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Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology

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Improvement of enzymatic bioxylitol production

from sawdust hemicellulose: optimization of

Islam S. M. Rafiqul, Abdul Munaim Mimi Sakinah & Abdul Wahid Zularisam

To cite this article: Islam S. M. Rafiqul, Abdul Munaim Mimi Sakinah & Abdul Wahid Zularisam
(2021): Improvement of enzymatic bioxylitol production from sawdust hemicellulose: optimization of
parameters, Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology, DOI: 10.1080/10826068.2021.1897840

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/10826068.2021.1897840

Published online: 16 Mar 2021.

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Improvement of enzymatic bioxylitol production from sawdust hemicellulose:

optimization of parameters
Islam S. M. Rafiqula , Abdul Munaim Mimi Sakinahb, and Abdul Wahid Zularisamc
Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Chittagong, Chattogram, Bangladesh; bFaculty of Chemical and
Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia; cFaculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti
Malaysia Pahang, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia

Enzymatic production of bioxylitol from lignocellulosic biomass (LCB) provides a promising alterna- Bioconversion; bioxylitol;
tive to both chemical and fermentative routes. This study aimed to assess the impacts of catalytic hemicellulosic hydrolysate;
variables on bioxylitol production from wood sawdust using xylose reductase (XR) enzyme and to optimization; xylose;
xylose reductase
optimize the bioprocess. Enzyme-based xylitol production was carried out in batch cultivation
under various experimental conditions to obtain maximum xylitol yield and productivity. The
response surface methodology (RSM) was followed to fine-tune the most significant variables such
as reaction time, temperature, and pH, which influence the synthesis of bioxylitol from sawdust
hydrolysate and to optimize them. The optimum time, temperature, and pH became were 12.25 h,
35  C, and 6.5, respectively, with initial xylose 18.8 g/L, NADPH 2.83 g/L, XR 0.027 U/mg, and agita-
tion 100 rpm. The maximum xylitol production was attained at 16.28 g/L with a yield and product-
ivity of 86.6% (w/w) and 1.33 g/Lh, respectively. Optimization of catalytic parameters using
sequential strategies resulted in 1.55-fold improvement in overall xylitol production. This study
explores a novel strategy for using sawdust hemicellulose in bioxylitol production by
enzyme technology.

Introduction chemical ways are its cheaper production cost due to the
non-necessity of extensive xylose purification and low envir-
Wood sawdust, a waste of sawmill, is a lignocellulosic bio-
onmental impact.[4,10] The application of this process on an
mass (LCB). Meranti wood sawdust (MWS) shows great
industrial level is time-consuming, being associated with
potential as a renewable raw material for producing several some preparatory activities like sterilization and regular
value-added chemicals because of its low-cost, availability, inoculum development involving input of energy, labor, and
and high content of hemicellulose.[1,2] The hemicellulosic time, leading to decreased productivity.[4,11] The chemical
part of MWS is selectively hydrolyzed by dilute acid to pro- process has a yield of about 80% of the initial xylose,[6,7]
duce a xylose-rich hydrolysate,[1,3] which can be utilized as and for the microbial fermentation route, 65–85% of yield
an economic and potential starting substrate for the manu- has been reported.[4,7,13,14] However, the lower xylitol bio-
facture of various high-value bioproducts especially bioxyli- conversion rate and downstream processing problem are still
tol. Xylitol, a functional sugar alcohol, is as sweet as sucrose. a challenge to establish a feasible, low-cost, and large-
It has 40% less calories than sucrose with a calorific value of scale technology.
2.4 Cal/g.[4,5] Xylitol is one of the top 12 most valuable The enzymatic approach of xylitol production from LCB
chemicals that can be produced from LCBs released is a promising biotechnological alternative in both chemical
by USDOE.[5] and microbial routes. There are a few reports on enzyme-
Worldwide xylitol is industrially manufactured by a based xylitol production from commercial pure xylose by
chemical hydrogenation of pure xylose obtained from hard xylose reductase (XR).[2,15–18] Neuhauser et al.[17] and
woods and agri-residues.[4,6–8] However, the high production Nidetzky et al.[18] studied on enzymatic production of xylitol
cost of this method and the necessity to minimize the envir- from commercial xylose and reported a yield of 96% and
onmental impact, caused by the use of toxic nickel catalyst, productivity of 3.33 g/Lh. Compared to the microbial pro-
and high temperature and pressure, have led to extensive cess, the cell free enzymatic system to xylitol synthesis is
exploration of alternative routes for producing xylitol. expected to achieve a substantial increase in productivity as
Microbiological xylitol production from LCBs has been mass transfer limitations are overcome in an enzyme
extensively investigated as an alternative to the chemical reactor. One significant advantage of enzymatic approach is
route.[9–12] The advantages of the fermentation process over that it can afford an easy recovery of xylitol. This new

CONTACT Islam S. M. Rafiqul drsmrafiqcu@gmail.com Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Chittagong, Chattogram-
4331, Bangladesh.
ß 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

option would also be appropriate to current concepts and 0.08 hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). It was stored at 4  C
interests of sustainability and ecosystem preservation due to and used in subsequent experiments.
the use of LCBs and mild operating conditions. However, a
major and common shortcoming in the enzymatic approach
using lignocellulosic hydrolysate is that it contains not only Microorganism, media, and maintenance
the sugar required for conversion but also inhibitors that The yeast strain, Candida tropicalis IFO 0618, was collected
could slow down or prevent its bioconversion.[19,20] In from the ATCC, USA.
enzymatic bioxylitol synthesis, the obstacles related to reac- It was cultured at 30  C for 30 h on yeast-extract peptone
tion inhibition can be overcome by treatment of the hydrol- dextrose (YPD) agar medium with the composition (g/L) 20
ysate prior to reaction or by the hydrolysis of LCM with glucose, 5 yeast extract, 5 peptone, 1 KH2PO4, 5
enzymes to generate an inhibitor-free hydrolysate. MgSO47H2O, and 20 agar in water and maintained at
XR is an intracellular and NADPH-dependent oxidore- 4  C.[20,22] Synthetic growth medium (SGM) having the follow-
ductase enzyme usually found in yeast and filamentous ing composition (g/L): 30 xylose, 3 yeast extract, 3 K2HPO4,
fungi. This enzyme has broad applications in the bioproduc- and 1 MgSO47H2O in water. The recipe of YP-hydrolysate
tion of bioxylitol, biosorbitol, and bioethanol from (YPH) agar medium was similar to that of the YPD agar
xylose.[15,21,22] XR is not commercially available and thus it medium except that MWSHH (containing 18.8 g/L xylose) was
was produced in this study from adapted yeast Candida tro- added instead of using glucose. Hydrolysate growth medium
picalis. NADPH is a coenzyme that plays key role in reduc- (HGM) also prepared from MWSHH containing 18.8 g/L
ing xylose to xylitol in organisms and an inadequate supply xylose, and the remainder of the components was the same as
of this reductant lowers the yield and productivity. In cell the SGM. The pH of the media was adjusted to 6.0. The sugar
free method, the added NADPH reduces xylose but high solutions (e.g., glucose or xylose) and MWSHH were auto-
cost of coenzyme makes the bioprocess challenging.[4,7] The claved separately from other medium ingredients to avoid
enzyme-based hydrogenation of xylose to xylitol is NADPH- undesired reactions. The sterilized carbon sources were then
dependent, and thus, one mole of coenzyme is consumed mixed together with other components before use.
per mole of xylitol produced.[16,18] NADPH donates proton
(Hþ) and electron (2e–) to xylose in the XR-catalyzed pro-
duction of xylitol. Because enzyme and coenzyme are costly, Preparation of adapted yeast and inoculum
the XR-mediated hydrogenation of xylose requires recycling
To develop adapted C. tropicalis, six successive batch cul-
of XR and regeneration of NADPH to make the enzymatic
tures were performed with HGM at 30  C for 24 h at
route economic.
150 rpm as outlined by the authors.[22] The adapted strain
The goals of this study were to examine the impact of
was maintained on YPH agar plate. Fresh inoculum was
catalytic variables reaction time, temperature, and pH on
attained by transferring a single colony of adapted yeast
bioxylitol production from MWS hemicellulosic hydrolysate
grown at 30  C for 36 h on YPH agar plate into an
(MWSHH) by XR and to optimize the bioprocess. The
Erlenmeyer flask containing 50 mL of HGM. The inoculated
research was performed in two steps based on the prelimin-
flask was incubated at 30  C in a shaker incubator (Infors
ary information obtained from previous studies reported by
HT Ecotron, Swizerland) for 24 h at 150 rpm. The inoculum
the authors.[2,23] Firstly, the central composite design (CCD)
was used in subsequent experiments.
was employed to establish the true optimum conditions to
improve xylitol yield and productivity. Secondly, the verifi-
cation process was followed to validate the CCD model. Preparation of XR and its activity assay
XR enzyme was prepared in the laboratory from adapted C.
Materials and methods tropicalis following the protocol described by Rafiqul and
Sakinah.[22] Briefly, a 10% inoculum of adapted yeast was
Preparation of MWS hydrolysate
cultivated at 30  C and 150 rpm in a flask (1 L) containing
Meranti wood sawdust (MWS) was collected from a local 250 mL HGM. After 20 h cultivation, cells (4.87 g/L cell dry
sawmill and processed for hydrolysis under optimal condi- weight) were harvested toward the end of the log growth
tions based on the previous studies.[1] In brief, 3 g of MWS phase by centrifugation, rinsed the cell pellet with potassium
(oven dried) was mixed with the required amount of sulfuric phosphate buffer (0.1 M; pH 7.0), resuspended the pellet in
acid solution (%, w/w) in screw capped conical flask buffer at a cell biomass to buffer ratio of 1:2 (w/v), and dis-
(250 mL), and the batch hydrolysis was performed in an rupted the cell suspension by a cell homogenizer (Omni
autoclave (Hiclave HVE-50, Japan) at 124  C with 3.26% Ruptor 4000, USA). Cell debris was discarded by centrifuga-
H2SO4 for 80 min using a liquid to solid ratio of 8 g/g. The tion at 8,000g for 20 min at 4  C to attain a supernatant
solid residue was removed by filtration (Whatman no. 1). solution. The supernatant was re-clarified by centrifugation
The resulting filtrate named MWS hemicellulosic hydrolys- at 18,500g for 30 min and the refined supernatant was
ate (MWSHH) was neutralized with CaO to pH 6.0 and used as crude XR enzyme.
submitted to HPLC analysis. The MWSHH contained (g/L) XR activity was assayed spectrophotometrically at 340 nm
18.8 xylose, 4.64 glucose, 4.14 acetic acid, 2.55 arabinose, and 25  C by measuring the rate of NADPH oxidation at
1.55 lignin degradation products (LDPs), 0.55 furfural, and 1 min intervals for 5 min as also reported previously [22].

The XR reaction contained 0.2 mL potassium phosphate buf- Table 1. Experimental design and results of the CCD study for bioxyli-
tol production.
fer (0.1 M, pH 7.0), 0.2 mL mercaptoethanol (0.1 M), 0.1 mL
Coded variables Actual input variables Responses
crude XR, 0.1 mL NADPH (3.4 mM), and 1.2 mL sterile
water. The reaction was started by adding 0.2 mL D-xylose Time Temp. pH
Run X1 X2 X3 (X1; h) (X2;  C) (X3) Yp/s (%) Qp (g/Lh)
(0.5 M). The pre-boiled XR was added to the control instead
1 2 0 0 10 35 6.5 63.52 ± 2.34 1.19 ± 0.04
of fresh XR. One unit (U) of XR activity is defined as the 2 1 1 1 13 37 7.0 77.06 ± 2.77 1.11 ± 0.04
amount of enzyme required to oxidize 1 mmol NADPH per 3 0 0 0 12 35 6.5 84.73 ± 2.94 1.33 ± 0.06
min at pH 7.0. Specific activity is expressed as units of the 4 0 2 0 12 39 6.5 76.09 ± 3.43 1.19 ± 0.05
5 1 1 1 13 37 6.0 76.88 ± 3.44 1.11 ± 0.05
XR enzyme per milligram of protein and detonated as U/ 6 0 0 2 12 35 5.5 63.13 ± 2.34 0.99 ± 0.04
mg. The activity of crude XR was 11.16 U/mL with the spe- 7 1 1 1 11 37 7.0 78.88 ± 3.51 1.35 ± 0.06
1 1
cific activity of 0.91 U/mg. XR was stored at 80  C and uti- 8
1 1 1
76.21 ± 3.04
73.22 ± 2.40
1.10 ± 0.04
1.25 ± 0.04
lized in bioxylitol production. 10 0 0 0 12 35 6.5 85.27 ± 3.31 1.34 ± 0.05
11 0 0 0 12 35 6.5 85.53 ± 3.47 1.34 ± 0.05
12 1 1 1 11 37 6.0 67.73 ± 3.77 1.16 ± 0.06
Bioxylitol production 13 0 0 0 12 35 6.5 84.75 ± 3.75 1.33 ± 0.06
14 2 0 0 14 35 6.5 73.34 ± 3.82 0.98 ± 0.05
15 1 1 1 11 33 6.0 62.91 ± 2.42 1.08 ± 0.04
Bioxylitol was produced in batch mode from MWSHH by 16 0 0 0 12 35 6.5 84.11 ± 4.17 1.32 ± 0.07
isolated XR enzyme. The reaction medium contained phos- 17 1 1 1 13 33 7.0 72.87 ± 2.31 1.05 ± 0.03
phate buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.0), XR, and NADPH in a 50 mL 18 0 0 0 12 35 6.5 84.98 ± 4.88 1.33 ± 0.08
19 0 2 0 12 31 6.5 69.21 ± 1.95 1.08 ± 0.03
flask. Enzymatic reaction was initiated by adding MWSHH 20 0 0 2 12 35 7.5 72.16 ± 4.25 1.13 ± 0.07
as substrate. Preboiled XR was added to the control instead Yp/s: xylitol yield (% w/w); Qp: xylitol volumetric productivity (g/Lh)
of active XR. After thorough mixing, a 100 mL of reaction
mixture was withdrawn to use as a zero time reaction and Optimization procedure
inactivated by boiling, and then stored at 20  C until ana-
lysis. The remaining reaction mix was incubated at various Optimization study was a further continuation of previous
operating conditions in a shaker incubator. The residual XR studies based on the OFAT and FFD approaches to select the
activity was measured after diluting aliquots taken from the suitable range of factors and to identify the significant varia-
reaction mixture into the respective assay buffer. At the end bles, respectively, for xylitol production.[2,23] The three most
of reaction, the mixture was boiled to stop the enzyme important variables namely reaction time (X1), temperature
catalysis. The denatured protein in the reaction sample was (X2), and pH (X3) were chosen for further evaluation of their
impacts on bioxylitol production from MWSHH by XR using
eliminated by centrifugation. The resulting supernatant was
central composite design (CCD) in RSM. The CCD was
stored at 20  C and submitted to analysis. Initial xylose
adopted to illustrate the nature of response surface in the
concentration was maintained at 18.8 g/L in all xylitol pro-
experimental region and elucidate the optimum combinations
duction experiments to avoid the inhibitory impact of
of the factors used. The selected variables were studied at five
byproducts present in the MWSHH. Unless otherwise stated,
different levels (relatively low, low, basal, high, relatively high)
all the experiments were done in triplicate and mean values
coded (-2, 1, 0, þ1, þ2). Other four variables xylose concen-
were recorded. tration, agitation rate, NADPH, and enzyme load were set at
18.8 g/L, 100 rpm, 2.83 g/L, 0.027 U/mg (3% v/v of reaction vol-
Analytical determinations ume), respectively, based on the results of both the OFAT and
FFD studies. The Design ExpertV R software (Stat Ease Inc.,
Samples from MWS hydrolysis and bioxylitol production USA) was employed for the experimental matrix and analysis
experiments were analyzed by HPLC as reported else- of the observed data. According to the 23 CCD layout, a total
where.[23] Shortly, xylitol, xylose, glucose, acetic acid, and of 20 experiments including eight factorial points, six axial
arabinose titers were quantified by a chromatograph points (a¼ ±2), and six repetitions at the center point were
(Agilent 1200, Agilent, USA) with a RID and a Rezex RHM executed. Table 1 presents the CCD matrix of the experiment
Monosaccharide Hþ column (Phenomenex, USA) at 80  C with coded and actual input variables, including values of
using ultrapure water as mobile phase at a flow rate of responses Yp/s (% w/w) and QP (g/Lh). In this experimental
0.6 mL/min. Furfural and HMF concentrations were also design, Yp/s (xylitol yield) was defined by [(g of xylitol pro-
determined by HPLC, but with an UV-DAD set at 276 nm duced/g of xylose consumed at the end of each run)  100]
and a Zorbax eclipse XDB-C18 column (5 mm; Agilent, USA) and QP (volumetric productivity), defined by [xylitol concentra-
operated at 25  C. In this case, the mobile phase was aceto- tion (g/L)/overall reaction time (h)]. To predict the optimum
nitrile/water (1:8) with 1% (v/v) glacial acetic acid at a flow point, experimental results were adjusted to Eq. (1), a second
rate of 0.8 mL/min. The samples were diluted with ultrapure order polynomial model equation, as outlined by
water (1:5, v/v). Quantification of LDPs was performed spec- Montgomery.[25]
trophotometrically following the Prussian blue method[24] Y ¼ b0 þ b1 X1 þ b2 X2 þ b3 X3 þ b11 X12 þ b22 X22 þ b33 X32 þ b12 X1 X2
with tannic acid as standard. Enzyme activity was tested þ b13 X1 X3 þ b23 X2 X3
spectrophotometrically at 340 nm and cell dry weight was (1)
estimated by dry weight technique as described earlier.[22]

Table 2. ANOVA for the quadratic model adjusted to xylitol yield (Yp/s) and productivity (QP).
Sum of squares Degree of freedom Mean square F-value Prob > F
Source Yp/s QP Yp/s QP Yp/s QP Yp/s QP Yp/s QP
Model 1127.56 0.30 9 9 125.28 0.034 511.80 496.60 <0.0001a <0.0001a
X1 99.60 0.050 1 1 99.60 0.050 406.88 731.58 <0.0001 <0.0001
X2 52.93 0.014 1 1 52.93 0.014 216.21 204.02 <0.0001 <0.0001
X3 82.63 0.022 1 1 82.63 0.022 337.54 321.50 <0.0001 <0.0001
X12 429.50 0.096 1 1 429.50 0.096 1754.54 1419.87 <0.0001 <0.0001
X22 238.22 0.061 1 1 238.22 0.061 973.14 903.71 <0.0001 <0.0001
X32 471.25 0.12 1 1 471.25 0.12 1925.11 1721.49 <0.0001 <0.0001
X1 X2 3.95 1.513E-003 1 1 3.95 1.513E-003 16.13 22.35 0.0025 0.0008
X1 X3 75.77 0.021 1 1 75.77 0.021 309.52 310.51 <0.0001 <0.0001
X2 X3 2.38 6.125E-004 1 1 2.38 6.125E-004 9.71 9.05 0.0110 0.0132
Residual 2.45 6.767E-004 10 10 0.24 6.767E-05
Lack of fit 1.23 3.934E-004 5 5 0.25 7.867E-05 1.01 1.39 0.4942b 0.3638b
Pure error 1.22 2.833E-004 5 5 0.24 5.667E-05
Cor total 1130.01 19 19
R2 0.9878 0.9867
R 0.9939 0.9933
Adj R2 0.9859 0.9854
Prob > F less than 0.05 indicate model terms are significant
Model is significant; bLack of fit is not significant

where Y is the predicted response variable; X1, X2, and X3 xylitol yield of 71% with conditions attained by the FFD,
are the coded independent variables corresponding to reac- which was 1.27-fold higher than the yield obtained by the
tion time, temperature, and pH, respectively; b0 is the inter- OFAT (56%). This result indicated that the XR efficiency for
ception coefficient; b1, b2, and b3 represent the linear xylitol production is synergistically influenced by time, tem-
coefficients; b11, b22, and b33 represent the quadratic coeffi- perature, pH with low concentration of NADPH. In a previ-
cients and b12, b13, and b23 represent the second order inter- ous study, the authors reported that xylitol yield increased
action coefficients. The developed second order model was with increasing NADPH titer up to 3.66 g/L (with a yield of
statistically evaluated by analyzing the values of regression 53.83%) and then remained constant with further increase
coefficients, analysis of variance (ANOVA), F- and p-values. in NADPH.[2] The presence of NADPH above the saturating
The quality of fit of the model was expressed through the concentration could slow the conversion of xylose to xylitol.
determination coefficient (R2) and correlation coefficient Among the variables screened out through FFD, reaction
(R). For maximum xylitol biosynthesis, an optimum setting time, temperature and pH were identified as the most cru-
of the variables was obtained by numerical analysis depend- cial variables influencing xylitol bioconversion as reported
ing on the desirability criterion. Five sets of experiments elsewhere by the authors.[23] Hence, these factors were fur-
were performed at model recommended optimal conditions ther optimized by RSM to develop a second order model,
to validate the CCD model. A final experiment was carried which can predict the responses more accurately. The RSM
out to confirm the model. To compare the responses, a con- is a powerful mathematical and statistical tool useful for
trol experiment was conducted using commercial pure modeling and analyzing the problems related to response of
xylose under optimum conditions established by CCD. interest influenced by different factors.[25,26] The influence
of the important input variables reaction time (X1), tempera-
Results and discussion ture (X2), and pH (X3) was fine-tuned using CCD in RSM
to determine the actual optimum conditions that will
Statistical optimization of variables enhance xylitol yield and productivity as output variables.
The sequential optimization of process parameters following The outcomes of the RSM study on the production of bioxy-
classical OFAT and statistical approaches is very important litol are documented below.
to improve xylitol production. A rough optimization of reac-
tion time, temperature, pH, NADPH concentration, enzyme Optimizing critical variables by RSM
load, xylose concentration, and agitation by OFAT method
gave the values of 10 h, 30  C, 7.0, 3.66 g/L, 0.027 U/mg, The input and output variables were fitted to the second order
18.8 g/L, and 100 rpm, respectively. These conditions led to equation (Eq. (1)) and investigated in terms of the goodness
56% (w/w) xylitol yield. The OFAT study explored that of fit of the model. Table 2 summarizes the ANOVA results
among the seven factors examined, five factors namely time, of quadratic models for xylitol yield (Yp/s) and productivity
temperature, pH, NADPH, and enzyme load significantly (QP). The adequacy of the model was statistically tested by F-
influenced the production of bioxylitol from MWSHH.[2] and p-values, R2, and R. The larger F-value and the smaller
The suitable conditions for the highest xylitol production the P-value indicate that the corresponding model and the
determined by FFD study were reaction time 12 h, tempera- individual coefficient are more significant.[25,26] The ANOVA
ture 35  C, pH 7.0, NADPH concentration 2.83 g/L, and for xylitol yield (Table 2) demonstrated that the model was
enzyme concentration 0.027 U/mg. Xylitol yield was 71% (w/ quite significant, as was evident from the high F-value
w) under these conditions.[23] It was emphasized that the (Fmodel¼511.80) and very small probability (p < 0.0001) value.

These outcomes ensured a satisfactory adjustment of the to predict and optimize the responses by considering inter-
model to the experimental data and implied that the model action effect of factors.
terms have a significant impact on the response Yp/s.
Furthermore, the R2 was 0.9878, which indicates that 98.78%
Interaction of variables
of the variation in the response is attributed to the input vari-
ables. The value of R2 also indicates that only 1.22% of the Estimation of xylitol yield and productivity over the critical
total variation was not explained by the model, which is variables reaction time, temperature, and pH in the forms of
accounted as residual. The value of R for xylitol yield was interaction and response surface plots are presented in
0.9939, implying a satisfactory correlation among the observed Figures 1 and 2, respectively. The response surface with an
and predicted results. elliptical or saddle nature of the contour diagram indicates
The quadratic effect of pH (X32), reaction time (X12), tem- the significant interaction among the corresponding varia-
perature (X22), the linear effect of reaction time (X1), pH (X3), bles, whereas with circular contour diagram indicates the
and the interaction of reaction time and temperature (X1X3) negligible interaction.[25] The interaction of variables like
were the primary determining factors of the response in xylitol X1X2, X1X3, and X2X3 are common effects for Yp/s and QP,
yield (Yp/s) as they had the largest coefficient values (Eq. (2)). which were found to remarkably affect the results of
Meanwhile, the linear effect of temperature (X2), and the inter- responses. The contribution order of interaction effects
action effect of reaction time and temperature (X1X2), tem- (based on coefficient- and F-values,) for xylitol yield and
perature and pH (X2X3) were the secondary determining productivity is identical and expressed asX1 X3 > X1 X2 >
factors with medium coefficients. Among them, the linear X2 X3 : The mutual interactions of crucial variables during
terms X1, X2 and X3, and the interaction term X2X3 had posi- optimization by CCD are detailed below:
tive coefficient implying a favorable effect on xylitol yield. The Figure 1(a1, a2) shows the interaction effect of reaction
negative coefficient indicates an adverse impact on the time and temperature on xylitol yield when pH was main-
response. According to the magnitude of F-value, the order of tained at 6.5 as the center point. The interaction and
effects of model terms on xylitol yield is X32 > X12 > X23 > response surface graphs showed that the predicted xylitol
X1 > X3 > X1 X3 > X2 > X1 X2 > X2 X3 : yield slowly increased with increase in reaction time and
Based on the results of ANOVA (Table 2), the F-value of reached to a maximum value (from 77.68% at 11 h to
the model representing xylitol productivity (QP) was 496.60 81.26% at 13 h) while the temperature was kept at 37  C. A
with a very low P-value of <0.0001, indicated that the similar pattern of curves was observed at low temperature
model was highly significant. The value of R2 was 0.9867, (33  C) where the yield enhanced rapidly from 72.63% at
implying that only 1.33% of the variations are not inter- 11 h to 79.03% at 13 h (Figure 1(a1, a2)). The longer reaction
preted by the model. The R value was calculated to be time gave maximum xylitol yield probably because of the
0.9933, implying a better correlation between the actual and adequacy of the time required for the enzyme to bind as
predicted values of QP. Notably, the insignificant lack of fit well as to react with substrate (xylose). As reported by
(p > 0.05) value was observed for both regression equations Mussatto et al.[27] and Nidetzky et al.,[21] the enzymatic
and thus ensuring a satisfactory fitness of models to the reaction requires certain period for direct physical contact
experimental data (Table 2). The adjusted R2 (adj R2) for and binding between enzyme and substrate in order to
both Yp/s and QP were also found very high (0.9859 and product formation. These results highlighted that longer
0.9854, respectively) indicating that the created models were reaction time will be favorable to attain the highest xylitol
greatly significant and suitable for use in this experiment. yield (77.06%) that is resulted in run 2 (Table 1). The rela-
From the regression coefficient values (Eq. (3)), it can be tively longer (14 h in run 14) or shorter (10 h in run 1) reac-
concluded that all the linear terms X1, X2, X3, their quad- tion time led to reduction in xylitol yield to 73.34 and
ratic and interaction terms except X2X3 had significant effect 63.52%, respectively.
on QP. The order of significant effects (based on F-value) of The interaction relationship between reaction time and
model terms on xylitol productivity is found to be the same pH for xylitol yield at a temperature of 35  C is illustrated
as ranked for the xylitol yield. The second order equations in Figure 1(b1, b2). A notable and constant improvement in
in terms of coded factors for xylitol yield (Eq. (2)) and xylitol yield was observed for the increase of reaction time
productivity (Eq. (3)) were derived from regression analysis (from 68.55% at 11 h to 79.70% at 13 h) while holding pH at
of data. low level (6.0). At high pH condition (pH 7.0), a comple-
mentary result was also observed where the yield decreased
Yp=s ¼ þ84:86 þ 2:49X1 þ 1:82X2 þ 2:27X3  4:13X12  3:08X22
 4:33X32  0:70X1 X2  3:08X1 X3 þ 0:55X2 X3 slightly from 79.25% at 11 h to 78.09% at 13 h of reaction.
These results indicate that a near-neutral pH facilitates the
ionization of XR functional groups and consequently enhan-
ces the production of xylitol. These findings led to the con-
Qp ¼ þ1:33  0:056X1 þ 0:029X2 þ 0:037X3  0:062X12  0:049X22
 0:068X32  0:014X1 X2  0:051X1 X3 þ 0:009X2 X3
clusion that the low initial pH is suitable for the enzymatic
bioconversion of xylose to xylitol that is evidenced by run 8
(3) with a maximum yield of 76.21% (Table 1). However, the
The created empirical equations are mathematical correl- high (pH 7.5 in run 20) and low (pH 5.5 in run 6) pH
ation models that can be used to navigate the design space decreased xylitol yield to 72.16 and 63.13%, respectively.

Interaction Graph
X2: Temperature Actual Factor
X3: pH = 6.50
Temp = 37 ºC


Xylitol yield (%)

Xylitol yield (%)

74.22 Temp = 33 ºC 75.84

(a1) 37.00
35.00 12.00
11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 X2: Temperature 34.00 11.50 X : Time (h)
(ºC) 33.00 11.00

X1: Time (h)

Interaction Graph Actual Factor

X3: pH X2: Temp = 35.00 (ºC)
pH = 7.0

79.88 Xylitol yield (%) 85.35

Xylitol yield (%)

74.22 72.75
pH = 6.0 (b2)

(b1) 7.00
62.91 6.75
6.50 12.00
11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00
X3: pH 6.25 11.50 X : Time (h)
X1: Time (h) 6.00 11.00

Interaction Graph Actual Factor

X3: pH
85.53 X1: Time = 12.00 h

pH = 7.0

79.88 85.47
Xylitol yield (%)
Xylitol yield (%)

74.22 pH = 6.0 76.80
62.91 6.75
6.50 35.00
33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00 37.00
X3: pH 6.25 34.00
6.00 33.00 X2: Temperature
X2: Temperature (ºC)
Figure 1. Xylitol yield as affected by reaction time and temperature: (a1) interaction and (a2) response surface graph, reaction time and pH: (b1) interaction and (b2)
response surface graph, temperature and pH: (c1) interaction and (c2) response surface graph.

Figure 1(c1, c2) is the interaction and response surface increasing temperature from 77.36% at 33  C to 82.09% at
plots for the variation in xylitol yield as a function of tem- 37  C. Again, at a low pH (pH 6.0), the trend of xylitol yield
perature and pH by setting the reaction time at 12 h as the was similar in which the yield enhanced slightly from
medium level. When the initial pH was fixed at a high value 73.91% at 33  C to 76.45% at 37  C (Figure 1(c1, c2)). The
(pH 7.0), the predicted xylitol yield gradually improved with maximum xylitol yield was obtained at high temperature

Interaction Graph
X2: Temperature
2 Actual Factor
3 X3: pH = 6.50

Productivity (g/L h)

Productivity (g/ L h)
1.30 Temp = 37 ºC
1.15 (a2)
Temp = 33 ºC

1.14 13.00
11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 35.00 12.00
X2: Temperature 34.00 11.50 X : Time (h)
X1: Time (h) (ºC) 33.00 11.00

Interaction Graph Actual Factor

X3: pH X2: Temp = 35.00 (ºC)

Productivity (g/ L h)
Productivity (g/L h)

1.30 pH = 7.0 1.36

(b1) 1.19
1.13 (b2)
pH = 6.0

1.12 6.75
6.50 12.00
11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00
X3: pH 6.25 11.50
X1: Time (h)
X1: Time (h) 6.00 11.00

Interaction Graph Actual Factor

2 pH X1: Time = 12.00 h
Productivity (g/ L h)
Productivity (g/L h)

1.29 pH = 7.0


pH = 6.0 7.00
1.15 36.00
6.50 35.00
33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00 37.00 X3: pH 6.25 34.00
6.00 33.00 X2: Temperature
X2: Temperature (ºC) (ºC)
Figure 2. Xylitol productivity as affected by reaction time and temperature: (a1) interaction and (a2) response surface graph, reaction time and pH: (b1) interaction
and (b2) response surface graph, temperature and pH: (c1) interaction and (c2) response surface graph.

possibly due to the availability of required activation energy temperature (at 31  C in run 19) it markedly declined to
(36.2 kJ/mol) for XR. These outcomes suggested that high 64.14%. The decrease in xylitol yield at high temperature is
temperature positively affected xylitol production and pro- due to a progressive loss in XR activity or inactivation of
vided higher yield (78.88%) as determined by run 7 (Table NADPH, whereas at low temperature, the reaction rate
1). At a high temperature (at 39  C in run 4), xylitol yield declines with temperature according to the Arrhenius equa-
slightly decreased to 76.09% and at a relatively low tion, which are consistent with the previous report.[13,17,28]

Table 3. Results of model validation and confirmation run for xylitol yield and productivity.
Variables Xylitol yield (Yp/s; %) Productivity (Qp; g/Lh)

Time (h) Temp ( C) pH Actual Predicted Residual Error Actual Predicted Residual Error
Run (X1) (X2) (X3) (%) (%)
1 12.25 35 6.5 86.57 85.36 11.21 1.40 1.33 1.31 10.02 1.40
2 12.25 35 6.6 86.41 85.34 11.07 1.24 1.33 1.31 10.02 1.24
3 12.25 35 6.4 83.18 85.36 2.18 2.62 1.28 1.31 0.03 2.62
4 12.25 35 6.7 81.81 85.34 3.53 4.31 1.26 1.31 0.05 4.31
5 12.25 35 6.3 86.54 85.35 11.19 1.38 1.33 1.31 10.02 1.38
Boldface values indicate validation and confirmation results under true optimal conditions with highest xylitol production at a minimum and acceptable percent-
age error.

The interaction effect of reaction time and temperature increase of temperature from 1.21 g/Lh at 33  C to 1.32 g/
on xylitol productivity at pH 6.5 is shown in Figure 2(a1, Lh at 37  C when pH was maintained at 7.0. At low pH
a2). It was found that xylitol productivity improved with the (pH 6.0), a reciprocal phenomenon were observed where a
increase of reaction time to certain extent and then sharply little improvement in productivity occurred (from 1.16 g/Lh
reduced with further increase of time. The elliptical diagram at 33  C to 1.19 g/Lh at 37  C). These outcomes indicated
presents that the productivity decreased from 1.32 g/Lh at that high temperature resulted in higher productivity
11 h to 1.18 g/Lh at 13 h while setting temperature at 37  C. (1.35 g/Lh) as interpreted by run 7 (Table 1). However, xyli-
At low temperature (33  C) condition, a similar phenom- tol productivity decreased to 1.19 and 1.08 g/Lh at relatively
enon was also found in which the maximum and minimum high (at 39  C in run 4) and low (at 31  C in run 19) tem-
productivities of 1.23 and 1.15 g/Lh were predicted at 11 peratures, respectively.
and 13 h, respectively (Figure 2(a1, a2)). By analyzing these
results, it can be concluded that short reaction time will
offer higher xylitol productivity (1.35 g/Lh) as obtained by Validation of model
run 7 (Table 1). At 14 h of reaction time (in run 14), the Model validation is an important step of optimization proce-
productivity distinctly decreased to 0.98 g/Lh. However, at a dures and is used to verify the acceptability, adequacy and
relatively short reaction time (10 h in run 1), the productiv- accuracy of the model [25,26]. Numerical optimization was
ity slightly reduced to 1.19 g/Lh. conducted using Design ExpertV program. Five proposed

In a previous work, the kinetic parameters (Km and optimum conditions were chosen considering those levels of
Vmax) were calculated during the investigation of the impact variables that led to maximum Yp/s and Qp. Validation
of substrate concentrations (xylose or NADPH) on the rate experiments were performed at suggested optimum condi-
of xylitol formation by XR.[2] The authors reported that the tions to justify these conditions. The proposed optimum
Km for the two substrates are interdependent. The values of
conditions with actual and predicted results are listed in
Km for xylose and NADPH were 11.89 g/L and 6.68 mg/L
Table 3. The analyses of residual and percentage error were
with the corresponding Vmax of 27.78 and 1.91 mg/L.min,
done by comparing the actual values and its associated pre-
respectively. These results indicated that lower Km and
dicted values of responses from validation trails. The resid-
higher Vmax of XR for xylose are associated with the greater
uals and percentage errors were computed based on Eqs. (4)
xylitol production titer. Additionally, the higher Vmax indi-
and (5).
cated that this reaction would yield higher amount of xylitol.
As a result, high xylitol productivity as well as high product
titer was achieved. Residual ¼ ðActual value  Predicted valueÞ (4)
Figure 2(b1, b2) depicts the influence of reaction time
and pH on xylitol productivity when temperature was held
constant at 35  C. At high pH (pH 7.0), increase in reaction
% Error ¼ ðResidual =Actual valueÞ  100 (5)
time led to a rapid decrease in productivity from 1.34 g/Lh
at 11 h to 1.13 g/Lh at 13 h. At a low pH (pH 6.0) condi-
tion, xylitol production rate increased with increase in time The combination of parameter settings selected for max-
up to its middle level (12 h), and then decreased back to the imum xylitol production were reaction time 12.25 h, tem-
initial value (1.16 g/Lh at 11 h) (Figure 2(b1, b2)). These perature 35  C, and pH 6.5. Under these conditions, 86.57%
results pointed out that high pH condition facilitated the of xylitol yield was obtained by experiments with a
XR-catalyzed xylitol bioconversion and contributed the high- productivity of 1.33 g/Lh, which are recorded in boldface in
est productivity (1.25 g/Lh) as attained by run 9 (Table 1). Table 3. The percentage errors for both xylitol yield and
By using the highest pH value (pH 7.5 in run 20), the prod- productivity are ranging from 1.24–4.31%, which implied
uctivity reduced to 1.13 g/Lh whereas at the lowest pH (at that the created models were accurate sufficiently because
pH 5.5 in run 6), it sharply reduced to 0.99 g/Lh. the errors were well within acceptable value (5%). These
The interactive effect of temperature and pH on xylitol findings also implied that the models were to be accurate
productivity while keeping reaction time at 12 h is presented and reliable for predicting xylitol yield and productivity
in Figure 2(c1, c2). Xylitol productivity increased with the within 95% confidence interval (CI).

xylose Xylitol Glucose 1.33 g/Lh, respectively. This work revealed that enzymatic
(a1) Acetic acid Arabinose bioxylitol production can be improved by optimization of
20 5 process variables. From the sequential optimization studies,
Xylitol, Xylose, Glucose (g/L)

it was found that the xylitol yield of 86.57% with optimum

Arabinose, Acetic acid (g/L)

16 4 conditions obtained by the CCD, which was 1.55-fold and
1.22-fold higher than the yield achieved by the OFAT (56%)
12 3 and FFD (71%), respectively. These findings indicated the
significance and applicability of the sequential optimization
8 2 strategies for the improvement of xylitol production.
It is noted that 86.57% of xylose to xylitol bioconversion
4 1 achieved under optimized conditions. This outcome inter-
preted that the operating conditions employed led solely
0 0
xylose to xylitol biotransformation instead of being con-
0 2.25 4.25 6.25 8.25 10.25 12.25 verted to arabinitol by XR. This fact also interpreted that
Reaction time (h)
MWSHH did not cause undesired reaction with the enzyme,
although the enzymatic reaction was affected by the concen-
(a2) 2.0 0.085
tration of hydrolysate due to the increased amounts of toxic
compounds [15,20,21]. This study innovatively developed a
Furfural, LDPs (g/L)

0.075 reaction medium utilizing crude MWSHH to produce bioxy-
HMF (g/L) litol with a yield of 86.57% which is close to the ones
Furfural LDPs HMF
0.065 obtained in industry.[7,13,17] However, one should keep in
0.8 mind that the xylitol yield and productivity recorded in the
current study might still be markedly enhanced by further
0.4 study on enzyme inhibitors and application of immobiliza-
tion process.
0.0 0.045
0 2.25 4.25 6.25 8.25 10.25 12.25
Reaction time (h)
Figure 3. Concentrations of (a1) xylitol, xylose, glucose, arabinose, acetic acid; Final composition of reaction mixture
and (a2) furfural, HMF and LDPs in the reaction mixture. Bioxylitol production
from MWSHH was carried out for a period of 12.25 h at 35  C, pH 6.5 using Bioxylitol production from MWSHH was conducted at opti-
18.8 g/L crude xylose, 2.83 g/L NADPH, 0.027 U/mg XR, and 100 rpm agitation. mal conditions of reaction time 12.25 h, temperature 35  C,
These optimal conditions led to a xylitol production of 16.28 g/L with a yield of
86.6% (w/w). pH 6.5, crude xylose 18.8 g/L, NADPH 2.83 g/L, XR 0.027 U/
mg, and agitation 100 rpm with a yield of 86.57%. To assess
Model confirmation testing the effect and potential of MWSHH as xylose source on
xylitol biosynthesis, fixed volume of MWSHH were applied
Confirmation testing is the final step of optimization study in the reaction media. A time course of changes in product
and is important to prove the developed model directly.
and reactant contents during enzymatic conversion under
Based on validation results, optimum conditions for bioxyli-
optimized conditions is shown in Figure 3. During enzym-
tol production were chosen as reaction time 12.25 h, tem-
atic reaction, a concomitant reduction in the concentration
perature 35  C, and pH 6.5 (shown as boldface in Table 3).
of xylose was found in the course of xylitol formation. The
The predicted xylitol yield and productivity under the afore-
highest xylitol production (16.28 g/L) was achieved at a
mentioned optimum conditions were 85.36% and 1.31 g/Lh,
xylose concentration of 18.8 g/L (Figure 3(a1)). This outcome
respectively, at 95% CI. These values of responses were con-
firmed by enzymatic reaction in triplicate sets of conform- pointed out that no substrate inhibition occurred for a
ation experiments. The values of Yp/s and Qp obtained were xylose concentration of 18.8 g/L, and the conversion of
86.57% (w/w) and 1.33 g/Lh, respectively, which were in xylose to xylitol progressed at maximum speed. At concen-
good agreement with the values predicted by the models. trations above 18.8 g/L, xylitol production is less favored
These results proved that the model fitted to the observed because of the presence of various toxic compounds at high
data. Thus, the selected optimum conditions were the most levels.[2] At the end of the enzymatic conversion, concentra-
suitable in practice for producing bioxylitol from lignocellu- tion of residual xylose in the reaction mixture was 2.52 g/L
losic substrate. (13.4% of initial xylose). Glucose, arabinose, LDPs, furfural,
The true optimum conditions for the production of bio- and HMF concentrations remained almost unchanged
xylitol were found as reaction time 2.25 h, temperature throughout the reaction period (Figure 3(a1, a2)). Acetic acid
35  C, pH 6.5, initial xylose concentration 18.8 g/L, NADPH concentration slightly decreased with increasing reaction
2.83 g/L, XR 0.027 U/mg and agitation 100 rpm. These con- time probably due to its partial evaporation during the reac-
ditions resulted in the maximum xylitol production of tion. Hence, MWSHH can be utilized as a promising alter-
16.28 g/L with a yield and productivity of 86.57% (w/w) and native source of xylose for producing bioxylitol.

Table 4. Bioxylitol yield and productivity obtained from pure xylose and from MWSHH under optimized conditions.
Reaction Time Yield
medium (h) Xylitol conc. (g/L) Remaining xylose (%) (Yp/s, %) Productivity (Qp, g/Lh)
Pure xylose 12.25 17.76 5.53 94.47 1.45
(18.8 g/L)
MWSHH 12.25 16.28 13.40 86.57 1.33
(18.8 g/L)

Control experiment optimization. Hence, this study will serve as a benchmark

for further work on the enzymatic production of bioxylitol
A control experiment was carried out using commercial
from LCB.
xylose in the optimum conditions and the responses (Yp/s
and Qp) were compared to reaction with MWSHH.
Xylitol yield and productivity obtained from pure xylose Disclosure statement
and from MWSHH under optimized conditions is presented
All the authors have consented for publication of the manuscript in
in Table 4. According to Figure 3 and Table 4, xylose con- this journal. The manuscript has not been published elsewhere and
sumption and xylitol production behaviors were somewhat that it has not been submitted simultaneously for publication else-
different for the control and MWSHH experiments. From where. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
Table 4, it was found that there was a decrease in only
8.37% of Yp/s and 8.27% of Qp for the experiments using
MWSHH, compared to the control reaction with commer-
cial xylose. These findings highlighted that the enzymatic The authors would like to thank the University of Chittagong,
route has potential as an alternative for the conventional Bangladesh, Universiti Malaysia Pahang and Ministry of Higher
Education, Malaysia (MTUN-COE Research Grant No. RDU 121205)
xylitol production ways. for providing necessary facilities and funds in order to carry out
The decrease in Yp/s and Qp might be attributed to the this study.
synergistic inhibitory effect of different byproducts in the
MWSHH.[20] These results revealed that the MWSHH con-
tained xylose, glucose, acetic acid, arabinose, LDPs, furfural,
and HMF (in the concentrations of 18.8, 4.64, 4.14, 2.55, ORCID
1.55, 0.55, and 0.08 g/L, respectively) did not hinder the bio- Islam S. M. Rafiqul http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6901-4070
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geous for the scale-up of this bioprocess as the use of
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