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A tall tower was photographed from 700 m above

the datum. Radial distances of top and bottom of
the tower from principal plane are 112.5 and 82.50
mm respectively. If bottom of the tower is at 250
m above datum, then height of tower is__


2. The lining wall of canal have benchmark of RL 85

m, water is 0.9 m below the benchmark, a person
held the staff at the middle of the section, the staff
coincides with water at a reading of 1.7 m, find the
RL of bed, depth of flow at that point.

(Ans. RL of water surface = 85-0.9 m

RL of given bed =85-0.9-1.7 m
Depth of water =1.7 m )

(Ans. 107.70m)

6. Two pegs A and B were fixed on opposite banks of a

50m wide river. The level was set up at A and the staff
readings on pegs A and B were observed as 1.350m
and 1.550m respectively. Thereafter the instrument
was shifted and set up at B. The staff reading on pegs B
and A were observed as 0.750m and 0.550m
respectively. If the R.L. of peg A is 100.200m, the R.L. of
peg B is__(in m.)

(Ans. 100)

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