags, there was set line after set line he discovered the type specimen (from the
nothing but his hands. He didn’t even need a hanging from every tree as far as the eye Macquarie River) was actually a trout cod,
rod. Rod is easily the best ‘big man’ fly caster could see. not a Murray cod; which was then renamed
I have ever seen. He pioneered Papuan It was also the time of the de-snaggers Macculochellapeeli. This was the name
black bass fishing and is now an icon of the and bold entrepreneurs. They were even given by the explorer Major Thomas Mitchell
Queensland impoundment barra fisheries. using an army surplus tank to pull the larger in 1831.
But to me – Rod is, and always will be – logs out of the Murray River. One of the Stu did his PhD on cod and identified
one of the heroes that saved the Murray cod. best Fisheries Inspectors ever, Barry Myers, and described the eastern freshwater
quizzed the operators, who were legitimately cod; he named it Maccullochellaikeiafter
DR STUART ROWLAND operating by permit. his grandfather Ike Rowland. Following
I built on my introduction to Native Fish “Yeah mate if we pull the log out really this and the recognition that the eastern
quickly, there’s sometimes a big old cod freshwater cod was endangered, Stu was
inside it and we get to have fish for lunch.” transferred to Grafton where he designed
In spring – those were the male cod and, with Graham Schucraft,supervised the
guarding the eggs– so not only were they construction of a new hatchery to save the
taking the adult cod, they were wiping out species. My first ever article for Freshwater
the next generation as well. Fishingwas in Issue 14 on the eastern
The water engineers told us that by freshwater cod.
removing a snag, they could get the water One of the things that Stu did in
to Berri in South Australia about 9 seconds determining the evolution and status of the
quicker. Meanwhile we couldn’t tell them eastern freshwater cod was to talk to lots of
how many cod were being impacted. people. Or more correctly, he listened with
The irony was that the fishing really did respect to the old timers, the gatekeepers
improve in a de-snagged area but only just of local history as well as to experts in other
immediately afterwards. fields. The geomorphologist for example
Cod, a territorial species, were moving were able to confirm that the cod probably
up and down the river looking for new evolved when some westward-flowing
places to hang out and as a result were being streams were captured into the eastern
caught. The problem was that 3 to 6 months drainage. The timing was consistent and
after the de-snagging finished – no cod were each theory and evidence strengthened the
being caught at all. But by then the media others. Very few fisheries people have the
interest had waned. It is very sad that this confidence to step outside their own areas of
 Dr Stuart Rowland NSW Fisheries 1996 exact stretch of river, 25 years later was part expertise.
of a snag introduction program. Around this time there were fish kills
Australia and used to, among other things, Stuart Rowland wasn’t the only scientist caused by infectious diseases, including
take native fish around to shopping centres to help the Murray cod. The great John the parasite Chilodonellasp. These kills
so Illawarra locals could see some of the Lake was a pioneer in the research into the devastated the already diminished Murray
fish they might have heard about. This was reproduction of native fish, and people like cod populations in places like the Macquarie
to prove crucial when a job as a technical Fred Reynolds had done some special work River catchment. Cod were scarce to the
assistant at the NSW Fisheries’ Inland on the movement and migration of species point of great concern throughout the
Fisheries Research Station at Narrandera such as Murray cod and golden perch. Lachlan River catchment which was once
was advertised. Martin Mallen-Cooper is another who did a stronghold. It needed the ability of Stuart
I was successful and started work there great work on fish passage in the Murray- to be able to crack the captive breeding of
on the 4th of June 1984, for the princely sum Darling River System, but doesn’t get the Murray cod to give the species a real break
of $13,053 per annum. My boss told his wife recognition he deserves. – both with natural breeding in spawning
that I was either going to be the best or worst Special mention also needs to go to boxes and then with hormone enhanced
person he had ever hired. Professor Tim Berra (USA), the guy who injections.
That man was the second, and perhaps finally unravelled the mystery of the (also The results of Stu’s research into the
the most profound of the heroes – Dr Stuart
Stu came to research a little later than
many and this may be one of the reasons
why he is such a good communicator and
so highly regarded by the community with
whom he interacts. Stu had worked for
BHP, sporting and agricultural companies.
He also hada stint in the Australian Army
at the Officer Cadet School, Portsea (1968
– 1969) where,as a senior,he was ‘father’
toa particularly good soldier by the name
of Les Hiddins; known to most of us as the
bush tucker man. Stu subsequently went
to Macquarie University where he gained
First Class Honours and a PhD in biological
During my second day at Narrandera I
got to do some sampling at Lake Mulwala.
It was being lowered for wall maintenance
and was closed to fishing, but we needed to
evaluate fish stocks and collect some Murray
cod broodstock. Even though the lake was  Dr Stuart Rowland sampling MC with rec fishers 1982

18 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 The Heroes Who Saved The Murray Cod - Frank Prokop.indd 18 30/11/2017 9:43:00 AM
 Former editor of Freshwater Fishing Steve
Booth shows that it is possible to get a great
photo without taking a cod from the water

history and decline of Murray cod, and the the 1980s and into the 2000s, coupled
age and growth, reproductive biology and with the community hatchery programs
infectious diseases in the 1970s and 1980s of Phil Forster at Bingara, Ray Mepham at
provided a basis for the development of Elsmore, and the magnificent efforts of the
management policies and regulation in Queensland stocking groups have been
future years. It was lucky he was around. nothing short of phenomenal.
And I got to go along for the ride – but it was Stu was equally at home talking to down-
tough going. to-earth people like Brian and Debbie Dare
Not only did we struggle to sample or an internationally renowned scientist.
cod and collect broodstock, we could fish He was easily the best field biologist I ever  Robin Claxton
a whole week in the Murray River near got to work with – having a real love for the that is almost certainly unknown to nearly
Barooga for trout cod for only one fish; Australian bush, an ability to know how each all anglers who value Murray cod,
and with great anglers like Kevin Clark, we piece fitted together and an uncanny ability Robin Claxton
could put in days on end in some extremely to make sense of seemingly unrelated things Robin was the Executive Director
remote areas for little or no return fishing that many people hadn’t noticed. of NSW Department of Agriculture and
for eastern freshwater cod. Our cod species The things that Stu possessed that I most Fisheries during a difficult period. It was the
were really in trouble. highly valued, were his sense of fairness era of the very poorly considered move to
One other thing Stu was able to do was and his integrity. This was severely tested Orange. It was a time when the Independent
foster a love and respect for our Australian when his old technical assistant, now with a Commission Against Corruption was
native species in others, and to mentor piece of paper in his greasy mitts, came back getting started, and it was the time when
people like Brett Ingram, Mike Rimmer and to fisheries and wanted to make some big Prokop started wreaking havoc on fisheries
Steve Thurstan and even little old me, to changes in native fish management. management.
follow in his footsteps. When I started as Australia’s first ever-
Steve Thurstan’s efforts in breeding ROBIN CLAXTON dedicated recreational fisheries manager
large numbers of cod for stocking through This brings us to our third hero and the one in 1989, no one expected me to actually do

FWF147 The Heroes Who Saved The Murray Cod - Frank Prokop.indd 19 30/11/2017 9:43:10 AM
degradation, over fishing, and fish kills in
FWF Fact Box WHY NSW WAS IN FRONT ON COD CONSERVATION IN THE the Macquarie River and other places. He
EARLY DAYS strongly supported fishing regulations that
would enable the fish to recover.
T here is no question that from the early days, NSW was the lead state on Australian native
fish research and understanding. The reason is simple and can be summed up in one word –
Karl was also responsible for getting
Murray cod stocked into Windemere well
The vision of John Lake and the support he received to set up the Inland Fisheries Research before I wanted them to go in with well-
Station made all the difference. constructed (and often repeated) logic. He
While many shunned the location, which is disingenuous to the wonderful locals, it remains the also got trout cod and Macquarie perch
best situated hatchery/research station in Australia. It makes perfect sense to study these important into the Abercrombie River system and
species in situ – and many great researchers started their careers at Narrandera, including Stu did as much as any one individual,through
Rowland, Paul O’Connor, Brett Ingram and Steve Thurstan who are all pivotal characters in the saving persistence and persuasion, other than
the cod story. perhaps WillyTrueman, to help these fish.
Victoria was next most progressive, but they suffered several challenges. Firstly Snob’s Creek Another person who provided strong
was designed as a trout hatchery and had to be modified to allow native fish production. Today, the support was Bruce Schumacher, who
Victorian facilities are first class, but it took a while. Secondly, Victoria doesn’t have the massive native was Chair of RFAC in NSW at the time.
fish waters that NSW possesses. The Murray River is NSW and their only real trout cod populations Bruce watched these reviews go past with
were in Seven Creek and King Parrot Creek which are very small waters. frightening rapidity and he assessed each
Finally and most importantly, due largely to the personalities involved, Victoria set up a ‘them and and every proposal on its merits and on
us’ mentality between trout and native fish. Some of this conflict still exists today, which is unfortunate whether it would provide a long-term
as many, many anglers can appreciate and enjoy both species, and the needs for quality water and benefit to the stocks and recreational fishers.
environments is common to both.
This was at a time when it would have been
Queensland ironically got some direct benefits from NSW with Glen Lyon dam stocked from
much easier to shout out ‘no’ and try to stop
Narrandera in the early years. When Queensland twigged to the enormous potential of native fish, they
any proposal at all.
supported local stocking groups with matching funding.
The transformation was as sudden and dramatic as any shift in any fishery in Australia. Previously, There were plenty who used this tactic,
it was a game to see how much gear (it’s the way we do things in Qld – MATE) could be set – to having but the wider community was crying out for
the locals deal with any illegal gear – promptly and decisively. This stewardship which comes from reasonable management, even if the guys
stocking programs is frequently dismissed by the biologists, but Queensland is a shining example of the who made death threats against me and a
transformation which is possible. few others didn’t see it that way.
But Queensland had made two fundamental mistakes. Firstly, by being a late entrant into the The reason that Robin Claxton is a hero
arena, many proactive locals had already been undertaking their own stocking ‘projects’ and fish were is that he backed me and Paul O’Connor
moved into catchments where they probably shouldn’t, especially waters with the Mary River cod. and the review committee right through
Secondly and more importantly, Queensland didn’t build a government hatchery like Narrandera. the process. Change is scary and those
This would have provided visionary and long term support to the local groups and would have been who think they are going to lose are often
much better in the long run. Irrespective, the Queensland stocking groups are still carrying out motivated to go to extraordinary lengths to
valuable work in their local areas. prevent it from happening. But the group
Poor old South Australia get the roughest deal in the Murray-Darling basin. All the poor water that surprised me most and who were the
practices in the upper catchment end up in SA which is often bullied into submission by the upper most vociferous in their opposition to my
catchment states. proposed changes were some of the scientist
To their credit, South Australia recognised that their cod, catfish and Murray cray stocks were and senior staff.
in serious trouble, mainly due to water quality issues. To their shame, they decided to close the
I was promoting community driven and
cod fishery on Boxing Day, a move which cynics believe was designed to be mischievous and to
conservative changes. Ones that were viewed
eliminate any debates. The true measure of the recovery of cod has to be measured with a significant
as ‘populist’, ‘unfounded’ and ‘unnecessary’
improvement in South Australia and better recognition of the impact of water management on this
state. according to some of scientists who wanted
lots of money to ‘study the problem’ and
then tell us what we should have done in
the first place. To me, that was (and still is)
anything. I was told to my face that nobody While the old hands were looking irresponsible.
good had applied; that mine was a political elsewhere and convinced that I was just The Minister of the time, Ian Armstrong,
position to shut up the rampant recreational the newbie dunderhead, I managed to from the National Party, was also a
sector and that I should count my money completely revamp and modernise the trout strong supporter. He summed it up with,
over in the corner and stay out of the way. I rules and review the marine fishing rules “You mean the scientists are saying the
was 29 years old and too young, passionate twice. Then I started on the review that I community is wrong when they are telling
and probably stupid to do just that. really wanted and felt was most overdue – me they want management controls that the
Paul O’Connor, with whom I had the review of native fish rules. scientists think are not necessary?”
worked in Narrandera, took a big gamble There were two simple principles “Who do you think I’m going to side with
in appointing someone so young and applied. The first was that trout fishing rules in this debate?”
inexperienced. Robin Claxton needed a would NOT be used to protect native fish. To be fair, the scientists did support the
bit of reassuring, but they said I couldn’t If native fish needed management, then we first ever variable slot limit for Australian
actually do anything too bad so needn’t would tailor the rules to meet the needs. The bass. It was just one of the truly unique
worry about it. That was all the advantage I second was that where trout and native fish features to come out of the review. But they
needed. occurred together – native fish would get were not happy about proposals for species
Around this time I was invited to Lake priority. Where trout were the predominant like Murray cod.
Mulwala to film Catching a Legend with species – we would have trout rules that This review, which came about in
luminaries like Bill Classon, John Ellis, Ray were designed by the anglers to meet their 1991/92 built upon the recognition that Rod
Broughton and Fred Jobson. This was a very needs. In this way we largely avoided the Harrison had promoted and the scientific
popular video because two big cod were confrontational attitude that had been knowledge and personal integrity that Stuart
caught while filming. That’s how scarce big brewing in Victoria where you were either a Rowland had fostered. And thank God Stuart
cod were, even in Mulwala in the 1990s. trout man or a native man – but you couldn’t stood up to be counted when the slings and
These days, almost every man and his be both. arrows were flying, because I needed his
dog has caught a metre cod, whereas back A prime example in NSW was Karl support.
then it took the best anglers in the country Schaerf, an outspoken and truly passionate The review introduced management
to come close to that mark. Interestingly, member of the executive of the Central measures whichhave played a significant
that video has a very much younger Frank Acclimatisation Society (CAS). Karl loved role in producing the magnificent cod
Prokop catching a Murray cod on a surface all fish and the environments in which fisheries available today. Foremost and
lure. I think it was the first time anyone has they lived. He had been devastated by the most important, in my view, was the closed
captured it on film. losses of native fish from environmental season.

20 Freshwater Fishing Australia

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Ironically, it wasn’t my idea at all. I just Burrinjuck Dam were braying for blood. managing a guest house with his partner on
put back a management measure that had There were petitions and meetings with local the east coast of Tasmania, and after a long
been foolishly removed years ago, because members and a lot of letters. Complaining career, Paul O’Connor is now retired and
it was felt to be ‘unnecessary’. The closed about banning setlines in dams and enjoying his grandchildren.
season protects cod when they are at their demanding that this punk Prokop be sacked Freshwater Fishing has been one of the
most vulnerable. It was the time when the for ruining their way of life. In fact there most important proponents for progressive
really big cod were being caught up the back were over 2100 letters in various forms. management of our wonderful Murray
of Burrinjuck on (legal) setlines baited with It was some kind of record. And it cod. For me, the article by Bill Classonon
a big goldfish. These fish were often put on caused ripples. But Robin Claxton and the the magnificent Murray cod from the Yarra
the back of the proud capturer’s ute and Minister held their ground. Because in the demonstrates just how far we have come
driven around town to each and every pub. questionnaires, the views represented in the since Freshwater Fishing started.
With a bit of luck, the head was still in good responses had over 45,000 people in favour As for the cod, they know nothing
enough condition to be mounted and put of banning setlines. I even rang up about 25 of these trials and tribulations. But their
on a board, but often the fish went off while of the people who had signed the petitions capacity to grow and mature without having
celebratory ales were consumed. because they included a phone number. I to worry about an ex-army tank ripping out
We proposed a size limit and brought in asked them what it was about the proposal their home would simply not be considered
tight bag limits which were also extremely that they would like to see changed. today. Because today is ‘the good old days’
important – including a possession limit to All except one person were unaware of and tomorrow should be even better!
reduce the filling of freezers on extended what they had signed and though it was
camping trips to the Darling River. We something to do with the change rooms at A FINAL CAUTIONARY NOTE
proposed stopping the use of live fish for the local footy oval. Murray cod management has been a
bait – not on animal welfare grounds, but Of course, it was made abundantly clear spectacular success and we all deserve
to stop people moving carp, goldfish and that I was not going to be welcome in Yass, credit, but there are a few things to watch for
redfin around the country. And in a move Temora, Harden or Cootamundra for a long in the future.
that signalled the end of life as we know time. It also took more than 20 years to get Firstly is the rising level of
it to every ‘boy’s own’ camping trip – we around to finishing the task and banning fundamentalism towards the species –
proposed banning the use of setlines in setlines on western rivers. I don’t blame the people verging on zealotry who attack
inland waters. managers for that, as it was awfully hot in anyone who actually keeps a cod to eat.
We got lots of coverage and many the kitchen back in 1992. It’s about balance and respect and the
vehement condemnations. We got lots and As a side note, I received a call from a pendulum shouldn’t swing completely to the
lots of survey forms returned. These survey Senior Fisheries Manager from Victoria. He other side.
forms included post codes so we could very pointedly questioned my parentage, Secondly, the use of the slot limit could
see who was saying what, and why. And my motives and where I was going after I have an unexpected consequence in the
there was overwhelming support for all the passed away before telling me that there future. As cod are very territorial and their
proposals. was absolutely no way Victoria would ever reproductive capacity starts to drop off late
Sure the support for some of the introduce such populist twaddle. in life – we could end up with populations
proposals was much less on the western side Back then the border went through the where big, skinny, non-breeding cod are
of the Newell Highway, but even there, many main basin of both Hume Weir and Lake limiting or preventing recruitment of young
of the concerned locals and landholders Mulwala, so it meant the NSW portion had fish. We already know from parts of the
were saying things like, “If it applies to a closed season but the Victorian part was granite belt that you can overstock cod – but
everybody, it’s okay with me.” open all year. A delegation to the Victorian there could be a difficult time when it is
Banning setlines everywhere was seen as Minister pointed out this was not acceptable necessary to cull some of these big/older
a step too far and too quick so setlines were and that they wanted the NSW regulations cod that we have worked so hard to protect
just going to be banned in impoundments. to apply. for the overall benefit of the stock.
Wewere busy on other fronts too. One The smug little public servant said it was Finally, it is time to look at the possible
of the Fisheries Officers was taking photos a dumb idea but the Minister concluded wider adoption of the South Australian rule
as a rise in the river slowly made its way the public servant was required to do as that prohibits the removal of protected
downstream on the big rivers – and some of instructed. I got a follow-up call the next oversize cod from the water prior to release.
the unscrupulous landowners were cutting week from a very humbled pompous ass. Anglers who over-handle heavy and slack
the banks on their tailings dams as the water “What day does the closed season start? gutted cod can damage, or even kill them.
rose – releasing chemicals that shouldn’t be I need to know so I can put it in place in I have just returned from Canada
in the rivers and then blaming the resultant Victoria.” where no sturgeon over five feet can be
fish deaths on carp or the ‘black water’ I was polite but couldn’t stop laughing removed from the water. Using cradles
events associated with the river rise. for a week. Murray cod and other native fish and manoeuvring the boat to the bank still
We got publicity too. It apparently got so were the real winners though. allows for a quality photo – but it is far, far
bad that the Director General said to Robin better for the fish. So how about it guys –
Claxton, ‘If I hear the words Prokop, cotton A BRIGHTER FUTURE take the photo with the fish in the water or in
and fish in the same sentence, one of them So today, after 25 years of closed seasons, a cradle –and you can dramatically improve
has to go.” tight bag limits, size limits and banning set its chances of survival.
It may be a legendary statement, and lines, Murray cod have made a dramatic And best of luck to all the other people
I didn’t hear the words myself, but I did comeback in many rivers across the Murray- who have made a huge contribution to
get a number of counselling phone calls Darling River System. The rules have been the recovery of Murray cod but didn’t get a
pointing out that fisheries and agriculture tweaked and added to. A slot limit has been mention. We all play a part in this success
were supposed to be on the same team. introduced and the groundwork put in by story!
Unfortunately the fish didn’t do very well Rod Harrison is now part of the Australian
after they tried the backstroke. angling landscape. Frank Prokop has been writing about fishing for 3
Robin Claxton would laugh and ask why The hard work of Stuart Rowland allows decades. He has been long time technical editor
I was so keen on making work for myself him to enjoy retirement in Yamba and of Freshwater Fishing, Tackle Rat columnist
and question whether I was sure that I was reflect on the remarkable achievements and author of numerous books. Frank has
doing the right thing. But he backed me and of his career. Not only have Murray cod 30 years experience in recreational fisheries
the committee. The Minister also agreed bounced back, but so too have trout cod management, was in charge of Recfishwest for
with the proposals and it wasn’t easy for a and eastern freshwater cod – to the extent 14 years and has pioneered a number of fishing
National Party Minister to support changes that government is now struggling with the techniques including jig flicking for trout.
like were being proposed. unexpected conundrum – how to actually
So the management package was relax the rules where the management has
introduced. A lot of people that used to worked.
(or wanted to) catch big Murray cod in Last I heard, Robin Claxton was 21

FWF147 The Heroes Who Saved The Murray Cod - Frank Prokop.indd 21 30/11/2017 9:43:26 AM


THE LEAD UP TO THE LATE-80S faster (marginally) and a lot cheaper than around with the rod’s spine, tried new snake

lyfishing was going through one of cane. It was the start of the throw away guides and fished hard.
its greatest evolutions when I was a revolution of fishing tackle, where rod prices Casting was all self-taught for young
young bloke getting into flyfishing came down and plastic lines lasted a year, blokes with very little money like me. There
in the 1960s. The transition from if you were lucky. Instead of craftsmen were no certified casters or master casters
traditional cane rods and silk lines to rod builders in backroom workshops in those days, nor computers to diagnose
hollow fibreglass rods and plastic lines was building rods with love, and to last, big a breaking wrist or rough follow through.
happening at a rate of knots. At one stage, conglomerates started pumping out fully Some people had older mentors to teach
you could walk into a tackle shop such as made up hollow glass rods and rod blanks by them the ropes, some joined fly fishing
Turvilles in North Melbourne and choose the score. clubs, but the equipment and the fly fishing
between a cane rod and hollow glass rod off It was nothing in those years of cheap mentality was rapidly changing.
the shelf. hollow glass rods for my mates and I to build One of my peers at the time was John
That seemingly simple transition from a new rod every couple of months in the Rumph, an outstanding competitive fly
grass to glass was the catalyst that made pursuit of the ‘perfect’ stick. If we weren’t caster, and one of the young brigade during
flyfishing ‘easy’ to get into for the average happy with the action (usually) we just that period. Most of us just went fishing as
person wanting to give it a go. There was no posted it up and sold it through the Trading Rumphy polished his beautiful casting style
more need for cleaning and drying silk lines Post newspaper (the 60s and 70s hardcopy and fly tying skills. Later came Peter Hayes,
and worrying about ‘sets’ in cane rods. version of today’s Gumtree and eBay), and who was mentored by the older brigade and
Hollow glass was far lighter, stronger, built another with the proceeds from the went on to be one of the new-age guides and
sale. We cut down blanks, found and played a good friend of this magazine.

22 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 30 Years Of Fly Fishing - Trevor Hawkins.indd 22 30/11/2017 9:46:16 AM

Between the late 1960s to ’70s and rocks with high speed spin tackle and then articles. The likes of Sloane, Sautelle,
’80s the growth in fly fishing was amazing, live baits. Massy, Killip, Hall, Busch, Spry and Weigall
especially considering the population. Newly My heart was always captured by trout promoted fly fishing to the masses through
published books by Australian and overseas though, especially mountain stream trout. Freshwater Fishing Magazine. Rob Sloane
fly fishing authors seemed to be hitting the And it seems Bill also had a passion for took up the baton from David Scholes when
shelves of Jimmy Allen’s Compleat Angler freshwater fishing. The potential market for it came to publicising Tasmanian trout fly
store and elsewhere on what seemed like a a dedicated freshwater angling magazine fishing. He was the new breed of authors,
weekly basis. And a lot of my hard-earned was seen and embraced by Bill and Helen and his involvement with Freshwater Fishing
paltry wage at the time went toward buying Classon, and in 1987 the first issue of Magazine drove home the how’s and why’s
books in search of fly fishing enlightenment. Freshwater Fishing Magazine was privately of fly fishing Tasmania to a new breed that
For young blokes with a thirst for published, as it is to this day. hadn’t even read Scholes in the 1960s. These
information on fly fishing it was the period At last freshwater anglers, be they were halcyon days, not that we were aware
of fly fishing books, especially out of bait, lure or fly, had their own magazine, of it at the time perhaps. In issues 5 and
America where the new wave of fly fishing, dedicated to catching freshwater fish. 6 (1989) of Freshwater Fishing Magazine,
as we know it today, was being born and Trout were the number one fish freshwater John Sautelle Senior was writing about the
written about. It was this flood of ‘how-to’ anglers targeted at that time as native fish magnificent fishing on the Monaro streams.
books that decisively saw Australian anglers were taking a huge hit with reckless river He and Massy re-ignited the passion for
move away from the old guard UK books improvement works and the explosion of those streams that hadn’t been written
and their ‘old ways’, to embrace the modern European carp throughout the lower river about since Hedge and Fysh published their
‘new-age’ American way. Suddenly, instead areas. At the same time, the lakes across wonderful books.
of discussing double split winged dry flies Victoria and the Snowies were fishing John Killip was also fishing and writing
from the old country, we were singing the wonderfully due to consistent rains and about the Monaro streams and running
praises of poly-winged, no-hackle dry flies heavy stocking levels. As such, a large the Nimmitabel Motel as a destination for
and spun deer hair minnows. amount of those early issues contained fly fly anglers who he also guided. A year or
Then it seems, just as quickly as fishing articles and opinions based around so later Rob Sloane and Kaj ‘Bushy’ Busch
glass arrived, ‘carbon’ rods and modern trout fishing, and were often written by (who many saw as the original trout bum)
lightweight reels (reels came out a lot people who had a hand in shaping how we put their views in the magazine on this
slower than the rods as the old country still fish to this day. great fishery that is currently undergoing a
produced Hardy reels which were, and still Just like Wigram, Hedge and then renaissance due to reliable rains and healthy
are, hard to beat) took over and prices for Scholes shaped the fly fishing of previous stocking levels.
these space age implements skyrocketed. decades via books and early magazine
I remember spending half my Christmas
holiday wage on purchasing my first
Fen wick carbon rod. Level and double
tapered lines were slowly but surely being
pushed out by weight forward lines of ever
increasing types. No more swapping ends on
double tapered lines to get a season out of
each end. We embraced weight forwards and
to hell with the fact we only got one year of
solid fishing from the line.
There was a lot happening in fishing,
they were exciting times with some
outstanding trout fishing to boot in


I wasn’t aware of Bill Classon in the early
days before 1987, despite his involvement
with the formation of ANSA and the
sportfishing movement in general, which I
dabbled in for a while via the Greensborough
Angling Club, while chasing pelagics off the 23

FWF147 30 Years Of Fly Fishing - Trevor Hawkins.indd 23 30/11/2017 9:46:27 AM

Bushy of course came out with his wonderful float trips from the pondage tying flies and telling us about their
yabby fly for the Snowy Lakes called ‘Bushy’s down to Bringenbrong Bridge, just like the history virtually since the inception of this
Horror’ and everybody going to the Snowy Yanks were doing on their rivers. magazine, and he’s still going. I wonder how
Lakes had to have some in their fly box. Mike These fly anglers were writing, or many people have been inspired to take up
Spry was taking guiding to the next level influencing the content of Freshwater fly fishing or learnt how to tie flies because
with his wonderful ‘American’ style setup at Fishing Magazine, and for the most part of Mick and his column.
Khancoban on the mighty Swampy Plains about fly fishing specifically on our home Then of course there is Phil Weigall who
River. Of all things he was doing entomology waters. Looking back now it was a rich time got his break writing for this magazine, and
classes down on the river as they relate for fly fishing in Australia. in fact had his first book Trout ‘N About
to local fly anglers. He was also doing Our very own Mick Hall has been published in 1994 by Bill Classon. Phil was
a fly fishing writer and guide who mostly
covered the central lakes and the north-east
streams of Victoria in his articles for over two
decades, at least. For several years he also
edited the prestigious Flyfisher Magazine,
also published by AFN. This high-class
magazine evolved from the Flyfishers
Annual that was published in hardcover
form in 1995, and edited by notables such
as Rob Sloane and Rick Keam during its
It’s interesting to note that in issue 1 of
the annual, editor Rob Sloane made mention
of publishing newcomers to the annual such
as Rod Barford, Chris Beech, Chris Hole and
Rick Keam.
It’s probably fair to say that the very
popular and niche flyfishing magazine
Flylife, evolved from the writings and
response Rob Sloane received from his major
contributions to the Australian Fishing
Network and its publications, including this
magazine and the annual.
Techniques new to many Australian fly
anglers were first published in Freshwater
Fishing Magazine. There was polaroiding
in 1989, indicator nymphing in 1992, edge/
backwater fishing in 1994 and probably
the most profound development, the
introduction and explanation of loch style
fishing specifically on Tasmanian Lakes.

24 Freshwater Fishing Australia

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FWF147 30 Years Of Fly Fishing - Trevor Hawkins.indd 25 30/11/2017 9:46:35 AM
Instead of books, this magazine, up a new generation (for a time at least) of During a time when a click of a button
especially in those early days, brought fish young people with high disposable incomes can expose anglers to hundreds of people
catching techniques and locations to local to spend cash on fly gear and search for their on YouTube tying a specific knot or fly, or
anglers for local waters as never seen before. own river somewhere. reveal people’s fishing exploits in some far
Who can imagine going fishing in off exotic location, there has been a decline
Tasmania without first getting their hands THE FUTURE in book and magazine publishing. Young
on a copy of Greg French’s seminal book on The times, they are a changing. Young people are turning more and more to social
where to go and what to use when fishing people wearing t-shirts and thongs are now media for their fishing fix, and AFN are
the island state’s trout rich waters. This and fly fishing. It’s no longer seen as some dark keeping in this ever-evolving game with their
other niche fishing books would possibly secret society of wand wielding weirdos who TV show and other new media.
never have seen the light of day if AFN hadn’t give their life over to the fly to become ‘one I personally think it’s rather cool to see
published them. of those fly anglers’. the younger brigade not only embracing new
These were heady days of modern fly Saltwater fly fishing is commonplace media and fly fishing techniques in order to
fishing in Australia, and before the advent now too. The new domain in freshwater is push the boundaries, but also going back to
of social media, Rob Meade was fly fishing the explosion of anglers chasing native fish rediscover their fly fishing history and roots.
consistently for Murray cod and other native with fly, especially Murray cod. For the past 30 years there has been one
fish in 1994, well before the native boom on constant for Australian freshwater anglers,
fly we see today started. WHAT’S NEXT? and that is this ever-evolving magazine.
I hope, before I’m on the other side of the
And then, just when we thought the I reckon there’s life in the old girl yet.
grass, to see more females fly fishing and
status quo had settled again, along came two
making it a legitimate mainstream fishing
‘hack’ fly fishers by the names of Sitch and Trevor is a Pro Staff member, assistant editor,
method like it is in America. I’ve got to
Gleisner, who created a flyfishing TV series writer and illustrator for AFN publishing. He has
say I’ve been amazed by the new breed of
called A River Somewhere that ran in 1997 been fishing, and specifically flyfishing for 50
young fly anglers getting back into glass
and 1999. This series ignited the flame for a years. When he gets time away from his beloved
rods, although I’m not surprised considering
new brigade of people wanting to get into remote wilderness trout streams he also enjoys
the ever-increasing drive to produce faster
this thing called fly fishing because it looked lure casting from his kayak in wilderness
graphite rods – that only top casters can
‘cool’. It can’t be overstated how much this estuaries. He lives in Warragul, Victoria.
get the most from – has driven many new
show did to popularise and expose fly fishing
anglers away.
to the non-fishing public, and how it fired

26 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 30 Years Of Fly Fishing - Trevor Hawkins.indd 26 30/11/2017 9:46:49 AM

3 styles to
choose from
+ 2 lens colour options
(copper or grey)

August 1 - September 30. Terms and conditions apply. Head to for more information.

FWF147 30 Years Of Fly Fishing - Trevor Hawkins.indd 27 30/11/2017 9:46:51 AM

By Mick Caulfield with
Bill Classon


C o d

hen the wake baiting phenomenon was first featured in late-2016, I pricked my
ears up and knew the technique was right up my alley. What interested me? Well,
throwing big lures in impoundments for metre cod? Say no more.
I have always wanted to catch a metery, but even more so wanted to achieve it
in our most southern of cod impoundments – Lake Eildon. I also love challenges and this new
wakebaiting‘craze’ had me itching to get out there.
The problem was, there wasn’t much out there to glean. Bits and pieces floated about on
Facebook but there was no detail. Well, that’s Facebook for you. The articles in this magazine
got me going though.
I didn’t see the mentions in Issue 135’s ‘Australia’s Best Cod Lures’, but Steve Booth’s article
in 139 ‘Wake Up to Yourself’ really started to attract my attention. The fact that they actually
filmed the capture and did an episode of The Fishing Show on 7 Mate meant it only got better.
This show and article centred around Copeton Dam and I’ll quote Steve in that article, ‘Wake
bait fishing is so easy, if defies belief. It will become more and more popular…’
That was almost enough for me but when I saw the cover of Issue 141Wake Baits Reviewed
I was seriously tipped over the edge. A week later I found some lures and was out on the water.
Easy Steve? Well three trips in and well over a thousand casts and… nothing. Mind you, this
night thing isn’t for me! I wanted to prove you could catch big cod in Eildon during the day.
I started fishing seriously wake bait-style on Eildon in January 2017 and yes there were lots
of casts involved and relatively few fish. An off shoot visit to Lake Nhillacootie, just on a hunch,
▲ Eildon’s cod fishery comes online in 2017! 117cm on
saw me land my first metre cod on an orange Thirsty paddler. Needless to say, it rekindled my
Thirsty Triple Treat walker.
enthusiasm to work Eildon out.

28 Freshwater Fishing Australia

SWIMBAIT CAULFIELD.indd 28 30/11/2017 9:53:27 AM

n 29

SWIMBAIT CAULFIELD.indd 29 30/11/2017 9:53:37 AM

AFN 30th Anniversary
Limited Aussie Redfin

Zerek Stalker

trips to Eildon saw
me starting to put
things together
and trips in
February and
March saw
us hook and
land cod from
Thirsty Furra Walker
the low 40s to
80s. One thing
I started to notice
was that we were getting a
lot of follows some days. Eildon
is super clear water, perhaps
more so than any other cod
impoundment and on this one
particular day the sun was well Strom Seeker Jerk Bait
overhead. There were no clouds
and I just concentrated on every
retrieve. I counted eight follows
that resulted in two miss-hits and
no fish landed. So, I was getting
interest in the surface baits but
they weren’t translating into
From that day on I started
running at least three outfits
rigged and ready to go. In
Victoria this is legal, as
long as you only have
two active at any one
time. This allowed
me to explore a
new technique
that I’d been Westin Mega Spinnerbait
thinking about
for a while –
switch baiting.
Switch baiting for
Murray cod is all about hitting the target
paddler or creeper as my primary search through a swim bait presentation, but more
areas with big surface lures and having
weapon. recently I’ve been successful on a jointed
backup outfits ready to go. The idea is to
I recommend working the lure as slow Storm Seeker jerk bait. My final approach
retire the primary surface lure outfit and
as you can because Eildon is so clear the cod weapons are big soft plastic paddle tails and
follow up with a sub-surface presentation
hold deeper than in any other impoundment big spinnerbaits.
like a swimbait,paddletail plastic or even an
I’ve fished! They need time to come up from
oversized spinner bait when you get those
10 metres. WHERE TO FISH
follows and miss hits. I’ve caught fish all over Eildon. Strangely
Keep your eyes on the lure and watch for
boils, follows and swirls and if you see a fish, enough, about the only place I haven’t raised
SWITCHBAIT OPTIONS a big one is on the dam wall. Every time
Switchbaiting for cod is all about having the anchor lock on your electric and mark it on
the GPS. Put in a couple more casts and then I encounter a fish, whether big or small,
follow up options on hand. I’ve found that
move to a swimbait. Keep working the area, sighted or hooked up, I hit a way point. If I
through the course of 2017, on Lake Eildon,
as the cod won’t move. I’ll often switchbait don’t catch it that day I’m always confident
the best approach was to employ a wakebait,
to come back, even months later, as they

30 Freshwater Fishing Australia

SWIMBAIT CAULFIELD.indd 30 30/11/2017 9:54:36 AM

don’t move unless there is a drastic change
y in water levels. FWF Fact Box SWIMBAITS WEAPONS
Eildon is different to most other cod
n lakes (impoundments) in that you need to
work steep, rocky backs. Also, as mentioned,
USE: Primary search lure
the water is super clear and the cod sit much
WHEN: Calm conditions
deeper than in other waters.
Without doubt the key to finding big
cod in Eildon is fishing the big ‘laydowns’. Gidgee Wake up
Thirsty Clunk
These are the biggest of the old gums that Rat
have fallen over and line the shore. Have a
look at the accompanying photos and you’ll
see what I mean. They also need to be well
submerged, ideally with only some of their
root base protruding out of the water.
Zerek Stalker
This gives the cod plenty of cover
and safety to operate from. I mark each
and every one with a separate symbol
so I can distinguish from the marks that
represent the cod encounters. It is then very
interesting to see how so many of them
I also find that isolated standing spindly PADDLERS &
timber on shallow banks can be a fish CREEPERS
magnet, but only if located close to deep USE: Primary search use
water. lure.
WHEN: calm to
OTHER FACTORS choppy water.
Wakebaits, paddlers and creepers all work
best in calm water. With that in mind I
always search for calm water sites and, as

FWF Fact Box 2017 EILDON DIARY Thirsty Furra

Thirty 125
January Jointed
The start of fishing the ‘Lake of a thousand
Hot and slow, still working things out. Caught a
couple of 60s. Frustrating!
Jackall Ganterall
Seeing more fish because I’m on the alert now. SWIMBAITS
Started toswitchbait and got a few with one USE: Primary and secondary up lure. No Name
coming in around the high 80s. WHEN: All condtions

April Layd
Right into switchbaiting now.The highlight was Storm Seeker
a 103 cm at Fraser and maybe 10 cod for the ideal
Another top month.Lots of cod but no metre-
plus fish. Still managed 8 in the 90s.
Totally hooked on this now. Landed a 117 cm on
the wall at Howqua. Plenty of 80s and a couple
Tommy the
of 90s mixed in. Aussie Redfin
Deep into winter, no one on the lake and the
fishing is hot.Cracked a 108cm at Jerusalem PADDDLETAILS & CULTAILS MEGA SPINNERBAITS
Creek. USE: econdary follow up USE: Secondary follow up
WHEN: All conditions WHEN: All conditions
Didn’t fish as hard. Still plenty of cod about. Bassman
September Storm
Slowed down all of a sudden. Trying to breed?
Really slow. They’re sulking. Hardly raising a
Still tough. Back to a thousand or more casts
per follow.
Snapper beckon. See you all on the lake in Westin
2018! 31

SWIMBAIT CAULFIELD.indd 31 30/11/2017 10:05:35 AM

on sunny days I started to work, fish and
 June and July were top months cast into the sun. I found the fish typically
approached the lure with the sun behind
them. I’m sure they were being blinded by
the sun and that’s why I was getting miss-
With that being said, overcast days are
perfect as you don’t need to worry about
where the sun is coming from.

In the next issue I’ll cover gear, tricking lures,
some more on tactics and lures. But for now,
good fishing and see you on Lake Eildon.

Mick Caulfield lives in the eastern suburbs of

Melbourne and would fish every day if he could.
He works in the building industry but also
moonlights at HookUp Bait and Tackle as well
as Regal Marine. He doesn’t have any direct
sponsors and loves to buy fishing tackle! His
passions are as wide ranging as Murray cod,
deep water jigging for kingfish to snapper and


Eildon is big and geographically complex,
FWF Fact Box STRUCTURE you can always find calm water somewhere

in some bay or lee shore. Rough water
lessens the ability of the bait to attract fish B ack in Issue #135 in 2015 we ran a piece
on Australia’s best cod lures. This was
well before the boom. In it you’ll read about
and wake baits more so than paddlers and
creepers. If you can’t find calm water then it’s all the prime switchbait lures that are gaining
best to search with swimbaits. mainstream interest now.
I’ve found cod to be very rough Rod Harrison New: Gobsmacked Leviathan Walker
opportunistic feeders that, when aroused, Steve Booth New: Kuttafurra Mud Honey
will elicit a random slash. They also miss Left Field: Zerek 7” Flat Shad &Bassman Mouse
the mark a lot and it became obvious early Marc Ainsworth Left Field:Zerek Flat Shad 7”
on that this happened more frequently on Bill Classon Left Field: Slug Go 9” Pre Rigged
sunny days. To minimise these miss-hits Jason Erlich New: Jackall Ganterell
This is a typical great laydown that when fully
covered by water is ideal cod holding cover.
I’ve found cod can be aggressive and messy feeders. They often miss hit the lure. To minimise this,
always fish into the sun, that way the cod don’t seem to get blinded as they rise to the lure with the
sun behind them.

A pair of good laydowns that again when

covered will be perfect targets.


 On bright days cast into the sun.

This cod didn’t miss!
Don’t ignore these either spingle stuff often
indicates good structure under the water.

This is prime spindly stuff in relatively shallow

waters close to deep water.

32 Freshwater Fishing Australia

SWIMBAIT CAULFIELD.indd 32 30/11/2017 9:54:55 AM


The Combat Beast series of rods, as the guides that have been optimally placed
name suggests, is built specifically to to maximise blank integrity, making the
take on the biggest predators fishing can Combat Beasts the ultimate perormance
throw at you. rods developed to take on the ultimate
Crafted using high performance toray
carbon material, the blanks have a fast And to consolidate just how good these
taper that allows for a solid hook set and rods are, the Combat Beast 4-piece Travel
a high back bone that allows the angler (368CBB664RXH) won rod of the year at
to turn the heads of powerful fish. the 2017 AFTA Trade Show. Testament to
their design and build.
A 4 axis carbon slit cross wrapping
eliminates blank twist and reinforces the
overall structural stability giving these
rods incredible strength and ultimate
performance in the field.
The rods are fitted with high quality
Fuji components including Fuji K-SIC

consistency in distance and performance

with every cast. The 10 + 1 stainless steel
ball bearing system further enhances
the reel's all round smoothness and
The handle is designed to be ergonomic
and is padded for the ultimate in comfort
The ATC Combat is designed to take on
and feel, and the reel comes with a spare
hard fighting predators.
jigging handle with a power knob for
Featuring a corrosion resistant aluminium light offshore jigging applications.
frame and side plate, the Combat has a
A full crank of the handle allows
multi-disc drag system that can handle
anglers to recover 70cm of line quickly
drags up to 8kg.
when needed or slow it all down when
A lightweight aluminium spool and necessary, meaning this reel can be used
a magnetic braking system ensure for a number of applications.

NEW For more information please visit


SWIMBAIT CAULFIELD.indd 33 30/11/2017 9:58:14 AM


n early trout fishing memory of weights and settled on lures ranging from
mine that I have never been able around 12 cm through to 20 centimetres.
to let go occurred 20-odd years Research on brown trout from around
ago while trolling lures in Lake the planet suggests that these fish are
Jindabyne for big brown trout. It was post- capable of eating another fish up to one
spawn season and there were plenty of big third of their size. This impressed upon me
fish returning to the lake. A mate and I were and I was keen to see if I could replicate
working a wind-blown bank where the water this theory on the water while
had been stirred up. A mud line was the filming an episode for The
perfect area to troll in search of fish looking Fishing Show. The lures we
for a feed of yabbies and we hooked 3 fish in took to the Snowy Mountains
a 15-minute period. The smallest was four included the Zerek Mullet, Westin
kilograms. Trout, Savage Gear Line Thru Trout
The vision that stuck in my head most and some Lucky Craft, Live Target and
though was that of a massive buck-jawed Vagabond lures.
brown trout that came to the net before The lure box was packed but now I was
being lost. This fish was easily over the 6 kg faced with the issue of taking much larger
mark, and as it sulked back to the depths and heavier lures than I might ordinarily
I noticed the 500 g rainbow trout it had carry on a trout fishing trip.
regurgitated. This was one of my first times I I had to actually cast these
realised big trout eat really big prey when on lures and as such had to
offer and I’ve never forgotten it.
Enter the year 2017 and suddenly we
have a staggering variety of lures on offer
with which to chase our favourite sportfish.
Swimbaits are the latest trend and these
lures sink or suspend, look good enough to
eat and have a beautiful and ever-so-natural
swimming action.
The good news for trout anglers is that
many brands produce imitation trout lures.
I just had to test the theory of whether using
these lures would attract the attention of
bigger fish. Bill Classon and I made some
plans and headed to lake Jindabyne to test
the theory.


There is a huge variety of swimbait lures
available to Aussie anglers now. I went
looking for suitable options and found
plenty that were designed to imitate juvenile
trout which greatly helped the decision
making process. This process included
choosing a selection of lures in varying
lengths and weights. I wanted to try small
through to really big lures in a range of

34 Freshwater Fishing Australia

swim bait trout.indd 34 30/11/2017 10:06:33 AM


On JANUARY 2018 on



 Testing swimbaits on trout proved that big fish

are happy to attack a larger lure type 35

swim bait trout.indd 35 30/11/2017 10:06:47 AM

spend time considering the rod, reel and line
required. FWF Fact Box SWIMBAITS
I settled for a variety of rods and reels
that suited the different lure weights
I needed to cast. These included rods A swimbait looks a lot like a baitfish, is very often jointed, and when retrieved through the water
produce a very life-like swimming action. Most swimbaits sink, or are neutrally weighted so that
they sink for a period before they suspend. They have proved very effective on the Murray cod scene
in the 2 to 5 kg, 3 to 6 kg and 6 to 10 kg
classifications. The rods ranged from 2 to 2.5 but will tempt any species looking to feed on baitfish.
m in length and were matched to suitably
sized threadline reels and braided lines,
ranging from breaking strain classifications FWF Fact Box TROUT DIET
of 3 kg to 10 kilograms.


Planning a fishing trip in advance to
S cientists will testify to the fact that brown trout are able to eat prey a third of their size. It makes
sense that larger swimbaits should tempt a bigger size of trout!

coincide with flights always leaves you at the

mercy of the weather and other variables
such as the barometer. Needless to say, this FWF Fact Box ACCOMMODATION AT LAKE JINDABYNE
trip turned out to be as tough a trip as I have
experienced in the Snowy Mountains in
many years.
T o make the daily trip on the water much easier we stayed in the very convenient and comfortable
Rydges Horizons. Overlooking the lake, it’s a beautiful place to stay.
A huge snow melt and massive dam
release volumes were in full swing from the
moment we arrived on the shores of Lake
Jindabyne. The lake was coloured far more

than its usual crystal clear complexion and o suit the conditions, lures were sometimes retrofitted with bronze trebles that offered a gape
we managed to time each day with a stable diameter to improve hook-up rates. Mustad KVD hooks were used for this task.
barometer that ultimately fell and rose each
night while we slept. Not to be perturbed,
Bill and I settled on casting lots in the hope  Swimbaits are versatile and can be fished
that the occasional fish might come to the anywhere
party, and ultimately we learned a lot about few and far between.
fishing with these lures. Occasionally a fish followed a
lure back to the boat and this offered
AREAS the encouragement to keep casting.
The plan was to target a variety of areas to
Interestingly, we received several follows
establish patterns. We fished shallow yabby
while using 15 cm lures, suggesting that
beds (shallow sloping bottom structure
even though the fish were subdued, they
covered by scattered weed and mud), rocky
would still show interest in bigger swimbaits.
points and wind-swept shorelines. We
Ultimately a pattern began to emerge and
looked for any signs of surface activity and
that included finding more active fish
walked the banks polaroiding for cruising
anywhere there was wind blowing and
fish. The lake was definitely in shut-down
moving water. Brown trout cannot resist the
mode though and signs of feeding fish were
urge to cruise into waters that have been

 Watch this space: swimbaits will become a

proven big trout-taker in years to come!

36 Freshwater Fishing Australia

swim bait trout.indd 36 30/11/2017 10:06:56 AM

Enjoy an unreel
days fishing
with Matt Hayden
& ET

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swim bait trout.indd 37 30/11/2017 10:07:01 AM

probably not moving much to feed.
By casting a lot and keeping
them close to the
bottom, we were
the lure right
on top of fish,
and these trout were
reacting aggressively to the
▲ Savage 3D Line Thru Trout
would-be invader.
Producing a few fish when the
conditions are tough teaches you
a great deal about a technique
and lure type. I learned that these
lures definitely work well on our
trout and there is huge potential for
great results with swimbaits on trout. We
▲ Zerek Livemullet 5.5” produced some quality fish in a tough bite.
One of the fish we caught was a 42 cm brown
trout that happily ate a 13 cm lure. This
proved they will eat offerings up to a third
of their own size. This also raised the
possibility for really big trout being
great candidates to target on large
lures in the 20-plus-centimetre
I have to get back to these lakes
when the fish are more active and the
bigger fish are on the move as I believe there
▲ Zerek Live 4.5” is plenty to be learned about the reaction of
large trout to swimbait lures; particularly big

Nige Webster is northern field editor

of Sport Fishing and field editor
for Freshwater Fishing magazines.
Based at Noosa he fishes the entire
east coast in fresh and salt water –
offshore – bream – barra – trout.
▲ Westin 150mm Low Float Trout

muddied by wind and this held true, albeit

the fish were not as active as they had been
on previous trips.
Fishing with confidence is a big factor
when trying to catch a fish. Believing in the
The beauty of swimbaits is that they
T he productive retrieve on this trip involved
the following steps:
1. Cast the lure a good distance from the boat
lure and retrieve is a powerful force when come equipped with a beautiful action and
and let it sink to the bottom with the line kept
it comes to targeting fish for many hours. there is not a lot the angler needs to do to
tight and rod tip held high. The line slackens
However, when you suddenly find yourself make them look edible. These lures have as the lure hits the bottom
using a lure that you have never cast before, the added attraction of swimming well 2. Quickly lower the rod tip as the slack line is
it takes some time to work out how to best when retrieved and also look the part when retrieved
use it and therefore deliver that much paused to encourage sinking through the 3. Slowly lift the rod tip 10 to 20 cm as line is
needed belief that what is being retrieved water. I took this into consideration and slowly retrieved onto the reel. This will move
might actually work. largely experimented with the speed they the lure a few metres at a time
Bill and I had to work through the doubt were being worked and the depth they were 4. Keep the rod tip high and the line tight and
and experiment with how to best work these retrieved within the water column. We also let the lure sink back to bottom. This is often
lures. To make it easier, Bill quickly hooked spent time playing with different sized lures. when the fish will bite so it is imperative
and lost a fish while trolling in the first few As is so often the case when it becomes to keep the line tight and await the sharp,
minutes as I was rigging my first lure. It tough, a good rule of thumb is to start to sudden tap of a fish grabbing the lure.
delivered some much-needed confidence; downsize the lures. Bill and I came to the
however, the next si hours of casting with conclusion that this probably wasn’t the best
only a few follows began to dampen the time to be experimenting with 20 and 25 cm
belief somewhat. lures.
A rule I have always prescribed to It took some time but eventually we FWF Tech Tip LESSONS
includes that by which an angler must pay began to establish a pattern. Slowly fished LEARNED
attention to what the fish and the fishery swimbaits in the 13cm range were getting
are trying to tell you. Subdued fish and the the bites. These bites often came with the Although I experienced some of the toughest
fishing I have encountered in the Snowy
occasional follow (fish trailing the lure to lure fished deep and always came as the lure
Mountains, the fact that big fish were following
the boat and then turning away) suggested was sinking back to and very close to the
larger lures back to the boat suggests there
the fish were somewhat interested, just not bottom.
is a lot of scope for using these lures in the
enough to eat our lures. This meant they I believe these bites were largely future.
could still be caught and the time came to reactionary; the fish were docile and

38 Freshwater Fishing Australia

swim bait trout.indd 38 30/11/2017 10:07:25 AM 39

swim bait trout.indd 39 30/11/2017 10:07:33 AM


40 Freshwater Fishing Australia

targetting lake trout.indd 40 30/11/2017 10:10:33 AM


hen Freshwater Fishing lines like the ever reliable Platypus Pre-Test
magazine publisher Bill Classon were standard fair for all our outfits.
announced that the 2017 Using ultra light line taught us plenty
summer issue would bea 30-year about how to use our rods to subdue fish
celebration of the magazine, it certainly and the importance of creating strong knot
came about as a surprise. It doesn’t seem connections. There is little margin for error
that long ago that I picked up issue 3, my when using 1 or 2 kg mono when chasing big
first ever copy. We are now fast approaching trout and there is no doubt the years in the
issue 150 and it makes you wonder where ‘spider-web’ brigade helped hone our skill
the time has gone! set across the board. Mono still has its place
With that being said, it’s the perfect in my fishing arsenal but rarely in freshwater
time to reflect on how far we have come in scenarios. All my casting, trolling and jigging
those three decades. Looking back at how is undertaken exclusively with braided line.
we fished 30 years ago, it would be highly The combination of high stretch mono
challenging to pinpoint a single change and tubular fibreglass rods made feel and
that has significantly impacted the way connectivity with our lures problematic 30
we fish. So rather than look at a single, or years ago,although at the time we were none
even a small group of changes, I thought it the wiser. Again, some valuable lessons were
pertinent that I outline some differences learnt when it came to understanding what
and direct comparisons to how we fish open was going on at the business end of our line.
bodies of water for trout. This was particularly the case when trolling
I’ve been in the writing game for more or spinning with lures that only delivered a
than 20 years now and with over 400 features subtle swimming action.
penned, I thought selecting a style of fishing Composite graphite and graphite rods
to write about would be challenging in had just started to gain some traction but
itself. I was wrong! A broad snapshot of the  There are now literally hundreds of quality
past and I quickly realised I had written hardbodied minnows spawned by the bream
more articles on lure fishing for trout than tournament scene.
any other style or species. To simplify the
process, I will concentrate on three key
areas: tackle, lures and methods.

It is an understatement to say the rods, reels
and line we used for trout 30 years ago has
changed. There’s been a monumental shift.
Ultra light monofilament lines were
once used as both our main line and leader
material. The super line invasion hadn’t yet
hit our shores and fluorocarbon was still in
its infancy, even in the USA and Japan. Being Battle scarred veteran
 A quality brown that fell for a pink jighead and well entrenched in the ANSA movement of the Border Rivers
soft plastic. through the 1980s, pre-tested monofilament 41

targetting lake trout.indd 41 30/11/2017 10:10:39 AM

the exorbitant price tag meant they were out hours upon hours trolling through the 1980s strong winds. Electric motors combined with
of reach for many anglers, particularly those and even the first half of the ’90s. Altering high quality sounders have also opened up
whose fishing tackle habits were supported speed, hugging contours of the shoreline many deep water lure techniques for trout.
by a nightly milk run or pamphlet drop. Hard and mixing up trolling lines delivered us Identifying old river or creeks beds in the
to believe for many but credit cards were hundreds of quality trout. past was reliant on guesswork. We either had
also as rare as hen’s teeth then, and so was In those days only the affluent possessed to guess where the riverbed ran or garner
borrowing from mum and dad. I saved for a sounder and only a select few were
many weeks to have sufficient money to buy blessed with a bow-mounted electric motor.
my first Ugly Stik and Shakespeare 2400. This Some lucky boats had a small electric as
outfit replaced my old faithful Jarvis Walker an auxiliary motor mounted on the stern.
Black Queen Deluxe and Mitchell reel. I This meant any form of lure casting from
still have my Ugly Stik-2400 combo, which the boat left us at the mercy of the wind.
caught me everything from cod and trout, to Attempting to hold position with a paddle
king fish and even yellowfin tuna. is problematic to say the least and this is
All my trout pursuits these days near on impossible in winds greater than 15
are performed using high-end graphite knots. The clunky, noisy two-stroke motors
rods, which are as light as a feather, were not designed for constant starting and
deliver amazing power and exceptional stopping which was required when spinning.
responsiveness. Quality cork and EVA style Long periods of trolling on idol would often
hard plastic rod grips now replace spongy mean oiled up plugs and the motor regularly
hyperon, which further magnifies the stalling. Also the challenge of getting the
feel and connectivity with all manner of ratio of oil correct in the fuel tank could
presentations. These rod styles are now well result in problems starting the motor and
within reach of your average fisher and even when we did, often it wouldn’t be long before
the entry level graphite spin sticks are eons the motor would stall. Slow trolling speed
ahead of the old spin rod configurations. was the catalyst for many of our problems
Threadline reels are not dissimilar to rods as the old two-strokes where simply not
in regards to enhancements and advances designed to idol for long periods.
from decades ago. The range of quality spin These days it is rare to see a boat without
reels is vast and can be purchased from $100 a bow mounted electric. The responsiveness,
to $200. These multi-ball bearing reels have reliability, affordability and flexibility in
silky smooth drag systems, finely machined fishing styles that are presented with an
gearboxes and can be used straight out of electric motor are amazing. I know many
the box. fishers in there 20s or 30s who have never
fished in a boat without a bow-mounted
METHODS electric. We still undertake short trolling ▲ The author landed this average rainbow using
I believe the change in trout fishing runs; however, the opportunities available a standard high-end graphite spin rod matched
techniques and methods stems from a now with electric motors means lure casting with an ultra light threadline reel.
combination of accumulated knowledge is our preferred method.
and personal choice more so than tackle, Holding position is now effortless and
lure and electronic advancements. We spent we can confidently concentrate retrieval
paths over defined sections of water,even in
 The old and the new. The author’s two trout
spinning outfits 30 years apart.

▲ Hands-free bow mounted electric motors

provide unsurpassed responsiveness, reliability,
affordability and flexibility in fishing styles.

42 Freshwater Fishing Australia

targetting lake trout.indd 42 30/11/2017 10:10:55 AM


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targetting lake trout.indd 43 30/11/2017 10:11:00 AM

information from past trips during low dam  The author now uses the modular soft plastic
levels. system when chasing impoundment trout.
Nowadays these hot spots are easily
identified, and even in water greater
than four metres, sinking presentations
strategically worked through ‘marked’ fish
and structure can provide some amazing
trout fishing. The best times to undertake
deep water jigging is during the hotter
months when shallow water temperatures
exceed that of the trout’s tolerance range
and also prior to the spawn run when
congregations of big fish will wait for the
rain to trigger a run up the river.

The range of lures these days is simply
staggering. Speaking to the boys in my
local tackle shop at Otto’s Tackle World in
Canberra, it seems every other week there is
another brand or style of trout lure that has
hit the Aussie market. possibly the best all round freshwater diver
The specialist bream tournaments of our generation, were John Bennett and FWF Tech Tip CLOTHING
and the thousands of anglers who almost Steve McGrath. The Bennett-McGrath
exclusively chase bream along our coastline minnow was designed with a long, narrow

have heavily influenced the explosion in bib in front of a slim-line body, which wo more advancements that I can’t go
the range of fish imitation lures, in the form provided trout anglers with depth combined past without mentioning are clothing and
of hardbodied minnows. Many of these with that tantalising tight shimmy action waders. The days when we layered up with
minnows retail for $25 or more which is a that trout love. several old footy jumpers, overalls and then
far cry from the $2.50 Baltic Minnow, which There is now a plethora of trout lure a heavy plastic Taft waterproof jacket are far
caught countless trout both spinning and styles available to anglers. Genres of behind us. With so many layers and lacking
trolling. lures include blades, soft vibes, minnows mobility, most of us looked like the ‘synthetic’
With far fewer lures to select from in (floating, sinking and suspending), soft abusers with watermelons under their armpits,
days gone by rarely were anglers ‘stumped’ plastics (modular and pre-rigged), spinners, that grace most of the gym scene these days.
for what to tie on. Every trout angler I knew wobblers and winged lures… the list goes Gortex jackets, polypropylene thermals
through the ’80s had Baltic Minnows, Celtas on. Within each genre is a massive array of and a variety of polar fleece tops mean you
and a selection of metal spoons or wobblers. styles, colours and patterns. It is no secret can now fish comfortably without restriction.
Throw in a few different coloured Tasmanian these days that my trout pursuits are largely Perhaps most importantly though is the fact
Devils and there was no impoundment trout based around the modular soft plastic that new clothing ranges are breathable.
Old heavy plastic waders have now been
that couldn’t be caught on this selection. approach.
replaced with high-end breathable waders.
The other hugely popular and successful Blinged-up jigheads (in a mix of head
These waders have comfort levels that are
trolling lure was the flatfish. The uniquely shapes) and a selection of wriggler, t-tail
beyond belief and wearing them all day is
seductive wobble and kick were used by and split tailed minnows are a few of actually a pleasure rather than a hindrance.
many other lure styles as the benchmark for my favourite body styles. Tassie Devils, After a long hike through the backcountry
action, water displacement and in the end hardbodied minnows and soft vibes still or a day prospecting the shoreline of an
– success. Tied behind a small lead keel and accompany me on every trout session as impoundment, it is a relief to return to your
slow trolled over yabby beds was as close to these presentations round off scenarios that vehicle bone dry.
a sure thing as there ever was in trout fishing are not suited to soft plastics. Long searching
terms. casts can be problematic with a plastic
The ’80s also saw the dawn of many loaded on an ultra light jighead, which is We have certainly come a long way in
backyard Aussie lure makers. Many are now where a Tassie Devil can be launched three three decades. It is hard to fathom where we
household names, particularly in native or fours time further than a plastic. When might be in another 30 years. As technology
terms with the ‘godfather’ of native lures, trout are in an aggressive mood, pre and post continues to develop and advance at
Peter Newell, leading the way. However, with spawning, a chunky 7 to 14 cm hardbodied exponential rates, it is crucial we look after
a heavy focus on cod and perch, one style minnow is always more likely to be nailed our fisheries. We cannot leave this entirely
of lure that was missing, in trout fishing, by an oversized trout rather than a small soft to our State Fisheries departments as self-
were deep divers. Two blokes who created, plastic. management will be vital if the fisheries
are to remain viable. Equally, fishers must
 Trout fishing in lakes and impoundments has respect and look after the environment
come along way in 30 years. as access issues become more and more
prevalent. We will have some battles on our
hands in the next few decades to ensure that
access to public waters remains viable for all
anglers. Here’s to another thirty!

Andrew has been fishing the Canberra, Monaro,

Snowy Mountains and NSW south coast region
for over 40 years and is considered one of
the country’s most innovative and competent
anglers. He is AFNs most published writer.
Along with two extensive books, Andrew has
featured in numerous AFN Tactics DVDs.
Andrew is currently a Pro Angler with Jarvis
Walker Australia and endorses their range of

44 Freshwater Fishing Australia

targetting lake trout.indd 44 30/11/2017 10:11:11 AM

The Stacer 449 Nomad is a budget, fishing friendly boat, offering plenty of handy
features. Surprisingly spacious and beamy with the new Shark carpet which is soft
underfoot providing excellent grip. This model includes all the standard features
and you can option her up with a stainless stee telescopic rear boarding ladder and
electric motor bow mount plate. Visit for more details. 45

targetting lake trout.indd 45 30/11/2017 10:11:18 AM


can remember fishing at Lake Fyans and meant the decision was made to move it
hearing stories told by the older fishers toToolondo. No one ever imagined it would
about the amazing Lake Toolondo. go down as one of, if not the best mainland
At that time there were crops being lake fly fishing competition ever held by
planted on it and not a drop of water in FFA. Over the course of four, three-hour
sight. Regardless of the fact, there were sessions, no less than 274 trout were caught
countless stories of this almost mythological and released by 28 fly fishers, none of which
piece of water teemed with massive browns measured below 40 cm with most between
that hunted the timber-lined banks. There 50 and 60 centimetres.
were many stories of the magic 10 lb fish Toolondo was back and in a big way!
that I never thought I’d get to see again in
my lifetime. But then the rains started and FLATLINE TROLLING
Toolondo started to refill once more… was Trolling Lake Toolondo is as productive as
this just a dream? ever, and the quality of fish just keeps on
I remember a few quiet rumblings of improving. There are a couple of different
the lake starting to fish once again after ways to troll the lake but the simplest and
more than a decade of being dry. There were most effective is to flatline with either
big rainbows hunting in the timber and winged or shallow running minnow lures.
the browns were starting to achieve good The lake changes often depending on
condition. what wind has been where and how it has
The 2013 FFASA Ashes competition was moved the weed around the lake. One of the
booked in for Lake Fyans; however, average reasons Toolondo produces such incredible
fishing reports leading up to the event trout is because of the dense weed beds
 Flat line trolling produces some excellent

46 Freshwater Fishing Australia

toolondo.indd 46 30/11/2017 10:16:52 AM 47

toolondo.indd 47 30/11/2017 10:16:59 AM


 Scott Gray secures another Toolondo brown casting a minnow lure

that cover the bottom of most of the lake.

The issue is when the wind and boat props FWF Fact Box TROLLING GEAR
chop the strap weed up, it then floats and ear for trolling need not be complicated for Toolondo. Spinning outfits around 2.1 m in length and
becomes a problem for failing lures. In my rated at 2 to 4 kg gives you great feel and will let you know exactly what the lure is doing. Braid is
experience it’s a good idea to keep a close also great for sending information back to the angler and 6 lb is ample for putting the brakes on a big
eye on weather reports leading up to your Toolondo brown or rainbow.
fishing mission and then you can make an It’s always a good idea to use a leader when using braid, so I recommend a rod length of 10 lb
educated guess at which banks will have monofilament to the braided mainline. Flourocarbon can also be used but monofliamentfeaturessome
more floating weed than others. stretch and will be more forgiving on small trebles or singles. Lure selection is massive but keeping
If there has been a lot of wind, the things simple is the key. You can’t go past the effectiveness of a Tassie Devil or Rapalafloater in 5 or 7.
weed will usually be concentrated toward Small Stump Jumpers are great if you’ve got a feed of redfin in mind.
one bank which provides great access to a
lot of fishable water. Trolling can be done Paddle and wiggle tail plastics work well on Western Victorian lakes, they fish much
anywhere on the lake and you will find the the lake, as do flickbait styles. Anything in better with some wind and a bit of cloud
fish are generally spread out fairly well. the 50 to 100mm range will get the attention about.
When you do find one though, you’ll usually of a hungry trout. Colour selection should
find a few more nearby. This changes from be influenced by water colour. If it’s showing FLY FISHING
day-to-day so if you find a patch of feeding a bit of colour try something bright such as Fly fishing is without doubt my favourite
fish you should work that particular area white or chartreuse. When it is clear go for a method for targeting trout in Lake Toolondo,
hard. more natural colour such as black or olive. and Lake Toolondo is my favourite lake to do
There are so many suitable hardbodied it on mainland Australia. The vast shallow
CASTING LURES IN THE STICKS weed beds of Toolondo make for perfect fly
lures on the market, making it hard to
Toolondo features endless timber areas that fishing, particularly if you own a boat. My
recommend just one, but if you’re just
a well-tuned lure fisho can prospect. These boat is setup with a good quality, easy-to-use
starting out it is hard to go past a Rapala
are real fish havens and areas that trollers drogue and this is a must-have if you are
CD5. These are a very cost savvy choice, they
and most fly fishers can’t get to. Each area going to fly fish the lake. I bought my drogue
cast extremely well and they have accounted
of timber has many fish highways within it. from Peter Hayes many years ago and it has
for a ridiculous amount of trout in their long
An electric motor is essential for this style served me very well and continues to go
history. Along with working timber edges of
of fishing and will give you the greatest strong.
the lake, there are a lot of fish to be caught
control of where your boat needs to be Having a well setup boat will make fly
drifting and casting through the middle of
positioned to get the right cast. Every gap fishing the lake so much easier and much
the lake as well.
is an opportunity for a fish so methodically more successful. For all of my boat fishing at
Being a shallow lake means there is
work through each space before heading to Toolondo I use a 10ft 6wt fly rod. A 10ft rod
heaps of fishable water right across the open
a new one. gives you the greatest control over what your
parts of the three main basins. Covering
Both plastics and hardbodied lures work flies are doing and will make ‘the hang’ at the
water to find fish is the key here. If there is
well for this style of fishing. Select a jighead end of each retrieve much easier. Lately I’ve
no wind then slowly pulsing along with the
heavy enough for you to achieve a good been using the Airflo Nemesis from Manic
electric motor is a great way to cover water.
cast but not one that will plummet straight Tackle Project and when it comes to value
Alternatively, if the wind is blowing, a drogue
to the bottom and get snagged. Wind is the for money, this rod is hard to beat.
is an outstanding piece of equipment. This
main factor that will dictate which jighead is From what I’ve experienced fishing
slows and creates the perfect drifting speed.
most suitable so it pays to have a few in your Toolondo, it is very much a woolly bugger
From my experience, much like all of the
arsenal, ready to chop and change as you go. lake. The fish are usually pretty aggressive

48 Freshwater Fishing Australia

toolondo.indd 48 30/11/2017 10:17:10 AM

accounted for the vast majority of my fly
caught fish at Toolondo. Like any lake fishing
it really pays to have a good selection of
colours and sizes. While having a range of
colours and sizes is a good idea, I put less
emphasis on the weight of the fly as this is
altered when you change the sink rate of
your line.


Both Fly Fish Victoria and Fly Fish South
Australia hold annual competitions on
Lake Toolondo. These catch and release
only comps bring anglers together from
right across the country. While competition
fishing may not be everyone’s cup of tea, it
is a rare opportunity to see how some of the
countries best approach the lake.
If you attend one of the competitions
you have the chance to be put in the boat
with one of these anglers and get to see it
first hand. I remember someone told me
that attending a fly fishing comp will give
you about the same amount of knowledge
in one weekend as fishing five years by
yourself, and it couldn’t be truer.
If you are thinking of heading to any of
 Rainbow trout love to hunt the shallow edges of the lake the Fly Fish Australia comps don’t hesitate to
visit the website
and will hunt down and happily engulf a My leaders are tied from straight lengths au to find out where and when the next ones
well-tied woolly bugger. Sinking lines are of 4.5kg 0.23mm fluorocarbon tippet. I like are being held.
standard for me and when I head out on to have my flies 5 ft apart (I know we are in Three decades on and Toolondo is as
the lake I’ll take a selection so that I can the metric system but this is how fly fishos good as ever. From a South Australian’s point
be fishing the right depth depending on measure it) which is about a full double arms of view it’s outstanding to see what a fishing
what water I have in front of me and what length. The piece from your top dropper to license can provide for recreational fishing.
the wind is doing. While I don’t often use a the fly line should be a little bit longer. That The lake has a very successful stocking
Di7, everything from a Di5 to intermediate way when you want to change lines quickly, program and after an excellent campaign by
will possibly get a run throughout the day. you just wind in the line until the loop locals it’s received some much needed water
Changing lines is a very simple affair if you travels down the guides of the rod where you allocations. Let’s hope in another 30 years
have braided loops on your fly lines and the can grab it. It’s then a case of getting the line time we are still talking about how awesome
right leader set up. you want to put on and feeding the braided LakeToolondo in Victoria’s west is.
loop of that line up the guides to meet the
other one. Then it’s a simple chop and tie of Lubin Pfeiffer is a freelance fishing writer living
one loop to the other before unclipping the in the Barossa Valley in South Australia. Lubin
FWF Fact Box THE DROGUE old spool and clipping in the new one. This has represented Australia 5 times at World
EFFECT should take less than a minute and you will and Commonwealth fly fishing events. When
be fishing again. This technique means you he is not competition fishing, Lubin chases all

D rogues need to be setup correctly from the

beginning so they work efficiently. Firstly,
they should have a couple of 30 cm lengths of
only have to tie one knot and you can leave
your flies all rigged up.
manner of species in both fresh and saltwater.

Fly selection, as I mentioned, mainly

chain along the bottom as this will help it set revolves around marabou tail woolly bugger
properly when it enters the water. Mine has a
flies. These have great movement and have
chopped pool noodle attached with cable ties
at the top of the drogue that holds it perfectly  Sunrise at Toolondo
at the water’s surface. This actually allows the
drogue to sit in the water rather than fall to the
bottom where it can get caught up on timber.
The next major part and one that many
anglers never seem to get right is the continual
piece of rope that joins the drogue together and
attaches it to the boat through the rails. You
want to attach the drogue through the front and
back rails on the opposite side you plan to fish
on, and with access to be able to grab the rope
to steer the drogue as you drift. A well setup
drogue can be steered very well and will mean
you can achieve the perfect drift, time and time
again. This obviously leads to a lot more fish
captures and opportunities throughout the day.
I’ll never forget the advice a fly fishing
mentor gave me when I first started drifting
boats in lakes with a drogue and that was to
“pull the rope the way you want to go.” And
that’s exactly what you can do. It’s funny how
some things just stick in your head. You don’t
need to adjust it much and this is something you
get used to over time once you’ve got the hang
of using one. 49

toolondo.indd 49 30/11/2017 10:17:20 AM



C yclone Debbie had some impact on the barra lakes, causing those below Proserpine to run over
their spillways. With these floods, some fish migrated over the dam walls into the systems below.
Compared to previous events, the losses were minimal due to the flood occurring later in the barra’s
breeding cycle. With that in mind, the strong urge wasn’t there to reach the saltwater.
Lake Proserpine, unlike Proserpinetown, which copped the full brunt of Debbie, was lucky in that it
rose but didn’t flood over the spillway during the event. Around Mackay, Kinchant and Teemburra both
spilled and lost some fish. At Gladstone,Awoonga spilled losing some barra, as did Callide, an hour’s
drive inland from there. Monduran Dam near Gin Gin lost fish too but even while the dam was still
trickling over after the event, metre plus fish were caught.
Just north-west of Maryborough, Lenthalls Dam poured over into the river below but considering
many of the barra were still below 60cm, they should have stayed put. The bigger, older models would
have been more tempted to leave. Out in the centre, near Mt Isa, Moondarra and Julius didn’t feel the
full effects and to the north in the Cairns Hinterland,Tinaroo Dam was spared.
So for a quick analysis after the last cyclone event, the majority of barra are still in the lakes
waiting to be caught. Those that did escape made it into the waterways below where they can now be
targeted, providing even more fishing options while visiting these areas.


Go to

New Season 10th December 2017

Every SUNDAY on
 Anglers travel from all over the country to
CHECK YOUR LOCAL GUIDE target these fish

50 Freshwater Fishing Australia

planning barra.indd 50 30/11/2017 10:24:51 AM

ith stocked barramundi begins to warm in spring and before it gets
impoundments starting near hot in summer.
Maryborough and running all The warming water in spring draws
the way up to Cairns, as well as the fish up into shallower areas. In the
out near Queensland’s centre at Mt Isa, there hotter summer months, the barra spend
are plenty of places to try your luck. shorter periods in the shallows and stage
Here, we will look at some of the places out in deeper water where they are more
to try, what you need to bring, what to comfortable. If you hope to catch oneby
expect and a quick rundown of how to casting lures to the edges, plan a spring trip.
get started. With some preparation If you want to mix it up and try the deeper
a barra trip should be simple, water with vibes, deep plastics or trolling
run smoothly and hopefully then plan to hit the lake around the hotter
deliver results. months.
If I had to choose a time of year as my
TIMING IT RIGHT favourite, it would be a few day either side of
So when is the best time the full moons in October and November.
to target impoundment We hear it all the time, ”barra bite best
barra? on the full moon.” For nighttime fishing this
Barra are a year- can often be the case with most fish caught
round possibility but after sunset. Most anglers choose to hit the
they are much easier water later in the afternoon around 3 or 4pm
to catch throughout and settle in their chosen spot waiting for
certain months of the action to start after dark when the fish
the year. Nearly all of move up on shallow points or weed edges
the lakes will fish at to feed.
their best once The bite time can change from day to
the water day. This is a result of the moon being about
an hour later to rise each day. Despite dams
having no visible signs of being tidal, gun
barraanglers make sure they are in
prime spots around the turn of
the tide in the saltwater
nearby. This trick
can help put


Guidelines Fishing Charters – (07) 4157 3881

Gladstone Fly and Sportfishing – 0429 223 550

Fishin’ Magician – 0478 720 781

Barramundi Fishing Charters – (07) 4945 4641 51

planning barra.indd 51 30/11/2017 10:24:56 AM

the boat both during the night and day.
Prior to the full moon, the moon will FWF Fact Box NIGHT TIME FISHING
set before the sun rises and this can also be
a good period to fish. Due to concentrated
efforts around the afternoon/night session,
N ot all fishing needs to take place at night but often the best bite period will take place under the
cover of darkness. Rather than move around in the dark, it is advised that you anchor on a chosen
spot and watch the sounder closely to see if barra are swimming through. If you do see fish, you
most anglers will be off the water and tucked
definitely want to be casting. Position the boat in 2 to 5 m of water and deliver casts to the weed edge
up in bed. Once things go dark, listen for
or exposed points. Barra should be seen on the sounder’s side image as they swim by.
boofing fish feeding on the surface and Pick out your nighttime spots during the day. A GPS is invaluable for this as you can quietly return
stealthily move into their feeding area. As a to your different marks at night without too much trouble. I love choosing spots in the middle of the day
hint of light glows on the horizon ensure you in weedy lakes. With sun overhead you can spot all the holes and points in the weed formation. A good
are positioned in a likely spot and casting anchoring spot should have several casting locations where fish are likely to move through or come
your favourite lure. to feed. I even look at the surrounding trees or horizon so I have a reference for where to cast once
things get quite dark. You don’t want to be working this out by trial and error when you can barely see
ANCHORING IN THE RIGHT SPOT your hand in front of your face.
How do you pick the right spot to fish? Once the moon is up, it’s surprising just how much you can see. Keep lights in the boat to a
minimum. Once eyes are adjusted to the dark it’s best to keep it that way until you’re really in need of
It’s pretty simple to choose a good spot. Look some added brightness.
for points or bays that have plenty of wind Fishing in the dark adds a bit more danger to a relatively safe pursuit. Ensure your navigation lights
blowing onto them. The more prominent are in working order. Always carry a head torch or hand torch in case they fail and for general work
the point, the better it will be. Think of it around the boat.LED light bars are so cheap nowadays thus a lot of boats have them fitted up front to
like this: even if the barra aren’t coming to spot any hazards while on the move.
the point you are fishing to feed, they will Wear your safety lanyard while on the move in case you are tossed from the boat (at least you’ll
need to migrate around it from one bay to have a chance to swim back to it and have something to hold onto). And if you are fishing with a mate,
remember he is there for company not to embed a heavy-duty hook into the side of his face. Be aware
another. This increases the traffic flow by
of your surroundings!
funnelling the fish through that particular
If you can find a shallow fishy looking
location with deep water nearby, the fish can
move from the deep up into the shallows FWF Fact Box NIGHT TIME FISHING
easily when they are ready to dine. The
wind creates oxygen and attracts bigger
numbers of baitfish to the area. Sometimes S o just how much gear do you need to successfully catch one of these prized fish?
To be honest you could try your luck with one outfit and one pack of lures and succeed on many
occasions. Fish though, dictate what they want to eat and therefore you will need to front up with a
even a dirty water line will be present from
the wave action and this provides the ideal selection of tackle and a couple of rods if you are taking the challenge seriously.
ambush zone for predators. Make sure you have something like this in the boat:
Anchoring in the wind can pose some Deep trolling hard Halco Scorpion 125 or 150 8m Crazy Deep
problems. A sand anchor with a decent
chain will suffice when there isn’t a lot of Shallow casting hard Laser Pro 120
wind. If there is a lot though, these anchors Deep casting hard Halco Scorpion 125 5m
tend to drag through weed and the build-up
Top water hard Cultiva Tango Dancer
makes them useless. The boat rocks up and
down with the wave action and the boat Plastics: 5 to 6” Squidgy Slick Rig 120 in standard weight and pro
keeps drifting right over the area you want to Soft vibe Transam 95
fish. To counteract this, I add a 10 kg plonk
to the front of my anchor chain. My plonk is Weedless plastic PowerbaitRibshad and Owner 6/O Beast Hook
a lump of lead with a short length of chain in Weedless top water plastic Zoom Horny Toad and Owner 4/O Beast Hook
it. You could use a heavy lump of steel which
is compact enough to carry in the boat.
TOP LOCATIONS Having a boat or kayak is a big help to access the best fishing grounds. Some lakes like Awoonga,
Proserpine and Monduran can require travelling some distance so a boat is definitely an advantage.
Lake Lenthalls The open water on these dams can get rough so a boat of at least four metres is recommended. In
lakes like Lenthalls, Kinchant and Teemburra, the action is close by and you can get into fish from a
Location: Around 20 km north of
smaller boat or kayak.
Maryborough on the Bruce Highway, turn
left onto the unsealed road into the forestry.
Follow the signs 10 km to the dam. A word of
warning though, this road can be rough and FWF Fact Box RODS, REELS AND LINE
corrugated so take caution.
Size: 28400 ML, 766 ha
Fishing options: An easy lake for B arra, especially the bigger models, are a tough fish. They require a quality reel with a good drag
because once hooked they do peel line. You want at least two outfits ready to rumble just in case
one fails. A wind knot at precisely the wrong time in the hot bite window will cost fish, so the more rods
kayakers as it has long protected arms which
make it look more like a big river than a at the ready,the better.
lake. Boats are limited to 60hp outboards Spin rods are great for delivering soft plastics or for those not accustomed to a baitcast reel. Opt
and must have 4-strokes or low emission for a rod around 7’ with a rating of 5 to 10kilograns. This should be fitted with a 4000 size reel filled with
2-strokes. 20 to 30lb braid. Always top this off with a leader of 60 to 80lb fluorocarbon. Leaders don’t need to be
The lake has plenty of weed beds and long; 60cm will do but always start with around double this. It doesn’t take long for lure changes to eat
up leader length when loop knots are being tied.
water lilies. These fish well with weedless
A baitcastsetup is ideal for tossing hardbodies. Even a heavier swimbait style setup is worth
plastics. It is best known however for its
considering for punching out long casts with heavier plastics and hardbodies. These reels should
excellent surface fishing. Walk the dog
feature 30 to 50lb braid and again be topped off with a 60 to 80lb leader.
style stickbaits are ideally cast around the
shoreline of this lake. Most fish are smaller
models but there are some bigger class fish
still in this lake. The warmer months are best FWF Fact Box GEAR CHECKLIST
here. Try between October and April for the
best action.
Lure selection:Cultiva Tango Dancer, S unscreen, bug repellent, hat, buff, bug repellent, big landing net, pole lure retriever, lights,
waterproof jacket, camera, brag mat, pliers (long pointy nose) and refreshments.
Powerbait Rib Shad on a 6/O Owner Beast

52 Freshwater Fishing Australia

planning barra.indd 52 30/11/2017 10:24:59 AM 01_17_


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planning barra.indd 53 1 10/11/2017
30/11/2017 3:17 AM
10:25:14 PM
Lake Awoonga
Location: Near Gladstone turn off the
Bruce Highway at Benaraby and head out to
the lake.
Size: 770000 ML, 6750ha
Fishing options: A big open lake,
Awoonga is best suited to boats over four
metres. It is a huge expanse of water and the
best fishing lies around the main basin and
the smaller arms which run off it. Try fishing
the weedy edges with soft plastics and
surface lures. The deeper trees in the main
basin of the lake can also hold good fish. Try
casting suspending lures to the spindly tree
tops and hold on.
Gear selection: 20lb spin gear and


 Success! A barra in the net from Lenthalls Dam weed edges.

Accommodation/camping: Short
Smaller suspending hardbodies excel
when it is cooler and during the day.
A closed season applies outside of
stocked waters every year from midday
1 November to midday 1 February.A take and
stay camping of up to 3 days/2 nights Monduran, despite being so far south, is possession limit of one barramundi applies
is permitted. The maximum number of a great year-round fishery. The key is to during the closed season in all of the lakes and
campers at any one time is 18 plus up to 6 pick the warm sunny days with a wind that dams mentioned below. The barramundi may
self-contained camper vehicles that have is predominantly blowing from the one be greater than 120 cm.
waste storage facilities.The number of direction. Line up several of these in a row Recreational fishers may continue to fish
campers is limited to the capacity of the on- and the barra become more predictable and in the listed dams and lakes once they have
site sewage treatment facilities to protect the bunched up in better numbers in the bays reached their limit of one barramundi. Outside
main drinking water source of Hervey Bay. that the wind is feeding into. of the closed season, in the dams and lakes
Burrum River Caravan Park has Gear selection: 50lbbaitcaster and 30lb mentioned below, a take and possession limit
comfortable accommodation and is located spin rod of five applies to barramundi that may include
a 35 minute drive away from the lake. Head Lure Selection:Jackall Hank Tune one barramundi greater than 120 centimetres.
north on the Bruce Highway. For bookings Squirrel, Big Willy soft plastic The minimum size for keeping a fish is
call 1800 649 721. Accommodation/camping: Powered
• Aplins Weir (also includes Black Weir
Nearby supplies: BP Torbanlea (20 and unpowered sites, cabins and a holiday
and Gleeson Weir)
minutes north on Bruce Highway) house are available through Lake Monduran
• Awoonga
More information: www.frasercoast.qld. Holiday Park. You can even book a fishing • Ben Anderson Barrage (also includes charter, hire boat or house boat through the Paradise Dam, Claude Wharton Weir,
kiosk (07) 4147 3881. Jones Weir and Wuruma Dam)
Lake Monduran
Nearby supplies: The kiosk has basic • Burdekin Falls
Location: Around a 25-minute drive supplies including tackle suited to the lake. • Callide
north of Gin Gin. All sealed bitumen roads Within a 30 minute drive, Gin Gin has 24 • Eungella
and well signed. hour fuel, pubs, supermarket and most • Fairbairn
Size: 562000 ML, 5340ha importantly a tackle store. Barra Havoc will • Fred Haigh (Lake Monduran)
Fishing options:Monduranfeaturesan be able to sort you out with the right gear • Kinchant
abundance of shoreline so look for the and show you on a detailed map where to try • Koombooloomba
bays where the wind is pushing into.Stable your luck. • Lenthalls
weather with a predominant and predictable More Information: • Peter Faust
wind is best. Soft plastics work well in the • Teemburra
warmer months and at night. • Tinaroo
• Wuruma Dams
• Lake Fred Tritton
 A barra from the swamp. A weedless • Lake Gregory (Isis Balancing Storage)
frog quickly fished over submerged • Lake Morris (Copperlode Falls Dam)
weed is an exciting way to encounter • East Leichhardt Dam and Belmore
these fish. • Corella
• Julius and Moondarra Lakes.

50lbbaitcast outfit
Lure selection:Jackall Hank Tune
Squirrel, Cultiva Tango Dancer, Happy Rock
Softies plastics
Accommodation/camping: Camping
and cabins are available at the Lake
Awoonga Caravan Park and there is a kiosk
on site (07) 4975 0155.
The Awoonga Gateway Lodge is just off
the highway and has modern style cabins
which cater perfectly to an angler’s needs.
They can be reached on (07) 4975 0033.

54 Freshwater Fishing Australia

planning barra.indd 54 30/11/2017 10:25:27 AM

Rydges Snowy Mountains in the heart of Jindabyne
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The Resort is in close proximity to Thredbo and the
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region is packed with outdoor adventure; mountain
biking, fishing, hiking, water sports, boating and horse
riding to name a few.
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rydges.indd 1 24/11/2017 10:18:47 AM

Madeyes .indd 1 9/02/2017 1:36 pm 55

planning barra.indd 55 30/11/2017 10:25:38 AM

open lake with many fishing options and
currently renowned as Queensland’s best
big barra lake. Close to the ramp, and very
popular from October to January is the
trolling run out in front of the dam wall.
Deep diving lures trolled out in the open
water account for plenty of fish throughout
the day as well as morning and evening.
This area can be accessed by smaller boats
and kayaks as it is sheltered from the
predominant winds.
Heading across the lake, you will find
Proserpine Point which is always worth a
night time fish. A little further and you will
enter kilometres of dead standing timber.
Inside this the barra hold on points and
stage in deeper areas where they move up
onto nearby flats. A quality sounder is very
important to find fish inside this jungle.
Resting fish will also be found in the deeper
water of the old river and creek beds which
wind through the timber.
The morning is a good time to cast
 Did I forget to mention, bring a big strong net
deeper hardbodies into the tree tops lining
these creeks and allow them to float back
Nearby supplies: Hire boats are available rigged frogs across the top. Weedless several times trying to wake the barra up. At
through Lake Awoonga Boating and Leisure plasticsfished sub-surface can also perform times the lake has healthy weed beds and
Hire 0457 929 889. Fuel and basic supplies well. At night more fish will move around the when this is the case, barra are never far
can be sourced in Benaraby (15 minutes outside of the weed edges. These fish can be away.
from the dam). For important things like caught on soft plastics and soft vibes.Pick a Gear selection: 30lb spin outfit and
beer, KFC and a supermarket, head back likely spot, anchor up and wait for them to 50lbbaitcast setup
south and turn off to Tannum Sands (25 move through. Lure selection: Halco Scorpion Crazy
minutes). Gear selection: 20lb spin outfit Deep, Barra Bait 20+, Slick Rigs, Cultiva
Lure selection:Zoom Horny Toad and Tango Dancer.
Kinchant Dam
4/O Owner Beast Hook, Transam 95 Accommodation/camping: Camping is
Location: An easy 40-minute drive west Accommodation/camping:Kinchant not allowed at the dam but there are sites
of Mackay. Waters Resort has plenty of camp sites and and donga style accommodation available
Size: 62800 ML, 920ha some basic cabins and dongas. They are at Lions Camp Kanga which is only a few
Fishing options: This round shaped lake nothing flash but quite affordable. The office kilometres away. Bookings are essential to
is one of the easier barra impoundments doubles as a public bar where meals are guarantee a spot (07) 4947 2600.
to work out. It only has a handful of served five nights a week. Bookings can be Proserpine has several accommodation
predominant points and no standing timber. made by calling (07) 4954 1453. options including caravan parks and motels.
The edges are often lined with weed beds Nearby supplies: The closest town with One well suited to catering for fishing boats
and lilies but fluctuating water level due to supplies is Marian (15 minutes). It has a pub is the A&A Motel just opposite Barra World
irrigation can cause the weed to die off at and fuel station but only a general store. on the highway (07) 4945 1888.
times. After a rise in the wet times, the weeds If you are after a bigger grocery store head Nearby supplies: Proserpine (25
are quick to re-establish. back to Walkerston (20 minutes). minutes) has everything you will need
Barra can be caught in the bay directly More Information: www.mackayregion. including fishing tackle, supermarkets, pubs,
below the camp ground, making it easy to com fuel and fast food.
slide in a kayak for an early morning or late More Information:www.
Proserpine Dam
afternoon session. Boats are still preferred
and it can get very busy at night around the Location: Turn west from the Bruce dam
full moon. Ensure all your lights are working Highway at Proserpine and continue
for safety and if fishing from a kayak have through the cane fields for 25 minutes to START PLANNING
some sort of light fitted so boats can see you. reach the lake. Reaching your destination and settling
The weed is home to plenty of fish; Size: 491400 ML, 4325 ha in with all the right gear and some idea of
making this a great lake to skim weedless Fishing options: Proserpine is a massive what to expectwill see you in with a good
chance of success. Still, barra fishing can
be frustrating and at times when they just
 Points and bays exposed to the wind tend to hold plenty of fish in the peak bite times.
don’t want to play the game. Make sure you
visit the local tackle stores to drill them for
a bit of information. Pick up a few supplies
and I’m sure they’ll be more willing to start
revealing some secrets.

Jason Ehrlich is a fishing journalist and

presenter and lives just north of Toowoomba
on Queensland’s Darling Downs. He specialises
in Australian freshwater species such as bass,
barra and cod but loves to target anything with
fins. He is a Pro Staff member for companies
such as Berkley, Abu Garcia, Halco, Humminbird
and Minn Kota.

56 Freshwater Fishing Australia

planning barra.indd 56 30/11/2017 10:26:00 AM

A New Era For
Victorian Trout


Go to

New Season 10th December 2017

Every SUNDAY on


 Mitta Mitta River at Hinnomunjie Bridge @AFNfishingandoutdoors

58 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 A New Era For Victorian Trout - Trevor Hawkins.indd 58 30/11/2017 10:30:24 AM
he MittaMitta River above Lake
Dartmouth, the Ovens River above
Porepunkah Bridge, the Nariel River
above Colac Colac Bridge, and the
mighty Rubicon River. Wow! There are some
big hitters in that group when it comes to
iconic wild trout rivers.
After much lobbying by the Australian
Trout Foundation and trout anglers in
general, the Victorian Fishing Authority has
listened, negotiated and acted to implement
what will hopefully be the first in a suite
of regulations specifically designed to re-
introduce a ’social’ worth or ‘value’ to wild,
self-recruiting trout in these four nominated
There were three other regulation
changes brought in at the same time.
Changes were introduced at two lakes that
aim to promote their value as ‘trophy’ trout While these changes won’t necessarily history of producing quality trout fishing
waters, and two stocked trout rivers were increase the amount of fish available from that stretches back decades. The closest
given a ‘no closed season’ status. season to season, it is hoped they will help township of Corryong offers in-town
to spread the amount of catchable trout accommodation while the caravan park
THE BIG 4 available to anglers across the whole of each immediately over the bridge offers a perfect
The new regulations introduced for the
season, instead of the normally heavy toll of place to stay and access the stream.
Nariel, Ovens, Mitta Mitta and Rubicon
fish caught and kept in the first few months The Nariel River is a classic pool and
Rivers that came into force on September
of the season. run, small to medium sized, freestone
2, 2017 to coincide with the present trout
The re-introduction of a minimum size stream that holds mostly brown trout but
season, are a game changer in the opinion
is widely based on re-instating a ‘social some rainbows too. It is a very reliable
of most dedicated trout anglers in Victoria.
value’ that it is hoped will drive home to stream most suited to fly fishing and the
More rivers were nominated but didn’t get
new and older anglers the need to limit their hopper fishing in good years can be sublime.
up; however, these four are ideal in that
catch and not catch their limit. It does get heavily fished at times, just
they are a great mix of locations across the
The four streams or sections thereof are as much – or even more so – by visiting
eastern part of the state where most of our
all located in prime country tourist areas anglers as locals. From the highway bridge
wild trout rivers exist.
that rely, to a greater or lesser extent, on upstream, there are numerous access
The first regulation change on these
trout anglers spending time and money in points, mostly at several bridges that cross
waters is at last a re-introduction of a
the region. the meandering river. From Colac Colac
minimum size of 25 cm for salmonids. The
upstream there are kilometres of wonderful
other is a reduction of the bag from 5 to 3 NARIEL RIVER wild trout fishing with fish varying in size
salmonids, of which only two may exceed 35 The Nariel River above the Colac Colac from below the new minimum size to
centimetres. Bridge on the main highway has a wonderful around three pounds. 59

FWF147 A New Era For Victorian Trout - Trevor Hawkins.indd 59 30/11/2017 10:30:32 AM
 Ovens River  A nice Ovens River brown trout

FUTURE POTENTIAL FUTURE POTENTIAL despite the hammering it gets from anglers
The way this stream is effectively broken up This stream needs protection, simply in and all the ‘accidental’ releases of brook
into sections with the numerous bridges that my view, because of the heavy traffic it gets trout and Atlantic salmon is beyond me. But
cross it as you travel upstream makes it a from dedicated trout anglers and once a year it does, and in my opinion any regulations
prime river for micro-management research, holiday anglers. I personally think Bright and that can try and at least slow down the often-
in my opinion. Harrietville, further upstream, could market wanton slaughter of trout here is a good
I’d love to see the Victorian Fisheries this river as a blue-ribbon freestone creek. thing.
Authority trial a fly only section, or catch This is another stream that could potentially Out of all the streams listed above it is
and release only section on this productive trial a fly only section that could use the closest to Melbourne, and as such, it
stream before using the first hand access roads or bridges as lower and upper receives a huge amount of angler traffic.
‘Australian’ data gained to influence possible boundaries to make the system manageable.
future management trials on more heavily FUTURE POTENTIAL
fished sections of rivers such as the Upper MITTA MITTA RIVER Threatened by a proposed hydro plant
Yarra River closer to Melbourne. Effectively one of our most iconic larger and continual ‘suspicious’ releases of trout
freestone rivers, the Mitta Mitta can suffer and salmon is a huge concern. This stream
OVENS RIVER from higher temperatures during hotter doesn’t necessarily need more restrictive
While small, the Ovens River boasts a big periods due to open banks and large fishing regulations but I can see it needing
reputation. The section of the Ovens River exposed boulders that act as heating stones. more love and potentially some way of
covered by these new regulations would go It receives a lot of pressure from anglers, regulating angler numbers in the future.
close to being one of the most respected and many of whom are bait and spin fishers who
heavily fished trout rivers in the state. The take a lot of fish early in the season when the TWO MORE (OPEN SLATHER) STREAMS
section upstream of the Porepunkah Bridge fishing is relatively easy. Probably the most controversial regulations
at Porepunkah is a hugely productive stream There are numerous easy drive-to access that came in for this season that weren’t
that has one of the most popular, all season points to the river above Anglers Rest as well driven by the Australian Trout Foundation
country towns located along its banks. as camping along the riverbanks. This ease and general anglers, but more so, in some
Bright is a stunning town that draws of access allows bait anglers to set up camp inexplicable way by VRFish, was the year
visitors from across the country. It normally and fish continually during their stay. These round opening of two south-west rivers, the
carries a large amount of smaller trout, new regulations will hopefully slow up the Hopkins and the Merri.
and as such, out of all the four streams, it taking of big numbers of small fish early in Research by Fisheries shows that very
is potentially most likely to be affected in the season and spread those fish over the little, if any, natural recruitment of trout
a positive way (hopefully) by these new entire open season. occurs in these two streams and they are
regulations. both regularly stocked as a result to keep
FUTURE POTENTIAL them going as viable trout waters. Many
q Ovens River Rainbow This river and the wild tributary streams that trout anglers feel the year round opening of
feed it above Dartmouth Dam see more and these streams is the thin edge of the wedge.
more anglers, rafters and kayakers ‘using’ it If I had my way these streams would have
each year. While I don’t think there is any real been left as they are, and I don’t agree with
value in introducing extra regulations above the thin edge of the wedge argument, I’m
those already applied, I think there might be not overly fussed about them being open
a case to possibly remove bait fishing from a year-round either.
couple of the small tributary streams. I think the year-round opening was
The potential to undertake research into driven ‘by a few anglers, for a few anglers’,
the spawning of macquarie perch in the nevertheless, I won’t lose any sleep over
lower river between Dartmouth Dam and these changes.
Hinnomunjie Bridge might uncover some
results that will increase numbers of these FUTURE POTENTIAL
iconic natives. What has disappointed me with the opening
of these two rivers the most is the missed
RUBICON RIVER opportunity to monitor and regulate
How this magnificent river keeps producing them as ‘trophy’ trout rivers with a serious

60 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 A New Era For Victorian Trout - Trevor Hawkins.indd 60 30/11/2017 10:30:37 AM
How we’re connecting

Education in schools

35,000 Fisheries officers

and at the Marine
and Freshwater
page likes on the water every day Discovery Centre


Events held around Talks at 3,200

the state fishing clubs followers

Trout and Murray cod Angler surveys onshore, at

conferences Fishing shows boat ramps and online
Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne

FWF147 A New Era For Victorian Trout - Trevor Hawkins.indd 61 30/11/2017 10:30:46 AM
q Hepburn Lagoon

minimum size and perhaps a one fish bag. HEPBURN LAGOON FUTURE
These two rivers are renowned for good This is one of my pet waters, and that of And where to after that?
growth rates and as such they have the hundreds of other fly anglers. These new How about progressive tailored trout
potential to complement the famous lakes of regulations have the potential to see seven regulations such as trophy streams and
Purrumbete and Bullen Merri as drawcards pounders coming from here in the next few blue ribbon waters, trading off marginal
to the area. I doubt the fact these two rivers seasons, as they did back in the 1970s. sportfishing rivers and lakes with greater
will remain open year-round now, without Unfortunately there are few ‘meat’ stocking and increased bags with blue
any special regulations, will do anything for anglers that fish this water, and as such there ribbon waters with reduced or no kill
the local economy and area except attract is a blanket minimum size of 45 cm and a regulations and restrictive angling such as
those types that want to catch and kill fish
reduced bag of 5 to 3 trout a day that went barbless hooks.
year-round. And without being too obscure,
through without a hitch. Surely, we have a great enough variety of
these are the types that often don’t have an
trout rivers and lakes to start tinkering with
issue with trashing areas where no policing OVERVIEW a few trial waters to see if we can’t improve
is done. So, where to from here? catch rates and sizes?
An opportunity to turn these two rivers I don’t think Fisheries Victoria can avoid The other big item is stream
into a local drawcard has been lost, in my the introduction of a blanket minimum size, rehabilitation to create more habitat
opinion. at least on lakes for much longer, especially for trout and to reduce or maintain
when lake anglers regularly target and keep stream temperatures. I’d like to see water
under sized fish immediately after they have temperature gauges in certain heavily fished
been stocked. Even if a re-introduction of trout streams so that anglers can access
There was some pushback from certain
a minimum size is based purely on a value information via their smart phones before
quarters regarding these two lakes being
given ‘trophy’ status. Instead of a minimum
for money exercise, I would have thought it heading out to avoid fishing for trout that
size for both browns and rainbows in made sense to protect those small trout until may be struggling to survive or under heat
Toolondo of a ’still smallish’ 45 cm, people they’ve had enough time to disperse and stress.
wanted to reduce the rainbow size to 30 grow to a size that doesn’t require them to be It’s a great start VFA and the ATF, let’s
centimetres. Yep, they wanted it to only be 5 turned into fish patties. keep the dialogue and trials going and start
cm longer than that of the 4 trout streams. I understand the argument for no thinking about how we can improve our
I understand that anglers who fish lakes minimum size, at least at present, on small trout fishing beyond just dumping more fish
want to keep fish to eat, but I have to say, mountain creeks that rarely get fished, and into lakes for anglers to catch and kill.
I reckon it’d be a rarity to actually catch where the trout rarely, if ever, exceed 25
a brown or rainbow under 45 cm in this centimetres. But by the same token I don’t Trevor is a Pro Staff member, assistant editor,
magnificent lake. Again, it is what it is and think it’s impossible to nominate more rivers writer and illustrator for AFN publishing. He has
overall I’m extremely happy with the new (such as the Goulburn) where a minimum been fishing, and specifically flyfishing for 50
regulations going in the right direction, and of 25 cm would make a lot of sense and years. When he gets time away from his beloved
it is what most anglers want. The bag has teach anglers the value of catch and release
remote wilderness trout streams he also enjoys
also been reduced from 5 to 3 salmonids of small fish so they have a chance to grow
lure casting from his kayak in wilderness
a day from Toolondo Reservoir which is bigger for the next angler to enjoy.
estuaries. He lives in Warragul, Victoria.
another great initiative.

q Toolondo rainbow q The author bringing to hand a

typical small Nariel river trout.

62 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 A New Era For Victorian Trout - Trevor Hawkins.indd 62 30/11/2017 10:31:02 AM
South- We s t

must preface by stating that when I talk CLEAR WATER TACTICS
of the south-west Victorian rivers I’m Low flow typically means periods of clear
referring to the four annually stocked water with fish holding in pools and sections
trout rivers of the Hopkins, Merri, of deeper water. As all south-west rivers
Moyne and Mount Emu Creek. These rivers turn crystal clear in the cooler, low rainfall
are different to many others in the state as months, the fish swim around the deep
they rely completely on the annual stockings weedy pools in search of small fish and
from Fisheries Victoria to sustain their insects.
constant trout populations as they don’t In good polarioding conditions,
have the luxury of relying on self-sustaining standing at a high vantage point overlooking
populations of trout. a likely pool should provide opportunities to
This is the case because the rivers don’t spot the trout as they swim in and out of the
feature adequate spawning habitat, as they weed and cruise around the pools. Keep in
are much slower flowing and less rocky mind that seeing these fish is often the easy
than the rivers to the east. While this is a part as they can be tricky to fool.
downside for the breeding of the trout, it Casting small minnow pattern
certainly isn’t for their growth as the deep hardbodies often results in catching these
and weedy slower flowing rivers provide a smart fish with Tassie Devils and bladed
great food source just like that of many of spinners also unlocking the odd fish. My
favourite clear water presentation is small
the western lakes.
2 to 3 inch soft plastics though. A small
The rivers run clear for majority of the
minnow style plastics rigged on a light
year, providing some great visual fishing
1/12 to 1/6 oz jighead is perfect as it can be
while periods of high dirty flow also
worked with an erratic retrieve that excites
produces exceptional fishing. An average
the fish into a strike due to the extremely
size brown trout here is generally over the life-like appearance. Casting these lures
kilo mark with a good tipping in at over three into shadows, deeper water or at cruising
kilograms. Add to that some cracking redfin trout is your best bet and, while at times,
and accessibility to anglers on foot and it’s the fish may only follow the most life-like
easy to see this area is so special. presentations, angler persistence will often
While it’s going to be hard to wrap all bring them unstuck. Fast erratic jerks and
these awesome fisheries up in one article, pauses shorten the length of time fish have
I’m going to try and condense my knowledge to look at the lure and often entice reaction
to help you find a few fish in the south-west bites. Long, light fluorocarbon leaders also
rivers regardless of flows or time of year. increase strike rates.

64 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 South-West Victorian River Guide - Colby Lesko.indd 64 30/11/2017 10:32:48 AM

▲ Casting a pressure point during a period of
dirtywater 65

FWF147 South-West Victorian River Guide - Colby Lesko.indd 65 30/11/2017 10:32:55 AM

 Big redfin are common in the lower Merri River

DIRTY WATER TACTICS examples of likely dirty water hideouts while the Hopkins. A tributary of the Hopkins, the
High winter flows result in dirty water. This foam lines and current edges also produce creek generally fishes well when the Hopkins
forces the fish to move into pressure points fish. is firing. The most popular spot to fish is
at heads and tails of pools as they wait for Casting shallow diving hardbodies in the the Princes Hwy and it’s recommended that
food to flow past. The fish become very 5 to 10 cm range is perfect for this style of anglers walk up or downstream in search of
opportunistic during dirty water periods, fishing with multiple casts at each pressure likely looking pools. While there are plenty
as they are no longer blessed with the great point giving you the best chance of a fish of other good sections of water on this creek,
vision they have during periods of clear finding your offering. The peak time to fish they require private access or a lot of walking
water. This is great news for the angler as it during dirty water is just as the flow starts to reach so it’s best to have a chat to locals
means that if you can get your lure in the to drop down and clear after the big rain before planning a session.
field of view of a fish, chances are it will event. This makes it easier for the fish to find
result in a bite. a lure in the charging water and if you get MERRI RIVER
In dirty water fish move into areas where the timing just right it can make for some The Merri River is slightly less rocky and
they can sit just out of the current but still in excellent fishing. slower flowing with smaller pools than the
the main flow. They do so in the anticipation Hopkins and is only a couple of meters wide
of food wafting by. Back eddies and areas HOPKINS RIVER in its higher sections. It does opens up into a
behind boulders in the runs are prime The Hopkins River holds the longest section wider and deeper almost ‘long lake’ section
of trout water out of all the south-west in its lower stretch though.
 A brown trout from below hopkins falls rivers and is the most popular among land Bromfield Street weir is the dividing
based anglers. The Hopkins boasts some point for the upper and lower Merri with the
great trout water as it features large deep waters above being the upper Merri and the
clear pools separated by shallow rocky runs, water below the weir being the lower Merri.
making for some great clear water pools to The lower Merri boasts the larger trout
fish in times of low flow and runs in higher stocking and has a large open water section
flows. with a boat ramp. On the contrary, the upper
The area around the Hopkins River Merri receives fewer fish and is fished more
and Mt Emu Creek junction is popular as like a stream from the bank.
it provides some great bank access and the The upper section has multiple bridges
large pools in this spot hold plenty of big that provide access for walking anglers with
browns. This is also a major stocking point Bridge Road at Woodford being a personal
on the river and many of the fish seem favourite location of mine. This section of
to hang around the area. The area below water fishes well when casting small soft
Hopkins falls is no longer stocked with trout; plastics or minnows during periods of clear
however, many stocked fish take the plunge water. Just upstream of Bromfield weir also
in periods of high flow, which results in some provides great fishing at times of clear water
great numbers of fish in the runs below. and is known for producing some great trout
Further upstream, the bridges of as well as big redfin.
Framlingham and Kents Ford Lane are better The lower Merri is my favourite section
suited to anglers who don’t mind walking across all the south-west rivers. It is stocked
along the banks. with a large number of fish, is fishable via
the bank or boat and the trout commonly
MT EMU CREEK grow in excess of 3 kg while it also produces
The Mount Emu Creek resembles a smaller redfin to 2 kilograms. During periods of low
Hopkins with rocky runs and deep pools; flow, cast and retrieving soft plastics here
however, it features fewer access points than can be effective, as can trolling lures from

66 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 South-West Victorian River Guide - Colby Lesko.indd 66 30/11/2017 10:33:12 AM

a boat. During periods of high flow the fish
move to the pressure points of Bromfield
weir wall and the Knackery Bridge run,
producing great fishing for anglers casting
lures off the bank.

The Moyne River is a shorter and smaller
river that runs out to sea through the
township of Port Fairy. The river slowly
makes its way through the dairy farms via a
series of small, deep clear pools and shallow
weedy sections. There aren’t many access
points on the Moyne as it is bordered by
private farms; however, three bridges cross
the river in the section it is stocked with tout
so walking up or down from these points is
the best option.
The upper section and highest stocking
point (Spencer Road) has, in some places,
very dense bankside vegetation, making it
tricky to fish, but not impossible. With that
in mind, these sections receive less pressure
but hold some great fish for those who you ▲ Waterfalls are great pressure points in periods of high flow
can get into the pools and make a cast. The sections. This section also features some If you’re willing to put the walking boots
middle access point (Toolong North Road) large deep holes with undercut banks that on and do the miles, there’s a good chance
is a great spot to fish as walking up or down hold great fish. These features are perfect for you’ll be rewarded.
to the pools will produce fish. This part of casting lures toward when the water is clear.
the river can also be hard to access at times A few rocky runs that also make for great Growing up fishing from a young age Colby is
when vegetation is thick. targets during higher flows separate these currently studying fisheries and aquaculture
The lowest access point (Princes Hwy) holes. at Warrnambool in Victoria’s southwest. He
is right at the top of the Moyne estuary so To wrap it up, the rivers fish differently enjoys targeting a variety of saltwater and
walking upstream of this point will produce from one another and if one isn’t producing freshwater species and travels around exploring
the better trout fishing. This section of river it may be worth trying another as they all new fisheries any chance he gets. Colby is an
features less bankside vegetation as cattle hold brown trout over the three kilogram avid lure fisherman with chasing Murray Cod
graze on the water’s edge in many places. mark and are worth their own time to
This makes it easier to fish than the higher and Trout taking up a large amount of his time.

Lake Bolac

0 5 10 15 20


Hopkins River


Mount Emu Creek

Moyne River

Merri River Terang


Port Fairy

Warrnambool 67

FWF147 South-West Victorian River Guide - Colby Lesko.indd 67 30/11/2017 10:33:18 AM



W hile I admit it’s not rocket science, there
still is a bit of thought that needs to go
into hook selection for the mighty Murray cod.
If you’re looking to stick a cod courtesy of a
vicious and unpredictable surface boof, you
could try a straight hook point, like the BKK
Fangs or Mustad 3x Strong UltraPoint range.
But, if you’re chasing a solid smack on a
diving hardbody or swimbait you could retrofit
your lures with the ‘hit and stick’ qualities of
a curved point treble courtesy of either a BKK
Raptor Z or Owner 2x ST41BC.
While it’s not an ex act science, as
rounded points clearly work on surface lures
and equally, straight point trebles work on
diving and sinking lures, it’s a strategy that’s
worked in the past and one I’ll continue to test
into the future.

68 Freshwater Fishing Australia

the goodoo guide.indd 68 30/11/2017 10:36:47 AM

The Goodoo

ithout question, the majestic fluorocarbon leader. And just like dieting,
Murray cod is a species steeped the more people you ask, the more opinions
in more legend than any other you get.
creature that swims in the fresh You will find the staunch Paleo and low-
or salt. As cod fishermen, we sacrifice warm carb supporters, while other factions will
beds and nights by the fire to chase their swear black and blue, as they furiously point
addictive rush. No sacrifice is off limits. to textbooks that the Atkins diet is best.
Murray cod is an enigmatic species Admittedly, the leader debate isn’t as
judged by the metre. Suffice to say a cod life changing, but it still has very parochial
angler’s swagger is directly related to the supporters yelling from each side of the
number of metre-beating notches they have fence.Let’s get to the specs.
chalked up on their belt.
Nylon Monofilament
Undeniably,one metre is the magic
mark; however, it’s more often than not the Monofilament is water permeable, meaning
small incremental centimetres that anglers’ water can enter and exit the line, causing it
piece together and accumulate which equate to either suspend or float, depending on the
to that career-defining cod. waters’ nutrient composition (i.e. level of
While there is more written daily about salinity).
the big-ticket items like rods, reels and While this doesn’t sound like a big factor,
lures that can steer you towards that cod of it is. Allowing water, humidity, extreme
a lifetime, I’m going to take a look at three temperature and UV light to infiltrate
sometimes-underestimated elements of the line can lead to long-term structural
your cod arsenal – leader material, swimbait integrity issues – so use it or lose it.
weights and treble hooks. This permeability also means the line
is much more supple than its fluoro friend,
LEADER MATERIAL making the tying of knots a much more
 Fishing in heavy cover, Norbs used an 80lb A lot like dieting advice, there’s a truckload snug and compact practice – big tick.While
Fluorocarbon leader to tame this 1.2m Murray cod, of information out there about whether cod the knot tying ability of monofilament is
which ate his favourite Bassman Mumbler anglers should tie on a monofilament or particularity advantageous when using 69

the goodoo guide.indd 69 30/11/2017 10:38:06 AM

contoured leader to braid knots, like an connection and fluoro has superior abrasion on a weight. For lures in the Jackall stable of
albright or slim beauty, it’s just as beneficial resistance. Chibitarel, Gantarel, Gigantarel and Gantia,
for straight braided knots like the FG. If fishing deeper water where there this characteristic is par for the course.
The supple properties of the mono allow is limited rough terrain in the immediate Fundamentally, a chin weight is best
the braided wraps of the braid on an FG vicinity,40 or 60lb Jinkai Plus Monofilament described as a small weight with either a clip
knot to really bite into the straight length of is our preferred choice, which is also a staple or tow point drilled into it. The angler then
leader, ensuring you have one hell of a hold. trace for experienced big game anglers. either clips on the weight or uses a small
Think of it like gripping your fingers around If we are fishing particularity split ring to connect it to the bait.
a steel pole and having someone try yank it treacherous terrain like the porous boulder- The size of your chin weight will then
from your grip versus a softer piece of rope, littered banks of Copeton or skinny water determine the sink rate. The heavier the
that you can really dig your fingers into and sessions out of the Hobie then60 to 80lb weight, the quicker the chin-down sink rate
get a solid hold. Gammafluorocarbon leader is the weapon of the lure. The majority of instances require
of choice. a lighter ¼ oz chin weight in under 4 mof
While these might seem like small trivial water, while 3/4 to 1 oz are the preferred
On the flipside, fluorocarbon is essentially factors, they are just the small incremental options for deeper water work.
water retardant, meaning water and UV light differences that can be the difference
In the Loop
fails to penetrate its outer core, making the between the ‘one that got away’ and the ‘one
line sink through the water column. that made your day’. For those swimbaits like the Madness Japan
This lack of permeability and UV Balam 300 that don’t come with a chin tow
resistance also makes the line a lot more SWIMBAIT WEIGHTS point, don’t stress, there are options. If you
abrasion resistant and stiffer to feel, with its Now unless you’ve been living under a want a quick sink rate in either deeper or
long-term strength also outscoring mono – sizeable rock you would have noticed the faster flowing water, then adding a ball
an obvious advantage when fishing around Murray cod swimbait craze engulfing the sinker to your loop knot is the best answer.
rocky and serrated terrain. industry. These big bibless beauties look It really is as simple as it looks and
While a fluoro leader will still serrate like a lipless crankbait on steroids and have sounds. When tying your lefty’s loop knot,
and snap if subjected to unmitigated stress already accounted for some serious jaw- to give your Swimbait extra room to ‘swim’
caused by the raspy teeth of a goodoo or dropping goodoo. on your line, thread a running ball sinkier
the savage terrain that abounds most of our While their adoption on Australian into the heart of the knot. Angling-ace Aaron
inland waterways, its genetic composition tackle store pegs has been meteoric, so too Hill routinely opts for this method even
means it will last a lot longer than mono has been the number of anglers looking to on his Jackall swimbaits that come with a
under such stress. tinker with their tackle to maximise their fish
Fluorocarbon’s light refractive index catching ability.
 Big is best
is also much higher than mono, meaning Without question, the one modification
when immersed in water it is less visible dominating the angler discourse is the
than its monofilament mate.This can make addition of weights to your baits to alter
a big difference if you are looking to target its sink rate.So, let’s take a look at the three
a goodoo from one of the gin-clear dams novel options available to anglers looking to
or lakes like Bloweringand Eildon where get that sinking feeling.
resident cod populations are easily spooked.
Taking it on the Chin
Leader of the Pack
Currently, the most common way to add
So where does this crash course in the a little sink to your swimbait is to attach a
science leave us? Well, if you were to really small chin weight. Now, not all swimbaits
distil the equationdown, it revealsthatmono come purpose-built with a recessed tow
ties a better knot at both ends of the point, under the lure’s chin, for fastening

▲ The BKK Raptor Z are a

super strong curl pointed
treble that are great to retrofit
any Murray cod lure

70 Freshwater Fishing Australia

the goodoo guide.indd 70 30/11/2017 10:38:24 AM

S I c C O D The amazing performance of Mustad’s Wish braid coupled with

the uparallelled strength of Mustad’s 3x Ultrapoint and 4x Saltism

treble hooks mean that you will be fully prepared this cod season.

COM B I N A Don’t wish for your PB this year, make it happen with Mustad.

Mustad Wish Braid

• 8 Strand
• Exceptionally smooth
• Superb knot strength
• Incredibly thin
• Available 18-70lb

Mustad 3x Ultrapoint Mustad 4x Saltism

• 3x Strong • 4x Strong
• Ultrapoint • Ultrapoint
• Nor-tempered • Nor-tempered
• 30% stronger hook point • 30% stronger hook point
• Available 4-2/0 • Available 6-2/0


the goodoo guide.indd 71 30/11/2017 10:38:34 AM

chin weight as it’s a more robust and lasting  Straight pointed trebles
option. proved the difference in
Again, the size of the weight will directly pinning this monster Murray
impact the nose-down sink rate of the lure. cod on a Mudeye Snake
Yes, the heavier the weight, the quicker the surface lure
sinking speed.
Perfect Pairs
The last and most novel method to
add a little extra weight to your stable of
swimbaits, with no chin tow point, is using
the two treble anchor points.
Essentially, the treble tow points double
as anchors to attach small ‘clip on’ or ‘thread
on’ weights to the existing hooks’ split rings.
By adding weights to both hook points,
you guarantee the lure will have a more
horizontal sink rate through the water, as
opposed to a head down plummet.
This is particularly advantageous for As the hook anatomy would indicate,
shallow water situations where you need having a curved tip means reaction strikes FWF Tech Tip CANDY CRUSH
your Swimbait to slowly and seductively and unconventional hits don’t pin cod as
flutter to the bottom. well as a straight, more exposed, hook point.

The trade-off however, is that a
committed fish with a clear line of sight on S o why do some fishos like to crush their
barbs?The primary reason is to minimise
damage to the fish, as it’s easier to extract
While your leader and weights are the lure, like a slow swaying Jackall Gantia
important, nothing is more critical to swimbait, will not only get pinned but, due deep-set hooks without some cunning plier
hooking and holding that cod of a lifetime to the curved hooking nature of the shank work. Alternatively, the lack of a pronounced
than the much-maligned treble hook. A and barb, stay pinned! barb at the insertion point means there is less
humble hook type that essentially has two Manufacturers like Decoy are friction and the hook slides deeper and faster
main players – a straight or curve pointed introducing innovative hooks like the Y-W77 into the fish.
The flip side is you don’t have a barb as
treble. Extra Wide Gap treble.By extending the gape
a safety net to stop the hook wriggling back
But, does this seemingly inconspicuous in the Y-W77 hook – the area between the
out of the hole it just created. Personally, I like
hook characteristic and a few other factors shank and point – Decoy is helping anglers photos with my fish before releasing them and
really make any difference? And if so, what? to generate better hook ups in all situations. the eliminated safety net from a crushed barb
Ok, let’s get stuck in and find out. The shorter shank also means the treble far outweighs the increased penetrating power
needs less effort to penetrate and stick the in my opinion.
Staying Straight
As the name suggests, a straight-pointed
Gauging Interest
treble sees the point of the treble come up
true and ‘straight’ from the bend of the hook, A discussion about cod trebles would not and hooks are not the sexiest part of a
with little to no inward orientation. In some be complete without an interrogation of Murray cod fisho’s arsenal. So much so they
extremes, certain straight pointed trebles the hook gauge – it’s thickness usually are rarely even on the radar, with anglers
can even flare outwards at the point. distinguished by a ‘x’ rating (i.e 3x strength). blinded by the glitz and glamour of a new
So what are the advantages of using The number before the ‘x’ represents the length of graphite or the sparkling shine of a
a straight orientated treble? Well, firstly, thickness of the gauge and the higher the low profile baitcaster so flawless you can see
by having a straight hook point you have number, the stronger the hook. Obviously, your reflection.
a greater chance of sticking a fish that we all want strong hooks and don’t want to But, more often than not, doing the
hits with unbridled ferocity and violence. lose fish, but not all situations call for a 4x simple things well catches more Murray
Like when a Murray cod explodes in a strong Owner treble. cod, more often. It’s the cod fisho, in my
sea of white water on your surface lure, As an example, if you run any bigger experience, willing to pay attention to
unconventionally detonating on your than a 2x treble on a Jackall Pompadour, detail and who accumulates the little
buoyant lure as it bubbles on the surface. which you primarily cast, you significantly details along the journey that has the most
Sound familiar? impact its action. On the contrary, a 170mm enduringsuccess.
Due to the unpredictable nature of an KoolabungCodzilla deployed on the troll can So, before you suit up next cod season,
aggressive surface strike, you want a hook handle hooks as big as 6x in strength without make sure you run the ruler over your leader,
point that gives you the best chance at materially impacting its fish catching action. weights and hooks as you might just find the
pinning even a slither of skin – you can then So, how do you know what hook gauge centimetres you are looking for to stretch the
worry about keeping it on later. to use on a lure? In my opinion, the best way tape measure past that mythical metre mark.
On the flipside, due to the exposed to test which hook gauges your lures can
nature of a straight, pointed treble, you tolerate is by good old fashioned trial and Dean has been chasing freshwater natives
unfortunately lose ‘stickiness’ from your error. for over 20-years, honing his craft in the
point quicker than a rounded tip as the That’s why I’ll always take a purpose various rivers and dams that are littered across
hooks are constantly bashing on the hard packed hook box with an array of hook sizes southeastern Australia. He has been a freelance
coat of your lure. and gauges for on-water testing. Simply fishing and photojournalist for over 5-years,
To combat this, I always carry a hook file running the lure beside the boat with the with his images and angler insight being the
in the boat to freshen up the hook tips after a standard trebles and then changing over to feature of a number of popular freshwater
long session on the top. the new retrofitted models will soon let you DVD’s and publications. He is addicted to lure
know if the original action is impacted by the
Let’s Get Bent fishing for Murray cod and golden perch, with
new trebles.
a passion for finding new and novel methods
Again, as the name so cleverly suggests, a In some extreme circumstances, adding
and lures to target these iconic Australian
curved pointed treble is characterised by thick gauge trebles can also impact the
sports fish. Dean is currently an advocate for
an inward curved hook point. Like a single sink rate of lures like swimbaits, while also
circle hook, they can start their inward making floating lures neutrally buoyant. Spotters Sunglasses, Bassman Spinnerbaits,
journey right at the tip of the hook, or like Jackall lures and Wilson Fishing
the BKK Raptor Z, display more of a gradual ALL THE SMALL THINGS
inward curvature. Ok, I’m the first to admit, leader, weights

72 Freshwater Fishing Australia

the goodoo guide.indd 72 30/11/2017 10:38:45 AM



We’ve taken rapid response, performance and display screen technology to an all-new level
with HDS CARBON, the most versatile fishing machine on earth offering unparalleled reso-
lution and clarity with more agility, speed and brute strength. Hassle-free fishing – with the
power to see Dual Channel CHIRP Sonar, Dual Networked Sounder, StructureScan® 3D with
SideScan and DownScan Imaging™ and mapping — all at the same time, and faster than
ever before.

the goodoo guide.indd 73 30/11/2017 10:38:54 AM

Coming full

have seen many things come full circle been caught during the cooler months and
during my time fishing for Murray this lull in the bite is merely a short window.
cod; not least of all is the joys of winter Our first winter sojourns mostly
cod fishing and the changes that have consisted of trolling with large lures which
occurred. were worked repetitively over areas of heavy
It’s been more than two decades since structure. This was a monotonous style of
we first braved the winter chill along the angling where persistence and a little luck
Murray River in search of giant cod. If we generally paid off. While our catch rates
had listened to expert advice back then our weren’t high, most cod landed were at the
rods would have likely sat dormant in the bucket sized end of the brag mat and often
shed and we would be none the wiser to the more than an arm load to lift.
cool water habits of these giant fish. In those early days, just like the doubts
In those days it was a commonly held of winter cod fishing, large lures were
belief among anglers that Murray cod would dismissed by most and generally thought
shut down and refuse to feed during the cold of as unnecessary to tempt big fish. Oh how
winter months. Lying dormant, these giant wrong they were, as the two went hand in
fish were thought to live off their body fats hand to produce the best results. Reward
until the water warmed again. for effort was the key that drew many giant
cod from their cold water lair to smash the
REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE oversized offering with a force few fish can
Our experience indicates there is a transition match.
period around mid-June where it is hard to
turn a reel on the Murray River. Perhaps this THE EARLY DAYS
is simply an adjustment period where the Over the next few seasons we found new
fish become settled and comfortable with direction and a better understanding of cool
the cold water conditions. The bite tapers water cod fishing. If I were to single out a
almost to a stop and then slowly rolls back definitive moment it would have to come
on. In truth, almost all our biggest cod have from a trip many years ago with a bloke that

74 Freshwater Fishing Australia

everything old mackenzie.indd 74 30/11/2017 10:41:44 AM

 A typical winter morning
where expectation rides on every cast.
 A In truth, most of our biggest
Murray cod have been caught during
winter like this monster fish taken on
the cast by the author on a Bassman
mumbler. 75

everything old mackenzie.indd 75 30/11/2017 10:41:44 AM

had cut his green fish teeth while I was still
leaving mine in a glass beside the bed for the
It was on a favourite stretch of the
Murray River that fate opened a new door
on a cool winter’s day. I had arrived at my
fishing destination a day early to try and get
a handle on the fishing. Rod Harrison would
make the Murray later that evening and by
then I had hoped to tempt a few fish.
After trolling several prime stretches
of river that would generally entice at least
a strike the river and its giant cod were
pronounced shut down. Things were not
looking good and others I had spoken to on
the water had not turned a reel either. With
at least an hour’s daylight to spare and no
auxiliary petrol motor, I could call it a day, or
fish several spindly snags along the shallow
bank opposite my launch location.  This 150 AC Invader was a favourite back in the day and the teeth marks show the size of the fish
that hit but failed to hook up on a cold winter’s day.
In less than a couple metres of water the their preference for the shallows. cover. Harro kept his cool and put the hurt
boat silently slid across the shallow mudflat With Harro on deck the following on, turning its head and inching it out
towards the first snag. A strong sense of morning, it was good to have a handle on of the sticky lair. From the mud churned
doubt sent the cast towards the head of the the whereabouts of the fish. While the flock waters appeared the motley spotted head
snag and with a crank of the reel the wooden went trolling, we broke ranks, working the and blazing mouth of a solid fish. From the
lure wobbled its way out of sight. It was a shallow snags with a variety of lures from corner hung the gold timber lure that drew
sudden, solid strike that almost snatched the spinnerbaits to large hardbodies. the strike.
rod from my grip. As we probed and prodded the twisted It wasn’t the monster cod we were
Under power, the fish stripped several limbs in the hopes of a strike, we were hoping for, but at 15 kg it was still a prize
metres of cord from the reel, churning a drawn into conversation that bore mostly savoured in the memory and a tick for the
large silt stirred boil to the water’s surface. on shallow water cod fishing. Past instances shallow water discussion.
The lure pulled as the fish powered its way were dredged from the mind with Harro We were to have a couple more
back to cover. In that instant, I would come recalling a few from a time where I was still encounters that day, including one big beast
to understand that fish really are where you but a twinkle in the old man’s eye. They were that stole Harro’s lure in an unstoppable
find them. all relevant with each part recounted and rampage that could not be swayed even
Two snags later my lure was once again woven into a riverside tapestry of shallow to the tune of a well-weighted thumb.
smashed hard and like the first fish, the water cod experiences. But train wreck accounts on big fish are
trebles failed to take hold. Sometimes it goes Harro, mid-sentence on another gem, commonplace in shallow water, especially in
like this; the difference between success and was first to feel the caning crunch of a cod’s a river full of timber.
failure takes but a split second. While I may jaws as he placed a well-weighted cast to
have dropped both fish, this could not be the back of a root ball. Less than two metres A NEW ERA
deemed as failure. Even though they were from the bank the unseen cod did its best I have learned much since those early years,
lost to the camera, both fish had betrayed to bury itself and the lure in the available not least of all the new faces reinventing

 Winter cod fishing is about staying warm and while the day can be
bright and clear the chill is never far away. Steve Cooper dressed to
impress with an armload of winter cod.

76 Freshwater Fishing Australia

everything old mackenzie.indd 76 30/11/2017 10:41:44 AM





y 77

everything old mackenzie.indd 77 30/11/2017 10:41:49 AM

surface lure


M odern outfits for casting these oversized

offerings have improved out of sight.
Long rods with extended butts for two handed
casting are the new weapon of choice for
winter cod fishing and they have made the
work of casting these lures so much easier.
Some rod manufacturers are still missing
the mark and while building an excellent blank
they are still caught in the American bass
hype, lining these rods with pinhole runners.
This is cod fishing. Everything is upsized,
including line and leader diameters. On more
than one occasion I have seen one or more
runners ripped from their seat in an extended

water winter cod sessions. It most often

went along the lines of ‘grab the block box’,
‘or at least pass me one of those off-cuts’. It
was conversation more suited to work on a
building site than that of a relaxing day on
the water.
‘Off- cut’ was the term fishing
companion Gus Storer freely used to
describe several cod lures that in size alone,
look like they have been cut from the end of
a strainer post. Not much has changed. The
block box itself, a large plastic Tupperware
container pilfered from the good wife’s
cupboard. Great for storing cakes; even
better for housing giant lures. As at home,
the misplacement of this priceless piece of
plastic can only be compared to the end of
the world, with calm only returning when it
▲ Winter cod fishing is about staying warm and while the day can be bright and clear the chill is never finally appears. Don’t even get me started on
far away. Steve Cooper dressed to impress with an armload of winter cod. plastic buckets.
The grunt began as a joke but became
something they missed the first time around. shallows of Copeton Dam for many years standard practice with every cast Gus
On those early winter trips it was a selection prior. I recall some of the giants he led to delivered towards the snags. The sound is
of large timber divers and spinnerbaits that the boat mostly on his own oversized timber not unlike the exaggerated noises made by
tempted the bite. Today its large plastics lures. I guess if anything has changed all some tennis greats as they pound the ball
and a rage over of oversized swimbaits and that much it would be the acceptance of back and forth across the net. Sure, the lures
surface lures that are tempting the fish. large lures and the new range of rods made were big, and yes at times awkward, but
The winter cod fishing phenomenon available to cast them. behind the cackling and extraverted sound
has also infiltrated the impoundment scene It was hard work in those early years effects, it was well understood their value
these past few seasons. With that being said, where the grunt was used to lob these when it came to attracting the attention of
it is far from new, as anglers like Jamie Flett large offerings at distance. I remember the large Murray cod.
were catching monster winter cod from the on-water vernacular used on most shallow More than two decades on we are still
casting large lures into the shallows in an
effort to tempt these very same fish. While
the lure names have changed and the
equipment improved, the shallow water
habits of winter cod remain virtually the
same. Like most things fishing, if you take
the time to look, you will generally find that
‘everything old is new again.”

Rod Mackenzie lives in the heart of the Mallee

(northern Victoria) with his wife and four
children and has been fishing for over 40 years.
His favourite target species is Murray cod but
anything big that pulls string comes a close
second. Rod is a freelance photo journalist
and his fantastic work has been rewarded with
sponsorships from JM Gillies, Venom Rods
Wilsons, Bassman Spinnerbaits, Koolabung

▲ Rod Harrison hooked up to a ripper winter cod and once

caught ponders his time targeting winter green fish.

78 Freshwater Fishing Australia

everything old mackenzie.indd 78 30/11/2017 10:42:08 AM

If there isn’t a
photo then it
didn’t happen!
Don’t be caught
without a camera on
your next trip,
otherwise a moment
like this will
forever be a
tall story!

For great advice on the best photography gear

to compliment your fishing style head into your
local Camera House store. 79

everything old mackenzie.indd 79 30/11/2017 10:42:12 AM

Soft Plastic Revolution



q Collection of soft plastics and weedless
eering down into the crystal clear hooks ready to go for river and creek
waters of the Upper Murray I Murray Cod.
spotted a monstrous set of logs that
was most likely home to a decent
fish. The top of the log was an easy two
metres below the surface with the bulk of
the structure sitting on the bottom in four
My lure choice to start the trip was the
trusty spinnerbait, which I cast over the top
of the submerged structure. I cast beyond
the logs as I knew my lure needed the
distance for it to flutter down and reach the
depth. I watched it flash as it fell through the
crystal clear water and it only just scratched
the top of the log while never leaving my
line of sight. The spinnerbait didn’t sink
quick enough in the clear water and I started
pondering an alternative lure.

The Upper Murray is a brilliant fishery with It was late March which was heading SUBTLE CHANGE
not only Trout but both Murray cod and towards the end of the peak season Mid-morning without a fish meant a lure
Golden perch in healthy numbers. The cod (summer) but the water was still low and change was needed. I took off the favourite
in this waterway are fit, thick and strong but clear, but just a tad on the cool side. The lure and tied on a Berkley Powerbait Rib
my favourite part of all is the clear water, morning session was slow with only a few Shad rigged weedless. We’ve had success on
backed by some of the best scenery in the small fish on the board. these in the Murrumbidgee River previously
country. but I could honestly say I wasn’t overly

80 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Soft Plastic Revolution Pt 1 - Rhys Creed.indd 80 30/11/2017 10:45:49 AM

 The Upper Murray is a magical
river with crystal clear waters that
are perfect for soft plastics. 81

FWF147 Soft Plastic Revolution Pt 1 - Rhys Creed.indd 81 30/11/2017 10:45:49 AM

q The Powerbait Rib Shad in
Pearl White pinned the turbo
charged clear water cod.

confident on this occasion. THE REALISTIC APPROACH second. This is important for your hook up
After a few casts my confidence grew as As there are more anglers casting lures on a rate (which I’ll explain later).
this lure looked incredible on the retrieve regular basis the natives are accumulating
and it was possible to let them sink down their intelligence levels. Many juvenile cod CHOOSING THE CORRECT PLASTIC
deep and into the structure. I floated down are caught because they cannot tell the Snag Resistance is Key
a shallow section of river and spotted an difference between real food and imitations. You may be thinking to yourself that soft
ancient and weathered red gum laying in no It doesn’t take them long to associate the plastics have been around for over a decade
more than a metre of water. thump of a spinnerbait blade or the pulse now and are one of the best Flathead and
With the exceptional clarity I could well of a hard body with the danger of being Trout lures around, why have they only just
and truly see the surrounding stone bars. captured. become good for Murray cod?
The feature that caught my attention was Ultimately this means we catch less fish, It all comes down to snag resistance!
the large crack that opened up along the unless we adapt our lures and presentations. Murray cod live in dense structure and a
entire length of the log. Maybe it was big Those larger and smarter fish are still out soft plastic rigged on a standard jig head,
enough to hold a fish? their gorging on anything they possibly can; is not snag resistant. This makes it almost
My first cast landed on top of the snag baitfish, carp, yabbys, crays, small mammals impossible to fish them and that’s why
and the current pushed it away before and birds. The reason we cannot catch them spinnerbaits and hardbody’s are the go to
it was able to sink close. I allowed it to isn’t because they don’t eat, it’s because they cod lures and have been for the past few
swing around and started to retrieve while are smart. They can sense what is real, so we decades.
preparing my next cast. The lure was about need to match these common preys as best But that’s where the weedless rigging
3 feet from the boat before I spotted a cod we can and one way to do this is by using style comes in and allows us to fish soft
come flying out from the crack in the log at soft plastics! plastics tight in against the timber without
lightning speed, it travelled more than 4m in Soft plastics are the simplest answer to snagging.
seconds to inhale the plastic right at my feet! matching the hatch. They represent baitfish
To this day it’s the most visual and aggressive perfectly as they can be moulded into any Plastic Selection
attack I’ve ever seen from a Murray Cod! shape or form, in any colour and pattern. You can’t go out and use any plastic you like,
The distance that this fish travelled They also feel similar to a real baitfish with it just won’t work! Not only do you have to
was insane and I put it down to the life like that squishy texture, an area where a hard find the correct size plastic with the right
action of the plastic. It looked just like a body lure or spinnerbait fail. The lifelike shape and colour, but it needs specific
baitfish and this chunky cod wanted it! In look and action triggers the fish to attack, features to help make it snag proof.
clear water you cannot go past a soft plastic. and that softer feel prompts the fish to bite
down harder and hold on for that extra split Shallow body depth
This is the biggest key to a successful
weedless soft plastic. You cannot have a
q Plastics rigged weedless with a size
bulky body because you need the space
2 or 3 ball sinker inside a loop knot.
beneath the plastic so that when the fish
bites down the plastic will push down
exposing the hook. It’s all about getting a
positive hook up.
If you were to have a deep plastic, the
gap between the belly of the plastic and
the weedless hook wouldn’t be enough and
therefore more chances of missed hits.
We know plastics work, we just need to
get them into the structure without snagging
and when the cod attacks it needs to
hook-up. These are the two most important
factors of a weedless soft plastic.

82 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Soft Plastic Revolution Pt 1 - Rhys Creed.indd 82 30/11/2017 10:45:57 AM

Soft material
q The Powerbait Rib Shad is available in a range
A soft material is important as this will help
of colours which include bright chartreuse all the
the plastic to be pushed downwards, again way to natural greens.
exposing that weedless hook. If a plastic is
tough and robust it won’t collapse on those
softer and more timid hits.
The downfall of the softer material is you
will go through large numbers of plastics
due to tearing and ripping, but it’s worth it.
Once you have the two important factors
sorted you can look at your shape, style and
colour. I like paddle tail plastics over the curl
tails. The paddle tail more closely represents
a swimming fish and therefore is more
successful, especially in clearer water where
the fish feed via sight rather than vibration.

There is no one best size for the plastics, it
all depends on the fish you are targeting.
If you are targeting smaller fish in a creek q You can see the slender profile of
the plastic and the gap between the
an 80-120m plastic is perfect. These same
belly and the bend in the hook.
plastics work well in the larger rivers but
if your chasing monster fish you can use
plastics up in around 200mm. I prefer
80-140mm in length as they are still small
enough for the juvenile cod to take but will
still pick the attention of larger fish.

A range of different colours is always a good
idea, both bright and naturals. Bright greens,
silvers, and whites are my preferred bright
colours and natural redfin patterns, dark
greens, blacks and reds are the pick on the
other end of the scale

Weedless Setup
Getting this right is vital in ensuring your through the nose of the plastic and then run cast a spinnerbait at, as long as the plastic
lure doesn’t snag! It’s relatively straight it straight out of its chin (the same distance is rigged correctly. It can bounce through
forward but will vary slightly with different in as the small 90 degree bend at the front heavy timber, willows and rocks without any
plastics and different hooks. of the hook). Push the nose of the plastic trouble at all.
right up onto the eye of the hook and it When you begin fishing with plastics
Weedless Hooks should sit in snug. From here you want to you will notice they are much different
Make sure you purchase extremely good measure where the plastic sits against the to cast and fish. They are very quick and
quality weedless hooks. This style of fishing hook by laying it on the side (like measuring aerodynamic off the rod tip which means
is all about making sure you connect with a normal plastic with a jig head), then push they cast like a bullet and less energy is
the fish, razor sharp weedless hooks are the hook up through the belly and out at the required. This takes time getting used to
paramount. I use the Owner Weedless Worm top. You’ll notice the hook will come out of so be careful when you first start casting
hooks which have a sharp cutting point and the plastic and the point will sit flush and plastics (you may end up with lures in trees
a large, deep bend in the shank. You want to snug along the back of the plastic. Make sure and on the bank).
use a hook with a deep bend as it gives you the hook point stays as close as possible They are the perfect lure choice when
more space under the belly of the plastic to the plastic and this will help with snag there is quick current flow as they cut down
which means more room for the plastic to resistance. through the water rather than being pushed
move when the fish attacks. The next step is choosing your weight like a spinnerbait. This means you won’t
and my preferred way to attach weight is by have to cast as far up stream of the structure
Hook Sizes running a ball sinker inside the loop knot. and you can direct your casts much tighter
The hook size can vary depending on your The best part about it is you can change to the timber. Always engage your reel as
plastic and ensuring you match them the weight just by tying a new knot and you quick as possible because plenty of cod will
correctly is important. I always have 5/0, don’t have to re-rig the plastic. sit very high in the water column and these
6/0, 7/0 and 8/0 on hand with 6/0 and 7/0 Start your loop knot with the overhand lures will cut through the water quick, as
being the go to size. loop. Once this is done, slide on your ball soon as they break the surface. You don’t
Matching the hook to your chosen sinker and run the tag end of the leader want a cod to hit while you still have slack
plastic is simple; you want to set the hook up through the bottom of the eyelet on line.
back as far as possible without impeding on the hook. Finish the knot like normal, this
the tail action of the plastic. Most plastics means the sinker is in the bottom of the RETRIEVE PATTERNS
have a section towards the tail where the loop and will ensure that your plastic swims Soft plastics have almost zero resistance
plastic narrows, you want to make sure you upright. running through the water column, unlike a
don’t go past this section. If you struggle to My two preferred weight sizes are 2 and spinnerbait or hard body. On the retrieve it
find this spot, the standard rule is to set the 3 with 4 coming in handy in fast and deep will feel like you are winding nothing at all
hook 2/3rds of the way along the plastic. water. Size 2 is perfect for shallow water and which can take some getting used to but it
We use the Berkley Powerbait Rib shads allows the plastic to sink slowly and 3 is a does provide you with a greater sense of feel
which are 114mm in length and they match great all round size. beneath the water.
perfectly to a 6/0 or 7/0 hook. It’s much easier to tell when you have
PLACING THE PLASTIC tapped the side of a log and this can help
Rigging and Weights Weedless plastics work just as well on the with avoiding snags. As soon as you feel
To rig the plastic you simply pin the hook in same structure that you would confidently the plastic bump the log you can give it a 83

FWF147 Soft Plastic Revolution Pt 1 - Rhys Creed.indd 83 30/11/2017 10:46:09 AM

sort sharp lift and it will bounce over the able to steer it clear towards the net. This q The Owner Flashy Swimmer has a small willow
structure. Even better, the hit from a Murray fish was a tank and was pinned perfectly in blade and weight attched to the weedless hook
cod feels more intense and powerful when the corner of the jaw, the weedless plastic and is perfect for dirty waters
using a soft plastic! worked!
When it comes to retrieves, a slow This is just one of many trips where the
and steady roll is always best. If you have soft plastic surpassed the standard native
a plastic with a large tail it will emit a lures. Rig them weedless and you’ll have the
deadly side to side wobble on even the finest weapon of subtlety
slowest of retrieves. It doesn’t hurt to add
in the occasional pause and twitch as this FACT BOX: HIDING THE POINT IN THE
can sometimes switch on a following or PLASTIC FOR MORE SNAG RESISTANCE
intrigued fish. Sometimes when a weedless plastic isn’t
If you find that you are having to rigged correctly is can snag up and become
increase the speed of your retrieve to keep annoying. One way to avoid this is by hiding
the lure from bashing the snags or off the the point of the hook under the back of the
bottom then your weight is too heavy. Drop plastic. This will make the plastic more snag
a sinker size and you will be able to fish the resistant but make sure you only just cover
section of water more effectively. the hook point to ensure positive hook-ups.
Sometimes you will find that the plastic
is getting wedged against timber with the Dirty Water Attractor – Flashy Swimmers
ball sinker. This will happen if you let the One way you can fish find your lures in
plastic free fall, to stop this happening you dirty water is by using a weedless hook
should always have contact with your plastic with a blade attachment. The Owner
and allow it to swing down, rather than free Flashy Swimmers are perfect for dirty
fall. This will help you feel and avoid the water or when the fish are having trouble
structure. finding your plastics. A small blades hangs FACT BOX: POWERBAIT RIB SHAD 4.5
underneath the plastic and emits a subtle INCH
BACK TO THE UPPER MURRAY pulse during the retrieve. These plastics have a wide tail action,
The day was coming to a close and the come in a great colour range and most
plastics continued to out fish all other FACT BOX: DO PLASTICS WORK IN importantly, are perfect when rigged
conventional lures. I had changed to a Pearl DIRTY WATER? weedless. The plastics are 4.5in (114mm)
White colour in hope of finding that ‘big’ fish As you will have figured by now, plastics which is a good all round size for both
which we had yet to find on the trip. work better in clearer water. This is true but smaller and larger fis.
I drifted in close to a small bunch of it doesn’t mean you should write them off in It’s good to have some natural and bright
willows sitting behind a rock wall, nothing coloured water. Anglers believe that Murray colours on hand. My favourite colours are
special but enough to hold a fish. I started Cod lures need produce a massive thump, the: chartreuse shad, oyster shell gold, pearl
rolling the plastic out along the top side of vibration and pulse. This is why you see white and blue shiner gold. These are our go
the willow before allowing it to sink while I spinnerbaits with massive blades and hard to plastics when targeting river natives.
corrected the boat. The falling plastic must bodys with wider bib – but this couldn’t be
have been enough for the powerful fish further from the truth. Rhys Creed lives in Wagga Wagga NSW and
that pulled me to the opposite side of the Cod do love the extra loud attraction but loves the art of lure fishing for Australian
inflatable. sometimes subtlety is key. Murray Cod feed natives. He is a young writer at the beginning
This fish kicked hard, producing some on Carp and other baitfish which make very of his fishing journalist career. His aim is to
solid power as it directed me back into the little noise underwater, and this happens in teach as many people about fishing as possible.
willow branches. I tried to navigate the trees the dirtiest of river. If they can find a carp Rhys Creed lives in native fish heartland of the
and put pressure on the fish before I was then they can find a plastic. Murrumbidgee River.

 Turbo charged Upper Murray cod

that fell to the natural presentation of
a slow rolled Powerbait Rib Shad.

84 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Soft Plastic Revolution Pt 1 - Rhys Creed.indd 84 30/11/2017 10:46:20 AM

Victoria’s peak body representing 838,000 fishers.

help avoid catching

Murray cod during
closed seasons
c ci d ent ally
If you do od, keep it in
catch a c r and release
the wate iately.
it immed
Murray cod are a priority species under
the Fisheries Act 1995 in recognition that
During the closed season
they are the most iconic native freshwater in known cod waters:
fish in Victoria. Fishers, managers and
scientists have worked hard to grow cod
populations over the last 20 years by
implementing good habitat, waterway 8 Do not deliberately target cod.
and fisheries management strategies.
Use lures smaller than 80mm for
Between 1 September and 30
November each year cod go into 4 species such as yellow belly.
breeding mode. It’s at this time they are
at their most vulnerable. Murray cod are
protected in all Victorian waters, except 4 Avoid using surface lures.
for Lake Eildon, which is open year round.
During the closed season, the cod Use small yabbies only for species
guard their nests which makes them 4 such as yellow belly.
territorial, aggressive and easy to
catch. Anglers should avoid using
Avoid using baits such as cheese,
fishing techniques that are likely to catch 4 chicken, red meat and bardi grubs.
cod during this time.
All anglers can play an important role Use your experience, or get local
to help cod successfully spawn, 4 advice, and target other species
recruit naturally and provide great cod
fishing for the future. away from known cod 'hotspots'.

Report any illegal activities by calling 13 Fish (13 3474)

r fi sh .c

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FWF147 Soft Plastic Revolution Pt 1 - Rhys Creed.indd 85 30/11/2017 10:46:23 AM




86 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Goulburn Backwater Tactics 101 - ErhanCinar.indd 86 30/11/2017 10:48:06 AM

ishing the Goulburn River below mighty Goulburn was set in stone, but still, probably your best chance of getting up
Eildon when it is flowing at high I needed to work out how to fish a high river close and personal to these fish. As long as
water levels can be quite daunting on foot. Being in the drift boat had really the trout don’t see you moving, or a flash
to many anglers, but once you given me an insight into where the fish from your rod or wristwatch etc., they will
know how to go about it, it’s quite easy and were holding, and more so, how I should not see your silhouette and spook when
predictable. As water levels increase due approach those holding areas by foot. you’re below the skyline under the bank.
to downstream irrigation demands, a lot of So, over the next couple of months I Patience is the key to success in this
anglers move onto the smaller streams in the accepted the challenge and started spooking game, and getting up close to trout increases
vicinity, without realising or understanding and losing fish like it was the norm. The your success. What I tend to do is watch a
the trout will push into the edges,undercuts frustration was immense to say the least, fish work its beat(the path it continually
and backwaters created by the higher flows. but at least I was seeing trout. I even started takes when swimming about in a backwater)
My backwater journey began a few years leaving the fly rod in the car. I’d grab my and close in when its swimming away
back. I was always told the Goulburn was bag and lunch and go off in search of the from me to get myself into a good enough
a river you only fished early and late in the backwaters, not to catch the trout, but to position to get a cast in.
season, and to fish the surrounding streams learn about their feeding patterns, how they As the fish is ‘working’ its beat, I always
mid-season. I always had it in the back of my patrolled the backwaters, and how they watch closely to see what it’s doing as I’m
mind that you could fish this place during acted when water levels rose and dropped. getting into position. I watch carefully as
the peak flows of summer though. So I Some may say this is a bit over the top, but to whether it’s feeding from the surface
stopped listening to people I spoke to about I’m a very competitive person, and wanted or taking sub-surface food. But from my
the river, and contacted the boys at the to challenge myself to crack the code. Above experience, 9 times out of 10 they seem to
GVFFC, which is where I met Antony who all though, I wanted to learn. take food in the same spots as they work
guides on the river. their beat.
I booked a drift session with him and the FINDING TROUT
river, at the time, was running at a staggering Finding trout in backwaters is probably the FLY PLACEMENT
11,000 mega litres. Before this trip I had only easiest part of the puzzle. Most fish tend Fly placement is a major part of fly fishingin
ever caught trout between 1 to 1.5 lb out to move into the backwaters and flooded any water, but in the backwaters, it takes on
of the river, so I wasn’t expecting much on margins during high flows. This allows them even greater importance. Pretty much all
the guided drift. Once we started the drift, to move out of the faster currents and feed the fancy casts you’ve ever learned can be
Antony made the point that we needed to without expending unnecessary energy, or thrown out the window and anything goes
concentrate on fishing the edges. It wasn’t hugging the bottom. when it comes to getting a fly to the fish. It’s
long before I unlocked my first backwater I usually start my days before sunrise just a matter of getting the fly into position
trout, a stunning 4 lb brown from beneath a where I concentrate on the flooded margins for the trout to see it without being spooked
willow tree, hard up on the edge. in search of tailing trout cruising around, in the process.
From that point on my love for the mopping up whatever insects or food they There are two types of fly placements I
can find. This period of fishing can be use. The first is what I call the ‘get up close
quite fun, yet frustrating at the same time. I and personal plop’ which is used in low
usually tie on an unweighted black nymph backwaters where there is no current at all.
and cast it in the direction of tailing fish, I usually use the stalking method described
hoping they turn and pick up my offering. previously to get into position.
This period of fishing may only last for 15 If I’m using a sub-surface fly like a
minutes or so before it gets too light, but it’s nymph or caddis grub, I will cast, flip or
worth the early start in my opinion. Once swing the fly into the water before the
the sun has come up, the fish usually push cruising fish returns from itsouter beat.
back intothe main system. This is when I Upon its return, I give the fly a couple of
move off to search my first backwater. very slight twitches to get its attention and
Your approach is probably one of the hopefully provoke it to strike. This sub-
most important things to get correctwhen surface method is my number one go-to
fishing backwaters asyou need to approach method, especially when the fishing gets
with care. Youneed to know what direction tough.
to come in from (which is often learnt The second method I use is the dry fly
over time from repetitive visits), and you plop. I get into position the same way,and
also need to hope that any fish cruising closely watch the fish as it moves toward
or feeding in each backwater isn’t looking the area I plan to land the dry fly. I then
directly at you when you approach. Once drop the fly about a metre in front of the
you’re in a good position to obtain a full fish’s path. Quite oftenI’m hanging out of a
view of, and into, the backwater you are tree or hanging my rod out as if it’s part of a
searching, try to stay still and in the same tree before dropping the fly in front of the
positon. Most times you will see a fish cruising fish.
feeding or cruising around working a beat,
and if you don’t see a fish its always worth THE BATTLE
hanging around for 5 to 10 minutes before The battle is often won or lost in the
moving off to the next back eddy, because 9 secondsimmediately after hooking up. The
times out of 10 there will be a trout cruising importance of getting control of the line and
around somewhere within the vicinity. the fish after the initial hook up is critical. I
see a lot of fish lostdue to poor line and rod
STALKING TROUT control. A high rod can sometimes be the
Stalking trout in backwaters can be quite most critical mistake in losing a fish. Once
tricky at times. One thing I have noticed with you set the hook, it’s imperative to apply side
many anglersis that they don’t understand control so you can dictate which way the
how trout see and what they perceive fish runs. It also allows youto steer it away
as a threat. As most people who fish the fromany log jams or tree branches and the
Goulburn know, it mostly consists of steep like. Easier said than done of course. Putting
banks and shallow margins.I always cringe some hurt on the fish in the early stages can
when I see anglers walking along the high be critical to landing a fish to the bank, but
bank and not walking along the water’s edge be careful as this pressure can open hooks in
with the steep bank behind them. an instant.
Having these banks behind you is 87

FWF147 Goulburn Backwater Tactics 101 - ErhanCinar.indd 87 30/11/2017 10:48:18 AM

THE GEAR TheFlyFisher Melbourne. many form almost separate waters from the
A lot of people use a variety of rods for In summary the Goulburn should be river or some may be discernible because
fishing backwaters.I personally like rods that regarded as Victoria’s premier trout river the current is going ‘the wrong way’.
give me greater tippet protection, as this and while the summer flows can look quite Such waters may be less than a metre
softer flex is somewhat important due to the daunting and complex, the backwaters are across or as big as a casting pool; they may
short distances between you and the fish, likely to hold the bigger fish this place is be barely deep enoughfor a fish to move
often only a couple metres at most. There renowned for and not the smaller models in without showing its back or dorsal fin,
are times when you need to drop down to 3 you’re more likely to see at lower flows. The or they may be a metre or so deep.They do
or 4lb tippet just to get the fish to take, and Goulburn is the closest thing we have to have one thing in common: the trout that
stiffer rods may get you into trouble at those Fishing NZ and if a polaroiding big brown frequent them are generally larger than
short distances. The reel you use is probably is your thing then look no further than right those you see in the main stream.
not as important, but I always like reels here. When the edge waters initially fill
that boast smooth drags, which can reduce around October, the trout come poking
breakoffs. about, very nervously, for any tucker that
A 9ft leader around 5 to 6lb is where I FWF Tech Tip POSTSCRIPT has dropped in from overhead or been
like to start. My personal setup consists of washed in by the high water, like ants,
a Scott Radian 9ft 5wtrod matched with a beetles, crickets, worms and grubs.
Lamson fly reel.Lamson are renowned for
their great drag systems, but any quality reel
S ince commissioning this article from
Erhan, I uncovered an old article written
Later, water weeds re-colonise the area
and the trout, now more confident, mooch
by my late angling mate Athol Brown. It was in amongst the tendrils of growth, feeding
will do the same job.
titled ‘Edge Fishing the Goulburn’ and was on the small creatures that abound in that
FLIES published in issue 27 of this magazine in 1994.
environment, like snails, water boatmen,
I think you’ll find it’s an interesting read, and
Backwater fishing really fires up in summer corixa and caddis larvae.
it highlights that typically, when it comes to
(all dependant on irrigation calls) and that’s Most of these edge waters have at least
fishing, the adage, ‘everything old is new
when the willow grubs turn up. I like the a small current flowing through them which
again’, often applies.
green foam willow grub pattern designed delivers to trout not the larger food items of
by the boys at GVFFC in a size 16 or 18and the main current, but all sorts of tinies that
suggest you try fishing them tandem in the EDGE FISHING THE GOULBURN they seem to relish and which we can’t see
slacker water. Athol Brown unless we do an autopsy. On rare occasions,
Summertime also means cicada time on Edge fishing can be fascinating, frustrating, a trout, or even two or three in a large edge
the G. While I rarely use these big flies in the exciting, difficult, totally absorbing, water, will line up in the current and feed.
backwaters it can be hard not to present one maddening and even sometimes rewarding. If they’re feeding on no-see-ums this can
of these big flies just because of the amazing It is a form of fishing in which you are prove disastrous to one’s mental being.
visuals associated with a 2 to 3 lb brown encapsulated in a little world, shared only Vulnerability to air and land predators is
inhaling these flies.I try to land mine at least with the fish and its immediate habitat, and a fact of life for these fish. They know
two metres away from the fish, especially in if you’re lucky, your spotted mate. it and can
a shallow backwater. Too many times I’ve Much of our edge fishing is concerned be very
spooked fish, landing one of these flies close with backwaters where the water has flowed spooky.
to a likely fish. out to fill areas which, in winter, are high Only
My favourite all time fly is the green and dry. Some of these areas form deep rarely will
caddis/sedge pupa with a black foam head. edge-runs, but they hold
This fly rarely lets me down and I’ve now
turned a few mates onto
this pattern with the same
results. This fly can be fished
in the surface film or sunk
down toward those tricky
and frustrating fish. As soon
as the Goulburn hits the 3000
mega litre mark it’s about the
only fly I fish. I tie my own but
the only place I know of that
sells this particular fly is the

88 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Goulburn Backwater Tactics 101 - ErhanCinar.indd 88 30/11/2017 10:48:32 AM

station and feed. Mostly, a trout will appear, I could. the fly into the target zone before the fish
mooch around its circuit, take a morsel here This time in a terser tone. vacates the area. Always adopt the offensive
and there, and mooch out again. “Well, see that strip of sandy bottom in your casting. If you don’t, at least try to get
On the other hand, it’s surprising how between the two weed-banks? The fish is just the fly into the correct area or you’ll never
unspooky fish can be if they are deep in over the weed bank on this side about a yard catch the fish.
shelter under trees, if you walk carefully, and up from the bottom end.”
don’t move when there’s a chance the fish As far as I was concerned, it wasn’t. WORKING IN PAIRS
will see the movement. It’s also surprising I began to disbelieve him. Did I mention The key when working in pairs with a
how often a fish below will not be spooked that Trev, along with his other qualities, has a mate and spotting fish is to have an agreed
by your movement when you’re up in a tree. short fuse? He suddenly cast out a nymbeet system of directions to identify the location
Many anglers walk right past backwaters and, within seconds, brought a good trout of spotted fish. In the absence of physical
and other good edge spots, often spooking protesting to the surface. indicators, like Trevor’s clump of grass, we
fish in them and missing the chance to “Now can you see the bloody fish?” he use the clock face, the 12 being straight in
fish for some of the best trout in the river. demanded. I made up my mind there and front of the spotter (not the fisher). The chat
Those who walk tall against the skyline and then to always believe Trevor when he said can then go something like, “…a trout has
who walk downstream along the bank miss he could see a trout. mooched in about 10 o’clock, about a yard
fish anyway; and it’s surprising how many The approach to a trout is vital. from the edge… just passing under that
anglers do these things. Throwing a shadow over a trout has a overhanging stick... he’s taken something
It’s important to become a deliberate similar effect to throwing a stone. Time your underwater, about a foot deep... he’s stopped
fish stalker; you need to be very observant. approach to the edge water to eliminate at 11 o’clock and just finning… that leaf
The approach is an extremely important your shadow from the water, or to mingle coming down is about over him – now!” and
aspect of the game. Don’t just look for fish. your shadow form the dappled shadow from so on, until the fisher says he can see the
Look for anything that might indicate a fish a tree or bush. Don’t approach a fish if you fish and takes over for the presentation, or
and check it out: a horizontal shadow on are silhouetted against the sky: if there is the spotter eventually tells the fisher where
the stream bed; the vertical line of the tail no other approach, reduce the silhouette and at what depth he wants the fly. It can be
swaying in the water; the glint of white as a by crouching, creeping or crawling. Most nerve-wracking stuff.
mouth opens and closes. importantly, try to keep as much behind the Sometimes the tension is relieved by
And when you’re sure your edge water trout as possible so that it can’t see you in comments like, “Can you see that light
doesn’t contain a fish, prepare your gear, be the first place. coloured stone on the bottom a couple of
still and watch… for at least 10 minutes, by Keep low; kneel if you must (which feet upstream of the island with the tussock
your watch. If a fish does come in during is almost always), try to blend into the on it?”
that time you have an advantage: you’re not background using shrubbery, a tall bank, or “Yeah.”
the biggest predator a trout is ever likely other cover to shield your outline from the “Well that’s got nothing to do with it!”
to see, you’re just part of the scenery. An fish. Whereupon the spotter nearly falls off
unsuspecting trout is much less difficult to It’s hard to over-stress the importance his perch with mirth, and the fisher seethes.
interest in a fly than an alerted or suspicious of the approach: minimise silhouettes,
one. minimise shadows, minimise reflections, Erhan Cinar’s passion for trout has seen him
The ability to see fishbegins with time on move gently and slowly. It took me years heavily involved with fisheries management
the water, and improves greatly the more it to appreciate fully the first three rules of projects such as the Wild Trout Management
is practised. successful fly fishing. conference and co-running the inaugural habitat
Trevor Hawkins introduced me to edge 1 Keep out of sight. programs around Mansfield in Victoria. In 2016
fishing one day, years ago on the Goulburn 2 Keep out of sight! he was recognised as a VRFish young leader.
above the Breakaway. Trevor is one of the 3 Keep out of sight!! Despite growing up fishing the salt, he now
best fly fishermen I’ve fished with: an fishes exclusively with fly and mostly for trout.
elegant, quick and accurate caster, and a CASTING Of late he has starting to compete in the Fly
spotter par excellence. We had sneaked half The ability to perform a bow and arrow cast
Fish Australia competitions with the aim of
way down a high bank and in behind a small is near essential. As well as occasionally
one day representing Australia in international
willow, peering out from behind which, Trev having the luxury of room for conventional
spotted a trout. Polaroids notwithstanding, I casts, you will find yourself roll casting,
couldn’t see it. side casting (forehand and backhand) and
performing all sorts of fancy little flick He is married to Ebony with whom he has a
He gave me precise instructions.
casts that you invent during the spur of the young daughter Estelle. He owns and operates
“See that small clump of grass
moment to try to get the fly where you want a commercial refrigeration company based in
overhanging the bank? Straight down from
that to the water, then out a couple of yards, it. There isn’t a lot of space or time for false Cranbourne, Victoria.
you can’t miss him.” casting; you need accuracy and speed to get 89

FWF147 Goulburn Backwater Tactics 101 - ErhanCinar.indd 89 30/11/2017 10:48:38 AM


eading up to this issue of Freshwater and stocking of natives increase. Many under that name to this day.
Fishing magazine going to print, of our precious native species are on the The fly tying scene has seen some
I spent some time looking back endangered list and if caught need to be dramatic changes during this period,
through some of the past instalments handled carefully, and to my mind, fly a number of the flies that local anglers
of FlyTalk and couldn’t help but notice the caught fish have the best chance of survival wouldn’t go fishing without have all but
changes that have occurred in the past few when released. disappeared, and the same can be said about
decades.What stood out as I flicked through My first love has always been, and a lot of the common fly tying materials
those old issues was the way clothing, continues to be trout; I was once asked why during this period. Tying materials that were
hairstyles, and of course,fishing gear has don’t I target other species such as cod, and once importantand in common use to the fly
changed and advertised.Pictures of dead my reply was that they don’t rise and take tiers are becoming increasingly difficult to
fish, and anglersholding up fish by the size 22 Blue Duns in cold, fast mountain obtain. Some materials have just evolved; fly
gillswere plentiful,thankfully a rare sight in streams. Just the same,I see and agree with tying threads for example are one, it wasn’t
this magazine at least today. the native fish recovery program here in that long ago when everyone tied trout flies
The fly fishing scene has become more Victoria especially, and at the same time, with 6/0 black thread; these days we not only
cosmopolitan with a growing emphasis by the strong resolve of fishery managers in colour match the thread with the fly we are
many anglers on increasing their “species preserving our wild trout fisheries. And that’s tying, butselect a thread thickness to match
count”, as more and more anglers target got to be a win, win for anglers and fish! the size of the hook being used.
a wider range of fish that will eat a fly. Talking about hooks, back in the early
Saltwater flyfishing has grown from strength A LITTLE HISTORY OF FLYTALK 1980s we tied mostly on Partridge, then
to strength in Australia,which isn’t surprising I first started writing for FWF magazine in came Axisco hooks which were one of the
considering we have some of the best flats issue 4, with a column at that time called first Japanese made hooks on the Australian
fishing on the world on our northern shores. “Flies for all Seasons”. My first article was all scene.
But the huge increase of anglers targeting about matuka flies, not a large pieceas the Then came the World Fly Fishing
our freshwater species with fly is the new space reserved was shared with the late Elsa Championships 1988, Tasmania was the
and evolving frontier as native fisheries are Lowry, a true professional fly tier. By issue venue, England won but that’s alright, we
revived with increased habitat restoration 7, the name of my column changed to “Fly were learning new techniques as anglers.I
andintelligent protection, management Talk”, and it’s been published continually think it was the following year that Malcolm

90 Freshwater Fishing Australia

flytalk.indd 90 30/11/2017 10:51:09 AM

Crosse introduced us to Kamasan hooks
and the Japanese hook invasion was on in
earnest.The hooks were good and that’s why
they took off.
Mustad then came up with
their‘signature’ range of fly hooks and these

were also good, very good in fact. Their
tempering process is without question the
best in the world and this makes strong
hooks. Mustad, during this transition period,
purchased Partridge Hooks and created a
niche market by designing specialised fly
hooks such as the Oliver Edwards swimming
nymph hooks, and Klinkhamer hooks and
Seven or eight years ago an Englishman,
Mark Hamnett, purchased Partridge Hooks
back from Mustad, and so the wheels
turn. The bottom line is that today we are
very spoilt when it comes to hook choice.I
found this website a while back that has an
article on hooks written by Tony Bishop in  The Bogong Beauty tied by Mick Hall Circa 1965
New Zealand and is excellent; you should
read and save - Metz capes, not cheap but wow, what great and those memories are slightly faded, but
articles/general/ grizzle capes they were.We had never seen it was also on this trip that I realised trout
anything like them before, not knowing that would take a dry fly in the dark.
NATURALS AND SYNTHETICS this development in capes being specially During that period, this fly achieved a
Back in the early 1980s a fly was developed designed for the fly tying market was about third place rating in a list of the Southern Fly
in British Columbia, Canada; it was black to explode. Fishers’ most favourite flies.
and had a lot movement,a leach pattern For a couple of hundred years, British
called a Woolly Bugger and it swept the game birds were bred for their feathers but THE BIG NYMPH - ISSUE 11
world by storm with its movement and fish nothing on the scale that was happening in
catching abilities. Marabou was in great America. Tom Whiting was the mastermind
demand almost instantly. Within a few years behind all this; he purchased some smaller
there was a huge family of spinoff Woolly hatcheries such as Hebert and Hoffland,
Buggers in fly boxes all over the world. The and once combined, Whiting Farms were
impact of marabou in Australia was very creating enough capes to create a world
similar to the introduction of deer hair for market for his products. Today this producer
spinning heads some twenty or so years is leading the world and we are seeing cape
earlier. The impact of American fly tying and saddles so fine that we can make up
products was really starting to take over from around nine flies per saddle hackle. Those
England as the source of tying materials. Indian capes are just about gone these days,
Around that time, Australian and what is disappointing is the difficulty in
scientists and green groups, as well as obtaining those white and black Badger hen
conservationists, pushed for the protection capes that we used to dye olive green for our
of all our native animals and bird life and Matukas. But then again, I suppose Matukas
many were fortunately placed on the Cites are also falling by the wayside.
list of endangered species that is supported American fly patterns such as Royal
internationally. Wulffs and Humpies also had a big impact
(The Australian Government also on the fly fishing scene in Australia,
supports the efforts of other nations to especially on out tumbling fast rivers. Those
protect their wildlife, by implementing western American trout flies were, and still
the Convention on International Trade in are very popular and what amazes me was
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and how much material those guys could get on
Flora (CITES). a fly hook.In more recent years, foam and
 The Big Nymph or Ettrick Nymph - Tied by Mick
Cites stopped a lot of bird products used rubber legs have made a substantial impact; Hall circa 1960s
in fly tying from coming into Australia, items flies like the Chernobyl Ant, Club Sandwich
such as Jungle Cock capes, seal’s fur and so and various hoppers and beetle patterns This fly waswithout question, one of
on. With these bans coming into force and being the most obvious. the best nymphs in the fly box back in the
on the back of dwindling wild resources, halcyon days of Lake Ettrick in Victoria.
it wasn’t long before synthetic materials 30 YEARS OF FLIES When trout are smelting it’s deadly, or if
started to appeargrow in the market, and Looking back at all the Fly Talksthat have fished with a gentle retrieve,fish love it, and
very quickly replace numerous natural bird appeared in FWF over those years, you it works just as well in streams as it does in
feathers and furs. discover a diversity of tying methods and lakes.This fly was first shown to me by my
Materials that really made a ideas; flies that would obviously still can mentor, the late Lindsay Haslem; we tied
differencewere synthetic dubbing blends catch fish have lost favour with anglers or it in Green as well as a Multi-Brown and
including pseudo seal’s fur based blends or simply gone out of fashion. Just the same, we would have at least a fly leaf full of Big
Antron blends. These furs were followed by I have gone back and listed some of my Nymphs in our Wheatley fly boxes. It fell out
calftails andHi-Vis winging materials.It just favourites flies that I would have no problem of favour and that was probably because
kept on coming, in some cases the same carrying in my fly boxes. seal’s fur was almost impossible to get for
materials carried different brand names, a Bogong Beauty – Issue 9 many years. But seal’s fur is now back on
very confusing situation. The story of this remarkable pattern the shelves, so get some and tie a few up for
In those early days, Indian capes were was told way back in issue 9.This fly was so old time sake at least. Mick Hall is one of
all we could get; we say Indian but the named by the late George Rowney and I after Australia’s best known fly tiers. His articles
truth was they came from all over Asia. it successfully proved its worth on a trip to and columns have appeared in fishing
Then in the mid 1970s Bruce Whalen, an the Kiewa River near the township of Mt magazines for decades. Visit www.kossiedun.
international airline pilot, introduced us to Beauty, below Mt Bogong.So many years ago, 91

flytalk.indd 91 30/11/2017 10:51:18 AM


 The EP Adams as designed by Mick HallThe

original Adams tied by Mick Hall
it is rated highly on the list of top flies used
on the River Test in England. It works just as
well here on our own waters and is a go-to
dry fly for mayfly feeders and as a searching
fly in New Zealand. Se
Gary LaFontaine used to grade the co
THE BAG FLY AS TIED BY MICK HALL other fly tyers, not only for use in freshwater w
(MODERN VERSION) but for estuarine species as well. It is really
part of the Woolly Bugger family without
the body hackle added. What is different is
the two-toned body made from EP Sparkle
 The Ruby Bug as designed by Mick Hall in
dubbing, which I feel is the key trigger point
conjunction with the late WarrynGermon
to this pattern. And just like the Woolly
Buggers it is based around, it has caught effectiveness of his fly patterns by their
Selling Points
trout in many countries. At times when the “drawing power”; that is how far a trout CASIO is proud to announce a major advance in th

Eildon Pondage is low, it is a deadly pattern. would travel from its feeding line tolineup take of watches designed to stand up to the rigors
with these new models that come equipped with fo
fly. Anything around a metre was considered These models are designed to provide vital informat
constantly changing ocean conditions for coast guar
MICK’S SCRUFFY - ISSUE 68 a hot fly.This fly was developed within respond the to emergency situations on rough seas. In a
the first G-SHOCK analog models equipped with a
last year of my mate, WarrynGermon’slife. these models also come equipped with a barometri
sensor that can be used to predict upcoming weathe
We tested it many times on the Rubicon a temperature sensor that detect the change of air a
temperature, and a digital compass that can be used
River andwere amazed by its drawing wind power.
and tide directions. An auto level correction fu
Such was its ‘drawing power’ that sometimes the angle of the watch during digital compass readin
compensates accordingly, which helps to ensure co
 The Bag Fly as tied by its originator, Charles a trout would flash across that stream while to on a rocking boat. A dial at 5 o'clock is used t
Hellar, Circa 1920s grab this fly.
During that last year of Warryn’s
Tide Graph life we
Do these two flies look alike? I don’t Graphically displays tides based Tide Graph information and lunitidal interval time.
on location
fished as much as was possible.
Day Counter
Graphically displays tides based on location information and lunitidal interval time.
Day Counter
think so. The original pattern was lost for Shows the number of days from the current date to another date.
On many occasions, Stopwatch weShows discussed this
the number of days from the current date to another date.
many years but it turned up in the Gillies fly’sfabulous drawing
Accurate measurement of elapsed time with the touch of a button.

the maximum timeand
Accurate measurement of elapsed time with the touch of a button.
Thewhy; what
The fraction indicates the unit of measurement, while the time figure
fraction indicates
the unit of measurement, while the time figure
indicates the maximum time measurement.
Collection of his reference fly patterns that was that trigger Countdown
pointTimer that pulled those fish?
Countdown Timer
came into my possession. The Bag Fly was Counts down from a start time specified
Our strongest conclusion that
timers available, while the we
time figure
by you.
Counts down
Thea value
the theto
start time
while time
the number
by you. of
figure time.
The value indicates the number of
indicates the maximum starting time.
“REPEAT” indicates Auto Repeat,“REPEAT”
which automatically restarts timing at the end of
originally designed for use in the Dome was those orange legs.
each countdown.
indicates Auto Repeat, which automatically restarts timing at the end of

 Mick’s Scruffy designed by Mick Hall

each countdown.

Hole, below the old wall at Eildon, Victoria. Daily Alarm, Hourly Time Signal
The daily alarm sounds each dayThe
Daily Alarm, Hourly Time Signal
daily alarms are available. The hourly
at the time
daily you sounds
alarm set. Theeach
value indicates
day howyou
at the time manyset. The value indicates how many
daily time signal causes theThewatch to beep every causes the watch to beep every


alarms are available. hourly time signal
In those early days, huge schools of smelt hour on the hour. Sellinghour Points
on the hour.
The story of the Scruffy, once again, has Snooze Feature G-SHOCK
Snooze Feature G-LIDE has long been a favorite choice among the
thrived in the lake and frequently large Looking back, it’s amazing how the contents
Each time you stop the alarm, it sounds again
Each time
world's youafter
top stopathe
it sounds again after a few minutes.
and street sports athletes, and these new
Tasmanian connections. This fly is deadly Long Battery Life Long Battery Life
Battery lasts for at least three years. The valueforindicates
2016 promise
at least actual
battery maintain
life. that tradition.
numbers of these tasty morsels would get of fly boxes change,yet still stay the same. The
Battery lasts for three years. The value indicates actual battery life.
new GAX-100 combination model provides the best of both
and is without question the most effective Full Auto-Calendar
Allowances are made automatically
Full Auto-Calendar
analog andaredigital
for months ofmade formats.
different Large
lengths, including hour
leap markers,
year. hour hand, and
washed over the old terraced spillway and The food the fish feed on doesn’t change, 12/24-hour Timekeeping
minute hand
automatically for months of different
contribute to easy reading. The arrow shaped minute
lengths, including leap year.

fly that I have ever designed. The Chartreuse 12/24-hour

Times can be displayed in either Times
hand can
and orbe
the format.
displayed in either 12-hour
contrasting color of or 24-hour
the analogformat. hands provide at-
into the large hole at the base of the wall. just then way anglers and fly tiers interpret Operation Tone On/Off Operationreadings
The tone that sounds to signal a-glance
Tone On/Off even while paddling oroperation
waitingcan the next wave.
glass bead can be difficult to obtain. Some a mode change
The tone that or othertooperation
sounds can bechange
signal a mode
Surfing-oriented functions include Tide Graph, Moon Data, and
and off. be turned on and off.
Trout grew big here on this diet, and it was that food with Case andtheBand available Case materials
and Band theyJust about everything about this watch LE
bead shops carry them self strung. Wapsie temperature measurement.
here that the Bag Fly excelled. have. Are those old flies
Shock Resistant
tiedis Shock
to support activities on the summer seas. An analog
sells them under their Killer Caddis range Shock-resistant construction protects
Tide against impact
Shock-resistant featureand vibration.
construction protects an
againstintuitive readout
impact and vibration.of current time

The modern version of the bag Fly materials anyMagnetic good still?
Of course,
conditions when they
Magnetic Resistant you needare, it. 3
and they are available Tide
via GraphE J Todd in Sydney. This watch is designed
4800 A/m.
to maintain normal
This watchperformance
4800 A/m.
is designed inmaintain
to DC magnetic
normal fields up to
performance in DC magnetic fields up to

shown here still works well in the Goulburn but anglers being
Graphically displays tides based on location information and lunitidal interval time.
Day Counter
Resistant they Waterare always
The “BAR” value indicates the number of atmospheres
The “BAR” to which
value indicates water resistance
the number is
of atmospheres to which water resistance is
River, whencast across and down, as it does Shows the number of days from the current date to another date.
THE LEGENDARY ADAMSStopwatch - ISSUE 90 looking for that ensured. extra
“200m” little
have the bit
same water of “pulling
20 BAR means water resistance
20 BAR
means water
the same
to 20 atmospheres. Watches marked
water resistance as 20 BAR watches.
Accurate measurement of elapsed time with the touch of a button.
on lakes when trout are smelting. One the world’s great flyindicates patterns,which
The fraction indicates the unit of measurement, while the
the maximum time measurement.
power’ or floatability,
time figure
or simplicity
A luminous coating provides
long-term illumination
A luminous in
coating in the
the dark
provides aftertie.
long-term short exposure
in the dark after only short exposure
to light. to light.

was developed in America;it isTimer

so good that Thankfully there are still those
Mineral Glass small groups
Mineral Glass


timers available, while the time figure indicates the maximumof fly time.tierswho
Counts down from a start time specified by you. The value indicates the number of
Hard glass resists scratching.
keep the traditional
Resin Band
Hard glass resists scratching.

Resin Band
The Chaser was developed at the now “REPEAT” indicates Auto Repeat, which automatically restarts timing at the end of
each countdown. and tying methods alive;but equally, there
defunct Bronte Tie-In by myselfmany years Daily Alarm, Hourly Time Signal
The daily alarm sounds each day at the time you set. The value are those
indicates how many youngsters who push the limits
daily alarms are available. The hourly time signal causes the watch to beep every
ago. Over the years,it has been copied by hour on the hour.
regards flies and fish we chase. Wouldn’t it be
Snooze Feature
Each time you stop the alarm, it sounds again after a few minutes.
Long Battery Life boring if nothing ever changed, and equally,
Battery lasts for at least three years. The value indicates actual battery life.
Full Auto-Calendar wouldn’t it be sad if we lost ourPackage rich history
Allowances are made automatically for months of different lengths, including leap year.
12/24-hour Timekeeping
Times can be displayed in either 12-hour or 24-hour format.
of tiers past.
Operation Tone On/Off LED:Am
The tone that sounds to signal a mode change or other operation can be turned on and off.

Case and Band Mick Hall is one of Australia’s best known fly LE

Shock-resistant construction protects against impact and vibration. tiers. His articles and columns have appeared
Shock Resistant

in fields
fishing magazines for decades. Visit www.
Magnetic Resistant
Analog Tide Graph Moon Data Display
This watch is designed to maintain normal performance in DC magnetic up to 3 An a
4800 A/m.
Water Resistant
The “BAR” value indicates the number of atmospheres to which water resistance is
ensured. 20 BAR means water resistance to 20 atmospheres. Watches marked
“200m” have the same water resistance as 20 BAR watches. Mick is sponsored by Jarvis Walker, Cortland,
Spirit River, Whiting Farms, Mustad and Enrico
A luminous coating provides long-term illumination in the dark after only short exposure
to light.
Mineral Glass
Hard glass resists scratching. Puglasi.
Resin Band

92 Freshwater Fishing Australia

flytalk.indd 92 30/11/2017 10:52:09 AM FWF14

wearer to sudden changes in barometric pressure, and acts as a Tide
Graph to indicate high and low tide information. A dual-coil motor
drives a retrograde dial hand to provide the wearer with instant
feedback on the constantly changing natural environment.
A new case reinforced with highly rigid carbon fiber adds a greater
degree of toughness. Buttons are structured of metal pipes and
triple O-rings for greater durability and water resistance. The shock-
resistant back cover and the urethane band create a comfortable
Selling Points fit to the wrist. Everything about these models is designed and
CASIO is proud to announce a major advance in the GULFMASTER engineered for maritime use.
lineup of watches designed to stand up to the rigors of world oceans, All of this and much more makes GULFMASTER the watch that
with these new models that come equipped with four sensors. helps you meet the challenges of maritime conditions.
These models are designed to provide vital information about • Quad Sensor
constantly changing ocean conditions for coast guard crews who  Depth meter
respond to emergency situations on rough seas. In addition to being  Digital Compass
the first G-SHOCK analog models equipped with a depth sensor,  Barometer/Altimeter
these models also come equipped with a barometric pressure  Thermometer
sensor that can be used to predict upcoming weather changes, • Tide Graph/Moon Data
a temperature sensor that detect the change of air and water • Time Stamp
temperature, and a digital compass that can be used to determine • Radio-controlled (MULTIBAND 6)
wind and tide directions. An auto level correction function detects • Tough Solar
the angle of the watch during digital compass readings and • Auto Hand Home Position Correction
compensates accordingly, which helps to ensure correct readings • Double Super Illuminator LED Lights
while on a rocking boat. A dial at 5 o'clock is used to alert the • Sapphire crystal

wearer to sudden changes in barometric pressure, and acts as a Tide

Graph to indicate high and low tide information. A dual-coil motor
drives a retrograde dial hand to provide the wearer with instant
feedback on the constantly changing natural environment.
A new case reinforced with highly rigid carbon fiber adds a greater GN1000GB-1A
degree of toughness. Buttons are structured of metal pipes and
Built with ample “seafaring toughness” to support rigorous activities at sea, GULFMASTER brings
triple O-rings for greater durability and water resistance. The shock-
resistant back cover and the urethane band create a comfortable
fit to the wrist. Everything about these models is designed and
G-SHOCK’S shock-resistant structure and advanced sensor technologies on board. Designed specifically for
unce a major advance in the GULFMASTER engineered for maritime use.
ned to stand up to the rigors of world oceans, All of this and much more makes GULFMASTER the watch that
hat come equipped with four sensors. use at sea this range includes features such as tide graph, atmospheric and barometric pressure information.
helps you meet the challenges of maritime conditions.
ned to provide vital information about • Quad Sensor
an conditions for coast guard crews who  Depth meter
Selling Points
ituations on rough seas. In addition to being  Digital
G-SHOCK G-LIDE has long been a favorite choice among the The three black, white, and bi-color versions come with a half-matte
og models equipped with a depth sensor,  Barometer/Altimeter
G-SHOCK G-LIDE has long been a favorite choice among the The three black, white, and bi-color versions come with a half-matte
world's top surfers and street sports athletes, and these new finish. Three additional models come with marbled finishes that mix
equipped with a barometric pressure world's top surfers and street sports athletes, and these new
 Thermometer finish. Three additional models come with marbled finishes that mix
additions for 2016 promise to maintain that tradition. blue, green, or red in ways that are similar
RRP: to popular surf board
• Tide additions
Graph/Moon for 2016 promise to maintain that tradition. blue, green, or$1299
red in ways that are similar to popular surf board
to predict upcoming weather The changes,
new GAX-100 combination modelData provides the best of both color combinations. The lustrous finish of the blue, green, and red
water and digital• formats.
at detect the change of air andanalog Time new GAX-100 combination modelGWNQ1000-1A
Stamp provides the best of both color combinations. The lustrous finish of the blue, green, and red
Large hour markers, hour hand, and colors enable easy cleaning when soiled by board wax, etc.
al compass that can be used to determine • analog and digital
Radio-controlled formats. Large
(MULTIBAND 6) hour markers, hour hand,
Resin/Stainless st
steel and colors enable easy cleaning when soiled by board wax, etc.
minute hand contribute to easy reading. The arrow shaped minute Theshaped
standard monotone designs as well as the summer-like coloring

. An auto level correction function detects • Toughminute
Solarhand contribute to easy reading. The arrow minute The standard monotone designs as well as the summer-like coloring
hand and the contrasting color of the analog hands provide at- of these new
hand andHome
the contrasting color of the analog hands provide at-G-LIDE models are sure to appeal to both surfers and
of these new G-LIDE models are sure to appeal to both surfers and
uring digital compass readingsa-glance
and readings•even
Auto Hand
a-glance paddling
oreven Correction
waiting thepaddling
while next wave.or waitingstreet fashion
the next wave.lovers the world over. lovers the world over.
y, which helps to ensure correct readings • Double Super Illuminator LED:White
LED Lights street fashion
Surfing-oriented functions include Tide functions
Graph, Moon Data, and • Moon Data
A dial at 5 o'clock is used to temperature
alert the Surfing-oriented
• SapphireJust crystal include Tide Graph, Moon Data, and • Moon Data
temperature about everything about
measurement. this watch
Just about everything•about
Analog thisTide Graph • Analog Tide Graph
is designed to support is activities
designed ontothe summer
support seas. An
activities onanalog • Temperature
the summer seas. An analog measurement• Temperature measurement
Tide Graph feature provides an intuitive
featurereadout of an
current timereadout • ofISO764
current class
time magnetic resistance

Tide Graph provides intuitive • ISO764 class magnetic resistance
conditions when you need it.
conditions when you need it.
n and lunitidal interval time.

ther date.

h the touch of a button.
ment, while the time figure

The value indicates the number of
he maximum starting time.

ofically restarts timing at the end of

set. The value indicates how many
causes the watch to beep every

ite choice among the

w minutes.
tes, and these new
The three black, white, and bi-color versions come with a half-matte RRP $299 RRP $299
finish. Three additional models come with marbled finishes that mix
hat tradition.
s actual battery life.
blue, green, or red in ways that are similar to popular surf board
Package Package
rovides the best of both color combinations. The lustrous finish of the blue, green,
RRP: and red
$1299 RRP: $1299
arkers, hour
.rent lengths, hand,
including and
leap year. colors enable easy cleaning when soiled by board wax, etc.
The arrow shaped minute GWNQ1000-1A
The standard monotone designs as well as the summer-like coloring GWNQ1000-7A
alog hands provide at- GWNQ1000-1A
Resin/Stainless steel
Resin/Stainless st
of these new G-LIDE models are sure to appeal to both surfers and GWNQ1000-7A
Resin/Stainless steel
GWN1000GB-1A LED:Amber
waitingcan the next wave. street fashion lovers the world over. LED:Amber
operation be turned on and off.
Graph, Moon Data, and LED:White • Moon Data GAX-100B-1ADR 
 GAX-100B-1ADR  GAX-100MA-2ADR 

LED:White  Resin
erything about this watch • Analog Tide Graph Resin
Resin Resin
ummer seas. An analog • Temperature measurement
nd vibration.of current time • ISO764 class magnetic resistance
e in DC magnetic fields up to
3 Analog Tide Graph Moon
An asterisk
at the end of a model name indicates that details of the design are not final.
Moon Data Display RRP $349
pheres to which water resistance is
mospheres. Watches marked
AR watches.

e dark after only short exposure


RRP $299

RRP: $1299

Resin/Stainless steel
LED:Amber RRP $299 RRP $299
LED:Amber LED:Amber
RRP $299
RRP $299 LED:Amber
LED:Amber LED:Amber LED:Amber
GAX-100B-7ADR   GAX-100MA-2ADR 

 Resin GAX-100MB-4ADR 

Resin Resin
Resin Resin
Resin Resin
Resin Resin
Resin Resin
Resin Resin
LED:White Resin
Resin Resin
Resin Resin

RRP $349 RRP $349 RRP $349 RRP $349
An asterisk at the end of a model name indicates that details of the design are not final.
RRP $349
An asterisk at the endAn
a modelatname
the end of a model
indicates name indicates
that details that details
of the design are notoffinal.
the design
2 are not final. 2 Module No. 5485 Module No. 5
• Shock resistant (G-SHOCK) • Shock resist
• Magnetic resistant • Magnetic res
• LED light • LED light
Auto light switch, selectable illumination duration, afterglow Auto light sw

Contact AFN on (03) 9729 8788 for your nearest stockist or visit your local tackle shop • Thermometer
Display range: –10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F)
Display unit: 0.1°C (0.2°F)
• Thermomete
Display rang
Display unit:
• World time • World time
29 time zones (48 cities + coordinated universal time), daylight saving on/off, 29 time zone
Home city/World time city swapping Home city/W 93
• Moon data (moon age of the specific date, moon phase graph)
• Tide graph (tide level for specific date and time)
• Moon data (
• Tide graph (
• 1/100-second stopwatch • 1/100-secon
Measuring capacity: 999:59'59.99'' Measuring c
Measuring modes: Elapsed time, split time, 1st-2nd place times Measuring m
• Countdown timer • Countdown
Measuring unit: 1 second Measuring u
FWF141 Casio
flytalk.indd 93 Fullpage.indd 1 Countdown range: 24 hours 28/03/2017 10:52:18
30/11/2017 2:17:57 PM
AM Countdown
Countdown start time setting range: 1 minute to 24 hours (1-minute increments Countdown
and 1-hour increments) and 1-hour i
• 5 daily alarms (with 1 snooze alarm) • 5 daily alarm
HEAVEN by PrFrokanopk

I am really proud of the

TackleRat. It is my alter ego
that provides some rationale
For a modest column, Tackle
Rat, and its newer cousinTackle
and justification for my tackle Makers, has had a noticeable impact
collecting. Through this column on Australian fishing. One major
I can share some of my affliction factor has been the appearance
with other like-minded people. of column-mentioned lures on
But, I’m hardly Bruce Wayne, the Internet a week or two after
although I could use his new FreshwaterFishing mags hit
resources to good effect and newsstands and letterboxes.
Prices generally increased  How innovative do you want to
fight evil in the lure collecting be - such as this cool frog eating a
game. following some publicity, much to dragonfly or you could use a wood
the relief of those who had a few core and make a plastic coated frog?
This little Tackle Rat was born
in Issue 80 of Freshwater Fishing. knocking about in their tackle box,
and to the chagrin of those who  These Territorian lures
It came about partly because the demonstrate the classic barra lure
man behind the FreshwaterFishing were actively seeking them and who shape which has become a staple
had to pay a little more. of lure designers. They swim well
presence, Bill Classon, was keen for and carry robust hardware which is
another Lures-In-Depth adventure. Some of the ground breaking needed on these fish.
features of the TackleRat have
I was significantly less keen. So I apply. Flopy rubber is prone to wear
included descriptions of the 10 Best
started by suggesting a column on and they get ‘worm-burn’ (where
Australian lures of all time (the
fisheries management. “Too dry,” they are kept next to older style soft
Tassie Devil came out at number
was the comeback. plastics that ‘eat’ into the rubber).
one). This was bound to attract
“So how about I write about  A Brett Campbell Black Bass The head plugs can fall out, and I
comment, and it did, but for me it deeper diver with nose tow and an
collecting with special emphasis on have even had a rare blue model
was a worthy attempt for Issue 100. unknown Aussie surface lure.
lures?” where the colouring on the outside
Tackle Rat was also responsible
“Are there enough of them out without hooks were only selling just peeled away – going from a
for the creation of the Kadaitcha
there to make a difference?” Bill lure ‘parts’ and not lures – the fan valuable to almost worthless lure.
Club, the first formal lure-collecting
asked. got well and truly sticky. A number But for all that the Flopy remains one
club of its type. It didn’t last long,
“C’mon mate, everybody has of collectors had, for reasons of the most desirable lures among
thanks largely to a couple of people
heaps of extra stuff out there and known only to themselves, started baby boomers who probably started
who had more time to attack me,
wouldn’t it be great if they found to remove the hooks from their their fishing careers with them.
than I had to defend myself. The
something that was pretty valuable collectibles, thereby, in my opinion, Overall, one of the most
Kadaitcha Club lures have rightly
to either sell or base their collection making them less valuable. I have ambitious and noteworthy
become collector’s items in their
around?” also been critical of the continued achievements was to run a ‘Stairway
own right, and with both Jamie Flett
“Will you have enough to write use of cardboard backing cards for to Heaven’ lure event. The name
(Mudeye Lures continue but with
about?” lures and still encourage our clever comes from a charity album where
new owners), and Brett Campbell
And so, lurking near the back of lure makers to spend a small fraction musicians from a wide variety of
now out of lure making, they are
FreshwaterFishing, the Tackle Rat, of time on the packaging that they backgrounds were asked to perform
bound to continually increase.
has uttered irrelevant comments happily spend in creating the lures. their own interpretation of the
The column has not been without
about TV shows and music long These days, people don’t write classic Led Zepplin song ‘Stairway
its own controversy as well. When
letters to the editor – they take their to Heaven’. It makes for interesting
past, for a considerable length of I wrote that people who sold lures
rants to social media – and my thick listening; although, I think we would
skin has been tested on a number of all like to forget any contribution
occasions. from Rolf Harris.
One of the very first columns was I was able to purchase some old
to point out some of the weaknesses unpainted and unfinished bodies of
in one of Australia’s best loved the Creek Chub Crab Wriggler lure.
lures – the Flopy. Since that time They were all base coated white and
thousands have been sold and some adorned with the ‘paint stick’ they
very enterprising person in France use in factories to hold the lure until
must have found a warehouse full it is nearly finished. I sent the bodies
of them because mint in package to some of Australia’s leading lure
Flopy’s were being drip fed, along makers at the time and they sent
with full 10 lure boxes of Celta’s back their versions.
for many years. The prices have I think it was a magnificent
remained remarkably steady, but if success and highlighted the
every person who bought a Flopy is innovation and cleverness of our
 The Kadaitcha Club was the
first club of its type in Australia. a collector there must be a lot of you own lure makers. But time moves
Although it only had a short time, it out there. on and several of those who
was one of the accomplishments of
this column. The same words of caution do still participated are no longer active in

94 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 tackle rat.indd 94 30/11/2017 10:54:18 AM

lures may be submitted; it is up they have a stand. The judges will
to each maker to work within the not be making any determination
maximum dimensions. of the integrity of the design, but
The lure MUST be NOSE TOW. innovation is to be encouraged.
Bib tow lures and bibles minnows Lures need to arrive at my house
where the tow point is along the by 30 April to be considered –
back will not be accepted. It is although donations for the charity
possible for the tow point to be fitted auction can be accepted after that
into the base of the bib, but the tow time.
point must be affixed to the nose/ The postal address is:
body of the lure, even with surface Frank Prokop
lures. 12 Lorica Cove
The inspiration is the traditional HILLARYS Western Australia 6025.
barramundi lure.
You must submit TWO lures. There are many people associated
They can be painted differently, but with fishing who suffer from mental
one of the tests is to see how well illness of some sort. It is something
makers can replicate a lure. The Lure that needs to be recognised and
Expo already runs some fantastic managed.
 While not universally applauded - based on innovation and market competitions for ‘one-off’ lures. Fishing can be a great therapy
penetration, the Tassie Devil was declared by the Tackle Rat to be Australia’s Each lure should be identifiable by and I have chosen Beyond Blue for
number one lure os all time. signature or maker’s mark. their work in this area. If you, or
ONE lure will be auctioned off as someone you care about is suffering,
a silent auction to raise funds for the please get them to contact Beyond
charity Beyond Blue as part of the Blue on 1300 224 636 or Lifeline on
Lure Expo in Ipswich Queensland 13 11 14.
on June 16-17 2018. This lure will You can do worse than to check
not be swum and can be provided in this -
packaging if you wish. au/who-does-it-affect/men .Beyond
The second lure will be used to Blue provides resources for women,
test the performance of the lure. older people and younger adults,
Each entrant will be swum to test its all of whom can face challenging
performance which will form part of periods in their lives.
the final judging. This lure must be I speak from experience as
 While not universally applauded  The first ‘Stairway to
- based on innovation and market Heaven’ project produced an fitted with all hardware for fishing. someone who has had professional
penetration, the Tassie Devil was amazing diversity of innovative These second lures will be kept for help in dealing with my six major
declared by the Tackle Rat to be interpretations of an old American posterity and may form the part of a cancer surgeries. Talk to your loved
Australia’s number one lure os all favourite. The original manufactured larger display in the future. ones and/or your GP.
time. lure is right above one of the white Each pair of lures should come I hope that the lure makers will
‘blanks’ that was the starter for the with a card which, in less than 200 get behind this initiative. Please
makers. words, details the wood used, the don’t avoid including an entry
maker, the ‘name’ of the lure (if because you think some other maker
using one) and what you were trying will knock it out of the ballpark.
to create with the lure. This card It is about having a platform to
will be displayed next to the lure display your work, the opportunity
as part of the silent auction. Please to compare the innovation and
separately include an email address exciting things the various makers
so that I can inform you that the are pursuing, and you will be
lures have arrived safely and seek contributing to a good cause that
 The three C Lures which were  This Bellbrook diver is a classic clarification if it is required. will benefit many in our community.
used as colour prototypes - hence Aussie nose tow lure. It is very Judging will be based on I will do my best through the
the lack of hardware which is popular even if it bears an uncanny originality, similarity between the Tackle Rat and Tackle Maker columns
required - are all nose tow lures, resemblance to the Heddon River to promote wherever possible,
two lures, finish, action in the water
while the one on the card is a bib Runt. This display was taken to the
and overall appearance. Aussie made lures and those who
tow lure that is not permitted for the Melbourne Fishing show in the early
competition. The only exception to this is that produce them. I think it is entirely
days of Tackle Rat.
the two lures that win each category appropriate that this initiative is
the game. One for lure makers who have will be removed from the auction launched as part of the 30-year
Thankfully though, a whole slew sold more than 100 lures in any and will become part of the overall celebration of Freshwater Fishing,a
of new lure makers ensure that a form, or who have had a display collection of the Lure Expo and will platform that has done so much
visit to the Lure Expo in Ipswich is a stand at the Lure Expo. These will be displayed as part of future events to promote our wonderful fishing
wonderful experience. be the ‘Lure Leaders’. If you already as determined by the organisers. resources in Australia.
So I got to thinking. I don’t make a lure that fits the bill, current The winners will be acknowledged I wish everyone the best of luck.
have the same raw materials for production models can be supplied. at the dinner as part of the Lure I can be contacted on
the first venture, but the desire is The second category is for Expo. Barring mishap, they will
there – a number of the lure makers ‘Cottage makers’. I hope that some also feature in an episode of the
really wanted to participate in the schools get behind this project. It Australian Fishing Network’s Fishing Frank Prokop has been writing
first event but weren’t asked. My is for those just starting out and Show hosted by Nigel Webster and about fishing for 3 decades. He has
apologies there. needing some exposure. You must will be featured in a future column of been long time technical editor of
A late night call with Aaron not have sold 100 lures to qualify for Tackle Rat. Freshwater Fishing, Tackle Rat
Young and we cooked up a potential this category. There will also be a columnist and author of numerous
avenue for the next version of the The main body of the lure must People’sChoice award voted on by books. Frank has 30 years experience
event. Here are the rules: be made from timber, using a blank attendees to the Expo. There won’t in recreational fisheries management,
NO LARGER than 35x35 x125 mm. be any prizes; however, it will be was in charge of Recfishwest for 14
WELCOME TO THE FIRST You can add extra fittings as an acknowledged at the dinner. years and has pioneered a number
ANNUAL LURE MAKERS attachment, but if you make a jointed Lures are not able to be
of fishing techniques including jig
COMPETITION – 2018 version, the wood components can returned, although makers can
flicking for trout.
There will be two categories: be no longer than 125 mm.Smaller make additional lures for sale if 95

FWF147 tackle rat.indd 95 30/11/2017 10:54:28 AM

Fishing For Art

started posting my outdoor art on social establish a ‘social’ worth and increased
media a little over twelve months ago as respect for our wild trout fishery in Victoria
a way of engaging directly with anglers beyond just catching lots of fish.
both here in Australia and overseas. I’ve written another article in this
People who are familiar with this magazine issue about the latest developments and
would perhaps know me through my articles regulation changes pertaining to several
and technical illustrations, but other than Victorian trout streams that I believe
that I’ve always tried to fly under the radar have come about by anglers working in
regards my private artwork. partnership with the Victorian Fisheries
The thought process of going ‘public’ Authority and being kept in the loop by my
with my art was to find a vehicle to drive posts and others on social media. A new
change and increase awareness of what I felt dawn is starting, I think.
was a decline in the ‘social’ worth of trout by My art has never been just about
the then Fisheries Victoria and new anglers raising awareness of environmental and
in general. fishing issues. My works pay homage to
The art I posted on social media our beautiful country and my paintings of
attracted anglers, hunters and outdoor fish, landscapes, anglers, hunting scenes
enthusiasts, many of which I’m sure had and dogs simply provide another outlet to
never heard of or seen my non-illustrative express how much joy and solace I get from
art before. It was this exposure that allowed these outdoor pursuits in the way I know
me to have a voice regards what I believed best.
needed to be done by Fisheries to re-

96 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Fishing For Art - Trevor Hawkins.indd 96 30/11/2017 10:55:54 AM

Original technical pen and watercolour
Image size: 450 x 645mm
With this work I wanted to paint a celebration
of the trout and salmon that are available to
freshwater anglers in Australia. I also painted a
little river blackfish in there for good measure
because they are one of my favourite native
freshwater fish, and I couldn’t resist. 97

FWF147 Fishing For Art - Trevor Hawkins.indd 97 30/11/2017 10:56:02 AM

Original watercolour. HAND WITH FISHING AND

 BLACK DUCK. Original watercolour and

gouache.  FALLOW DEER. Original

FWF147 Fishing For Art - Trevor Hawkins.indd 98 1/12/2017 12:59:39 PM

Pen & Ink

t ‘EPHEMERAL’ - Technical pen original. Image

area: 480 x 340mm.
Notes about image: I really enjoy the boldness a
clean lines that can be achieved with black on
white art. I’ve tried to portray the short lifespan
of the mayflies that trout feed on as well as
that of the trout themselves. And how both rely
on a clean environment globally and locally to


My passion for art was inherited from my
father. As a young child I would sketch and
paint on any scrap of paper or cardboard I
could get my hands on. Art came first, even
before fishing. It wasn’t until I was around
eight years old that I was taken trout fishing
for the first time by our neighbour (dad wasn’t
keen on fishing) who was a mad keen angler.
He mostly fished the Ovens and Buckland
Rivers up at Porepunkah in north-east
My first day of fishing involved a whole
day spent at a lake somewhere in central
Victoria, fishing with bait, sitting for hours
watching the rod tip for a bite that never came
for me. While the other kids lost interest in
the first half hour or so, I didn’t move. The
expectation that soon, any second in fact,
some sort of fish, hopefully a trout, would


Technical pen.

 THREE TROUT. Technical pen.

FWF147 Fishing For Art - Trevor Hawkins.indd 99 1/12/2017 12:59:49 PM




Original Technical pen and watercolour.
Image area: 635 x 470mm.
Notes: One of three large works I painted
for a recent art show (it didn’t win and
it didn’t sell). This is one of my favourite
recent works. It depicts rainbow trout
feeding on various insects living in a fast
water river environment.

take my bait was all I needed. It didn’t

happen, we didn’t catch one fish the
whole day, but that didn’t diminish my
enthusiasm for angling. In fact it made
me want more. I had to catch a fish; I
didn’t care what kind, so long as it swam.
I was hooked as much as any fish I’ve
caught in the five decades since.
Regular Christmas holiday trips
to visit dad’s relatives in Queensland
kept the enthusiasm for fishing alive
until I was old enough to finally join the
Greensborough Angling Club where I was
taken on club trips under the wings of
the older blokes in the club.
I dreamt of fishing, and became a t RAINBOWS IN THE
sponge for knowledge. I read everything
Technical Pen and
I could on fishing, and I cut my teeth watercolour.
on mountain streams and trout, fished
for with flies. The King Parrot Creek, the
Goulburn River, the Yarra River… it didn’t
matter. I was hooked.
In those very early years my art
mainly consisted of landscapes. Very
basic indeed! At the age of 15 I’d left
school with no skills, but knew I wanted
to fish at every opportunity and carve
some sort of career in art. But I knew
I didn’t want any more schooling, so a
trade in screen printing it was.
Around that time, I started tying flies
for Jimmy Allen at the original Compleat
Angler store to fund my fishing gear. My
apprenticeship wage at that time was
a measly $16.50 per week. So, the fly
tying funded my fishing tackle, and my
painting, which I was by then selling at
several galleries, funded my art materials.
The landscapes were painted in
watercolour on stretched paper, or oils
on canvas using a palette knife. I sold u RAINBOW TROUT
them through galleries in Eltham and AND STIMULATOR.
Hurtsbridge on the northern outskirts Watercolour.
of Melbourne, both of which, at that
time, were the centre of the Victorian
(traditional) art scene.
In the mid-90’s I started illustrating
Flylife magazine, which continued for
several years. During this period I also
illustrated several angling books for
different authors and publishers, and for
the past 20 years for Bill Classon at the
Australian Fishing Network.
For the last five years I’ve illustrated,
edited and authored on a full-time basis
with Bill and the team at AFN.

Raising a family and owning a business in

FWF147 Fishing For Art - Trevor Hawkins.indd 100 1/12/2017 1:00:15 PM

Classic Collection

 PEACOCK BASS. Watercolour and gouache.






chasing duskies or EPs, or hunting wild

trout in our spectacular, remote mountain
Watercolour. The following pages feature some of my
more recent works. I think you’ll agree there
is a mixed bag here, with varying styles, yet
the ’80s slowed up both my angling and art years. I now do a lot more artwork outside underlying those styles is a constant theme
pursuits for many years, while limited studio of AFN requirements which I sometimes which is my passion for fishing, hunting and
space and time saw me reduce the size of my sell, but just as often use to raise awareness other outdoor pursuits.
artwork. I progressed more toward smaller on my Facebook page about fishing and I hope you enjoy the images.
pen sketches and watercolours. Painting and environmental issues. I also donate works
sketching fish and fishing scenes seemed to to raise money for a couple of charities I feel Trevor is a Pro Staff member, assistant editor,
be a natural progression to feed my angling passionate about: men’s mental health and writer and illustrator for AFN publishing. He has
and art needs as the family and business breast cancer awareness. been fishing, and specifically flyfishing for 50
demands decreased. Both my art and fishing (and my work years. When he gets time away from his beloved
My art output is increasing of late and at AFN) give me an excuse (not that I really remote wilderness trout streams he also enjoys
at times it feels as though I’m trying to need one) to get out into our wilderness lure casting from his kayak in wilderness
catch up on lost art time during my younger areas, be they remote estuaries in my kayak estuaries. He lives in Warragul, Victoria.

FWF147 Fishing For Art - Trevor Hawkins.indd 101 1/12/2017 1:00:19 PM

You may be
AUSTRALIAN sitting on a
P erhaps it’s the nature of
humans to seek out like-
minded people. It certainly
to the district. Mr. Brazier
discussed this emphasis in the
Armidale Express of 7 October
seems to be the case with 1927: ‘People ask of what benefit
anglers. Wherever we exist (is) the association. No sensible
in any numbers, it appears businessman would ask such a
inevitable that we form an question. Thousands of people
association for our mutual flock to the well-known fishing
benefit. Angling organisations districts of South Victoria, and
have a long history in Australia, even to New Zealand. […] The
with some bettering 100 years of one aim of the Society (is) to put
more or less continuous activity. Armidale on the map as the best
The New South Wales Rod trout fishing district of the state.’
Fishers’ Society comes to mind, The Association set out to
and the Ballarat Fly Fishers’ Club achieve just that. According
reaches its centenary shortly. to the Armidale Chronicle (25
If it still exists in some August 1928), the President,
form—many early organisations Mr. Bain, prepared a ‘handy,
have run their course—the brightly written and well-
Armidale Rod Fishermen’s illustrated brochure’ of 12
Association, known after 1960 pages, ‘giving much information
as Armidale Trout Anglers’ regarding Armidale and district,
Club—achieved the ninety-year with special reference to the
mark this year. The association unique advantages of the trout
was founded at a meeting on streams in New England.’
May 7, 1927, convened by a The Association printed 5000
local dentist, Mr. J.N. Brazier. copies and arranged for its
Elected office bearers included ‘free distribution through the
Mr. K.R. Bain as President; Government Tourist Bureau
Mr. J. Lane and Mr. Brazier as and other channels.’ This first
Vice-presidents; Mr. Archie brochure is not recorded in
Kiefer as the Hon. Treasurer; Australian Fishing Books (2014),
and Mr. Henry Fittler as the Hon. nor in any major library.
Secretary. Membership was But most readers will know
fixed at a guinea, with juniors at of the Association’s 1929 booklet,
half the adult rate and ‘ladies’ at Official Guide for Anglers and
five shillings. Tourists to Armidale and District,
Driven primarily by the first issued in mid-October 1929.
resolute Hon. Secretary, Mr. According to the Sydney Mail (20
Brazier, the Association went November 1929) the brochure
from strength to strength. Very ‘not only gives illustrations of
quickly the executive established streams within easy reach; it also
the structure of the group; provides a series of seven maps, to one report, the booklet was illustrate its 40 pages, and it has
agreed on plans to improve defining the routes to the waters. directly responsible for attracting numerous advertisements for
the fishery; lifted membership Hotels, accommodation houses, hundreds of visitors during the local businesses, now interesting
to over 100; and affiliated with petrol stations, post offices, trout season. The Association snapshots of times long past.
the New South Wales Rod telephones, and stores are all planned to send copies to tackle There are two formats—one with
Fishers’ Society. An impressed shown on the maps, and any suppliers in England for the stapled soft covers, the other in
Inland Fisheries Officer, Mr. reputable visiting angler armed 1930/31 season—there was an papered boards. Not surprisingly
H.K. Anderson, visited Armidale with an introduction to the Hon. expectation that some trout most of the few copies that have
and was quickly persuaded to Secretary […] will more than fishermen ‘would come to New survived the years have signs of
allocate 75,000 trout for local likely find one (or more) local England instead of going to New wear. The auction record shows
waters. enthusiasts ready to accompany Zealand.’ sales in 1999 ($35) and 2003
Many in the new him on a trouting trip.’ As Quite scarce now, the Official ($60), and a single eBay sale in
organisation were businessmen, with the first, the Association Guide is an item every collector October 2005 ($355). Expect to
and there was a considerable published 5000 copies. The would like to own. Fifteen pay more than $150 for a fine
push to ensure financial benefit project was a success. According photographs and seven maps copy.

102 Freshwater Fishing Australia

fwf146 fishing books.indd 102 30/11/2017 11:06:27 AM

Perhaps $75 or so.
There is a later and already
elusive guide
to fishing the
region. In the late
1900s—the year
of publication
is not stated—
the Armidale
Company published
How and Where to
Catch Trout in New
England (32 pages;
illustrated; one map;
soft cover). The
book ‘is an attempt
to consolidate some
of the necessary
information unskilled
fishermen, and
women, need to know
before they set out
on their first fishing
expedition,’ according
to the foreword.
Should a copy come
your way, expect to
pay around $30.
These books can be
difficult to find. Good
luck with the hunt.

Freshwater Fishing
Australia celebrates its
thirtieth anniversary
with this issue. I’ve
It took a while but a
followed the magazine’s
second edition, significantly
development since the very
revised and expanded, appeared
first, with its cover of a fine
c. 1960, this time produced by
Murdeduke rainbow and articles
the Armidale Trout Anglers’
by some of Australia’s finest
Club. The 48-page booklet,
angling writers. I might be
Guide to Armidale and District:
just a bit biased, but of all the
For trout angler and tourist,
features offered over the years,
included extensive details of the
my favourite would have to be
trout waters, the history of trout
‘The Dusty Trail,’ Mick Hall’s
acclimatisation in New England
outstanding column on fishing
and a history of the club. At
21cm, the new Guide is not
It is no small achievement
quite as tall as the first edition. It
for a sporting magazine to clock
has 25 photographs, five maps,
up thirty years. Congratulations
and some sketches. Its auction
to Bill Classon and his team.
record includes eBay sales in
Do you have any questions
2007 ($76), 2010 ($28), 2013 ($35)
about your books? Drop me
and a Joseland Society sale in
a line. You can find me at
2010 ($70). Copies tend to be
tidier than the 1929 edition, but
you will still struggle to find one
in fine or better condition. Price?


T he Joseland society is an organisation for people with an interest in

books about fish and fishing. Two or three times a year we met over a
meal in Melbourne to catch up with friends and to talk books, and perhaps
to pick up a scarce book or two at our auction. We publish a newsletter four
The Armidale Express of 22 this worthy booklet, one is struck times every year to keep members up to date which includes interesting
March 1951 included this brief first of all by its excellence articles about Australian fishing in print. Occasionally, too, we publish a
note lamenting the lack of a and then by the fact that its limited edition book just for members.
more up-to-date guide: ‘Twenty- out-of-date ads […] bring back You don’t see yourself as a collector? That’s fine—most of us don’t
two years is a long time! In memories. I wonder whether either. But if you have a few fishing books and think you might like meet a
1929 the Armidale and District the Chamber of Commerce few people with similar interests, think about joining us. You might like to
Rod Fishermen’s Association and the City Council could be come along to a meeting just to get a feel for it.
published an Official Guide for assisted by the Rod Fishermen Email Jim Findlay for information about the Joseland
Anglers and Tourists to Armidale in the publication of a new 1951 Society, including a membership application and the most recent Joseland
and District. Looking through edition!’ Newsletter. 103

fwf146 fishing books.indd 103 30/11/2017 11:06:27 AM

with taff WMA) WITH BUILT-IN
AF ro S

C larion’s new GR10BT is built

to withstand the harsh and
wet environment of marine
MP3/WMA USB File Playback
The USB slot supports the
playback of MP3 and WMA
usage, by virtue of an IPX5 rated format audio files. So just save
water-resistant front panel and your favourite music files onto
IPX3 rated chassis. Buttons a USB memory device and
positioned along the rim of the plug it in to bring the music
circular face enable quick, stress- onboard.
free access to functions. What’s
more, the oversized LCD display GLOBAL RADIO
offers clear visibility during day TUNER WITH
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The built-in
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The high-contrast LCD display reception of
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AUDIO STREAMING you’re sailing
Built-in Bluetooth provides around the globe
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USB CONNECTORS keep your voyage as smooth as
Equipped with USB pigtail, it’s possible.
easy to connect a variety of
sources. Just connect, and you 4-CHANNEL
can even use it to automatically OUTPUTS
charge your smartphone. Also, Since the unit is equipped
this enables playback of music with 4-channel RCA-type line Count on high-quality system the music over your onboard
files stored on a USB memory outputs, you can boost the bass upgradability as the unit has four system.
device as well as smartphone. by connecting a subwoofer. internal 45W amplifiers to pump


B EP Marine, manufacturers
of BEP and CZone product
for Power Products LLC, the
switch a group of circuits on or
off to suit the operating mode.
This could mean changing the
leading provider of system-wide system from day to night mode,
integrated power solutions, or from underway to at-rest with
announces an all new CZone
experience. The release of
CZone’s new software update
revolutionises how users interact
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onboard their boat or vehicle.
CZone 2.0 re-engineers the
user experience of operating
the boat or vehicle’s electrical
system, making it even simpler,
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ever before.
CZone’s broad functionality
combines multiple circuit or
system configurations into a
single Mode to quickly and easily

104 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Electronics.indd 104 30/11/2017 11:07:35 AM

a single touch. CZone’s new
Favourites page makes this even
easier with the clear illustration
of your boat or vehicle.
With advanced customisation
of the new Favourites pages
the user can choose what
information and controls that are
most regularly accessed, from
individual switches to critical
monitoring information. Further
customise the display by loading
layouts or schematics specific
to the vessel or vehicle. Locate
key switches and alerts on the
schematic in the area of the
system that it relates to.
“With CZone celebrating its
10th year of innovation we have
proven durability and customer
focus through key long term
partnerships with leading global
boat and recreational vehicle
builders, and the Volvo Ocean
control and monitoring of often cumbersome traditional of key systems and components
Yacht Race. With this upcoming
onboard wiring. CZone is perfect for while retaining advanced Control
release, CZone will continue to
power systems through marine and mobile automotive of specific circuits and functions.
be the leading solution for digital
the CZone display. Similarly, applications and replaces switch CZone can take care of all the
switching and automation for
CZone integrates with other and fuse panels with networked little things leaving more time for
marine and mobile automotive
leading manufacturers, from digital switch interfaces providing the user to focus on what they
into the future.” - Jarrod Sagar,
Chartplotter/fishfinders through ultimate control of your electrical value. Whether you are preparing
Business Leader, BEP Marine.
to Airconditioning, Watermaker systems. the boat for the evening’s
CZone’s partnership with
systems and more. With one touch CZone’s entertaining, hitting the open
Power Products LLC brands
intelligent management road away from stable power, or
offers a leading position in WHAT IS CZONE? simplifies operation by focusing on getting the job done
integrated system solutions. CZone simplifies installation of combining multiple circuits on the incident scene, let CZone
Powerful integration with electrical systems through the through Mode selection, offers do the thinking.
Mastervolt means complete replacement of complicated and effortless Monitoring oversight


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For stockist call: (03) 9729 8788

AFN DriScreen Sunscreen (Half-page Ad').indd 3 28/11/2017 4:31:25 PM 105

FWF147 Electronics.indd 105 30/11/2017 11:07:45 AM

with ook
Anth y C

O n and off for the last decade

there have been various
portable sonar options available.
released and selling well. Though
behind the scenes Lowrance
was working some magic,
Depth Range Up to 160 ft (55 m)
Northern Hemispherians will now recently launched as the Wi-Fi Range: Up to 200 ft (65 m)
Minimum Depth: 1.4 ft (0.4 m)
be very familiar with ice fishing LowranceFishhunter Pro and Number of Transducers: 5 Tri-Frequency Transducers
versions of already available Fishhunter 3D. Frequency: 381kHz, 475kHz, 675kHz
stand-alone systems such as Trolling Speed: Up to 2 MPH (3.2 km/h, 1.7 knots)
the Lowrance Elite range. These FISHING, 3D STRUCTURE MAPPING,
versions were often no more The Fishhunter pro and 3D BATHYMETRIC MAPPING, ICE
than a sterdy bag, small battery aresmall floating wireless sonar FISHING FLASHER VIEW
receivers that transmits sonar Fish Attraction Night-time Illumination: Yes, LED Illumination
and removable transducer. These Wireless Connection: Wi-Fi works 4X faster than Bluetooth
systems were fine and dandy for data along with GPS position (No cellular data or internet
the frozen lakes up there but that and Temperature via WiFi to your connection required)
smartphone or Tablet. This little Sonar Type: Piezo-Electric Ceramic Crystal
was about it. Wattage(Peak to Peak): 300 Watts
guy gives you information about Battery Life: Up to 10 hrs or up to 500 hrs stand
Not long after we started to
the fish, the bottom and location by
see castable solutions such as Operational Temperature: -22°F (-30°C) to 95°F (35°C)
before you cast your line out. Unit of Measurement: Imperial & Metric
the VelixarTpod, iBobber, Deeper
Best still, it works just as well Weight: 180g
and HumminbirdSmartcast. Compatibility: +9000 iOS Apple & Android
for people fishing from a boat,
These all had their benefits but Smartphones or Tablets with GPS
or crazy people fishing from 3rd Fish Hunter pro - $219 Fish Hunter 3D - $274
range and quality were always
story apartments into the canal
limited as such most brands
below. Though one feature I really Even take part in live fishing
faded from the Australian scene.
like is Directional Casting making competitions. Basically this little
With the emergence of high WHAT MAKES IT SO use of its array of transducers guy and its App are making
quality sonar micro-sizing and DIFFERENT? you can isolate the center, back fishing social!
faster smart phone processing Good question!. The forth or either side to see exactly The models are also very well
the stage was set for a comeback Fishhunter pro/3D uses 5 where to cast your baits. priced compared to other options
to what a lot of people initially Tri-Frequency transducers available before.
saw as a gimmick. supporting 381kHz, 475kHz and SO WHAT MAKES IT SO
The sonar cricket ball was 675kHz frequencies. Different GOOD? WHEN AND WHERE CAN I BUY
coming back! In 2014 the world frequencies allow for really Other than its cool sonar ONE?
got a look at a new Canadian dialing in the quality of sonar features, The Fish Hunter If you are reading this
based company and their groovy image at different depths. sonar enters the social world magazine at the barber waiting
floating sonar solution. The Multiple transducers allow the by connecting with your smart for a hair cut in 2025, chances are
“Fishhunter” unit to create groovy 3D mapping phone it allows you to build you might have to search hard
It didn’t see much love of the terrain below allowing unique bathymetric maps, for one of these. But here in 2017,
here in Australia as at the time anglers to seek out hidden holes connect with friends to share they will be available through all
the Deeper unit was recently and structure. catch sizes and record species. Lowrance dealers shortly

106 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Electronics.indd 106 30/11/2017 11:07:54 AM

I f there is one thing I never want
to repeat is have my battery die
on me as I head out boating for
AH capacity of the battery. Mine
where all around 100AH. So
10Amp per battery was perfect. I
the day. Being a clever person chose the 30amp 3 bank option.
it took happening two times for I was very impressed by how
it to sink in that I need to take quiet the charger was. In fact I
better care of my battery levels. couldn’t hear a thing. The last big
So I decided, I needed a good bank charger I had ran two large
battery charger, I went on the cooling fans and sounded like an
hunt. old man stirring coal. On the unit
My boat had three batteries itself is a mode button to allow
onboard. Two 105AH AGM deep you to select from recharge to a
cycle batteries, and one 1000CCA rejuvenation setting, which aids
95AH Lead battery for starting. bringing back worn old batteries
On out boat we ran two 12” back from the brink “Though I
Simrad sounders a long with a could not confirm this” as well
BSM3 sonar computer, 4g radar, as Mode was a handy graph and
stereo system. Two amplifiers, LED array showing what stage of
8 speakers, deck wash, live well, charge the unit was functioning
electric windless, 42l fridge, at.
under water lights, Television, All of which was groovy
electric downriggers, 2000w playing on my test bench, but
240v inverter, phone, laptop and deep in the boat it would be a
camera chargers. real pain in the…
My batteries were getting The major reason I opted
hammered! for this Victron was it’s built in
So my requirement was for a Bluetooth feature. By synching
slapping my hand before I lick a
charger that was small enough with your IOS or Android phone
9v battery.
to be mounted in a neat little you can monitor state of batteries
If your boat has a lot of
waterproof area of the pump as well as change modes and
goodies and your batteries get
room. Quiet, and have some kind update the charger software
worked a fair bit. Extend their
of monitoring. when new features become
useable life with a good onboard
Now the thing onboard available. So now I can have my
battery charger. I can highly
chargers is making sure they early morning Milo and check to
recommend this groovy Victron
won’t cook or damage the see if the batteries are charged
Blue Smart battery charger.
batteries in any way (that seems before we head out for a pre-
Victron Blue Smart 12/30 3
like a no brainer?) but that meant dawn fish.
bank charger RRP $449
for me making sure the battery Also something I found very
charger would be smart enough nice is how this unit will happily
charge safely Lithium batteries. Anthony Cooke runs Moose Marine.
to understand the state of charge, A marine outfitting company located
Something I can for see in my
as well as inform me of their in Chelsea Heights Victoria. He
To satisfy though my paranoia specialises in installing and trouble
This is when I came across
the Victron Blue smart charger shooting marine electronics in
the Victron Blue Smart charger.
has a host of safety features, boats of all sizes. he is also a keen
People may already know Victron
including battery temperature sport fisher and fishes extensively
as makers of fine electrical
and ambient temperature shut in Victoria, South Australia and
subsystems in big applications
down protection, reverse polarity New South Wales. He runs a 4.8
but they are very much in the
fuse and excess current draw Polycraft and regularly fishes Port
smaller game as well.
shut down. Pretty much this Phillip Bay and Lakes Entrance.
The small smart charger
unit won’t let me ruin my own
comes in three guises 12v guises.
batteries again. Its basically a
15/20/30amp in 3 bank blocks.
little blue box version of a mother
Ideal charge rate is 10% the 107

FWF147 Electronics.indd 107 30/11/2017 11:08:05 AM

L owrance®, a world-leading
brand in fishing electronics
since 1957, announced today the
new HOOK2 series of fishfinders/
chartplotters, delivering a new
standard for ease of use and
At the heart of the world’s
chartplotter series is
LowranceAutotuning sonar
– a new, game-changing
solution that actively corrects
sonar settings for the clearest
underwater view. Now, anglers
can spend more time fishing
and less time making manual
adjustments to their sonar
settings. Most models will
also feature full navigational
capability and pre-loaded, high-

detail mapping.
HOOK2 is not only easy
to use, it’s also a powerful
performer on the water. Anglers

can cover more water in less time
with 2X wider sonar coverage
with new Lowrance wide-angle
Broadband Sounder™ and CHIRP
sonar – providing more sonar
coverage of most fishfinders on
the market today. SideScan and

DownScan Imaging™ complete charts) for saving waypoints, sonar and imaging, simple the coverage of most fishfinders
the HOOK2 sonar arsenal on following trails and navigating to controls and clear displays – all at and the easiest-to-use, push-
select models, ensuring anglers favourite fishing spots. an extremely competitive price,” button design, HOOK2 combines
can view life-like images of “With HOOK2, our goal was to said Leif Ottosson, CEO, Navico. powerful performance and
fishing-holding structure to both capture the spirit of the Lowrance “From Autotuning sonar settings, simplicity into a fishfinder every
sides and below the boat. customer who values enhanced wide-angle sonar with double angler will love.”
The new HOOK2 series will
be available in three easy- REAL LOWRANCE
to-install, value-priced sonar SEE BOTH SIDES OF YOUR BOAT DOWNSCAN IMAGING™
categories to meet every angler’s
needs – 3-in-1 sonar with High
CHIRP, SideScan and DownScan
Imaging; 2-in-1 sonar with
High CHIRP and DownScan
Imaging; and proven Broadband
Sounder™, respectively known
as TripleShot™, SplitShot™ and
Bullet. Bullet 4-inch have an
eye-catching, new wide-screen
design, providing additional
detailed sonar history versus
vertical 4-inch display models.
will be offered in 12-, 9-, 7-,
5- and 4-inch display sizes, and TRIPLESHOT™ 3-IN-1
most models will also feature SONAR INCLUDED
full navigational capability and
pre-loadedC-Map cartography.
HOOK2 fishfinder-only models
– with the exception of the sonar-
only HOOK2 4x Bullet – include
a built-in GPS Plotter (without

108 Freshwater Fishing Australia MEET THE NEW

FWF147 Electronics.indd 108
HOOK2 removes the guesswork so you can make the most of your time on the water. Find more 30/11/2017 11:08:15 AM
fish with hands-off reliability of auto-tune sonar and the widest CHIRP coverage of today’s 16219 109

FWF147 Electronics.indd 109 30/11/2017 11:08:28 AM

16219 4X4 Show Brisbane 2018 FISHING Freshwater 210x297_OL.indd 1 27/11/17 2:36 pm
▲ Tim wall trolls for trout on a foggy winters morning 111

trout trolling.indd 111 30/11/2017 11:15:36 AM

 Brown trout love minnow style hardbodies.

IT’S IN THE LURES like this I’d run only shallow options. It is and tear around a waterway with lures
By far, one of the most important factors still advisable to run a varied spread though. blowing out of action. I’m simply suggesting
when trolling for trout is lure selection, as I opt for a lightly weighted plastic, shallow you set the speed slightly higher every now
you should always have a wide variety of diving minnow and spoon or wobbler until and then for 10 minute stints and see if it
lures to choose from. When fishing an area I see what the fish are responding to. Once changes anything. You might be surprised.
I haven’t fished recently I generally run an a pattern emerges and the fish appear to Everybody has their own preferred speed for
extremely varied spread of lures. This will be taking a single lure I typically change trout trolling and mine is about two knots
consist of an extremely shallow running the other rods to the same lure or similar in clear water and slightly slower in dirtier
option like a lightly weighted soft plastic or counterparts. water.
spoon followed by a medium depth diver or Holding the rod while trolling for trout
Tassie Devil. To complete the spread I add in TROLLING TACTICS is a must-do on my boat as not only does
a deep diving hardbody minnow. I personally think speed can be a great it allow you to feel every little pulse of your
Depending on the depth of water you advantage when trout trolling for two lure or the picking up of small pieces of weed
plan to fish, these options may not be viable, reasons. I believe trout become aggravated but it also allows you to place more action
for example, if you’re trolling in 1.5 m of by fast moving lures and I also think on the lure you’re trolling. This is important
water featuring broken weed beds that grow travelling quickly covers more water and in when trolling for trout as I have experienced
a foot or more off the bottom. In a situation due course yields more bites. double, if not triple, the amount of fish on
I’m not suggesting you set the spread the rod I’m holding when compared to those
 A brown trout caught trolling at lake Gillear in Victoria’s South-west sitting in the holders.
The erratic jerks and twitches you impart
on the rod transfers to the lure and this extra
action can make all the difference on fussy
fish. When trolling two rods per person this
becomes impossible and one rod has to be
placed in a rod holder. Watch your rod the
whole time not only for bites but also for
the lure working. The smallest piece of weed
or floating debris will foul small trout lures
and destroy their action. You’re not going to
catch fish trolling weeded up lures around
and every metre you do this is time you’re
not in the strike zone.

Picking the right time and day for your trout
trolling session is also important on the
western lakes. The shallower lakes often fish
considerably better on windy overcast days
as the fish have confidence to move around
in the shallows to feed. Fishing first and last
light is equally important when fishing the
deeper, clearer lakes as the fish move closer
to the surface to feed at night.
So while trolling for trout mightn’t be
a new age technique, it has always been a

112 Freshwater Fishing Australia

trout trolling.indd 112 30/11/2017 11:15:47 AM


S pread is also important while trolling,

as you want to cover as much water as
possible. With this in mind, staggering your
lures at varying distances to the boat and
performing small bends or turns in your run
as you troll helps to intercept more fish.
Staggering the distances also helps with
missed bites as quite often I will have a
missed a hit on one of the closer lures and
received a hook up shortly after on the longer
rod.I believe it can give you a second chance
if the missed fish didn’t feel the hooks.
Spread also incorporates number of rods
trolled and I will always troll with my limit of
two rods when trolling on my own but if I have
another person aboard I will also encourage
them to troll withtwo rods. This can double
your chances of intercepting fish as you have
double the lures in the water. So take the time
to get the lures and rods positioned correctly
and the results will come.

 Mark Lesko with a Bullen Merri double taken while trolling a Rapala Husky Jerk. Growing up fishing from a young age Colby is
popular technique on the western lakes and are able to set the lures, relax and take some currently studying fisheries and aquaculture
is one that many others and I still employ cover from the elements. So, if it does come at Warrnambool in Victoria’s southwest. He
frequently. Trolling is of great advantage down to open water searching for trout, a enjoys targeting a variety of saltwater and
when fishing dirty water as it allows you to well set and executed troll is my number one freshwater species and travels around exploring
comb the water for fish with multiple lures at approach when fishing the western lakes. new fisheries any chance he gets. Colby is an
once and in due course results in more fish. If you’re yet to give it a go, get on board and avid lure fisherman with chasing Murray Cod
It is also great for those tough conditions reap in the triumphs so often achieved while and Trout taking up a large amount of his time.
of night fishing or cold/rainy sessions as you trolling.

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trout trolling.indd 113 30/11/2017 11:16:02 AM

Proudly Sponsored by

Tassie Devils
with Andrew McGovern
30 years on

W hen I look back over the

past thirty years chasing
trout in lakes, dams and
tantalising side-to-side swaying
action is exceptionally attractive
to trout. The Wigstonteam has
impoundments, it’s fair to say not ventured away from this
that a lot has changed. From the most successful characteristic
clothes and tackle, to the boat of the original lures. Whether
we traverse the stillwater with, you are chasing actively feeding
it’s hard to find a single entity fish or relying on an aggression
that has remained virtually strike from a buck brown,
unchanged over the past 30 a Tassie will generate that
years. ferocious strike.
A lot of advancements have
occurred since the mid-1980s; VERSATILITY
however, among my vast array The mainstay method for using
of trout lures there has been one Tassies is trolling. Their action
constant and that is the humble combined with the ability to
Tasmanian Devil. I believe cover large sections of a lake
there are a number of factors with lures in tow, means the
that have contributed to the odds of meeting some fish are
longevity and success of these high. However, these lures can
home grown Aussie lures over be equally successful if cast and
this period. Let’s take a look at retrieved, and in some deep
these factors. water situations while vertical
jigging(I will detail this method
ACTION in more detail in a future issue
First and foremost is action. That of FWF).

▲ The author landed this nice rainbow spinning with a Tassie from the shore.

When casting they are Devil. Simply tie it on and either

highly effective worked across kick the motor into gear or start
prominent points and rocky retrieving.
shorelines. This can be achieved The above mentioned
from land or from a boat. modification to a retrieve
Another successful method is will obviously assist the
using red and brown colour Tassie’s attractiveness, but in
patterns over shallow mud and most scenarios that constant
clay beds that harbour plenty of methodical forward momentum
yabby holes. will be sufficient to catch a bag
of trout. The other wonderfully
SIMPLICITY simple fact about Tassies is the
In every aspect they are simple ability to simply tie one on and
to use. To get the optimum start fishing.
results with most lures, they
require some intervention from COLOURS
the user to impart extra action. The colourrange of Tassie
This is achieved through clever Devils is huge. I’m still not
rod work, changes in speed and convinced that colour makes a
intermitted pauses to alter the huge difference in fish catching
advancing motion of the lure. ability but it certainly catches
No such issue with a Tassie the angler. This means that

114 Freshwater Fishing Australia

fwf147 tactics - Andrew.indd 114 30/11/2017 11:26:26 AM

fishers are always buying and
trying new pattern and colour
combinations, which in turn
means they are being swum
across the nose of trout. No lure
works if it is sitting in your tackle
boxand the fact that new colours
are constantly available means
that anglers will keep using them
in the hope they have stumbled
upon that magic colour or

With some of the new high-end
Japanese designed trout lures
now selling for $30 or more, it
is refreshing to walk into your
local tackle store to buy a Tassie
and get some change from a five
dollar note. There are few, if any,
lures on the market that are as


There aren’t many people who in New South Wales, Victoria that have been mixed among Mountains and NSW south coast
would argue that any other lure and Tasmania. fish of less than half a kilogram. region for over 40 years and is
has accounted for more trout in The final point worth noting There are few lures that considered one of the country’s
Australia than the humble Tassie about Tassie Devils is that they can lay claim to an amazingly most innovative and competent
Devil. To do this over a number don’t discriminate when it comes consistent track record of anglers. He is AFNs most published
of decades is something that will to fish size. Over the years we catching all manner of trout than writer. Along with two extensive
be written into Australian trout have taken hundreds of just legal that of the Tasmanian Devil. books, Andrew has featured
fishing folklore and talked about sized trout while also bagging They are quite possibly the trout in numerous AFN Tactics DVDs.
in another three decades time. similar numbers of fish in the lure of our generation… and
Andrew is currently a Pro Angler
Not only do they catch trout and 2 to 3 kg bracket. During single possibly the next.
with Jarvis Walker Australia and
good numbers of them, butthey sessions we have even hooked
endorses their range of products.
have accounted for some truly and landed fish nudging the old- Andrew has been fishing the
monstrous specimens from lakes fashioned double figure mark, Canberra, Monaro, Snowy

Looks like rain....

Marine Outfitting & Electronic Specialist
sf76 Moose marine.indd 1 29/03/2017 3:25:37 PM 115

fwf147 tactics - Andrew.indd 115 30/11/2017 11:26:36 AM

Indicates Long Draw
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FWF147 Subs.indd 119 6/12/2017 2:16:23 PM
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FRESHGear wi th Staff
The Sustain series has long been a tried and tested favourite amongst anglers from around the world. This year marks the
rebirth of the Sustain with the new fi series that remains true to its outlast and outperform reputation.
The much anticipated release of the Sustain FI has challenged Shimano to deliver a
reel that exceeds expectations and sets a new benchmark for saltwater performance.
With the challenge now set, Shimano has engineered a spinning reel that offers the
perfect balance between rigidity and sensitivity.
By leveraging the benefits of the Aluminum Hagane Body, the Sustain FI possesses
the rigidity of a metal outer shell that maximizes impact resistance whilst
eliminating body flex under load. To provide enhanced sensitivity, a Magnumlite
Rotor has been fitted to the Sustain FI series and offers an effortless low inertia
rotation. This is a significant improvement on the previous Sustain FG
model, as the bail trip lever has now been moved to the opposite side of
the line roller, negating the need for heavy bail hold support.
To oppose unwanted saltwater intrusion, X Protect technology provides
the Sustain FI with Shimano’s highest degree of waterproofing protection.
Such technology leverages both a water repellent treatment and labyrinth
structure that blocks any internal saltwater entry into the reels internals.
The cold forged Hagane Gear and X-Ship combine to provide a gearing
system that is smoother and stronger than any other available in the market.
This gives the reel a much smoother gear transition but also unrivalled pulling
power to handle larger predatory species.
With four sizes available in the range featuring 8+1 Shielded A-RB bearings and drag output that ranges
from 9kg to 11kg depending on the model. The Sustain FI is finished in a predominately black cosmetic
that provides a premium finish to match its high performance pedigree.

The Jewel range is back
with 13 purpose built
models for Australian
saltwater and freshwater The next generation of Curado baitcast reels sets
applications. Built on a the benchmark in everyday performance and saltwater
T45 blank and fitted with durability with the new K series.
Fuji k Alconite guides A longtime favourite amongst Australian anglers, the Curado
and TVS reel seat, the K series represents the next chapter in the iconic Curado legacy,
Jewel represents high end featuring the latest in Shimano’s innovative MicroModule gearing
construction and superior and X-Ship for smooth rotation, combined with the new SVS
value. Infinity braking system for enhanced casting performance.
The construction of the To withstand the toughest saltwater environments, Shimano has
T45 blank sets the Jewel incorporated a specially plated pinion gear, combined with a breakwater
apart from traditional wall and drainage port to provide superior protection against corrosion.
graphite construction, Featuring Shimano’s new compact body design, the Curado K is 10% smaller in
where a graphite tape is both length and width when compared to the previous model. This is further enhanced by the metal Hagane Body to
linear rolled at 45 degrees provide the reel with added durability and rigidity.
and is then reinforced Available in a 200 size in both right and left hand models in multiple gear ratios up to 8.5:1 and fitted with 6+1 Shielded
by two opposing angled A-RB bearings. Finished in slick matte black and packed with the very best in Shimano technology, the Curado K is more
premium graphite sheets, powerful, more durable and offers supreme casting performance.
creating a light yet
extremely strong blank.
This promotes accurate
and long casts, whilst OKUMA MAKAIRA 20000 S
providing the angler with The new Okuma® Makaira spinning reel doesn’t just raise the bar, it grabs hold and throws it through the roof! The
the confidence to turn up Makaira spinning reel is built to the highest standard, using nothing but the best and toughest materials money can buy.
the drag during the fight The Makaira is here to catch the fish you thought were impossible on spinning tackle. It
and muscle fish to the all begins with the Makaira’s fully sealed waterproof body, it’s built tough to handle
surface. the 30kg of maximum drag pressure that the sealed dual force carbon element drag
Each rod that features system can deliver. The drag system won’t ever leave you guessing either, with
within the Jewel range Okuma’s new Dial-In drag system allowing you to pre-set maximum pressure so you
has been designed and can just crank it up and hold on. The main gear is like nothing else in the heavy
handpicked with a target duty saltwater spinning reel category, its stainless steel construction means
species in mind. There that every ounce of force you apply to the HD machined handle, gets
is a swimbait model for transferred to the drive train with zero slop and maximum torque.
Murray cod, top water and Available in a 20,000 and 30,000 size, the Makaira is ready
jigging models for pelagic to do battle with the largest fish in the ocean, so whether
species, along with spin you’re looking to throw poppers at giant trevally, or jig
models for snapper right for dogtooth tuna, or even troll for marlin. The Okuma
through to finesse bream.. Makaira will impress every step of the way!nty

122 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Gear.indd 122 30/11/2017 12:17:56 PM

TD Sol III is the first reel to feature
the all new future design concept
LT or “Light Tough” Developed
over the last two years the TD Sol
III features some of our famous
technology throughout the six
different sized models in the range.
Whatever you like to fish for the all
new TD Sol III has a reel perfect for TD SOL BAITCASTER ROD RANGE
you. Available late November 2017. Light, responsive, and crisp in action, are just some of the ways to describe the
MSRP: $399.00 feel of Daiwa’s latest baitcaster range of rods. Featuring almost the entire line up of their most impressive rod technologies this range is set to impress.
By combining this technology with an eye-catching livery this range steps up to be
a future classic! Available now! MSRP: From $159.00


The famous Sol name re-enters the
baitcaster realm with the release
of the new version – TD Sol SV
TW. The new Sol is one of our
highest performing and easiest reels
to cast thanks to some trick technology
and tough engineering. Available in left
and right handed configurations, this is a TD SOL SPINNING ROD RANGE
reel perfect for all anglers from beginner to Combining Daiwa cutting edge blank design with unmatched value the new TD
expert angler. Sol series is undeniably impressive. A new technology has been employed called
Available late November 2017. Nanoplus meaning it is lighter but stronger than ever before. To match the ranges
MSRP: $549.00 new found strength and agility the famous Fuji guides have been installed to keep things inline.
The new range was designed to be great value for money without compromising
on quality. Available Now! MSRP: From $159.00

Sufix revolutionised the braided line industry when it launched its heralded 832 Advanced Superline featuring Gore
Performance fibres back in 2010. Now the industry leading line manufacturer part of the larger Rapala VMC Corporation
has once again raised the bar with its introduction of Sufix Advance Monofilament line at the 2017 AFTA trade show.
Sufix Advance is the first and only monofilament line to utilise HMPE raw material into a brand new magnetic extrusion
process. HMPE is the raw material used to make all your favourite braided fishing lines, and by incorporating HMPE with
the Hyper Copolymer materials Sufix Advance shatters all previously held records for a monofilament fishing line.
Sufix Advance boasts statistics like 96% knot strength, 50% less stretch than standard monofilament lines, superior
abrasion resistance thanks to a tough outer layer of HMPE molecules.
The benefits don’t stop there either. Thanks to the unique formulation, Sufix Advance also absorbs less than half of the
damaging UV light of a traditional monofilament, meaning it’s going to last longer on your spool and won’t degrade over
time. Soft and supple, Sufix Advance also has decreased memory making it the most supple monofilament line ever

Exage is a fine diameter Japanese
manufactured monofilament with
excellent clarity and super sensitivity.
It has a soft feel with low memory so
it lays neatly onto the spool of the reel.
Ideal for floater fishing for snapper or
even surf fishing for salmon.


TIAGRA LEADER The new Tiagra Hyper game fishing line uses
Manufactured in Japan, The New Tiagra premium class Japanese IGFA rated nylon
Premium Nylon Mono Leader is significantly monofilament that combines high abrasion
tougher in abrasion resistance than standard resistance with optimal stretch.
nylon, and offers the very best in knot and crimp It is available in Invisible Clear Blue and High
strength. Visibility Fluorescent Yellow in 15, 24 and 37 kilo
Available in 20 through to 150lb, the leader is breaking strains in 1000 metre spools and bulk
suited to making rigs for snapper right through to spools. 15 and 24 kilo breaking strains are available
trolling leaders for marlin. in bulk. 123

FWF147 Gear.indd 123 30/11/2017 12:18:53 PM

s - NIAS Barz Polarised Sunglasses - NIAS
e sunglass. Fits most face shapes and Theis NIAS - conservative adult full frame sunglass. Fits most face shapes and is
ber or blue mirror polarised lenses. This
available with 1.1mm acetate grey, amber or blue mirror polarised lenses. This
on lenses. frame can also be fitted with prescription lenses.
The NIAS - conservative adult full frame sunglass.

NEW Product Release

246050 246052
Fits most face shapes and is available with 1.1mm 246050 246052
acetate grey, amber or blue mirror polarised
lenses. This frame can also be fitted with

uct Release
prescription lenses.

Frame Lens Suggested
Code Colour Colour Retail Incl
Barz Polarised GST boatinglifestyleadventure
Sunglasses - Tofino Standard and Readers
246050 Black Grey $60.00
The Tofino is a wrap style with side windows. It suits medium size male or
246052 Black Amber $60.00
female face shapes. Lens options are polarised acetate or polarised acetate
sPolarised - Tofino
FIJI Standard with non polarised readers in +1.50, +2.00 and + 2.50 making them ideal for
and Readers
zlarised- Fiji Sunglasses
Sunglasses - Tofino -Barz
reading Polarised
Tofino Standard
digital and Readers
screens, and Sunglasses
mobile phones, charts - Fiji
similar. 246400
e with side windows.The It suits
Fiji medium
frame hasItwith
dualsize malenon
moulded or slip temples and a great wrap
ofino wrap
is a andwith
wrap a great
style side
with wrap
side fitted
windows. suits It medium
The Fijiacetate size
medium male
size or
frame has dual moulded non slip templesSTANDARD
male or and a great wrap fitted with
s options are polarised fitted acetate or polarised
face ashapes.
non slipoptions
Lens adjustable
Lens arewith
polarised acetate
piece for polarised
acetate or lenses. It acetate
polarised also has a non slip
in +1.50, +2.00 and + 2.50are
adjustable nose
optimum for
or polarised
polarised lenses.
comfort and
acetateIt also has a nonAND
is ideal to fit
slip adjustable nose piece for
onfit polarised
all face
larised shapes.
readers in +1.50, +2.00 +2.00 and +optimum
2.50+making them ideal for
mobile phones,readers
charts all
and +1.50,
face similar.
and 2.50fit making
and them246400
comfort idealisfor
and ideal to fit all faceREADERS
tal screens,
g digital mobilemobile
screens, phones, chartscharts
phones, and similar.
and similar. 246400 246400
Description Frame Lens Magnification Suggested The Tofino is a
Code Colour Colour + Retail Incl wrap style with
246028 GST side windows. It suits 246028
246400 Frame Standard LensBlack Suggested Amber - $50.00 246410
Code Colour Colour Retail Incl medium size male or female
fication Suggested 246402Suggested Standard
me ens Lens
+ Magnification
Incl SuggestedBlack Grey
GST - $50.00 face shapes. Lens options are
ur Colour GST + 246404 + Retail Incl
Retail InclTortoise Amber
Standard - $50.00 polarised acetate or polarised
246028 Black Amber
GST GST Tortoise Amber $60.00
- $50.00 246410 Readers 1.5 $95.00 acetate with non polarised readers in
Amber 246030 Black Grey $60.00 246410
k Amber - 246412 - $50.00
Readers $50.00 Tortoise Amber 2.0 $95.00 +1.50, +2.00 and 246410
+ 2.50 making
246410 them ideal
- $50.00
k Grey - 246032
Tortoise Amber
Readers $50.00 Tortoise Amber
2.5 $95.00 for reading digital screens, mobile phones,
- $50.00246034 $50.00 Tortoise Grey $60.00
oise Amber - - $50.00 charts and similar.
erwise advised.$95.00
oise Amber 1.5 1.5 $95.00$95.00Barz Polarised
Amber N.B. Prices remain current for the duration of 2nd May 2016 Price List unless otherwise advised.
Sunglasses -
2.0 $95.00
oise Amber 2.0 2.0 $95.00$95.00
2.5 $95.00
oise Amber P.O.
Amber 2.5 Box 2.57171 $95.00Floating styles to suit medium to larger male faces. Has a great protective wrap style
Queensland, Australia and is fitted with 1.1mm acetate polarised lenses.
Sunglasses TAVARUA
- Tavarua
larised P: 1300
z Polarised Sunglasses 252 725 - Tavarua
- Tavarua
Floating styles to suit medium to larger male faces. Has a great protective wrap style and is fitted with 1.1mm
dium to larger F: male
1300faces.252 329 Has a lenses.
great protectiveboatinglifestyleadventure
wrap style 246420
ng esstyles
to suittomedium
acetate polarisedsuit acetate
to male
larger faces.
male Has
faces. aHas
great a protective wrap style
great protective wrap style boatinglifestyleadventure
fitted1.1mm acetate
with 1.1mm
acetate lenses.
polarised lenses.

NEW Product Release

246420 246422
BLA Frame Lens 246420 246420
Suggested 246422 246422
Code Colour Colour Retail Incl

NEW Product Release

246420 Blue Grey $95.00
Suggested 246422 Grey Grey $95.00
il Incl Kids polarised floating model - ideal for 7 to
Retail Incl
Barz Polarised
Barz Polarised Sunglasses
Sunglasses - Grom boatinglifestyleadventure
14 years old for sailing or fishing.
5.00$95.00 - Cabo Standard,
Kids Readers & Photocromic
polarised floating model - ideal for 7 to 14 years old
for Australian
The winner of the sailing or fishing.
Marine Industry - 246350
Sunglasses Barz Polarised Sunglasses - Grom
zlarised Sunglasses
Polarised Sunglasses
Most Innovative Exported Product, the Cabo
ders & Photocromic is a floating frame fitted
Kids polarised with polycarbonate
floating model - ideal for 7 to 14 years old
o Readers
Standard, Readers& Photocromic
& Photocromic
STANDARD, high impact polarised lenses. It’s available in 246392
ian Marine Industry - for sailing or fishing. 246350
of theof
inner Australian
the standard
Australian READERS
Marine &-
Industry polarised, polycarbonate polarised 246350
- with 246350
d Product, the Cabo
ative Exported
nnovative Product,
small Product,
the Cabo in the
the Cabo bottom centimetre of the lens or our “World
with polycarbonate
frame frame
oating fitted with First”
fitted Polarised
winner Photochromic
of the Bi Focal (the lens lightens to Cat2
ses. It’s available in BLA
mpact inlenses.
polarised low
It’s light
Marine to Frame
in Cat3 in fullLens Suggested
sun), (reader options are 246392
nate polarised with Code Colour Colour Retail Incl
ed, polycarbonate
olarised, +1.50,
polycarbonate +2.00
polarised and
polarised +2.50).
e lens or our “World Industry - Most GST Bifocal lenses
ntimetre of theof
om lens
ouror “World
ens centimetre
lightens to Cat2 Innovative our “World White
246390 Amber $60.00
omicFocal Focal
(the lens
(thelightens to Cat2
ader Bioptions are lensProduct,
BLA to
Frame is Carbon
Lens Suggested $60.00
n full in
Cat3 sun),
full (reader
sun),BLA options
(readeraCode areframe
floating arefitted
Colour Frame
ColourLensRetail Magnification
Incl Suggested
Code with polycarbonate 246394Colour CarbonBifocal
Colour lenses
GST $60.00
+ Retail Incl 246370
Bifocal Bifocal
lenses lenses
high impact White Amber $60.00
246350 Standard
246392 lenses.
Grey GreyBarz
$60.00 Polarised
- Sunglasses - Nauru Junior
nification Suggested 246352 Standard Black Amber - $60.00
me+ Lens Magnification
Retail Incl Suggested
available Suggested
in standard
246394 Carbon Amber A$60.00 246370
scaled down copy of one of our best selling adult styles. The A scaled down copy of one of our best selling adult
246370 246370
ColourColour GST
our + 246354 Retail
+ polycarbonate Incl
Retail InclCabron GreyNauru has a- great protective
Standard $60.00 wrap and the temples follow the styles. The Nauru has a great protective wrap and
246356 GST GST Carbon Amber
Standard - wearer head $60.00so won’t fall off.
polarised, shape of the the temples follow the shape of the wearer head so
$60.00 BlackBarz Polarised Sunglasses
- $60.00 - Nauru Junior
Grey Grey
ck - 246360 $60.00
- polycarbonate
Readers Grey 1.5 $230.00 won’t fall off.
Bifocal lenses
- $60.00
Amber Amber
ck - 246362 $60.00
- polarised
Readers $60.00
with small BlackA scaled
Grey down copy 2.0 of one of$230.00
our best selling adult styles. The
- $60.00
ron Grey - 246364 $60.00
- bi focals in$60.00
Readers the bottom BlackNauru has a great 2.5
Grey protective $230.00
wrap and the temples follow the
- $60.00
Amber Amber
bon - 246370 $60.00
- centimetre of the Carbon
$60.00 shape of the wearer head so $230.00 won’t fall off.
1.5 $230.00 Readers Bifocal lenses 1.5
Grey Grey
ck 1.5246372 1.5lens$230.00
or our
Readers “World
$230.00 Carbon Amber
Bifocal Bifocal
lenses lenses
$230.00 246380
2.0 $230.00
Grey Grey
ck 2.0246374 2.0First” Polarised
Readers $230.00 Carbon Amber 2.5 $230.00
2.5 $230.00 BLABi Focal Frame Lens Suggested
Grey Grey
ck 2.5246380 2.5Photochromic
$230.00 $230.00
Photocromic 1.5 Incl
1.5 $230.00 Code Black Colour Grey Colour Retail $320.00
Amber Amber 1.5246382
bon 1.5(the$230.00
lens lightens
$230.00to Black
Photocromic Grey 2.0
GST $320.00 246380
2.0 $230.00 Cat2 in low light or
Amber Amber 2.0246384
bon 2.0 $230.00 $230.00
Photocromic Black Grey 2.5 $320.00
246380 246380
2.5 $230.00 246396 Black Grey $30.00
Amber Amber 2.5 2.5darkens
bon $230.00
BLA (reader
to Cat3 in full
Frame Lens of 2nd Suggested
1.5 $320.00 sun), 246398
options Black Amber
May 2016$30.00
Grey Grey N.B. 1.5 Prices remain
Code$320.00current for the duration
Price List unless otherwise advised.
2.0 $320.00
1.5are +1.50, $320.00
+2.00 and Colour Retail Incl
Grey Grey
ck 2.0 2.0+2.50). $320.00 $320.00 GST
2.5 $320.00
Grey Grey P.O.
ck 2.5 Box2.5 7171
246396 Hemmant,
$320.00 Black
$320.00 Grey $30.00 246398
Price List unlessQueensland, AustraliaBlack
otherwise advised. 4174 Amber $30.00
of 2nd May 2016
uration of 2nd P:Price
May 2016List
1300 unless
Price otherwise
List725 advised.advised.
unless otherwise

F: 1300 252 329

E: boatinglifestyleadventure
124 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Gear.indd 124 boatinglifestyleadventure 30/11/2017 12:18:18 PM
Is it a crab, shrimp, hellgrammite, yabby, prawn or insect? We’re not sure
exactly what ZMan’s new creature bait is but the TRD HogZ has already
accounted for a stack of species in both the fresh and salt.
Plenty of moving parts, in the form of large antennae and fine legs, create
vibration and water movement, while the natural buoyancy of the 10X Tough
ElaZtech material encourages an ‘antennae up’, life-like pose when at rest
on the bottom. This buoyancy combined with TT Lures new NedlockZ jighead
creates a deadly stand up presentation that reduces snagging and puts those
antennae right in the face of the fish, triggering strikes.
A ribbed body adds to the realist feel and creates additional water movement,
while also being perfect for holding scent, and a solid core allows the TRD
HogZ to be trimmed shorter for a more finesse presentation as required.
Initially available in 6 natural colours, including Dirt, The Deal, Molting Craw
and Drew’s Craw, the TRD HogZ is sure to become a go-to for anglers chasing
bream, bass, trout, redfin, flathead and more. Fish on!
Available in 6 colours, with 6 per pack and a SRP of $10.95.
% eive FN
20 to erenction A


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Ph: 03 9738 1385 SALES ENQUIRIES: (03) 9729 8788

FWF147 Gear.indd 125 30/11/2017 12:18:29 PM

pussyfoot ad.indd 1 SPIKE-IT16/06/2017 9:47:04
105x297mm.indd 1 AM 29/11/2017 3:28:20 PM
There are hundreds of deep diving lures on the market and not one of them is anything like the new Smoke 65.
From our experience in the Australian market we found the action on other deep divers was either too wide &
slow or too tight & fast.
We spent 3 years meticulously refining the action to have a specific combination of action and roll. A lure with a
rolling action mimics a baitfish more closely and hence makes a huge difference in fish catching ability.
The Smoke 65 also features our revolutionary LED technology which is a water activated flashing red LED. This
technology has been proven to be noticeably effective in dirty water, low light conditions and after dark.
Other features include an internal rattle, UV paints, proven colour patterns and BKK ultra sharp and tough trebles.
Highly effective on Mangrove Jacks, Barramundi, Bass, Golden Perch, Murray Cod, Red Fin, Flathead and many


ZMan 4” Turbo CrawZ are a deadly jig, ChatterBait or spinnerbait trailer, as well as a versatile soft plastic
presentation in their own right. Their specially designed Turbo ClawZ thump at even the slightest rod
movement or reel crank and the buoyant, 10X Tough ElaZtech material allows the claws to rise up off the
bottom in a natural defensive posture that attracts fish and triggers strikes.
This buoyancy also allows the Turbo CrawZ to be rigged weedless on a ChinlockZ hook and buzzed across
the surface, weighted on a ChinlockZ SWS or SnakelockZ jighead for
fishing heavy cover, or rigged on a HeadlockZ jighead for fishing open
The realistic craw profile will appeal to a wide range of freshwater
species, while also attracting the attention of a myriad of saltwater
species, offering anglers a profile change when the bite is tough. Colours
in the range include June Bug, Green Pumpkin, Green Pumpkin Orange,
Pearl and Mud Bug.
Turbo CrawZ come in a pack of 6, with a SRP of $9.95.


The big bait trend is showing no signs of slowing down any time soon. Anglers chasing XOS Murray
SQUIDGIES BIO Cod, Barramundi and Mulloway for the past few seasons have been living the ‘bigger is better’ lifestyle
Squidgies has teamed up with Shimano, to develop the to the extreme. This year, international lure brand Storm will unveil new big baits aimed at Murray Cod,
next generation in soft baits “Squidgies Bio Tough”. Barramundi and Mulloway.
Combining “Dura Stretch” toughness technology with The new RIP Seeker Jerk has unique hybrid construction in more ways than one. This 20cm (200mm),
our new “Synthetic Bioplastic” we have been able to 80gm, slow sinking, jointed jerk bait is a combination of hard body and soft plastic. A big profile bait that
merge superior strength and durability with at least you can fish shallow or deep, fast or slow to entice a big predator to bite. Its hard hollow head section
50% Biodegradability. Shimano “Squidgies Bio Tough” controls the vertical descent of the lure, allowing it to be fished more like a suspending hardbody. Then
integrates these new features with our existing UV the soft plastic outer ‘skin’ makes this bait more realistic than any other. Designed to be fished like a
treatment to further enhance lure presence and ensure traditional bibbed jerkbait, this lure responds remarkably to erratic twitches, darting side to side and
your plastics now last longer. gliding on the pause. Available in eight fish catching colours, they are a must for all serious anglers. These baits are in all leading tackle stores now.

Using their popular Rev Head for inspiration Tackle Tactics have developed the new RevlockZ series of underspin style
jigheads. The RevlockZ is built on the same brutally strong Mustad black nickel, chemically sharpened hook that has
made their HeadlockZ series Australia’s #1 jighead, with the addition of a spinning blade mounted on the underside
of the jighead to add flash and vibration to your soft plastic presentation. It also features the tested and proven ‘head
lock’ grub keeper that locks your soft plastic in place on the jighead, which is especially important when using 10X
Tough ZMan ElaZtech plastics.
To control the torque of the blade and ensure the presentation tracks true, the weight of the head has been tapered
from top to bottom to keel the RevlockZ. Blade options include both Colorado and Willow, in both silver (nickel) and gold
(brass). Whether it’s bass, yellowbelly and flathead on the smaller sizes or snapper and pelagic species on the larger
sizes, the RevlockZ allows you to put a spin on your soft plastic presentation that may just switch on the bite. Fish on!
Available in 1/8oz 2, 1 and 1/0, 1/4oz 1/0, 2/0 (3pk) and 3/0, 3/8oz 2/0, 3/0 and 5/0, 1/2oz 3/0, 5/0 and 7/0, 3/4oz 7/0
and 1oz 7/0 (2pk), in all four blade configuration, with a SRP of $9.95.

126 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Gear.indd 126 30/11/2017 12:18:45 PM

“Kiddies if you don’t
look after you skin
at least look after
your eyes.”

Showroom: 11/4 Leda Dr,

Burleigh Heads QLD 4220
P: 07 5576 4365 127

FWF147 Gear.indd 127 30/11/2017 12:19:01 PM

Tackle Tactics are proud to make Bagley Lures available to Australian anglers, bringing
over 60 years of US lure making history and skill to our shores. The team at Tackle Tactics
have worked closely with the Bagley Lures crew, including Jarmo Rapala, former CEO of
the worldwide Rapala group and part of the legendary Rapala family, to test and fit out a
selection of lures for Australian conditions.
The Rumble B 11 is a floating, diving minnow that can be cast or trolled for a wide range
of species, from the creek to the bluewater. It is 10.8cm long, weighs 10.6g (3/8oz),
dives 3-4.2m (10-14’), is constructed from heavy duty ABS and is fitted with 3 heavy
duty trebles, ready to fish straight out of the pack. Colours have been handpicked to
suit Australian conditions and fish species, including a couple of colour additions
specifically for Aussie anglers.
Already proving a winner on barramundi, the Rumble B 11 has a loud rattle
and strong swimming action when retrieved. It has a seductive body roll on
a straight retrieve or fish it jerk bait style with a punch and pause in the
strike zone to attract brutal strikes.
Available now in 8 colours, including Albino, Copper Mullet, Aussie
Gold and Hot Perch, with a SRP of $17.95. Are you ready to rumble!


These Dogs Will Hunt
The incredibly popular and successful Zerek Tango Shad has had
5 new colours added to its 50mm, floating range.
These five colours are all UV active – some with a lot of UV and
others with smaller UV highlights. Each colour has been chosen
for its effectiveness in different water colours and thorough
testing has ensured these colours are fish producers.
The five colours are:
A (Albino) – a primarily white lure with UV coloured pink and
green dots
G (So Much) – a black lure with UV pink tiger stripes and head
HD (Horn Dog) – a bright UV pink lure with UV green dots and
white dots
MD (Moon Dog) – A black lure with UV pink and green dots
SCD (Scum Dog) – A UV Green with UV pink dots and black
The new colours are available now and they are already
producing fish such as flathead, bream, estuary perch, trout and


Bluetooth®-enabled trolling motors
allow for precise boat control through
the convenient, familiar interface of
phones and tablets
Minn Kota® has launched a
revolutionary app technology for trolling
motors equipped with i-Pilot® and
iPilot® Link™. The free apps allow
anglers to navigate and control their
trolling motor via their smartphones or
other mobile devices by communicating
with the trolling motor via Bluetooth®,
and also allows users to accept
software upgrades wherever they have
data coverage.
According to Minn Kota Product
Manager Shaun Clancy, “Our goal is
always to help anglers catch more
fish, and precise boat control is critical
to success. The new Minn Kota apps
help make that easier than ever. From
setting speed and direction to activating
Spot-Lock and our new Spot-Lock
Jog feature, we are putting a host of
features into the familiar, convenient
interface of phones and tablets.”

128 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Gear.indd 128 30/11/2017 12:19:17 PM

The Grayson brings unrivalled comfort and precise frame fit to a
whole new level. Designed for everyday use, the Grayson will favour
the younger generation with its slick curves, flatter frame top shape
and lightweight design. Match this with Spotters signature Crown
glass and CR-39 lenses and you will have all of your friends envious.

Introducing Chaos from Spotters – designed and built with
narrow heads and high bridges in mind. This model wraps comfortably
around the eyes with understated stylish temple design and temple grips to ensure they stay where
they are meant too. Available in Matt Black to suit current trends and is available in Spotters signature
Crown glass and CR-39 lenses.


Designed for long-lasting performance, ProMariner marine battery chargers
deliver fast charge times and proven battery conditioning while eliminating
the need to haul portable chargers onto your watercraft and offering
protection from the elements.
The ProSport Generation 3 On-Board Marine Battery Chargers incorporate
Distributed-On-Demand™ Charging technology, taking 100% of the
available charging amps and distributing them to any one or combination
of all batteries as needed for faster charging. ProSport is 100% waterproof
and shockproof, weighing 40% lighter than older technology epoxy filled
chargers providing cooler operation and greater reliability. Each ProSport
model has digitally selectable charge profiles including a once-a-month storage
reconditioning mode for extending battery life.


By preventing battery degradation, electrical systems can work within design parameters, batteries are kept in service
longer and out of the recycling loop up to 3 times longer reducing lead in our environment.
BLA now distributes the proven Megapulse Green Energy battery conditioner. Megapulse Green Energy
is a patented process that eliminates electrical system faults due to voltage losses created by battery
plate degradation as a result of batteries simply being in service. Megapulse reverses degradation
allowing the battery to power the electrical system at full voltage.
Electrical systems in vehicles, vessels and equipment are designed to run efficiently with reliability
and longevity as an integral part of design parameters. In practice however electrical systems
are subjected to voltage losses forcing them to operate outside of design parameters, this leads
to unreliability and early failure of key components and batteries which increases unnecessary
maintenance and repairs. Batteries are a degrading technology by nature and voltage losses are
a direct result of the poor state of health of the battery caused by sulphation accumulation on the
battery plates which causes electrical system faults.
It does not end here because sulphated batteries run hotter due to high internal resistance causing
gassing and electrolyte boil-off which is corrosive and explosive 129

FWF147 Gear.indd 129 30/11/2017 12:19:33 PM

Rapala has long been known as a market leader in the manufacture of hard & soft
lures all across the globe. Their range of XRAP Magnums and Long Cast stick baits
now has made the Australian Rapala team come up with R-Type, a family of high
performance heavy-duty rods and reels capable of fishing their lures to the limit.
First off the rank is the R-Type spinning reel. Available in three sizes ranging from
5500 to 7500, the R-Type spinning reels will handle everything you can dish out.
Featuring a super-tough rigid alloy body & rotor, the R-Type is
kitted out with an anodized aluminium spool housing a multi-disc
carbon drag capable of dishing out 18kg of maximum pressure.
All that pressure has to go somewhere, and that’s why the
R-Type spinning reels handle has been beefed up, lengthened
and strengthened to cope with the pressure of winching in
a massive mackerel. The drive gears housed within the
super alloy body are forged and strengthened to their
capacity, meaning no more stripped teeth and lost fish
due to gear failure. Featuring 6 + 1 S/Steel bearings,
plus a gear ratio of 4.9:1 in each model. Spool
capacity is more than adequate with the larger 7500
model holding roughly 480yds of 50lb Sufix 8 32.
All in all, the new Rapala R-Type is as mean as it is
black and green; the hot cosmetic perfectly matches
the R-Type range of rods, which consists of 10 models
across both spin and overhead which will debut later in

With greater visibility and precise, reliable control, the next generation VesselView703 is now available in Australia and New Zealand.
Indeed, the VesselView703 delivers improvements across the board.
Its SolarMAX high-definition glass touchscreen has wide viewing
angles, dimmable lighting and a glare-reducing coating which makes
the VV703 easier to read and operate in all conditions – from midday
glare to blackest night.
A new WheelKey, which can be customised for driver preferences, and
an expanded keypad ensure users have total control of all functions.
The next generation VesselView703 includes built in WiFi and
Bluetooth. It also contains an Active Trim Control Pad, which when
coupled with ECU module will automatically and effortlessly trim an
engine or engines, improve engine performance, cut fuel costs and
deliver a better overall driving experience.
Whether you are cruising or fishing, the VesselView703’s amazing
array of built-in functionality will make your trip both safer and more
successful with an integrated echosounder, true dual channel CHIRP.
10Hz GPS and chart plotter.
With twice the memory of the previous model, the VV703 also has a
more powerful dual core processor so everything works that bit faster
and smoother. This also allows owners to do direct software updates
when available.
VesselView703 can simultaneously display information for up-to four
engines across more than thirty parameters including fuel level, range,
oil temperature and pressure, battery voltage, water depth and genset.
Further, it can also be integrated with all the Simrad accessories for the NSS Evo3 product line, including radar, sonar transducers, fish finder transducers, AIS, VHF, Sonic
Hub/Fusion Link, C-Zone digital switching and more.


The revolutionary Humminbird® SOLIX™ Series combines 12” and 15” displays with Cross Touch®
Interface, MEGA Imaging™, CHIRP Digital Sonar, AUTOCHART® Live with vegetation and bottom
hardness mapping, Bluetooth® connectivity and i-Pilot® Link™ navigation
The biggest news in fishfinding sonar for 2017 is, quite literally, “big.” For decades, Humminbird has
led the fishing world by putting new tools and innovations in the hands of anglers to help them find,
and catch, fish. Now, Humminbird has combined its best features and placed them into one fishfinder,
the SOLIX™. Offering the biggest display in the brand’s history - up to 15 inches – the SOLIX boasts
technologies designed to make locating fish easier.
A truly revolutionary product, SOLIX delivers game-changing SONAR, imaging and mapping
capabilities in the largest fishfinder Humminbird anglers have ever seen. In true Humminbird fashion,
these technologies are packaged in an easy-to-use interface and system that can make any angler

130 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Gear.indd 130 30/11/2017 12:19:51 PM

Savage expands successful Scorpion range
To keep up with customer demand Savage has added two brand new
models to the Scorpion range, the 525 Scorpion and 525 Scorpion Pro.
The Scorpion range offers the ultimate tinnie for fishing trips and with
the expansions to the range there is a boat to suit every experienced or
budding fisherman.
The Scorpions are perfect for cruising bays but with their tough build
they can also handle rough weather and off-shore conditions.
The largest model in the range, the 525 Scorpion, offers an impressive
layout with ample deck space to store fishing gear and plenty of room
to bring all your mates along.
The newly designed front casting platform can be optioned up to
include roto mould storage which can be plumbed to a live well.
The large roto anchorwell has been designed to fit an optional drum
winch to simplify the anchoring process.
The spacious rear casting platform provides plenty of room to move
about and comes standard with a live bait tank.
The layout of the 525 Scorpion has been carefully designed to free up
deck space with three seating positions, four rod holders and two side
pockets so you can easily move about.
Savage National Account Manager Jason Draeger said the new larger models were designed based on customer and dealer feedback and are perfect for experienced fisherman
or boat owners looking for an upgrade.
‘The 525 Scorpion takes the Scorpion
SAVAGE 395 RAPTOR range to the next level offering more
If you’re after a tinnie to take you on your next adventure, look no further than the Savage Raptor range. room, power and features than ever
After retiring the Jabiru range, Savage has filled the gap for budget friendly tinnies by releasing the Raptor range with before.
355,395 and 425 models. ‘With a 77L fuel tank and a maximum
The beauty of the Raptor range is that they are full of useful features at the right size and the right price. horsepower rating of 115hp the 525
With standard features Scorpion offers some serious power.
including a glove box, ‘On top of the extensive list of standard
drink holders, transom features boaties can customise their
handles and plenty of boats to fit their exact needs with
storage, the Raptors optional extras such as: rod storage
are perfect to take pocket, bow mount thruster bracket,
on camping or fishing radio, vinyl wrap and much more,’ Jason
trips. said.
The Raptors can be For more information on the 525 Scorpion
easily towed behind or the entire Savage range visit your local
a family car and will Savage dealer or.
also fit nicely atop
most Utes for extra
adventures when
With front and rear seats, the Raptors can comfortably fit up to four people
so your mates or family can join you on the next adventure.
Savage National Account Manager Jason Draeger said the models and
options available in the Raptor range means there is a boat to suit any
backyard or budget.
‘We have developed the Raptor range to offer customers affordable and
reliable no fuss tinnies.
STACER 409 PROLINE ANGLER ‘The Raptors can be used for fishing, as a tender or for taking the family on fun adventures.
Due to customer demand Stacer has released a brand new model in the ‘While the boats have all the basics covered you can still option up and add a few more
popular Proline Angler range, the 409 Proline Angler Striker Series. specialised features like bimini and envelope, rod holders and carpeted floor,’ Jason said.
The 409 Proline Angler replaces the 399 Proline Angler and features an
innovative hull design exclusive to the Striker Series.
The new Striker Series hull features wider chines which not only provide
a smooth and dry ride but excellent stability at rest and underway,
creating ideal conditions for fishing from the casting platforms.
The new bow design featured on the Striker Series creates an
11% increase in size in the front casting platform as well as extra
The 409 Proline Angler is not only longer but also wider and deeper
than the previous Proline Angler 399.
Stacer National Account Manager Drew Jackson said the 409
Proline Angler is an impressive new model and is fitted with
everything needed for the ultimate fishing trip.
‘The Striker Series has been designed for keen fishermen with a
carpet casting platform, two rod holders and a Stacer Sea Pro seat
all included as standard features.
‘Fishos can now option up with a new 40L fuel tank and rear live
bait tank to enjoy even longer days out on the water.
‘A lot of research went into the new design and as a result we have
created one serious fishing machine,’ Drew said.
Like all Stacers, the 409 Proline Angler is built to last and comes
with a 3 + 2 year bonus warranty for peace of mind.
The 409 Proline Angler is available as a package complete with
boat, motor and trailer.. 131

FWF147 Gear.indd 131 30/11/2017 12:19:59 PM



ou may be wondering why I
would be featuring one of the
most successful lure makers in
Australia in a column designed to
promote the little guy. Indeed, you only have
to say I got the fish on a Tassie to know who I
am talking about.
But it wasn’t so easy and as many an actor
or business proclaims, it took a bloody long
time to become an overnight success.
Bill Classon did a remarkable write up
on the Tassie/Cobra style of lures for the
landmark 50th Issue of Freshwater Fishing
Australia. Bill made it clear that the original
designs were from Brian Johnston in 1949
with the Cobra lure.
The Tasmanian Devil did not arrive until
1963 when Ian and Garth Wigston, under the
tutelage of their late father Eddie, began to
branch out their radio and then television
servicing business.
The reason for featuring this icon
of Australian fishing (and voted by the
committee of 1 – the Tackle Rat – as the
Number 1 Australian lure of all time) is related
to the evolution and patience that sits behind
even this highly successful brand.
You see, the Tassie Devil went through
a number of construction designs and
an evolution well before they became
mainstream fishing lures. They have evolved
from celluloid (as opposed to cellulite that
we never speak about) glued together with
Tarzan’s grip –to the finely honed one piece
moulding process.
While the Tassie style lure seems to
be a simple configuration, there are many
subtleties and intricacies associated with
getting it just right. These evolutionary phases through Wigston’s Sports Store in New
are often repeated by the wooden lure makers Norfolk. So one of the important lessons from
as they look to refine their product and fine this highly successful company, is to keep the Lake
tune it so that they can match supply with innovating and refining the product until both Peddar trout
demand. you, and the world, are ready for each other. phenomenon,
During the period 1963 to 1980, when The Tassie range increased with the 7 a heavy Salty
the Wigston’s Lure company was formed. gram Little Tassie in 1988 and the 28 gr Big Tassie for
The great Tassie Devils remained a cottage Tassie in 1992. They also produced a plastic mainly marine
industry selling almost all of their product Fishcake surface lure for trout to target situations and a dual

132 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF146 tackle makers.indd 132 1/12/2017 12:13:35 PM

remains huge ‘runs’ on a certain colour when
it is the ‘got to have’ combination, but the
facts remain that almost every angler collects
a good cross section of colours and sizes – just
in case.
Even with some manufacturing discipline
required, the colour ranges are impressive
and I have often encouraged young people
starting out on their lure collecting journeys
to concentrate on lures like the Tasmanian
 The Tamanian Devil cake in packaging with Devil. They are inexpensive, beautiful with a
two Leon Cubitt wooden lures and the famous large colour range and they display extremely
Tasmanian Devil in ‘Freddo Frog’ colour. well, such as in an old teaspoon display board.
Interestingly, Tassie Devils have just  This board is very similar to the one that sold
started to attract wider collecting interest, for over $1600. It is only lacking colours 58 and 62
with the earlier colours and celluloid models - which means that it probably pre-dates - just, the
attracting good prices. A Tassie Devil display one that was sold.
board that was owned by the Wigston friendly packaging.
brothers recently attracted a whopping 62 The Tassie Devil is produced to very high
bids and sold for $1675.00! Interestingly it was quality controls, and the guys make sure that
dated at 1985, but had a ‘Little Devil’ on the this aspect is not compromised. They are
Board. Given that it came from the personal committed anglers and seek constructive
collection of Garth Wigston, it is a fascinating feedback to maintain their market position.
piece of Australian lure history. And they do so without trying to cut down
This style of lure is becoming increasingly others operating in a similar space.
popular around the world, especially for All the makers in this area recognise that
 One of the nice things about Tassie Devils is
trout trolling. The enticing wide sway works their products are popular and successful and
that there are a wide range of advertising and
specials made. They all catch fish, and make especially well on down-riggers and the use of that anglers will be loyal to different brands
collecting a special target. Special colours like the the iconic Tasmanian Devil on the packaging and change as whims, fancies and ‘the word
Rex Hunt Future Fish and the Freshwater Fishing is highly recognisable and attractive in foreign on the street’ dictates.
pink and purple colour are becoming particularly markets. Unlike its namesake, the Tasmanian For young lure makers, the Tassie Devil
collectible. Devil lure continues to strengthen its hold in provides a wonderful case study of carefully
world markets and, with Halco, are the Aussie planned success. From a sideline to servicing
depth version. lures with the greatest recognition. early televisions to the point where, at least
One of the wonderful things about the So for the tackle makers just starting in fishing terms, the ‘Tassie’ defines an entire
design and construction of the Tasmanian out – the Tasmanian Devil provides some form of fishing and even and entire state’s
Devil lures is the myriad of colours that can essential and considered business models. It commitment to our angling excellence.
be produced. I have been very lucky over took nearly two decades of cottage production If you, or one of your friends feels that
my career to have had some chats with the before they were ready to enter the mass they could be featured in this column, drop
makers of these and other similar lures. They market. When they were ready, they could me a line .
all agree that everyone has a ‘secret’ colour meet the demand, even with a large colour
combination that they would love to see range. Frank Prokop has been writing about fishing for 3
produced (this of course included me with my As market acceptance grew, they added decades. He has been long time technical editor
smelt colour). new products in a carefully considered and of Freshwater Fishing, Tackle Rat columnist and
Following each angler’s dream would designed manner. They had a good brand author of numerous books. Frank has 30 years
result in an infinite number of colour and their packaging reflected the Australian experience in recreational fisheries management,
combinations and no way that they could domestic, and export market needs - and– was in charge of Recfishwest for 14 years and
all be displayed and sold by any tackle store they did not sell their lures with the hooks has pioneered a number of fishing techniques
anywhere. There is no doubt that there protruding – they used angler and tackle store including jig flicking for trout.

Australia's premier spinnerbait & lure component store 133

FWF146 tackle makers.indd 133 1/12/2017 12:13:49 PM


Increased stockings of trout and good water levels in Victorian

lakes has resulted in consistently good fishing on most of
that states recognised trout lakes. Two lakes have been
given trophy trout status and several rivers have also been
recognised as worthy of more protective regulations.

ithout being too political, I think is the ongoing quality of the fishing in the
that at last the new Victorian Monaro streams that are still producing solid
Fishing Authority is showing other fish after ongoing good stocking levels and SEND IN YOUR PICS!

states how to increase angler consistent rains over the past few seasons.
participation and improve their freshwater
sport fisheries, and its producing results with
These streams will continue to fish well so e love to see the
long as the rains keep the water flowing.
the quality of the native and trout fishing in
the state. The ongoing and very exciting news is results of your
The IFS in Tasmania and its once iconic the increasing size and quantity of ‘metrey’
Murray Cod that are consistently being caught
fishing trips, and the best
wild brown trout fishery is under threat with
the introduction of rainbow trout and Atlantic and released, especially in Victoria and NSW. ones will get published
salmon into once iconic wild brown trout With the increasing importance of slot limits
fisheries. There is a growing groundswell and and often voluntary catch and release, surely, here with the reports.
push back from anglers on this seeming need we will be seeing 1.5 metre fish showing up
to dumb–down trout fishing for the masses regularly soon! Send your photos with
instead of maintaining and managing what
is a world renowned wild brown trout fishery.
The key thing for ongoing big cod
management will be the need to educate
date, location and
Yet despite this, the trout fishing in Tasmania
has been fantastic at the time of writing this in
anglers on big fish handling practises going
forward. We shouldn’t need regulations,
successful technique to
many of the rivers and ‘go-to’ lakes.
The Snowy Mountains offer so many
because these iconic fish are now as revered
as wild trout, and cod anglers see the value in
options that its rare not to get quality fishing
making sure the big girls survive after being
somewhere, but the standout in that region

FWF Fact Box QLD FWF Fact Box NSW FWF Fact Box VIC
Impoundment Level Status Impoundment Level Status Impoundment Level Status
FWF Fact Box TAS
Awoonga 98% Steady Burrendong 67% Falling Buffalo 100% Rising
Atkinson 17% Rising Burrinjuck 61% Steady Cairn Curran 76% Steady Metres
Bjelke-Petersen 17% Falling Dartmouth 87% Rising Impoundment From Full Status
Chaffey 85% Falling
Borumba 99% Falling Eildon 71% Rising Arthurs Lake .86
Copeton 50% Steady
Callide 85% Falling Eppalock 88% Rising
Eucumbene 39% Rising Augusta 2.72
Cania 99% Steady Fyans 83% Rising
Clarendon 5% Falling Glenbawn 84% Steady Bradys Lake 3.3
Goulburn Weir 97% Steady Bronte Lagoon 0.98
Coolmunda 81% Falling Hume 76% Rising
Greens 65% Steady
Enoggera 100% Steady Jindabyne 72% Steady Burbury 1.8
Lonsdale 57% Rising
Ewen Maddock 93% Steady Keepit 55% Falling Dee Lagoon 0.06
Gold Creek 60% Rising Newlyn 93% Steady
Lostock 84% Rising Echo 5.2
Hinze 98% Steady Toolondo 44% Rising
Pindari 100% Rising Tullaroop 71% Steady Gordon 22.16
Kurwongbah 58% Rising
Split Rock 30% Falling Upper Coliban 101% Rising Great Lake 13.24
MacDonald 103% Rising
Moogerah 88% Falling Tantangara 20% Falling Wartook 96% Rising King William 0.9
Paradise 98% Steady Toonumbar 101% Rising West Barwon 52% Rising Murchison 17.34
Somerset 78% Steady Windamere 46% Steady William Hovell 99% Steady Pedder 1.12
Wivenhoe 70% Falling Wyangala 79% Steady Yarrawonga 95% Steady Rowallan 2.13

134 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Directories.indd 134 30/11/2017 12:34:47 PM

VIC Crater Lakes - Western Vic


P urrumbete has been fishing very well

in the lead up to Christmas and my
prediction is that this will continue from
January onwards.
Brown trout to four kilos have been
taken downrigging between 20 and 40 feet
with Tassie Devils and hard bodies along
the eastern shore from the Windmill to the
Quarry. Best lures have been Brown Bomber,
Pink 55 and the 72 Eliminator.
Around the edges in the bays on the
western shore both brown and rainbow trout
to 1.5 kilos have been caught on mudeyes
under a bubble float.
The redfin have started and fish to 1.5 kilo
have also been taken on worms and minnows
in water depths between 22 and 55 feet. They
are also taking soft plastics with the Wakasgi
Silver Huddle and Fish Arrows doing the job.
There is the odd brook trout also being
caught and a 9 pound rainbow trout was taken  Tim Beusman with a quality brown trout from  Damien Coter caught this superb 9.11 pound
on fly from a drifting boat. Purrumbete. brown trout in November 20-17.



B ullen Merri has been producing chinook

salmon to 3.5 kilos on pilchard fillets and
glassies in 15 to 20 metres of water. The best
method is to anchor and burley from the top
or drop a burley cage down 10 metres, the
let your baits sink down about 5 to 7 metres
below the cage.
Rainbow trout are also been taken by
this method and also from the bank on
Powerbait(Mouldy Cheese yellow).

 Jackson Toff proudly displays one of the largest redfin caught recently at Purrumbete – a 50 cm 1.9 kilo

Lake Purrumbete
Angling Club Inc
Club Meetings 2nd
Monday each month
except August: AGM 1st Thursday
Visitors Welcome
 George Boulton with a genuine ten pounder on Club Membership $10 per annum
a Tassie Devil. no joining fee.

DEEP LAKE Clubrooms located at the Lake

Purrumbete Caravan Park
BY STEVE HILL 540 Purrumbete Estate Rd,
T his lake has been fishing consistently
from shore with rainbow and brown trout
to 1.5 kilos. They have been taking both bait
Koallah 3260

and lures freely. Find us on Facebook

This is a very shallow lake and there is a
ramp, but I would recommend only smaller
Enquiries 0419 390 549
boats be used to fish this water.
 Redfin over a kilo are starting at Purrumbete, Join a club, make a reel difference.
lake purrumbene club.indd 1 18/04/2016 135
8:56:15 AM

FWF147 Directories.indd 135 30/11/2017 12:35:03 PM

Any colour Powerbait has been producing. these streams, because they flow in and east/
LAKE TOOLIAROOK Trolling Tassie Devils has also been very
productive and just about any colour on any
west direction, also seem to be the ones
suffering the most in the state because of high
BY STEVE HILL day is catching trout as long as they are trolled water temperatures.

B rown trout to three and a half kilos have

been taken in all parts of the lake on
diving minnows. Remember, that this lake
way back.
There’s a very good video on the tactics
used for trolling Bolac on and
Again, the length and degree of the
summer months will most likely determine
how these rivers fish after the Christmas
only has an average depth of four metres, so I’d suggest to look at that if you are looking to break. Heading to higher elevations on all
keep this in mind when selecting your lures. fish this wonderful water. these streams WILL result in more trout being
There are plenty of rainbow trout being caught.
taken from the bank, with one very popular
land based spot being the jetty at the boat
ramp, the rainbows are up to 2 kilos and best LAKE WENDOUREE LAKE EILDON PONDAGE
baits are worms and Powerbait ( best colour is BY TREVOR HAWKINS BY EILDON BAIT & TACKLE
Mouldy Cheese). ake Wendouree has continued to fish well
and the duns on this iconic water are
gradually coming back towards the numbers
E ildon pondage was recently restocked
with 250 brown trout that are ex brood

stock from the Snobs creek hatchery and
of old now that water has been guaranteed to
straight away anglers were hooking into them
stop the lake drying up.
on power bait and local dough, things then
BY STEVE HILL Redfin have been about, but the fish that
settled down and it was back to the gold and
E lingamite has been producing brown and
rainbow trout to 1.8 kilos on mudeyes
and worms. The trout are not fussy and prior
most chase here are the trout, and as we move
past the summer holidays and into January
and February, every angler who concentrates
sliverkrocs and Tassie devils. However the
pondage has been a bit hit and miss lately
and you do need to fish it early morning when
to Christmas have been hitting almost any on this lake starts to think about the after dark
the water level is high and avoiding the heat
trolled lure. mudeye migrations.
of the day and when the water... level starts
There have also been odd redfin to one Late nights are often well rewarded for
to drop. When this starts to happen its best
kilo on mudeyes and worms. anglers fishing surface flies or mudeyes under
to target the river course and the bridge area
a float as the mudeyes come on.
as this is where the cooler water will be and
where the trout will head to.
L ake Bolac has been fishing consistently
T hese rivers, namely the Delatite, Howqua,

from shore for rainbow trout, some of p on the lake Golden Perch and red fin
Jamieson and Goulburn have all fished
which are now approaching 3 kilos in weight. are still doing well in the Bonnie Doon
well (in areas) early in the season. However,

Eildon Totally GOLDEN


Tackle Trout
Live Bait, Rods & Reels,
Ammunition & Hunting Equipment,
• Front bar with 2 pool tables and Foxtel sporting
Maps, Large range of flies & fly channels on the big screen
tying equipment, Lures, Knives, • Family friendly Bistro with welcoming staff open for
Camping Equipment lunch and dinner servicing traditional pub meals,
take-away meals and pizzas

• Outdoor dining on deck overlooking the Pondage
• Drive-through bottleshop
They have so much stuff for • Function rooms

trout — even I go there! • 30 room motel accommodation


2/42 DOWNEY ST • Ample parking for cars, bikes & boats

Everything you want,


need or desire for Located in Eildon on the Pondage
fishing Eildon.
PH: 03 5772 2662 overlooking the mountains
1 Riverside Drive, Eildon 3713

FAX: 03 5772 2641 P: 03 5774 2508

Shop 8 Main Street Eildon E:
03 5774 2712 E-MAIL:
bait and tackle
35EILDONB Proof: 2
136 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Directories.indd 136 1/12/2017 12:15:11 PM





• Quality cabins • Bike trails
• Caravan sites • Mini golf
• Close to town • Giant chess
• Internet access • Tennis court

 Mick Caulfield wake baiting on Lake Eildon
• Camp kitchen • Volleyball net
and Delatite arms taking yabbies, scrubbies, with catches of 80+ fish being common, with • BBQ & Pizza oven • Basketball hoop
spinner baits and bib less crank baits. Murray the most successful method being jigging in • Laundry facilities • Fish from park
cod are on the chew through out the lake but depths of 6-10m of water around trees. Worms • Kiosk and store • Pet friendly
good size and numbers are being reported have been the most productive bait for the
from the Goulburn arm and around to the reddies, and hard and soft vibes such as the
Fraser camping ground. Purple is the lure Samaki thumper tails and strike pros have
color of choice at the moment and spinner worked well. The trout are still on the bite,
baits, Stump jumpers, Oar Gee, Jackals, and and have been caught flat lining small hard Eildon Road, Eildon, Victoria 3713
predatecks have all had success this week.
Scrubbies and yabbies have also picked
bodies and winged style lures, such as the
oar-gee little rippers and Tassie devils in the Phone: (03) 5774 2105
up a couple of nice cod right on dusk near colour pink. Plenty of big cod are being caught
Jerusalem creek and the Eildon dam wall. around the lake in the Delatite and Goulburn
Brown trout are still taking the pink
or white Tassie devils flat line trolling of a
arms, with big yabbies and spinnerbaits in
orange and greens being the best choice.
If you mention OFF
this ad
morning and evening, but with the recent hot Rivers:
weather they are starting to go that little bit With trout season well and truly PLUS
deeper so try lead lines and Paravanes. underway, the rivers are starting to produce
some quality trout. The lower sections of ONLINE
the rivers, such as the Howqua, Dilative and E-STORE
GOULBURN RIVER Upper Goulburn have seen some bigger fish
being caught, with several fish of 3lb being
17 High Street, Mansfield
reported, and bigger fish being lost. The upper
he local rivers are doing well and are
running clear and cool, small hard bodies reaches of the rivers have been hit and miss, Ph: 03 5779 1685
and bladed lures are working in the smaller with some fisherman having little luck, but

and shallower streams such as the Acheron, then others reporting good catches of both
Rubicon and Stevenson rivers. At the back of browns and rainbows of about a pound.
Blue gums Caravan Park where Snobs creek The best lures so far have been spinners
such as the Gillies Spina and Bluefox in gold

and the Goulburn River meet scrubbies and mansfield hunting.indd he
1 season in the NE Rivers leading up27/06/2017 to 4:16:34 PM
Kroc lures are working and red. Small hard bodies have also shown
their worth with Rapalas and oar-gee little the main holidays has generally been very
Once again warm weather means insect good, with all the main rivers producing good
hatches are happening quite frequently, so rippers in natural trout patterns being the
best choice. Fly fishing in the rivers has also numbers of well-conditioned trout. Anglers
its best to match the hatch and ant, nymph are starting to practice catch and release
and moth patterns are worth a shot at the been productive with fish being caught using
moment. double nymph rigs with flies such as pheasant on several these iconic streams and as such
tail and hare’s ear nymphs. there should be good numbers about after


W ith the weather warming up around Lake
Eildon, the fishing activity on the lake is
beginning to pick up. The yellow belly have
Specialising in Nathalia Euro Crawlers and Nathalia Giant Crawlers
started to move into shallower water, and are
Now at over 200 outlets in Vic and NSW
being caught at a depth of 2-3m trolling hard At North Victorian Bait Co. we specialise in night crawlers
bodies and vibes, with purple being the stand TRADE ENQUIRIES WELCOME
out colour. Redfin are on fire at the moment Phone for your nearest outlet (03) 5866 2309
Nathalia Giant Crawlers.indd 1 24/04/2017 4:18:18 PM 137

FWF147 Directories.indd 137 30/11/2017 12:35:18 PM

• Local advice, charter bookings
• Bait, ice, tackle & boating supplies
• VHF and UHF radios and acc.
• Marine and land electronics


• Batteries – boat, 4WD, deep cycle
• Chandlery and trailer parts
• Spearfishing and snorkelling

• First Aid supplies
Bonnie Doons • Firearm and ammo dealer
• Pigging and archery supplies

Lakeside Leisure Resort • Ice boxes, tarps, swags, etc

Phone: 4069 5396 • Fax: 4069 6677
Mobile: 0427 623 398
Perfect Fishing Locations with added Serenity!
• Local advice, charter bookings
• Bait, ice, tackle & boating supplies
• VHF and UHF radios and acc.
• Marine and electronics
• Batteries – boat, 4WD, deep cycle
• Chandlery and trailer parts
PHONE: 4069 5396
 5 Boat Ramps within the Resort
 Large Lake Eildon Frontage
 Holiday Cabins overlooking Lake
• Spearfishing and snorkelling
• First Aid supplies Cooktown Views
Fax: 4069 6677 Mobile: 0427 623 398
 Holiday Cabins located beside boat ramp
• Firearms and ammo dealer
• Pigging and archery supplies
Luxury Apartments
 Only 2 Hrs NE of Melbourne • Impressive views from the large verandah/
 Perfect for both Large and Small groups entertainment area
 Camp Kitchen with BBQs the lure shop.indd 1
summer will once again determine how good sure plenty of big6/10/2016
to produce self-contained cod time3:39:03
and PM
 Cabins or Camping options available • 3-Bedroom, apartments
the daytime fishing on the bigger streams time again. Swim,
• Spacious, wake and modern
fully-furnished, glide baits
and along
 Did I mention the Serenity! such as the Mitta Mitta will be later in January. with 100mm+ surface luretowill beattractions
the “go to”
• Short walking distance main
The Gibbo River has been fishing well and so weapon
• Localoftherapists
choice for those looking
available to top the
for massage/
long as water temps stay moderate this stream magical meter mark. Low light and cloudy
facials and body
should keep fishing well. The same should be periods, any time of the day will be your best
said about the Cobungra River. option.
• Wheelchair
Do not discount throwing around smaller
240 Hutchinsons Road. Bonnie Doon VIC 3750 stair lift
hard bodied lures, spinnerbaits or crank baits
• Secure, off-elephant will eat a peanut”
Phone (03) 5778 7252
LAKE HUME as the
old “an
itself time and time again. With
146 Charlotte St, Cooktown Q 4895
BY BRYN MATTHEWS Mobile: 0402 252 372

L ake Humeis a fantastic place to fish during Email:

Snowy Mountain
Christmas for the main surface fishing season. Web:
the summer months. You a spoilt for Facebook:
The Kiewa, Ovens and Mitta Mitta below
choice when deciding which species to target
Dartmouth are all fishing very well.

Outdoor Centre
with golden perch, Murray cod, redfin and
The Nariel River has once again been hot
trout all on the move.
and cold
bonnie doon lakeside.indd 1 regards the trout fishing, but with the
15/06/2017 8:32:43 AM
Trolling small to medium sized hard body
new minimum size and reduced bag limits for
lures close to trees has accounted for golden
trout, this notable river will hopefully fight its
Perch all through spring. Some of the bigger
way back to its former glory as one of Victoria’s
best trout streams.
fish can be picked up morning and evening Your one stop
out on the grassy flatter sections when they
In the West/Mud West Gippsland Rivers,
the rivers of the Baw Baw region have all been
have moved up to feed. fishing & camping
Bait fishing for redfin will keep you very
fishing well between consistent rains that
have seen them fishing well one week and
busy as it’s not hard to sound a few schools at shop
the moment and they seem to be biting most
flowing higher than normal the next. These
of the day.
constant rains however should go a long way
to ensuring they are all fishing well after the
long holiday. The Toorongo River has fished
well but it gets a lot of angler pressure, and as
such, more anglers need to practise ethical
and quick catch and release to ensure there BY TONY BENNETT
are good fish numbers from season to season.
The Macalister and Wellington Rivers are L ooking towards the new Murray Cod
season, you can’t help but get excited
about the possibilities at “the home of the
probably at their lowest point regards trout
angling quality and fish numbers as far back Murray Cod” Lake Mulwala. If the 2016-17
as this author can remember. These rivers season is anything to go by, it will be amazing. CUSTOM CANVAS
need serious rehabilitation to bring them After the epic cod season of 2016/17 at Boat canopies, swags, tents,
Lake Mulwala you can really see why the
back before they can be considered reliable trailers and more...
trout streams again. But there are some other lake held its name as Australia’s premier cod
waters such as the Barkly and Shaw’s Creek fishery for so many years. The surface action
was insane with massive cod being caught
in the vicinity that have been fishing well,
and should continue to do so after the long from December 1st all the way until the end MANSFIELD,VIC. 3722
of August.
holiday, especially so Shaw’s Creek if the
hoppers come on. By far the number one lure during E:
All the rivers in the East Gippsland
region have been fishing well leading up
the day is still a spinnerbait . A twin blade
spinnerbait fished slowly over the top of weed TEL: (03) 5775 1105
to Christmas, the length and degree of the is guaranteed to see some action.
The latest craze of top water fishing is

138 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Directories.indd 138 snowy mountain outdoor 6th page.indd 1 30/11/2017 12:35:28
15/06/2017 PMAM


Everything you need to make your own spinnerbaits, chatterbaits, buzzbaits,
jig spins, jig heads, soft plastics, trailers and more!

We’re more than just soft plastics!

Anglers casting from the bank have justAM

umake em.indd 1 24/11/2017 10:54:30
Cod seeing more and more big lures recently,
good of a chance but with snakes now highly
it may be a case of presenting them with
active precautions have to be taken. The best
something they haven’t seen for a while. BY BRYN MATTHEWS lures to use are spinnerbaits and medium

Depth’s range from 1.5mtrs - 4mtrs
pened to Murray cod on December 1st and sized surface lures. Concentrate on fishing
with areas holding some good weed patches
many anglers will test their luck again this the slower pools with the edge of the current
tend to hold larger quantities of Murray Cod.
cod season at what has become known as the in the faster sections also a hot spot for an
Don’t over think things, the harder you work
lake of giants. ambush feeder.
the more you will be rewarded.
Trollers will favour night sessions, to
escape the heat and ski boat traffic and run

TALBINGO DAM big deep diving lures.

Casting spinnerbaits and swimbaits will
BY BRYN MATTHEWS be very popular as well on evening and into
the dark. Surface fishing has produced more BY BRYN MATTHEWS
C an be tough in summer and can make you
work hard for a trout. However trolling
lures deeper can do the trick. Downrigging
and more cod every year as anglers gain
confidence and start unlocking patterns. W Ill be a hype of activity through summer
with both water skiers and anglers
Persistence is vital as most fish caught on therefore it will pay to fish in the morning and
and lead lining is difficult around the edges as
surface are huge. afternoon. Golden perch are being caught
there are so many sunken trees.
It pays to have a good sounder and move on well-presented lures trolled close to the
away from the bank and fish the more open, bottom. But the big news is going to be all
deeper areas. But if you can find wind lanes or about the Murray cod.
shady stretches, created by cloud cover during Some huge cod have been caught on the
the day you may be able to fish higher in the troll in previous years and with persistence
water column. these bigger fish can easily be targeted
There are plenty of redfin being caught lurecasting. Large surface lures and swimbaits
in the upper reaches of the dam. It is best to used at night would definitely be worth
target schooling fish and slowly work plastics a try as a lot of techniques used in larger
or bait vertically, close to timber to produce impoundments would work in Lake Wyangan.
the goods.

H as been producing quality trout and
golden perch well-presented baits to shore
based anglers through spring and there are no W ill fire throughout summer. Both Murray
cod and golden perch will be very
signs of it slowing down over summer. active on both bait and lures. Hard bodies,
Whether you are lure casting or bait spinnerbaits and surface lures will all work
 Kyle North-Flanagan: Golden Perch Blowering
fishing it pays to be mobile and search the extremely well with late afternoon sessions
shores. being the most productive.
Early morning and late afternoon being Targeting timber is the easiest way to


prime times. There is a reasonable cod find fish but don’t overlook steep drop offs
population in Jounama and it would be very and small eddies on the edge of the current.
interesting to see how larger lures would go as If river heights are up, these areas will be the
BY BRYN MATTHEWS prime spot to target.
these fish are far less pressured compared to
surrounding impoundments.
U pper Murray fishes really well in the
summer. Lure casting from a small boat
while drifting downstream is the ideal way to
land a few Murray cod. 139

FWF147 Directories.indd 139 1/12/2017 12:15:37 PM

T he streams of the Monaro have continued
to produce, especially so the MacLaughlin “FAMILY” PARK STORE
River and more-so the Bobundara Creek. AND LICENCED POST OFFICE
Other creeks in the system are hot and cold
but most now have fish migrating up them MENTION THISIVE
from stockings in the bigger waters. ADVERT TO RENT
The Delegate and the Snowy are also
fishing well and should continue to do so.
Periodic rains may have discoloured a few
streams in the area but this doesn’t stop the
fish from feeding and if anything helps them
to survive through another summer season.
Other than the bigger rivers, most of the
weedy streams such as the Bobundara are
best fished with fly, and anglers are advised Products available:
to sit on pools and wait to spot a fish cruising
Centrally located on the shores of Groceries, Bread & Milk, Fresh Produce,
the lake overlooking the boat ramp. Smoked Trout, Newspapers, Magazines and
and or feeding before fishing.
Books, Hardware, Camping and Maps,
Once the heat of full summer arrives Come tickle a trout or two in the most breathtaking scenery Clothing, Souvenirs, Selected Pharmacy
these rivers will slow right down, but will fire in the Snowy Mountains. We can offer you luxury lakeside items, Fishing Licences
up again in Autumn as the weather cools cabins, bungalows and caravans through to grassed tent
Licenced Post Office:

and a secondary hatch of mayflies appear sites, BBQs, kiosk, heated amenity block, bait and tackle.
Bill Payments, Banking, Money Orders
and hoppers come on in waters such as the “2 Bedroom units Postage & Mailing Services,
with TV, DVD & .” Prepaid Cards
“ The great thing is you can launch and To make your arrival in town easier -
retrieve your boat at any water level.” why not pre-order your groceries
PHONE: (02) 6454 2317
and fresh produce and
BY KALE BROWNE 10 – 12 Denison St.
FAX: (02) 6454 2677
T he pondage has been fishing reasonably
well, particularly for bait fishermen.
Worms or mud eyes under a quill float
TEL: (02) 6454 1144
seems to be working particularly well for
some anglers. Trollers have also reported
reasonable catches with Tassie Devils and
Spotted Dog Rapalas. Early mornings or late
afternoons have been best for the trollers. GET
As far as the fly fishing goes, it’s been best
after dark or very early in the morning, slow
10% OFF
twitching wet flies. The water around the Simply mention this
ad when booking
shallow margins of the pondage is really SNOWY
starting to warm up so it shouldn’t be long MOUNTAINS T&C’S APPLY

before we see some catches of redfin coming

6456 2562

Do you Trust 20% OFF ^

your drinking rydges advert directories.indd 1 24/11/2017 10:19:06 AM use code fish20
LifeStraw Go 2-Stage
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S Filters up to 1000 litres of water
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*Does not filter dissolved matter or heavy metals such as salt, iron, calcium or arsenic from water.
^20% Off LifeStraw Go 2-Stage Water Bottles via Offer ends 31/1/2017.

140 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Directories.indd 140 30/11/2017 12:35:56 PM ARB FR

DARTMOUTH Pender Lea Chalets
MOTOR INN AND PUB Secluded Luxury Accommodation in the Heart of the Snowy Mountains


Luxury Alpine Chalets (2 & 3 bed s/c) • Colonial Cottage (sleeps 14)
Spa and sauna in each, open fireplace, underfloor heating - also quality budget accommodation
BISTRO OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 2,800 acre property, bordering on Kosciuszko National Park • 15 minutes to Thredbo
Motel Units, Apartments and Cottages • 10 minutes to Lake Jindabyne • Private access to Thredbo River • Close to Ski Resorts
Situated in the beautiful Mitta Valley, Fishing - Skiing - Bushwalking - Horseriding

the Dartmouth Motor Inn and Pub

offers the ideal base for fi shing,
Phone or fax us on 02 6456 2088 or email us on and we will
arrange a fishing holiday to remember. Expert guiding and tuition can be arranged.
boating, motorcycling, conferences
FREECALL 1800 352 088 or see us on
and weddings.

What was the knot from fly-line to backing
1 Eustace Street,
I was on my own with no camera, so
Dartmouth, Vic 3701

decided that I would not be releasing this
PH 02 6072 4233 fish! The giant old Brown Trout sought the
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ protection of the weeds. Everything came to
DARTMOUTH PUB a standstill! I kept as much pressure on the 6
Snowy Mountains - Exclusive Accommodation
1 MURTAGH PLACE, lb tippet as I dared and eventually the weeds
DARTMOUTH, VIC, 3701 parted when he rose to the surface and slowly
PH 02 6072 4279 started swimming again.
Another 1/2 hour past before I was able to get it close again. By this stage it was barely
al swimming but refused to come into the
DARTMOUTH MY BIG CAPTURE - KALE BROWNE shallows and slowly swam to the deeper water.
FWF135DARTM Saturday morning
Proof: 01 the alarm was set for I knew my little landing net wasn’t going
4 am. I felt confident of catching some trout to be big enough for this monster. I wasn’t
of around 1 to 2 lbs and decided to take my intending to do any wading this particular
TFO 5 weight rod, 3 X tapered leader and 6 morning, so I’d left my waders at home and
lb tippet. On previous trips I’d been using was just wearing my gum boots. I had to go in
Woolly Buggers, mud eye patterns and Mrs
Snowy Mountains Highway
deeper, filling my gumboots in the process. By
Simpsons, but as I’d been selling off some this stage he was almost dead and it was just via Adaminaby NSW 2629
of my saltwater fishing gear since moving to
Khancoban in late July from the Northern
the sheer bulk and weight of the fish which
made it difficult to bring him within grabbing Phone (02) 6454 1501 or
Rivers area, I’d given some saltwater flies to range. 0419 629 152
my friend “Wallaby Bob”. He reported that I was able to get a grip around his tail wrist
he’d been fishing the pondage that day, and and my other hand under his jaw then stagger
not doing very well until he changed to a Polar
Fibre Minnow and immediately caught a
back to the bank in shock. There wasn’t much
fight left in this old trout and would not have
nice trout. I decided to tie some more up for survived release. I was still shaking when I
myself and give one a try. arrived at Bob’s place, 10 minutes later, to put Exclusive two bedroom, fully self-contained log
After a few casts without a hit I was it on his scales and weigh it. He thought I was cottages set in 100 acres of bushland
considering changing to fresh water fly, when, there to get him out of bed to go fishing. The Log fires - Heated bathroom - Laundry
during a pause in my stripping, the fly was
slammed! I could tell straight away that it
look on his face when he saw the huge Brown
Trout was priceless! It weighed just over 23
Undercover parking
All snow sports equipment available for hire
felt like a better fish than I’d been getting on lbs on his scales, and then across to my house Only 30 minutes to Selwyn Snowfields
previous outings. I was able to bring it close it went 24 lbs. I later drove to the Khancoban 10 minutes to Lake Eucumbene
to the bank fairly easily and thought perhaps
it wasn’t that big. At that point it must have  Kale with his 23 pounder
realised that it was hooked and took me down
well into the backing. After some time I was
able to regain most of the line before it took
off again and did the same thing.
goandra alpine.indd 1 15/06/2017 8:35:21 AM
Eventually, after probably 1/2 hour, I was
able to get it fairly close to me and have a good
look at the fish for the first time. When I saw AustrAliA’s #1 FrEsHWAtEr
it, and realised the significance of catching it, FisHiNG MAGAZiNE
I began to be concerned about a number of
things that could go wrong. Were my knots
NOW AlsO DiGitAl
going to hold? Would the hook straighten out?

142 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Directories.indd 142 30/11/2017 12:36:24 PM

G3 Boat Display

Tech Angler
Sounder & Fishing
Sugarloaf Creek Angling Club

2018 Goulburn River

Boat and Motor Package
Fishing Spectacular
Call Skip for more info - 0438056613

February 2nd,3rd,4th
Major Creek
Yabbie Races $60.oo Entry Raffles

$500 Cash for the Longest Murray Cod

Sponsored by
Stalls Prizes 143

FWF147 Directories.indd 143 30/11/2017 12:36:31 PM

Alpine Inn to weigh them on the official scales moon, will see the tactics change as the cod
 Golden perch
but it was closed, so I weighed it on another move closer to the surface under the cover
will fire in
fisherman’s scales where it went 24 lbs again of darkness. Swimbaits and surface lures will
and was 90 cms long. become the go to lures. A lot of guys still opt season.
The fish will be mounted and displayed to troll at night with shallower running lures.
in the Alpine Inn Khancoban, thanks to Hard bodies are usually preferred at night as
Steve Jenkins the Publican, for all to see. Kale they don’t snag up as much as spinner baits.
Browne The main basin, Cave Island, around Wade
Island and into the Goodradigbee River are

prime Big Murray Cod areas. The lower end of
the Murrumbidgee River from the Main Basin
up to Macys Bay also gave up a few 1 metre
BY DEAN BRIND plus fish last season. Yellow belly will remain

M urray cod will be the target species at

Burrinjuck after the 1st of December.
The first few weeks of December before the
a constant catch over the summer months.
Yellow belly love to hang around structure
and will also be found in the deeper water
Christmas boat traffic arrives will be the most throughout the day.
productive. The cod will move to deeper water Mask vibes, spinner baits and divers cast
throughout the day with fisherman opting around the rocks or target the trees in deeper
to troll deep diving hard bodies or very large water with shrimp, yabbies or plastic grubs.
spinner baits adorned with all types of large The yellows also move into the shallows after  This superb 110 cm cod taken from Burrinjuck
plastics. dark so it is well worth drowning a bait while last season and shows the quality of the
Night time, particularly either side of a full sitting back in your camp chair in the evening. prospective fish for 2017/2018 season.


• Only a 200 metre walk to the waters edge with great fishing spots.
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• All rooms have private facilities. • Bed and breakfast (during summer)
• Family and inter-connecting rooms are also available.


ottages. AND SELF CONTAINED COTTAGES The Lodge is located right on the shores of Lake Eucumbene
and not far from the Eucumbene River. The local dams have
been stocked with trout and there are numerous mountain
rivers and streams. The lodge is ideal for a fishing holiday.

Horse/Bike Riding, Bush walking, Snowy
Hydro power stations, Yarrangobilly Caves,
historic Kiandra and Mt Kosciuszko.
Mt Selwyn skiing during winter months.

Phone: 02 6454 2200

Email: 68 Providence Rd, Providence Portal via Adaminaby.

FWF142 Cool Mountain Lodge (Third Page).indd 1 6/12/2016 10:44:15 AM

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NEW: Shad Trout
NEW: Gold Fish


Ph: 0418 828 648

144 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Directories.indd 144 30/11/2017 12:48:44 PM


The fishing at the top end of the lake
in Kalkite and at Waste Point are the best
options. From the boat there have been F LO
encouraging catches on the troll with brown GUIDED FLOAT FLY FISHING
trout to 50 cm and rainbow trout to 30 cm.
• Swampy plains, upper Murray Rivers
• Fly fishing Tuition
LAKE DUNMORE Neal Bennetts Ph: (02) 6076 1294
 Night time is a great option and this year I
expect good cod to fall on Wake Baits. S pring has been slow arriving with cold
nights and not so warm days. Hatchlings
have been slow, but starting to get going now. spring. Lure choice wasn’t too vital however
Trout have been moving, with a fisherman this colour choice was critical. Using natural
LAKE EUCUMBENE weekend catching 20 trout. Trout ranging from
40 cm to 60 cm.
looking colours like greens and browns
to mimic small bait fish when casting soft
BY JOSH FROM BUCKENDERRA float & fly.indd 1
plastics dominated while fishing with jigs14/06/2017
it 6:00:50 PM

T rolling has been excellent with best

methods being flat line trolling and lead
lining. Best lures are Tassie Devils and Rapalas.
paid use a colours similar to the crayfish in
the dam such black/blue & brown/purple.
Through summer more time should be spent

There are plenty of small rainbows about, but s the weather warms up the Australian targeting fish in deeper water when they
the brown trout are in great condition, with bass in Glenbawn Dam will improve move down to find more comfortable water
most in the 3-4 pound range. dramatically. Trolling divers has been the best temperatures.
The edge fishing has been slow with only method to catch a bass prior to Christmas, but
the odd fish falling to the fly fisher. post December anglers would expect to get
The water level is 45% and slowly rising. good results on casting spinner baits around
Expect good hatches in January and some the edges and in the tree line.
excellent fishing as the water levels rise over Blades and tail spinners worked vertically
the grass. will also be a very good option and will also
Expect a bumper December. open the possibility of taking an odd golden
One other method that has worked well
over the months of January and February has
been down rigging.

 Braidy North-Flanagan: brown trout from  Targeting the edge of the weed beds and close
Eucumbene to timber has worked well during spring. Lure
choice wasn’t too vital however colour choice
was critical. Using natural looking colours like

LAKE JINDABYNE  Henry Smith- Australian Bass from Glenbawn

greens and browns to mimic small bait fish when
casting soft plastics dominated while fishing with
BY MICK PATTON jigs it paid use a colours similar to the crayfish in

the dam such black/blue & brown/purple. Through
I t has been a tough year on Jindabyne in
2017, so local are expecting the fishing to
summer more time should be spent targeting fish in
deeper water when they move down to find more
pickup in December. Land based ahs been BY ANTHONY MELCHOIR comfortable water temps.

best early morning and late evening with best argeting the edge of the weed beds and
results using worms, mudeyes. grubs and close to timber has worked well during


fire and during February the LMLFC will be enough for a good shot and I expect the season
MURRAY RIVER hosting a 2 day classic event at Morgan where
heaviest six fish over the event will take home
to start early.
In SA you cannot take a fish from the water
BY LUCAS WEAVER a cool $1000 in cash, Event will be capped at and as I write laws are being rewritten to clarify

T he fishing has been excellent with reports

over the last month that the golden perch
have been going nuts. It has been a great time
35 boats so keep an ear out for details. See you
guys on the river.
We will find out very quickly how the
this. Please do what the SA government want
us to do because if we get shut down again,
fishing for Murray cod may be under threat.
to hit the water with the bag limit of five fish Murray cod are going with the season opening Just be happy that you can target some
being easy work on cast deep divers, spinner in December. I think it will be up there as one behemoth size fish and jump in the water with
baits or jigging vibes. They have been reliable to remember, especially if the Murray flow it! During the heat get in the water in the deep
with early morning and late in the day being stays around 10’00 Megs or less. I hate talking to minimise heat stress on these awesome fish.
the best times to catch. about out of season cod captures but the The slime dries out opening up an area for a
The goldens are expected to continue to encounters had so far means the water is clear definite infection and for what 145

FWF147 Directories.indd 145 30/11/2017 12:37:00 PM


J anuary usually sees the bass schools break

up and the fish suspend in deeper water. It
has been a few years since the bulk of bass did
this in Somerset but in the past it happened a
lot over the hottest months of the year.
Lure casters will still be able to catch heaps
of bass while they remain schooled up.
In the deeper water, tail spinners wound
through the fish have also accounted for heaps
of bites. I had most success on the Jets in
bony bomb colour. Both soft plastics and tail
spinners can be trolled through the fish. This
is often a good way to cover water and locate
the best concentrations when the schools are
broken and scattered. Cast your lure around
50 metres behind the boat and troll at 1.8 to
2.2km/h to allow them to track at the correct  There are still plenty of big bass around across the lakes. This Somerset Dam model couldn’t resist
depth. the chrome and green 20 gram Gang Banger spoon slow rolled close to the bottom.
Golden perch are likely to be very active.
Lure anglers should stick to the clearer water basin on flats and points. More bass have been
where you have at least 60cm of visibility.
Kirkleigh area may very well be fishable this
caught inside the timber though so spend a bit
of time searching through the trees around the
month so head to the timber or the humps junction of the Kingham and Yabba. BY JASON ERLICH

and creek bed drop offs. Live shrimp are Bait fishermen will do well on live shrimp. he Murray cod bite has continued and
hard to beat for bait fishermen. Choose lures now golden perch are also being caught
which dive close to the bottom depth and mix
in excellent numbers. The cod are whacking
up styles and colours until you find what is spinnerbaits cast in the trees. Big baits like 1oz
working. BassmanTwinspins with big plastic trailers
BY JASON ERLICH seem to be drawing plenty of attention.

LAKE WIVENHOE T his water will fish well in January for big
bass and golden perch. The bottom end
of the lake should hold good numbers of
Concentrate trolling runs around good
patches of sunken timber.
The golden perch have been quite active.
suspended fish. Look for these fish on the At times they will even take the big cod lures
B ass will be more scattered and seem to
school well at times but then disappear.
If you are lucky enough to stumble on good
sounder and also check out the Narrows and
The Junction.
with some exceptional specimens caught over
the last month. To specifically target them,
Boondooma is a great place to camp right switch to hopping small blades and lipless
schools, expect to catch plenty. near the water as well. crankbaits.
The fish in these areas will be all over
trolled deep divers. My favourite is harder to
find and is made by a Toowoomba timber lure
maker and it is called the JDK Ripper. I manage
to get this lure down to over 10 metres on 6lb BY JASON ERLICH BY JASON ERLICH
braid so anything that can come close to this
would be worth a go. Blitz Bagas and 50mm T he bass will really fire up in December.
Look for schooling fish in the deeper
water between the ramps. Rigging plastics on
N umbers of barramundi have been found
in the wind blown bays of an afternoon
Poltergeist Crazy Deeps are deep and can be and the size class has increased up to 700 -
pushed to 10 metres deep but you can’t beat ¼ and 3/8 ounce jigheads will see you in with 800mm with the odd metery mixed in. Lures
some of the handcrafted timber offerings out a good chance. If schools break up, consider of choice have been shallow diving hard
there. other options like trolling spinnerbaits and bodies and 4 to 6 inch soft plastics.
Trolling this area will score a mixed bag of hard bodies. The Callide Valley Stocking Association
big fork tailed catfish, golden perch and bass. The edges were producing bass and golden is due to release around 34000 barra in late
It is a good way to cover the water and search perch prior to this and should still hold good December and around 37000 yellow belly in
for fish. numbers early and late in the day. Casting February.
At the top end of the lake, the golden perch plastics, vibes, spinnerbaits, tail spinners and All I can say is watch this space, Callide is
should be going nuts. Access to this water is blades is the way to entice these fish. going to fire in coming months.
by kayaks when camping at the grounds below

Somerset Dam wall.
BY JASON ERLICH B arra have been a hot and cold due to
changes in weather conditions, but should S ome great barra fishing has been
experienced over the last month. The

B orumba will fish ish quite well for bass and fire up in December and expect to hook plenty dam went over the spillway in October but
saratoga in January. over a metre long. the basin has remained clear and fish are still
Saratoga will be found in the upper part A lot of fish have moved out into the main being caught. Plenty of barra around 70cm
of the lake. Casting lure like lipless crankbaits, basin. Trolling deep divers is a great way to long were caught around the timbered points
spinnerbaits and beetle spin rigged plastics to hook and search for them. Anglers itching to and bays of the main basin. The eastern side
structure is a good way to entice them all day cast lures can then locate the best shows and of the lake has fished quite well this year but
long. switch to tossing big plastics and hopping fish also turn up in other locations as well.
The bass will hold in deeper water. A lot vibes. However there is a lot of barren water
of fish are still spread out through the main between the honey holes.

146 Freshwater Fishing Australia

FWF147 Directories.indd 146 30/11/2017 12:37:14 PM 147

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FWF146 Cover.indd 6 8/11/2017 11:29:24 AM

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