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Grade Level: Grade 3

Subject: Physical Education

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Duration K-12 CG

Standards Standards Competencies Code

The learner... The learner...

1st Quarter demonstrates performs body 1.Describes body shapes and Weeks 1&2 PE3BMIa-b-1
understanding of shapes and actions actions
body shapes and body properly.
actions in preparation for
various movement
2.Performs body shapes and Weeks 3&8 PE3BMIc-d-15

3.Demonstrates movement This PE3MSIa-h-1

skills in response to sounds and music competency is
embedded in
other LCs.

4.Engages in fun and enjoyable This PE3PFIa-h-2

physical activities competency is
embedded in
other LCs.

2n Quarter The learner The learner 1.Describes movements in a Weeks 1&2 PE3BMIIa-b-17
demonstrates performs movements location, direction, level,
understanding of accurately involving pathway and plane
locations, directions, locations, directions,
levels, pathways and levels, pathways and 2. Moves in: Weeks 3&8 PE3BMIIc-h-18
planes planes.
⮚ personal and general
⮚ forward, backward,
and sideward
⮚ high, middle, and low
⮚ straight, curve, and
zigzag pathways
diagonal and horizontal planes

3.Engages in fun and enjoyable This PE3PFIIa-h-2

physical activities competency is
embedded in
other LCs.

3rd Quarter The learner The learner 1. Describes movements in a Weeks 1&2 PE3BMIIIa-b-17
demonstrates performs location, direction, level,
understanding of movements accurately pathway and plane
movement in relation to involving time, force, and
time, force and flow flow. 2.Moves: Weeks 3&8 PE3BMIIIc-h-19

⮚ at slow, slower,
slowest/fast, faster,
fastest pace
using light, lighter, lightest/strong,
stronger, strongest force with

3. Demonstrates movement This PE3MSIIIa-h-14

skills in response to sound competency is
embedded in
other LCs.

4. Engages in fun and enjoyable This PE3PFIIIa-h-2

physical activities competency is
embedded in
other LCs.
4th Quarter The learner The learner 1. Participates in various Weeks 1&2 PE3BMIV-a-b- 20
demonstrates performs movement activities
understanding of movement involving person, objects,
movement activities music and environment
activities relating involving
to person, person, objects, 2. Moves: Weeks 3&8 PE3BMIV-c-h- 21
objects, music music and ⮚ individually, with
and environment partner, and with
environment correctly group
⮚ with ribbon, hoop,
balls, and any
⮚ with sound
in indoor and outdoor settings

3. Demonstrates movement This PE3MSIV-a-h-1

skills in response to sounds competency is
and music already
embedded in
other LCs

4. Engages in fun and enjoyable This PE3PFIV-a-h-2

physical activities competency is
embedded in
other LCs.

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