Steam Flight Unit PT 1

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Title: Flight Unit

Grade Level: Preschool/ Kindergarten

Time Frame: 3 weeks

Subject/Topic Area: Flight

Design By: Elise Syphers and Madison Bradbury

Brief Summary: This unit is about teaching students about flight in different aspects and giving

students new opportunities to learn new concepts about flight at an early age. Students will be

involved in a three-week-long unit that consists of hands-on, engaging activities that allow

students to freely explore the new concept of light. The flight unit will be introduced through

different variations, such as animals that fly, airplanes, and hot air balloons. These three topics

will begin to start a foundation of understanding for children about flight and how these aspects

will apply to them and their everyday lives. All of the activities throughout this unit connect to

all aspects of STEAM and how children can use these concepts and further build their

knowledge on this topic throughout different grades of school.


Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:

Week 1: Art: Create Math: Bird Science/ Technology: Math:

Birds your own watches Tally Engineering: How birds fly Measuring
bird's Scenery -Video feathers

Week 2: Math: Flying Art: Create Engineering: Science: Technology:

Airplanes with your own Dramatic Paper Flight
Numbers airplane Play Airplanes Simulator

Week 3: Hot Engineering: Technology: Math: Science/ Art: Hot Air

Air Balloons Paper Mache Paper Mache Paper Mache Engineering: Balloon
Experiment Experiment Experiment Balloon Creation
Goals & Objectives: Students will learn about the different aspects of flight and how and why it

is important for them to be introduced to this topic. The main goal is to engage and immerse

children in the topic of flight.

Essential Questions:

Why is it important to learn about flight?

What forms of flight did you learn about throughout the three weeks?

What can fly?

Week 1: Birds

Grade: Preschool

Source: STEAM

Duration: 1-week

Key Words:

● Feathers

● Wings

● Fly

● Egg

● Flight

● Flock

Schedule Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:

Week 1: Art: Create Math: Bird Science/ Technology: Math:

Flying your own watch Tally Engineering: Bird video Measuring
Animals bird's Scenery feathers
Activity # 1

Theme: Birds

Grade level: Preschool

Sources: Art

Duration: 1 hour

STEAM: This activity incorporates STEAM because we are using Art. Students will use their

creativity to create their very own birds.

Learning Objectives: Students will be able to create a bird using their fine motor skills and

work on their creativity. While doing that, students will also learn about the different parents of

birds and how birds fly.

Standards: MELDS.CA.VA.PS.4 Uses art materials safely and appropriately

MELDS.CA.VA.PS.5 Selects and describes the elements of personal artwork with teachers, other

children, and parents

Objective: Students will use clay and fake feathers and create their very own birds. In this

activity, teaches and students use creativity, and the students will learn about the different parts

of a bird while also working on their fine motor skills.


● Clay

● Feathers

● Paint

● Paper

● googly eyes
Activity # 2

Theme: Birds

Grade level: Preschool

Sources: Math

Duration: 1 hour

STEAM: This activity incorporates STEAM because we are using Math. Students will use their

counting skills.

Learning Objectives: Students will go outside and observe and count different birds and keep

track of a piece of paper. Students will be given a paper with different birds on it, and they will

keep a tally of all the birds and count up all the birds they saw.

Standards: MELDS.M.MP .PS3 Recognizes the usefulness of math in everyday tasks

Objective: This activity will help Students

work on their counting skills and adding skills.


● Clip bored

● Pencil

1 2 3

Students can not tally up or Students can tally and add up Students can tally up and add
add up the birds the birds with help from a up all the birds with no help
teacher or classmate. from teacher or classmates

Activity 3

Theme: Birds

Grade level: Preschool

Sources: Science/Engineering

Duration: 1 hour

STEAM: This activity incorporates STEAM because we are using Science/Engineering.

Students will use their senses and explore the materials in the sensory table.

Learning Objectives: Students learn through their senses. Sensory tables improve children's

sense of touch, which helps them perceive their environment accurately. Exposure to a variety of

textures improves children's development of fine motor skills.

Standards:MELDS.S.PS.PS.1 Uses senses tools (including technology) to observe, describe,

discuss, and attempt to explain the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes

and pulls on the object

Objective: Students will work their fine motor skills and will explore the different textures or

bird feel and feathers


● Bird seeds

● Bord house

● Fake eggs

● Fake net

● Fake feathers

● Stuffed bird
Activity 4

Theme: Birds

Grade level: Preschool

Sources: Technology

Duration: 1 hour

STEAM: This activity incorporates STEAM because we are using Technology to show a video

about how birds fly to the students.

Learning Objectives: Students will learn about how birds fly by watching a short video. After

the video, I will hold a class discussion, and we will talk as a class about what everyone learned

and one investing fact they learned or enjoyed from the video.

Standards: MELDS.SED.ED.SCPS.4 initiates actions or activities with peers

Objective: The objective of the activity is for students will learn how birds fly and will help

students work on their connotation skills with the class discussion


● Video


Activity 5

Theme: Birds

Grade level: Preschool

Sources: Math

Duration: 1 hour

STEAM: This activity incorporates STEAM because we are using math to teach students how

to use a rule and understand the difference between short and long.

Learning Objectives: students will be able to arrange fathers from shortest to longest using a

12-inch ruler. Students will also be able to explain the process they went through and why they

believe they did it correctly.

Standards: MELDS.M.MP .PS.2 Associates math

with engaging classroom materials and activities

Objective: This activity teaches students how to

use a ruler while also learning about the different

types of feather birds have


● Fake feathers
Week 2: Flight of Airplanes

Grade: Preschool

Source: STEAM

Duration: 1-week

Key Words:

● Fly

● Air

● Up

● Down

● Fast

● Slow

● Airplane

How this involves STEAM:

This week's unit involves aspects of science, technology, engenrining, art, and math and is

explained throughout each lesson. Each day of this week, the students will focus on learning

about a different subject of STEAM each day. At the end of the week, all five of the activities

will connect back to STEAM and the overall unit of airplanes.

Learning Objectives:

The objective of this week's unit is to teach students a basic concept and understanding of

airplanes what they do, and why they work the way they do. As children are so young and will

not grasp a huge concept of exactly how airplanes work, this will give students a slight

introduction to how flight works in aspects of airplanes and why it is important for them to learn

information like this.


Week 2: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:

Airplanes Math: Flying Art: Create Engineering: Science: Technology:

with your own Dramatic Paper Flight
Numbers airplane Play Airplanes Simulator
Activity #1: Flying with Numbers

Grade: Preschool

Source: Math

Duration: 1 hour

STEAM: This activity involves math; students will use the concept of numbers and clouds and

use the cotton balls to represent the number they are given.

Learning Objective:

The objective of this activity is to have students use the concept of numbers 1-10 and represent

the number they are given with cotton balls. This involves being hands-on and active

engagement. As a teacher, the objective is to help students form a connection with numbers and

objects and have students represent that number with cotton balls. (Clouds)

Introduction to activity:

Before this activity, the teacher will read A Plane Goes Ka-Zoom.

Objective: This activity teaches young learners one-to-one correspondence, which is the ability

to assign one number to each individual item. With this skill, children understand that each

number represents a corresponding number of items.


MELDS.M.MP.PS.5 Represents mathematical concepts using manipulatives

MELDS.M.CCC.PS.2 Recognizes and names are written numerals 0 -10


● Counting Clouds Activity Mat

● Ten cotton balls

● Number Cards 1-10

● Laminator (if desired)


⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐
Students cannot identify Students can partially count Students can count and
numbers 1-10 or count with numbers 1-10 and identify identify numbers 1-10 and
the cotton balls. them with the same number represent the number with the
of cotton balls. number of cotton balls.

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