Abnormal Psychology

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Abnormal Psychology Finals Review Spring 2022

1. From the clinical perspective, what is Psychiatric classification? Check

all that apply.
a) A means to identify mental illness
b) A prescription for drugs
c) A guide to choosing appropriate treatment
d) A means to help predict the prognosis of a mental illness.
Answer key: A, C, D

2. A “Provisional Diagnosis” is defined as…….

a) Diagnosis given when the practitioner does not have sufficient
information to make a confidently correct diagnosis.
b) A diagnosis that the client refuses to accept
c) A diagnosis given to clients who need parental supervision.
Answer key: A

3. A 17-year-old girl presents with symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa; however,

she claims that she does not binge or purge frequently. She, therefore,
does not meet the formal criteria for Bulimia Nervosa. The doctor may
then offer……
a) Referral to another specialist
b) “Possible diagnosis: Unspecified Eating Disorder.”
c) Residential care until the eating habits can be fully observed.
Answer key: B

4. A projective psychological test is……….

a) An example of unethical psychological practice.
b) A test to determine if someone is a psychopath
c) A test that uses ambiguous visual stimuli to elicit personally
interpretive responses from the client.
Answer key: C
5. The purely biological dimension of mental disorders includes ( check all
that apply).
a) Genetics
b) The Central Nervous System
c) Biochemical processes
d) The neuroendocrine system
Answer key: A, B, C, D

6. The constructivist approach to understanding psychology claims

a) All behaviors are genetic in origin
b) We construct our own knowledge of the world based on individual
c) Our choices depend upon our interpretation of external stimuli
Answer key: B

7. The original meaning of the word “ Psychology” is……

a) The study of the soul
b) The chemical components of the brain
c) The biological approach to understanding senses.
d) A branch of medicine
Answer key: A

8. The cluster A personality disorders are known as odd, unusual, or

eccentric ( Check all that apply).
a) Paranoid
b) Schizoid
c) Borderline
d) Schizotypal
Answer key: A, B, D.
9. Shaquille is usually dramatic and seems to crave attention through public
displays of emotional, erratic, and loud behaviors. Shaquille is most
a) Avoidant
b) Histrionic
c) Paranoid
d) Depressed
Answer key: B

10.Victor had abandonment issues with his mother when he was growing up.
Now he has become extremely controlling of his wife, to the point of
aggressive behavior if she is not home on the time after work. He seems
to have developed which personality disorder?
a) Schizotypal
b) Dependent
c) Avoidant
d) Anti-social
Answer key: B
11.Chavonne is doing poorly in class. She really could use a little help in
preparing for her exams, but when her classmates offer to give her some
tutoring, she deduces that they are tricking her. She believes them to be
full of deceit and manipulation and is worried that they are secretly
mocking her inferior intellect and distrusts them. She decides to study
alone. Chavonne is likely suffering from……
a) Exam fatigue
b) Paranoia
c) Cultural differences
d) Language barriers
Answer key: B

12.Most Romantic or intimate partners achieve compatibility or at least

understanding in their sexual lives over time. In the case of Mia and
Shem, she has started calling him Abnormal. What is Abnormal
a) When the couple is young or immature
b) When our partner just doesn’t get us.
c) When our fantasies or desires begin to affect us or others in
unwanted or harmful ways.
Answer key: C
13.Is homosexuality a Disorder, according to the DSM 5?

a) Yes
b) No (Removed from the DSM in 1973).

14.What is Ego-Dystonic Homosexuality

a) Homosexual, but with other paraphilias
b) Homosexual, but deeply disturbed by it.
c) Secretly Bi-sexual, but embarrassed to be called just greedy
Answer key: B

15.The sexual response cycle contains (Check all that apply).

a) Selecting a vigorous partner
b) Giving your partner a questionnaire to test compatibility
c) Desire
d) Arousal
e) Plateau
f) Orgasm
g) Resolution
h) Disgust
Answer key: C, D, E, F, G

16. Maude has been happily married for 16 years, though she may not feel
“in love” with her partner anymore, she enjoys raising their 3 children
together and they are very good friends. However, Maude agrees that she
does not have erotic fantasies, never initiates sex with her husband, and
does not derive much pleasure from his touch. You might say that Maude
a) Another man
b) Menopause
c) A disorder of desire.
Answer key: C

17. Which of the following are examples of disorders of orgasm?

a) Not consistently experiencing orgasms with partners—though
saying that emotional closeness is more valuable.
b) Enjoying sexual contact and experiencing arousal , though not
reaching orgasm.
c) Achieving orgasm/ejaculations within 1 minute after insertion (in
Answer key: A, B, C

18.What is a fetishistic disorder?

a) Rubbing up against someone for your own sexual pleasure,
without, that person’s awareness or consent.
b) Being sexually aroused by non-living objects or non-genital body
c) Watching a woman undress without her awareness.
Answer key: B

19. The world health organization said that by the year 2020, worldwide,
these would be the biggest disabilities.
a) Obesity
b) Anxiety
c) Homelessness
d) Depression
Answer key: B, D

20.Which disorder do the following factors relate to?

a) Dysregulation of the fear circuit
b) Diminished hypocampal volume
c) Memories, time, and context are out of sync with current emotions.
d) While the brain is busy processing physical sensation, verbal
memory is impaired/ the organization of verbal narratives is
Answer: PTSD.

21.What is depth psychology?

a) A therapy for schizophrenic patients
b) The practice and research of the science of the unconscious,
covering both psychoanalysis and psychology.
c) A Viennese treatment for hysteria
Answer key: B
22.Which are the three main perspectives on how mental health is
experienced or defined?
a) Academic, Grassroots, Medical
b) Me, Mine
c) Individual, Mental Health Professionals, Societal.
Answer key: C
23. What criteria would a mental health professional consider, and why?
a) Is this individual able to make a functioning contribution to society
and earn their own living?
b) Does this individual carry inferior genes as well as behavior? Are
they likely to propagate weakness and societal burden?
c) Does the behavior violate social norms? To what level is the
individual meeting social expectations.
Answer key: C

24.Which of these are therapeutic treatment options?

a) Indigenous
b) Cognitive Behavioral
c) Psychodynamic
d) Somatic
Answer key: A, B, C, D

25. Fill in the banks. “ Cognitive therapy involves changing a client’s

-------------- to improve their mental state.”
a) Relationships…
b) Distorted thoughts
c) University courses
Answer key: B

26.If a therapist takes this approach, they are probably coming from which
school of treatment? “ Automatic thoughts may have a grain of truth. But
the depressed person distorts or exaggerates the reality of the situation.
This negative distortion helps fuel the depression.”
a) Experimental
b) Cognitive Behavioral
c) Psychoneuroimmunology
Answer key: B
27. Some therapists are rooted in insights and others in behaviors. Which of
the below are rooted in behaviorism?
a) The belief that we learn from our environment.
b) Techniques have the purpose of changing maladaptive behaviors
c) Exposure therapy.
Answer key: B, C.

28. A humanistic therapist is trained to:

a) Listen without judging, directing, or advising.
b) Displays genuineness, empathy, and unconditional positive regard.
c) Ensure that the client appreciates their impressive experience in the
d) Reels off their qualifications to put the client at ease.
Answer key: A, B.

29. How does a person develop “Learned Helplessness?”

a) The overuse of punishment may cause someone to not try anymore
and become exceptionally passive.
b) During states of deep depression
c) In maladaptive cognition a person fails at one or two things that
says, “ I always fail at everything.”
Answer key: A, B, C

30. What types of people are predisposed to substance addiction?

a) People with low self-esteem
b) People with money to spend
c) People with impaired inhibitions
Answer key: A, C

31. Which of these are criminal law?

a) A law established by state government. The issue for an individual
is if they broke a legal statue.
b) Concerning controversies between two people
Answer key: A

32.Fill in the blanks…… “--------------------- is a process by which a person

who is deemed ill and dangerous but has not broken the law, may be
deprived of their liberty.”
a) Predial Larceny
b) Civil commitment
c) Jailing
Answer key: B
33. Mens rea
a) This is a man’s world
b) Incompetence
c) Guilty mind
Answer key: C
34. In a court of law arguing that the defendant is not responsible for his or
her actions due to an episodic or persistent psychiatric disease at the
criminal act….” I did it, but it wasn’t my fault” is the equivalent of
a) Not guilty by reason of insanity
b) Diminished capacity
c) Innocent
Answer key: A

35.Incompetency to stand trial means that:

a) The defendant cannot rationally communicate with their attorney,
or rationally comprehend the charges against them.
b) Proof of a major mental health disorder
c) To be decided by a judge
Answer key: A

36.What percentage of violence in the USA is linked to psychological

a) 15%
b) 65%
c) 3%
Answer key: C
37. What are some of the tenets of “ informed consent?” (Psychological
assessment for the courts).
a) All risks must be disclosed
b) All emotional risks must be disclosed
c) The person has the right to withdraw
d) The person must understand the process
Answer key: A, B, C, D
38. Little Jonny is about 13 years old, and he has gone from bad to worse.
The anger is escalating to the point of terrifying his parents, and they just
cannot put their finger on why he goes from 0 to 100 in a split second of
rage. Jonny steals things he does not need and sets fires just to watch stuff
burn. Little Jonny might well suffer from:
a) A major depressive disorder
b) Awful parents
c) A disruptive, impulse control, or conduct disorder.
Answer Key: C

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