Climate Change

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Climate Change

Climate change is a global threat that is already having a significant impact on our
planet. We must keep in mind that it does not affect only a specific area, but
everywhere, but in different ways. The main cause of climate change is the burning of
fossil fuels or in general anything that releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
These gases trap heat, causing the Earth's temperature to rise. The impacts of climate
change are already being felt around the world.

These impacts include many disadvantages such as sea level rise which causes melting
of glaciers and ice sheets is causing sea levels to rise. This poses a threat to coastal
communities and infrastructure. Also extreme weather events leading to climate change
are causing phenomena such as heat waves, droughts, floods and storms. These
phenomena cause damage to property and infrastructure and displace people from their
homes. Finally, changes in plant and animal life are causing changes in plant and animal
life. Some species are moving to new areas, while others are becoming extinct.

The effects of climate change are expected to worsen in the future. If we do not take
action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Earth's temperature could rise by up to 4
degrees Celsius by the end of the century. This would have catastrophic consequences
for our planet. Many scientists and experts say that this effect is already irreversible and
the only thing left is to slow it down. It is something really worrying because, although
we are aware of all this, we do not do much to change it or help. We have Bolivia as a
great example lately.

Pollution, forest fires and chaqueos affect the city of La Paz. We have to see that these
fires occurred because there was a very worrying drought in the city. This led to
extreme measures causing people to think that by burning and burning the forests,
clouds would be created and rain would fall over the city. This only led to tremendous
pollution that not only affects the environment and climate change, but also brings with
it a risk to the health of the population. This is why Bolivia and other countries must
change several things to address climate change.

There are several things we can do to address climate change. For example, reducing
our dependence on fossil fuels, we can do this by switching to renewable energy
sources, such as solar and wind. Another thing we could improve is energy efficiency
and we could do that by making our homes and businesses more energy efficient, but
also sustainable in their daily lives. We could also protect forests because they absorb
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere helping to control the greenhouse effect. We can
help protect forests by reducing deforestation and forest degradation.
Climate change is a serious problem, but it is not too late to act. Working together, we
can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect our planet for future generations.

Nicole Gemio and Adriana Panique

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